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Sheldon Q. Shi

Title: Professor

Department: Mechanical Engineering

College: College of Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Michigan Technological University, 1997
    Major: Forest Sceince
    Specialization: Bioproducts Engineering under Forestry Program
    Dissertation: Composites fabricated from wood fiber and automobile polymer fluff
  • MS, Northeast Forestry University, 1991
    Major: Wood Engineering
    Dissertation: Composites from fast growing poplar
  • BS, Northeast Forestry University, 1988
    Major: Wood Engineering

Current Scheduled Teaching

MEEN 5890.009Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2025
MEEN 1000.002Discover Mechanical and Energy EngineeringSpring 2025
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2025
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2025

Previous Scheduled Teaching

MEEN 5151.001Bioproducts ManufacturingFall 2024 SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationFall 2024
MEEN 2110.002Engineering Data AnalysisFall 2024 SPOT
MEEN 4151.001Manufacturing of Renewable Biocomposites for Lightweight Energy Efficient StructureFall 2024 SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2024
MEEN 1000.002Discover Mechanical and Energy EngineeringSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2024
ENGR 1030.001Technological SystemsSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationFall 2023
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2023 SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2023
MSET 5020.001Design of ExperimentsFall 2022 SPOT
MSET 5020.601Design of ExperimentsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
MEEN 4151.001Manufacturing of Renewable Biocomposites for Lightweight Energy Efficient StructureFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2022 SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2022
MEEN 5730.001Bioproducts ManufacturingFall 2021 SPOT
MEEN 5730.601Bioproducts ManufacturingFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MSET 5020.001Design of ExperimentsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2021
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchFall 2021
MEEN 4151.001Manufacturing of Renewable Biocomposites for Lightweight Energy Efficient StructureFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2021
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5940.001Graduate Seminar in Mechanical and Energy EngineeringSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5940.002Graduate Seminar in Mechanical and Energy EngineeringSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2021
MEEN 5910.721Special ProblemsSpring 2021
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
MEEN 2110.002Engineering Data AnalysisFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchFall 2020
MEEN 4151.001Manufacturing of Renewable Biocomposites for Lightweight Energy Efficient StructureFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2020 SPOT
MEEN 5800.003Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2020
MEEN 5910.721Special ProblemsFall 2020
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSummer 10W 2020
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2020
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSpring 2020
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsSpring 2020
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2019
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
MEEN 2110.002Engineering Data AnalysisFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchFall 2019
MEEN 4151.001Manufacturing of Renewable Biocomposites for Lightweight Energy Efficient StructureFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisFall 2019
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2019 SPOT
MEEN 5800.602Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2019 SPOT
MEEN 5890.716Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 5W2 2019
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 5W1 2019
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 10W 2019
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2019
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 2110.002Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2019
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSpring 2019
MEEN 5800.004Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2019 SPOT
MEEN 5800.604Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2019 SPOT
MEEN 5910.721Special ProblemsSpring 2019
MEEN 4800.004Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2018
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchFall 2018
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2018 SPOT
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsFall 2018
MEEN 4900.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2018
MEEN 4800.002Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2018 SPOT
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 5W2 2018
MEEN 4900.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 5W1 2018
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 2110.002Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2018
MEEN 5800.004Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2018 SPOT
MEEN 5800.604Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2018 SPOT
MEEN 4910.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2018
MEEN 4800.004Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchFall 2017
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2017 SPOT
MEEN 4910.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2017
MEEN 4800.002Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 2900.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 10W 2017
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2017
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 2110.002Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5940.001Graduate Seminar in Mechanical and Energy EngineeringSpring 2017 SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2017
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSpring 2017
MEEN 5800.004Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2017 SPOT
MEEN 5800.604Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2017 SPOT
MEEN 4800.004Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2016
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 2110.002Engineering Data AnalysisFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisFall 2016
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2016 SPOT
MEEN 5800.602Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2016 SPOT
MEEN 4800.002Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2016 SPOT
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 10W 2016
MEEN 2900.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 10W 2016
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2016 SPOT
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
MEEN 2110.001Engineering Data AnalysisSpring 2016 SPOT
MEEN 6940.721Individual ResearchSpring 2016
MEEN 5800.004Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2016 SPOT
MEEN 5800.604Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2016 SPOT
MEEN 5910.721Special ProblemsSpring 2016
MEEN 4800.004Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2016 SPOT
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2015
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisFall 2015
MEEN 2301.001Mechanics IFall 2015 SPOT
MEEN 2301.002Mechanics IFall 2015 SPOT
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2015 SPOT
MEEN 5800.602Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2015 SPOT
MEEN 4800.002Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2015 SPOT
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSummer 10W 2015
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2015
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2015
MEEN 5910.721Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2015
MEEN 2900.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 10W 2015
MEEN 6950.721Doctoral DissertationSpring 2015
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSpring 2015
MEEN 5800.004Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringSpring 2015
ENGR 2900.401Special ProblemsSpring 2015
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsSpring 2015
MEEN 4800.004Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSpring 2015 Syllabus
MEEN 4890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2014
MTSE 6940.022Individual ResearchFall 2014
MTSE 6940.122Individual ResearchFall 2014
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2014
MEEN 5800.602Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2014
MEEN 4800.002Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2014 Syllabus
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 5W2 2014
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 5W1 2014
MEEN 5890.721Directed Study in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 10W 2014
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSummer 10W 2014
MEEN 4910.721Special Problems in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringSummer 5W2 2014
MTSE 6940.022Individual ResearchSpring 2014
MTSE 6940.122Individual ResearchSpring 2014
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSpring 2014
MEEN 5910.721Special ProblemsSpring 2014
ENGR 2301.001StaticsSpring 2014 Syllabus
ENGR 2301.003StaticsSpring 2014 Syllabus
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisFall 2013
MEEN 5800.002Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2013
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsFall 2013
MEEN 5910.721Special ProblemsFall 2013
MEEN 4800.002Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2013 Syllabus
MEEN 5950.721Masters ThesisSpring 2013
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsSpring 2013
ENGR 2301.001StaticsSpring 2013 Syllabus
MEEN 5800.721Selected Topics of Contemporary Interest in Mechanical EngineeringFall 2012
MEEN 4800.721Topics in Mechanical & Energy EngineeringFall 2012 Syllabus
MEEN 5900.721Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2012
ENGR 2332.001Mechanics of MaterialsSpring 2012
ENGR 2332.302Mechanics of MaterialsSpring 2012

Published Intellectual Contributions


  • Gao, Q., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., Zhang, S., Li, L. (2014). Soybean Meal-Based Wood Adhesives Water Resistance Improvement, Practice and Theory. 108.
  • Shi, S.Q., Gao, Q., Li, J., Zhang, S. (2014). Soybean Meal-Based Wood Adhesives Water Resistance Improvement, Practice and Theory. 108. Publisher of China Coal Industry.
  • Book Chapter

  • Shi, S.Q., Xia, C., Cai, L. (2017). Modification of Soy-Based Adhesives to Enhance the Bonding Performance. (ISBN 9781498740746) CRC Press.
  • Shi, S.Q., GARDNER, D.J. (2014). A new model to determine contact angles on swelling polymer particles by the column wicking method. Apparent and Microscopic Contact Angles. 441--454. CRC Press.
  • Lee, S., Shi, S.Q., Barnes, M. (2007). Multifunctional nanoparticles at the hydrophilic and hydrophobic interface.
  • Shi, S.Q., Walker, J.C. (2006). Wood-based composites: plywood and veneer-based products. Primary Wood Processing. 391--426. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Shaik, S., Shi, S.Q., Zhao, W. (2021). Phase change material incorporated refrigeration insulation for refrigerator energy savings. ASHRAE
  • Shao, D., Xia, C., Cai, L., Shi, S.Q., Jiang, D., Rong, S., Wang, J. (2019). Fabrication of wood fiber-rubber composites with microwave-modified waste rubber powder. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 258
  • Boozula, A.R., Zhao, W., Cai, L., Shi, S.Q. (2018). Use of Wood/Phase Change Material Composite in the Building Envelope for Building Thermal Control and Energy Savings. Other.
  • Xia, C., Shi, S.Q., Cai, L. (2014). Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process for Kenaf Fiber Based Composites. 57th SWST International Convention 7th Wood Structure and Properties Conference 6th European Hardwood. 459.
  • Zhang, X.M., Shi, S.Q., Cao, J. (2013). Elastic properties of cellulose by molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 416 1726--1730.
  • Horstemeyer, M.F., Shi, J., Shi, S.Q., Horstemeyer, S. (2013). Evaluation of the Noah's Ark: Wood Mechanical Properties Affected by Water Immersion. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism. 7 (1) 19.
  • Liang, K., Shi, S.Q. (2012). Effect of impregnated inorganic nanoparticles on the surface chemical composition of the kenaf bast fibers. Proceedings of the 55th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology. 27--31.
  • Jie, G., Ge, W., Hai-tao, C., Shi, S.Q. (2012). Effects of In Situ Deposited Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles on Tensile Performance of Single Bamboo Fibers and Their Composites.
  • Zhang, X.M., Tschopp, M., Shi, S.Q., Cao, J. (2012). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Glass Transition Temperature of Amorphous Cellulose. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 214 7--11.
  • Gao, J., Wang, G., Cheng, H.T., Shi, S.Q. (2012). Physical and mechanical properties of inorganic particles filled individual bamboo fibers. Advanced Materials Research. 476 1930--1933.
  • Ge, W., Hong, C., Zi-xuan, Y., Shi, S.Q., Hai-tao, C., Ya-xin, Q. (2012). Tensile Properties Of Bamboo Units In Different Sizes. Proceedings of the 55th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology August. 27--31.
  • Ge, W., Hong, C., Zi-xuan, Y., Shi, S.Q., Hai-tao, C., Ya-xin, Q. (2012). Tensile Properties Of Bamboo Units In Different Sizes. Proceedings of the 55th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology August 27-31, 2012-Beijing, CHINA. 1--12.
  • Fulton, I., Qatu, M.S., Shi, S.Q., Lee, S. (2011). Mechanical properties of Kenaf-based natural fiber composites. 16th International Conference on Composite Structures.
  • Zhang, X., Lu, J., Shi, S. (2010). A computational study of plastic deformation in AISI 304 induced by surface mechanical attrition treatment. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1233 (1) 328--333.
  • Liang, K., Shi, S.Q. (2010). Modified soybean oil/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) bio-nanocomposites: Synthesis and characterization. Other. Toronto,
  • Liang, K., Mao, A., Shi, S.Q. (2009). Incorporation of nanoparticles into soy-based polyurethane foam. Other. 290-293. Houston,
  • Lee, S., Shi, S.Q., Barnes, M.H. (2009). Multifunctional nanoparticles at the hydrophilic and hydrophobic interface. Other. 173-181. Chinese Academy of Forestry.
  • Shi, S.Q., Gardner, D. (1999). Adhesive wettability of recycled creosote-treated wood.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 218 U237--U237.
  • Gardner, D., Shi, S.Q., Tze, W., Rials, T. (1999). Contact angle determination of lignocellulosic fibers by column-wicking measurements.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 218 U236--U236.
  • Shi, S.Q., Gardner, D. (1998). Determination of contact angles for swelling polymer particles by the column wicking method.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 216 U673--U673.
  • Shi, S.Q., Gardner, D.J., Wang, J.Z. (1997). Surface properties of polymer automobile fluff particles characterized by inverse gas chromatography and contact angle analysis. Other. 245-256. Madison, Forest Products Society.
  • Journal Article

  • Chen, S., Bai, M., Wang, Q., Li, X., Shao, J., Shi, S.Q., Zhou, W., Cao, J., Li, J. (2024). A strong and tough supramolecular assembled $\beta$-cyclodextrin and chitin nanocrystals protein adhesive: Synthesis, characterization, bonding performance on three-layer plywood. Other. 121971. Elsevier.
  • Shi, J., Wu, Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, W., Chen, H., Peng, Y., Shi, S.Q., Xia, C. (2024). Bamboo fiber-reinforced epoxy composites fabricated by vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM): Effect of molding sequence and fiber content. Polymer Composites. 45 (1) 256--266. John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. Hoboken, USA.
  • Ding, R., Liu, X., Yu, H., Shi, S.Q., Han, G., Cheng, W. (2024). Effects of different oxidation systems on the interfacial properties of bamboo fiber/epoxy resin composites. Surfaces and Interfaces. 45 103843. Elsevier.
  • Shan, S., Zhang, Y., Shi, S.Q., Xia, C., others. (2024). Enhancing Capacitive Deionization for Water Desalination: The Role of Activated Carbon in Contaminant Removal. Other. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Han, S., He, Y., Ye, H., Ren, X., Chen, F., Liu, K., Shi, S.Q., Wang, G. (2024). Mechanical Behavior of Bamboo, and Its Biomimetic Composites and Structural Members: A Systematic Review. Other. 21 (1) 56--73. Springer Nature Singapore Singapore.
  • Tan, Y., Wang, K., Dong, Y., Gong, S., Lu, Y., Shi, S.Q., Li, J. (2024). Programmable and Shape--Color Synchronous Dual-Response Wood with Thermal Stimulus. ACS Nano. American Chemical Society.
  • Zhou, Z., Liu, T., Tan, Y., Zhou, W., Wang, Y., Shi, S.Q., Gong, S., Li, J. (2023). A high-performance, full-degradable bioinspired newspaper-based composite enhanced by borate ester bonds. Composites Science and Technology. 241 110130. Elsevier.
  • Liu, T., Liu, Z., Zhou, Z., Shi, S.Q., Tan, Y., Chen, H., Sun, X., Ni, H., Gong, S., Li, J. (2023). A high-performance, sustainable nacre-mimetic film with montmorillonite nanosheets crosslinked natural wood powders. Industrial Crops and Products. 193 116202. Elsevier.
  • Sun, X., Ye, Q., Shi, S.Q., Gong, S., Gao, Q., Li, J., Fang, Z. (2023). A nacre-inspired strong and flame retardant laminated veneer lumber bonded with magnesium oxychloride cement. Other. 18 (1) 254--261. Taylor \& Francis.
  • Liu, T., Liu, Z., Zhou, Z., Shi, S.Q., Aladejana, J.T., Gong, S., Fang, Z., Li, J. (2023). A novel sol-gel strategy for constructing wood fibers and aramid nanofiber nanocomposite with strong, tough and recyclable properties. Composites Science and Technology. 238 110026. Elsevier.
  • Bai, M., Zhang, Y., Bian, Y., Gao, Q., Shi, S.Q., Cao, J., Zhang, Q., Li, J. (2023). A novel universal strategy for fabricating soybean protein adhesive with excellent adhesion and anti-mildew performances. Other. 452 139359. Elsevier.
  • Tao, Y., Li, P., Zhang, J., Wang, S., Shi, S.Q., Kong, F. (2023). A review of fused filament fabrication of continuous natural fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites: techniques and materials. Polymer Composites. 44 (12) 8200--8222. John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. Hoboken, USA.
  • Chen, S., Aladejana, J.T., Li, X., Bai, M., Shi, S.Q., Kang, H., Cao, J., Li, J. (2023). A strong, antimildew, and fully bio-based adhesive fabricated by soybean meal and dialdehyde chitosan. Industrial Crops and Products. 194 116277. Elsevier.
  • Li, F., Mo, J., Zhang, Z., Shi, S.Q., Li, J., Cao, J., Wang, Z. (2023). Achieving strong, stable, and durable underwater adhesives based on a simple and generic amino-acid-resembling design. Materials Horizons. 10 (8) 2980--2988. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Cai, Y., Wu, J., Shi, S.Q., Li, J., Kim, K. (2023). Advances in desalination technology and its environmental and economic assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 397 136498. Elsevier.
  • Mandal, S., Hwang, S., Marpu, S.B., Omary, M.A., Prybutok, V.R., Shi, S.Q. (2023). Bioinspired synthesis of silver nanoparticles for the remediation of toxic pollutants and enhanced antibacterial activity. Other. 13 (7) 1054. MDPI.
  • Mandal, S., Hwang, S., Marpu, S.B., Omary, M.A., Prybutok, V.R., Shi, S.Q. (2023). Bioinspired synthesis of silver nanoparticles for the remediation of toxic pollutants and enhanced antibacterial activity. Other. 13 (7) 1054. MDPI.
  • Li, F., Gu, W., Gong, S., Zhou, W., Shi, S.Q., Gao, Q., Fang, Z., Li, J. (2023). Design of amphiphilic-function-aiding biopolymer adhesives for strong and durable underwater adhesion via a simple solvent-exchange approach. Chemical Engineering Journal. 469 143793. Elsevier.
  • Li, Y., Cai, L., Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Cui, Z., Luo, J., Li, J., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., Gao, Q. (2023). Development of a strong and multifunctional soy protein-based adhesive with excellent coating and prepressing in wet state by constructing a radical polymerization and organic-inorganic mineralization bionic structure. Journal of Cleaner Production. 400 136730. Elsevier.
  • Adhikari, P.R., Lee, E., Smith, L.M., Kim, J., Shi, S.Q., Choi, W. (2023). Effect of morphological variation in three-dimensional multiwall carbon nanotubes as the host cathode material for high-performance rechargeable lithium--sulfur batteries. RSC Advances. 13 (14) 9402--9412. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Chi, X., Tang, S., Song, X., Rahimi, S., Ren, Z., Han, G., Shi, S.Q., Cheng, W., Avramidis, S. (2023). Energy and quality analysis of forced convection air-energy assisted solar timber drying. Energy. 283 128718. Pergamon.
  • Shi, S.Q., Cui, Z., Jin, Y., Smith, L.M., Felix Wu, H., Neogi, A. (2023). Fiberboard Made from Scrap Denim: Characterization of its Properties by Effective Bulk Modulus Elastography.. BioResources. 18 (2)
  • Smith, L.M., Cao, Y., Shi, S.Q., Li, X., Zhao, W. (2023). Modeling of gas production during pyrolysis of biomass with triple gaussian function. Industrial Crops and Products. 206 117688. Elsevier.
  • Jin, S., Xing, J., Liu, T., Li, K., Zhang, F., Cao, J., Shi, S.Q., Li, J. (2023). Organic-inorganic building block of phytic acid intercalated graphene oxide for performance enhancement of plant-derived adhesives. Industrial Crops and Products. 201 116919. Elsevier.
  • Chen, S., Li, X., Bai, M., Shi, S.Q., Aladejana, J.T., Cao, J., Li, J. (2023). Oyster-inspired carbon dots-functionalized silica and dialdehyde chitosan to fabricate a soy protein adhesive with high strength, mildew resistance, and long-term water resistance. Other. 319 121093. Elsevier.
  • Liu, X., Gu, W., Wang, K., Gao, Q., Chen, H., Shi, S.Q., Li, J. (2023). Preparation of biomimetic functionalized hierarchical bamboo fibers for reinforcing plant protein-based adhesives. Other. 120 103280. Elsevier.
  • Jiang, S., Wei, Y., Li, X., Shi, S.Q., Tian, D., Fang, Z., Li, J. (2023). Scalable manufacturing of environmentally stable all-solid-state plant protein-based supercapacitors with optimal balance of capacitive performance and mechanically robust. Small. 19 (25) 2207997.
  • Gurav, R., Mandal, S., Smith, L.M., Shi, S.Q., Hwang, S. (2023). The potential of self-activated carbon for adsorptive removal of toxic phenoxyacetic acid herbicide from water. Chemosphere. 339 139715. Pergamon.
  • Li, Y., Huang, X., Xu, Y., Ma, C., Cai, L., Zhang, J., Luo, J., Li, J., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., others. (2022). A bio-inspired multifunctional soy protein-based material: From strong underwater adhesion to 3D printing. Other. 430 133017. Elsevier.
  • Mandal, S., Hu, J., Shi, S.Q. (2022). A Comprehensive Review of Hybrid Supercapacitor From Transition Metal and Industrial Crop Based Activated Carbon for Energy Storage Applications. Other. 105207. Elsevier.
  • Xu, Y., Xu, C., Chen, M., Li, J., Zeng, L., Luo, J., Gao, Q., Shi, S.Q. (2022). A Soy Protein-Based Composite Film with a Hierarchical Structure Inspired by Nacre. Other. 10 (3) 639. Tech Science Press.
  • Zhou, Z., Liu, T., Zhou, W., Chen, H., Bian, Y., Gong, S., Shi, S.Q., Li, J. (2022). A strong and biodegradable wood particles-based bioplastic modified by synergistically dynamic cross-linking with tannic acid and Fe3+. Composites Part B: Engineering. 247 110349. Elsevier.
  • Huang, X., Ma, C., Xu, Y., Cao, J., Li, J., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., Gao, Q. (2022). A tannin-functionalized soy protein-based adhesive hydrogel as a wound dressing. Industrial Crops and Products. 182 114945. Elsevier.
  • Zhang, X., Xu, C., Liu, Z., Shi, S.Q., Li, J., Luo, J., Gao, Q. (2022). A water-resistant and mildewproof soy protein adhesive enhanced by epoxidized xylitol. Industrial Crops and Products. 180 114794. Elsevier.
  • Li, J., Zhang, F., Lyu, Y., Jiang, S., Li, X., Li, K., Shi, S.Q., Li, J. (2022). Acacia mangium tannin functionalized graphene nanoplatelets produced via ball-milling for sustainable soy protein-based film. Other. 177 114478. Elsevier.
  • Liu, T., Liu, Z., Zhang, J., Shi, S.Q., Gong, S., Li, J. (2022). An ultrastrong bioinspired soy protein isolate-based nanocomposite with graphene oxide intercalation. Composites Part B: Engineering. 236 109805. Elsevier.
  • Li, K., Jin, S., Jiang, S., Li, X., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., Li, J. (2022). Bioinspired mineral--organic strategy for fabricating a high-strength, antibacterial, flame-retardant soy protein bioplastic via internal boron--nitrogen coordination. Other. 428 132616. Elsevier.
  • Li, K., Jin, S., Zeng, G., Zhou, Y., Zhang, F., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., Li, J. (2022). Biomimetic development of a strong, mildew-resistant soy protein adhesive via mineral--organic system and phenol-amine synergy. Industrial Crops and Products. 187 115412. Elsevier.
  • Liu, Z., Liu, T., Jiang, H., Zhang, X., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., Gao, Q. (2022). Biomimetic lignin-protein adhesive with dynamic covalent/hydrogen hybrid networks enables high bonding performance and wood-based panel recycling. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 214 230--240. Elsevier.
  • Tao, Y., Li, P., Zhang, H., Shi, S.Q., Zhang, J., Yin, Q. (2022). Compression and flexural properties of rigid polyurethane foam composites reinforced with 3D-printed polylactic acid lattice structures. Other. 279 114866. Elsevier.
  • Xu, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, Z., Zhang, X., Luo, J., Li, J., Shi, S.Q., Li, J., Gao, Q. (2022). Constructing SiO2 nanohybrid to develop a strong soy protein adhesive with excellent flame-retardant and coating ability. Other. 446 137065. Elsevier.
  • Han, Y., Xu, Y., Shi, S.Q., Li, J., Fang, Z. (2022). Cuttlebone-inspired magnesium oxychloride cement reinforced by biochar as green adhesive for wood industry. Journal of Cleaner Production. 370 133365. Elsevier.
  • Jiang, S., Wei, Y., Li, J., Li, X., Wang, K., Li, K., Shi, S.Q., Li, J., Fang, Z. (2022). Development of a multifunctional nanocomposite film with record-high ultralow temperature toughness and unprecedented fatigue-resistance. Other. 432 134408. Elsevier.
  • Chen, S., Shi, S.Q., Zhou, W., Li, J. (2022). Developments in Bio-Based Soy Protein Adhesives: A Review. Other. 307 (10) 2200277.
  • Luo, Y., Wang, Y., Xia, C., Ahmad, A., Yang, R., Li, X., Shi, S.Q., Li, J., Guo, M., Nadda, A.K., others. (2022). Eco-friendly soy protein isolate-based films strengthened by water-soluble glycerin epoxy resin. Other. 162 106566. Elsevier.
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  • Zhang, X., Shi, S.Q., Cao, J. (2013). Elastic properties of cellulose by molecular dynamics simulation. Other. 416-417 1726-1730.
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  • Zhang, X., Wu, A., Shi, S., Qin, F. (2013). Influence of Ar/H2 ratio on the characteristics of boron-doped nc-Si: H films prepared by electron cyclotron resonance plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Surface and Coatings Technology. 228 S412--S415. Elsevier.
  • Liang, K., Gao, Q., Shi, S.Q. (2013). Kenaf fiber/soy protein based biocomposites modified with poly (carboxylic acid) resin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 128 (2) 1213--1218. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken.
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  • Little, N., McConnell, T.E., Irby, N.E., Shi, S.Q., Riggins, J.J. (2013). Surface free energy of blue-stained southern pine sapwood from bark beetle-attacked trees. Other. 45 (2) 206--214.
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  • McConnell, T.E., Shi, S.Q. (2013). Wettability of Hydrothermally-Treated Hardwood Surfaces in PMDI Adhesive at Elevated Temperatures. Other. 29 (2) 281--285. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
  • McConmell, T.E., Shi, S.Q. (2013). Wettability of hydrothermally-treated hardwood surfaces in PMDI adhesive at elevated temperatures. Other. 29 (2) 281-285.
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  • Shi, S.Q., Gardner, D.J., Wang, J.Z. (1999). Effect of the addition of polymer fluff to wood furnish on the mechanical and physical properties of wood fiberboard. Forest Products Journal. 49 (2) 32. Forest Products Society.
  • Douglas J Gardner, William T. Tze,, Shi, S.Q. (1999). Surface energy characterization of wood particles by contact angle analysis and inverse gas chromatography. Other. 263--293. TAPPI.
  • Gardner, D.J., Tze, W.T., Shi, S.Q. (1999). Surface energy characterization of wood particles by contact angle analysis and inverse gas chromatography. 263-293. TAPPI.
  • Hongjian Zhang, Douglas J. Gardner, John Z. Wang, Qiang, Shi, S.Q. (1997). Surface tension, adhesive wettability, and bondability of artificially weathered CCA-treated southern pine. Forest Products Journal. 47 (10) 69--72.
  • Zhang, H., Gardner, D.J., Wang, J.Z., Shi, S.Q. (1997). Surface tension, adhesive wettability, and bondability of artificially weathered CCA-treated southern pine. 47 (10) 69-72.
  • Qiang Shi, John Z. Wang. (1997). Utilization of polymer automobile fluff in wood fiberboard. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. 24 (4) 188--195.
  • Wang, Q.S., Z., J. (1997). Utilization of polymer automobile fluff in wood fiberboard. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. 24 (4) 188--195.
  • Shi, S.Q., Wang, J.Z. (1997). Utilization of polymer automobile fluff in wood fiberboard. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. 24 (4) 188-195.
  • Yuebin Lu, Q.S. (1996). Analysis of Markov model on predicting wood composite weathering. Other. 30 265--271.
  • Lu, Y., Shi, S.Q. (1996). Analysis of Markov model on predicting wood composite weathering. Other. 30 265-271.
  • Shi, Y.L., Qiang. (1996). Analysis of Markov model on predicting wood composite weathering. Wood Science and Technology. Other. 30 265--271.
  • Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Ruan, M., Shi, S. (1996). Synthesis of Selenoesters Promoted by Samarium Diiodide. Other. 16 38--41. ZHONGGUO KEXVEY SHANGHAI YOUJI HUAXE YANJIUSUE.
  • Zhang, X., Zhou, Y., Shi, S. (1996). Use of sex pheromone to control Sitotroga cerealella in storehouse. Other. 12 90--90. CHINESE ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES.
  • Xiao-xiu, Z., Yun-ning, Z., Tang, L., Mei-li, L., Jing-jun, H., Sheng-gan, S. (1996). USE OF SEX PHEROMONE TO CONTROL SITOTROGACEREALELLA IN STOREHOUSE. Other. 12 (2) 90.
  • Yuebin Lu, Q.S. (1995). Larch Tannin adhesive for particleboard. Other. 53 17--19.
  • Lu, Y., Shi, S.Q. (1995). Larch Tannin adhesive for particleboard. 53 17-19.
  • Yuebin Lu, Qiang Shi, Zhenzhong Gao. (1995). Thermal analysis and application of Larch Tannin-based adhesive for plywood and hardboard. Other. 53 (3) 205--208.
  • Lu, Y., Shi, S.Q., Gao, Z. (1995). Thermal analysis and application of Larch Tannin-based adhesive for plywood and hardboard. 53 (3) 205-208.
  • Lu, Y., Shi, S.Q., Gao, Z. (1995). Thermische analyse and verwendung eines tannin klebers aus lärchenrinde für die herstellung von sperrholz und faserhartplatten. 53 (1) 205-208.
  • Yuebin Lu, Qiang Shi, Zhenzhong Gao. (1995). Thermische Analyse und Verwendung eines Tannin Klebers aus L\"archenrinde f\"ur die Herstellung von Sperrholz und Faserhartplatten. Other. 53 (1) 205--208.
  • Yuebin Lu, Qiang Shi, Zhenzhong Gao. (1994). Larix Gmelini tannin adhesive for plywood. Other. 7 (3) 85--89.
  • Other

  • Shi, S.Q., Jiyao, H., Wang, X. (2024). Fabrication procedure of non-binder bio-based carbon electrode for battery and supercapacitor.
  • Zhao, W., Shi, S.Q. (2023). Solar environmental control system, apparatus, and method relating thereto.
  • Shi, S.Q., Zhao, W., Cai, L. (2022). Fabrication of a phase change material (PCM) integrated insulation.
  • Shi, S.Q., Zhao, W., Cai, L. (2021). Fabrication of pcm integrated insulation.
  • Shi, S.Q., Xia, C. (2017). Porositization process of carbon or carbonaceous materials.
  • Gardner, D., Tze, W., Shi, S.Q. (1999). Progress in Lignocellulosics Characterization. Tappi Press, Atlanta, GA.
  • Ph.D. Thesis


Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research


  • Shi, S.Q., "Development of natural fiber composite pipe products," sponsored by Zhejiang XinZhou Bamboo-based Composite Technology Co. Ltd, International, $300000 Funded. (2016).
  • Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Choi, W. (Principal), Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), "High efficiency Zn-ion battery by additive manufacturing," sponsored by UNT AMMPI, University of North Texas, $30000 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Shi, S., "biobased porous material characterization," sponsored by Nanjing Forestry University, International, $20000 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Shi, S., "Denim board fabrication," sponsored by VF Jeanwear, Private, $16000 Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Sample analysis for Freestone Resources," sponsored by Freestone Resources Company, Private, $13000 Funded. (2015 - 2017).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Evaluation of Coating Powder from Coating by PCD Inc. for Concrete Forming Application," sponsored by Coating by PCD Inc, Private, $8000 Funded. (2014 - 2016).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Carbon powder for paint tom improve the abrasion resistant," sponsored by CCTS Company, Private, $10000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Evaluation of Petrozene as a wax removal agent," sponsored by Freestone Resources Company, Private, $5000 Funded. (2013 - 2014).
  • Shi, S.Q., "An initial evaluation of the potential applications for CCTS carbon powders," sponsored by CCTS Company, Private, $62500 Funded. (2012 - 2014).
  • Shi, S., "biobased porous material characterization," sponsored by Nanjing Forestry University, International, Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Shi, S., "Denim board fabrication," sponsored by VF Jeanwear, Private, Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Sample analysis for Freestone Resources," sponsored by Freestone Resources Company, Private, Funded. (2015 - 2017).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Carbon powder for paint tom improve the abrasion resistant," sponsored by CCTS Company, Private, Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Evaluation of Petrozene as a wax removal agent," sponsored by Freestone Resources Company, Private, Funded. (2013 - 2014).
  • Shi, S.Q., "An initial evaluation of the potential applications for CCTS carbon powders," sponsored by CCTS Company, Private, Funded. (2012 - 2014).
  • Grant - Research

  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Xu, M. (Principal), "Interfacial bonding mechanism of functional wood-rubber composites," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, $105000 Funded. (2017).
  • Shi, S.Q., Zhang, H., "Real time gas monitoring for pyrolysis process of biomass with novel wireless high temperature SAW sensors to improve the production efficiency," sponsored by USDA AFRI, Federal, $482905 Funded. (2017).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Liu, N. (Principal), "Failure behavior of boride based ultra high temperature ceramics for thermal shock and thermal mechanical coupling," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, $110000 Funded. (2016).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Gan, W. (Principal), "Utilization of the black liquor with high salt content from pulping process," sponsored by Guangxi Science and Technology Program, International, $900000 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Liu, B. (Principal), "Failure behavior of boride based ultra high temperature ceramics for thermal shock and thermal mechanical coupling," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, $110000 Funded. (2016 - 2019).
  • SLAUGHTER, L.M. (Principal), Omary, M.A. (Co-Principal), Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), "Designer Porous Framework Materials for Catalysis," sponsored by UNT Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Processes Institute (AMMPI) Seed Grant, University of North Texas, $15000 Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Wang, G. (Principal), Cheng, H. (Co-Principal), "Bonding mechanism of inorganic nanoparticle treated bamboo fiber with thermoplastics," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, $63000 Funded. (2012 - 2015).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Schneider, J. (Principal), Donaldson, J. (Co-Principal), Thibaudeau, G. (Co-Principal), "Acquisition of a multi user, analytical transmission electron microscope (TEM) for multi-disciplinary research and training," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $659981 Funded. (2011 - 2014).
  • Shi, S.Q., "Soybean oil based coupling agent for natural fiber sheet molding compound (SMC)," sponsored by UNT, Local, $9050 Funded. (2012 - 2013).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Supporting), Walters, K. (Principal), "Acquisition of an atomic force microscopy suite for advanced materials research and education," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $726940 Funded. (2009 - 2012).
  • Zhang, H. (Co-Principal), Shi, S.Q. (Principal), "Real time gas monitoring with wireless high temperature sensor for the pyrolysis process of biomass to improve the production efficiency," sponsored by U.S. Department of Agriculture, FED, Funded. (2017 - 2022).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Gan, W. (Principal), "Utilization of the black liquor with high salt content from pulping process," sponsored by Guangxi Science and Technology Program, International, Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Principal), "Development of Natural Fiber Composite Pipe Products," sponsored by Zhejiang Xinzhou Bamboo-based, IND, Funded. (2016 - 2019).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Liu, B. (Principal), "Failure behavior of boride based ultra high temperature ceramics for thermal shock and thermal mechanical coupling," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, Funded. (2016 - 2019).
  • Shi, S.Q., Zhang, H., "Real time gas monitoring for pyrolysis process of biomass with novel wireless high temperature SAW sensors to improve the production efficiency," sponsored by USDA AFRI, Federal, Funded. (2017).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Xu, M. (Principal), "Interfacial bonding mechanism of functional wood-rubber composites," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, Funded. (2017).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Liu, N. (Principal), "Failure behavior of boride based ultra high temperature ceramics for thermal shock and thermal mechanical coupling," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, Funded. (2016).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Principal), "Evaluation of Coating Powder from Coating by PCD Inc. for Concrete Forming Application," sponsored by Coatings by PCD, Inc., IND, Funded. (2014 - 2016).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Wang, G. (Principal), Cheng, H. (Co-Principal), "Bonding mechanism of inorganic nanoparticle treated bamboo fiber with thermoplastics," sponsored by China Natural Science Foundation, International, Funded. (2012 - 2015).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), Schneider, J. (Principal), Donaldson, J. (Co-Principal), Thibaudeau, G. (Co-Principal), "Acquisition of a multi user, analytical transmission electron microscope (TEM) for multi-disciplinary research and training," sponsored by NSF, Federal, Funded. (2011 - 2014).
  • Shi, S.Q. (Supporting), Walters, K. (Principal), "Acquisition of an atomic force microscopy suite for advanced materials research and education," sponsored by NSF, Federal, Funded. (2009 - 2012).
  • Grant - Service

  • Shi, S.Q., "International Development Fund. Ph.D. student exchanges with international center for bamboo and rattan (ICBR) in China," sponsored by 20. UNT Charn USWACHOKE International Development Fund, Local, $2000 Funded. (2013 - 2014).
  • Shi, S.Q., "International Development Fund. Ph.D. student exchanges with international center for bamboo and rattan (ICBR) in China," sponsored by 20. UNT Charn USWACHOKE International Development Fund, Local, Funded. (2013 - 2014).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was