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Sarvjeet Singh

Title: Clinical Associate Professor

Department: Multidisciplinary Innovation

College: College of Applied and Collaborative Studies

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link

Current Scheduled Teaching

CACS 2010.501Applied Project ManagementFall 2024
ADAR 4980.501Experimental CourseFall 2024
CACS 2020.510Research Design and MethodsFall 2024
INDS 1001.501Seminar in Industrial Distribution IFall 2024

Previous Scheduled Teaching

INDS 4030.501Applied Team DevelopmentSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 3220.501Connections II: Team CreativitySpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 4120.501Connections III: CapstoneSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 4121.501Connections III: Capstone WorkshopSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 4021.531Connections III: Cultural Contexts WorkshopFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
INDS 2040.501Industrial Life SciencesFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HNRS 1500.501Introduction to Research : An Interdisciplinary PerspectiveFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
NCPS 4900.501Special ProblemsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
INDS 4030.501Applied Team DevelopmentSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 3020.511Connections I: Collaborative ThinkingSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
INDS 2040.501Industrial Life SciencesFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BIOC 3621.601Principles of BiochemistryFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BIOL 3510.601Cell BiologySpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BIOL 1132.681Environmental ScienceSpring SDC 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BIOL 1132.685Environmental ScienceSpring SDC 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BIOL 1132.691Environmental ScienceSpring SDC 2022 SPOT
BIOL 1132.695Environmental ScienceSpring SDC 2022 SPOT
BIOL 3451.601GeneticsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
BIOC 3621.601Principles of BiochemistryFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
BIOL 3510.601Cell BiologySpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
BIOC 3621.601Principles of BiochemistryFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Journal Article

  • Singh, S. (2021). Fli1 Promotes Vascular Morphogenesis by Regulating Endothelial Potential of Multipotent Myogenic Progenitors. Circulation Research. 129 (10) 949-964. American Heart Association.
  • Ruhr, I., Bierstedt, J., Rhen, T., Das, D., Singh, S., DA Crossley, 2nd, Galli GLJ. (2021). Developmental programming of DNA methylation and gene expression patterns is associated with extreme cardiovascular tolerance to anoxia in the common snapping turtle.. Other. 14 (1) 42.
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was