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Xiaodan Zhao

Title: Lecturer

Department: Economics

College: College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University Of Kentucky, 2008
    Major: Economics
    Specialization: International Economics
    Dissertation: Three essays on Optimal Currency Areas
  • MS, University Of Kentucky, 2004
    Major: Economics
  • BS, Central University of Finance & Economics, 2001
    Major: Finance
    Specialization: Money and Banking
    Dissertation: An Analysis on Chinese Open-ended Mutual Funds

Current Scheduled Teaching

ECON 4850.401International TradeFall 2024 Syllabus
ECON 5850.401International TradeFall 2024
ECON 1110.003Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2024 Syllabus
ECON 1110.017Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2024 Syllabus
ECON 1110.421Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2024 Syllabus
ECON 1110.701Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 8W2 2024 Syllabus
ECON 4850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2024 SPOT
ECON 1110.003Principles of MacroeconomicsSummer 5W2 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.004Principles of MicroeconomicsSummer 5W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT

Previous Scheduled Teaching

ECON 4850.001International TradeSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSpring 2024 SPOT
ECON 4420.001Open Economy MacroeconomicsSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.029Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.701Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring SDC 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.705Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 8W2 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.028Principles of MicroeconomicsSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.802Principles of MicroeconomicsSpring 3W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.901Principles of MicroeconomicsSpring SDC 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeFall 2023 SPOT
ECON 1110.011Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.021Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.024Principles of MicroeconomicsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.026Principles of MicroeconomicsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.003Principles of MacroeconomicsSummer 5W2 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.004Principles of MicroeconomicsSummer 5W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSpring 2023 SPOT
ECON 1110.015Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.029Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.701Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring SDC 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.705Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 8W2 2023 SPOT
ECON 1100.028Principles of MicroeconomicsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.802Principles of MicroeconomicsSpring 3W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.901Principles of MicroeconomicsSpring SDC 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.011Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.021Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.501Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.024Principles of MicroeconomicsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.003Principles of MacroeconomicsSummer 5W2 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.004Principles of MicroeconomicsSummer 5W1 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSpring 2022 SPOT
ECON 1110.015Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.017Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.501Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeFall 2021 SPOT
ECON 1110.011Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.501Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.024Principles of MicroeconomicsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2021 SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.002International TradeSpring 2021
ECON 5850.001International TradeSpring 2021 SPOT
ECON 1110.013Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.015Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.017Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.501Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeFall 2020 SPOT
ECON 4020.002Money and Financial InstitutionsFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.011Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.013Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1100.501Principles of MicroeconomicsFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSpring 2020 Syllabus
ECON 5850.001International TradeSpring 2020 Syllabus
ECON 4020.002Money and Financial InstitutionsSpring 2020 Syllabus
ECON 1110.015Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2020 Syllabus
ECON 1110.017Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2020 Syllabus
ECON 4850.001International TradeFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeFall 2019 SPOT
ECON 4020.002Money and Financial InstitutionsFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.011Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.013Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSummer 5W1 2019 SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSpring 2019 SPOT
ECON 1110.015Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.017Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeFall 2018 SPOT
ECON 4020.002Money and Financial InstitutionsFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.011Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.013Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeSpring 2018 SPOT
ECON 4020.002Money and Financial InstitutionsSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.015Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 1110.017Principles of MacroeconomicsSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4850.001International TradeFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 5850.001International TradeFall 2017 SPOT
ECON 4020.001Money and Financial InstitutionsFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ECON 4020.002Money and Financial InstitutionsFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Journal Article

  • Zhao, X. (2014). Is the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union an Optimum Currency Area?. The Journal of Developing Areas. 48 (1) 291-313.
  • Kim, Y. (2011). Financial Integration in East Asia: Evidence from Stock Prices. Korean Journal of Public Policy. 4 27-48.
  • Kim, Y. (2009). Is the CFA Franc Zone an Optimum Currency Area?. World Development. 37 (12) 1877-1886.
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was