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Yuan-Hsuan Lee

Title: Professor

Department: Learning Technologies

College: College of Information

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Texas A&M University, 2010
    Major: Educational Psychology

Current Scheduled Teaching

LTEC 5703.001Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Learning and PerformanceSpring 2025
LTEC 5704.001Ethical, Social and Cultural Impacts of Artificial IntelligenceSpring 2025
LTEC 5900.420Special ProblemsSpring 2025
LTEC 5900.421Special ProblemsSpring 2025

Previous Scheduled Teaching

No previous courses scheduled.

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • HO, Y., Lee, Y., WU, J. (2024). Galvanic skin responses and flow: Insights from multimodal learning analytics in personal learning environment. Other. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
  • HSU, Y., NIAN, M., YANG, C., Lee, Y., WU, J. (2019). Influence of financial course on eighth grade students’ financial concepts, math motivation, math anxiety in Taiwan. Other. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
  • Journal Article

  • Lee, Y., Chang, J., Hong, H. (2024). Becoming epistemically active in online reading: Facilitating elementary school students’ multimodal multiple document reading via sourcing organizers. Computers & Education. 216 105048.
  • Lee, Y., Hong, H. (2024). Preservice teachers’ intention for constructivist ICT integration: implications from their Internet epistemic beliefs and internet-based learning self-Efficacy. Interactive Learning Environments. 32 (1) 102-114. Informa UK Limited.
  • Lee, Y., Hong, H. (2023). Examining university students’ multimodal multiple text comprehension: individual differences and epistemic prompting. Interactive Learning Environments. 31 (9)
  • Lin, H., Wu, J., Liang, J., Lee, Y., Huang, P., Kwok, O., Tsai, C. (2023). A review of using multilevel modeling in e-learning research. Other. 198 104762. Elsevier BV.
  • Lee, Y. (2023). Achieving success in English medium instruction using computer‐mediated terminology pretraining under the problem‐based learning pedagogy. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 39 (3) 921-934. Wiley.
  • Hong, H., Lee, Y. (2023). Computer‐supported knowledge building to enhance reading motivation and comprehension. British Journal of Educational Technology. 54 (1) 375-393. Wiley.
  • Chou, C., Lee, Y. (2022). The development of a literacy-based research integrity assessment framework for graduate students in Taiwan. Science and Engineering Ethics. 28 (66)
  • Lee, Y. (2022). Beyond online search strategies: The effects of internet epistemic beliefs and different note-taking formats on online multiple document reading comprehension. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 38 1102–1114.
  • Lee, S.W., Luan, H., Lee, M., Chang, H., Liang, J., Lee, Y., Lin, T., Wu, A., Chiu, Y., Tsai, C. (2021). Measuring epistemologies in science learning and teaching: A systematic review of the literature. Science Education. 105 (5) 880-907. Wiley.
  • Lee, Y. (2021). Scaffolding university students' epistemic cognition during multimodal multiple-document reading: The effects of the epistemic prompting and the automated reflection report. The Internet and Higher Education. 49 100777. Elsevier BV.
  • Hong, H., Ma, L., Lin, P., Lee, Y. (2020). Advancing third graders’ reading comprehension through collaborative Knowledge Building: A comparative study in Taiwan. Computers & Education. 157 103962.
  • Hong, H., Lin, P., Lee, Y. (2019). Developing effective knowledge-building environments through constructivist teaching beliefs and technology-integration knowledge: A survey of middle-school teachers in northern Taiwan. Learning and Individual Differences. 76 101787. Elsevier BV.
  • Wu, J., Lee, Y., Lin, J. (2018). Using iMCFA to perform the CFA, multilevel CFA, and maximum model for analyzing complex survey data. Frontiers in Psychology. 9
  • Lee, Y. (2018). Internet-based epistemic beliefs, engagement in online activities, and intention for constructivist ICT integration among pre-service teachers. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 34 (5) Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education.
  • Lee, Y. (2018). Scripting to enhance university students’ critical thinking in flipped learning: implications of the delayed effect on science reading literacy. Interactive Learning Environments. 26 (5) 569-582. Informa UK Limited.
  • Chou, C., Lee, Y. (2017). The moderating effects of Internet parenting styles on the relationship between Internet parenting behavior, Internet expectancy, and Internet addiction tendency. Other. 26 (3-4) 137-146. Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Lin, J., Lee, Y., Wang, D., Lin, S. (2016). Reading subtitles and taking enotes while learning scientific materials in a multimedia environment: Cognitive load perspectives on EFL students. Educational Technology & Society. Educational Technology and Society. 19 (4) 47-58.
  • Burke, M.D., Rispoli, M., Clemens, N.H., Lee, Y., Sanchez, L., Hatton, H. (2016). Integrating Universal Behavioral Screening Within Program-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 18 (1) 5-16. SAGE Publications.
  • Lee, Y. (2015). Facilitating critical thinking using the C-QRAC collaboration script: Enhancing science reading literacy in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. Other. 88 182-191. Elsevier BV.
  • Lee, Y., Ko, C., Chou, C. (2015). Re-visiting Internet addiction among Taiwanese students: A cross-sectional comparison of students’ expectations, online gaming, and online social interaction. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 43 (3) 589-599. Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Lee, Y., Cheng, C., Lin, S. (2014). A latent profile analysis of self-control and self-esteem and the grouping effect on the adolescent quality of life across two consecutive years. Social Indicators Research. 117 (2) 523-539.
  • Padrón, Y.N., Waxman, H.C., Lee, Y. (2014). Classroom learning environment differences between resilient, average, and nonresilient middle school students in reading. Education and Urban Society. 46 (2) 264-283. SAGE Publications.
  • Burke, M.D., Davis, J.L., Hagan-Burke, S., Lee, Y., Fogarty, M.S. (2014). Using SWPBS Expectations as a Screening Tool to Predict Behavioral Risk in Middle School. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 16 (1) 5-17. SAGE Publications.
  • Lee, Y., Waxman, H., Wu, J., Michko, G., Lin, M. (2013). Revisit the effect of teaching and learning with technology on student outcomes. Educational Technology and Society. 16 (1) 133-146.
  • Lee, Y., Wu, J. (2013). The indirect effects of online social entertainment and information seeking activities on reading literacy. Other. 67 168-177. Elsevier BV.
  • Waxman, H.C., Boriack, A.W., Lee, Y., MacNeil, A. (2013). Principals' Perceptions of the Importance of Technology in Schools. Contemporary Educational Technology. 4 (3) Bastas Publications.
  • Padron, Y., Waxman, H., Lee, Y., Lin, M., Michko, G. (2012). Classroom observations of teaching and learning with technology in urban elementary school mathematics classrooms serving English language learners. International Journal of Instructional Media. 39 (1) 45-53.
  • Burke, M., Davis, J., Lee, Y., Hagan-Burke, S., Kwok, O., Sugai, G. (2012). Universal screening for behavioral risk in elementary schools using SWPBS expectations. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 20 (1) 38-54.
  • Lee, Y., Wu, J. (2012). The effect of individual differences in the inner and outer states of ICT on engagement in online reading activities and PISA 2009 reading literacy: Exploring the relationship between the old and new reading literacy. Learning and Individual Differences. 22 (3) 336-342. Elsevier BV.
  • Waxman, H., Padrón, Y., Lee, Y. (2010). Accelerating the pedagogy of poverty in urban schools: Unanticipated consequences of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. Other. 28 (2) 37-43.
  • Waxman, H., Lee, Y., MacNeil, A. (2008). Principals' strategies for successfully closing the achievement gaps in their schools. Other. 6 (3) 140-142..
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was