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Bradley W. McDaniels

Title: Assistant Professor

Department: Rehabilitation and Health Services

College: College of Health and Public Service

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Kentucky, 2018
    Major: Early Childhood, Special Education & Rehab Counseling
    Dissertation: "Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health to Predict Participation in Adults with Parkinson's Disease: The Role of Positive Psychological Capita
  • MS, University of Kentucky, 2015
    Major: Rehabilitation Counseling
  • BS, Eastern Kentucky University, 1992
    Major: Biology & Chemistry (Pre-med)

Current Scheduled Teaching

RHAB 5811.001Practicum in RehabilitationSpring 2025
RHAB 5811.400Practicum in RehabilitationSpring 2025
RHAB 5720.400Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesSpring 2025

Previous Scheduled Teaching

RHAB 5811.400Practicum in RehabilitationFall 2024 SPOT
RHAB 5720.001Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesFall 2024 SPOT
RHAB 5812.900Internship in RehabilitationSummer 10W 2024 SPOT
RHAB 5732.900Principles of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and RecoverySummer 10W 2024 SPOT
RHAB 5811.001Practicum in RehabilitationSpring 2024 SPOT
RHAB 5720.900Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesSpring 2024 SPOT
RHAB 5811.001Practicum in RehabilitationFall 2023
RHAB 5811.900Practicum in RehabilitationFall 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5720.001Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesFall 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5722.900Advanced Counseling Techniques in Rehabilitation CounselingSummer 10W 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5811.001Practicum in RehabilitationSummer 10W 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5811.900Practicum in RehabilitationSummer 10W 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5811.001Practicum in RehabilitationSpring 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5811.900Practicum in RehabilitationSpring 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5720.900Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesSpring 2023 SPOT
RHAB 5734.900Psychopathology in Clinical Rehabilitation CounselingFall 2022 SPOT
RHAB 5720.001Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesFall 2022 SPOT
RHAB 5722.900Advanced Counseling Techniques in Rehabilitation CounselingSummer 10W 2022 SPOT
RHAB 4200.900Physical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilitySummer 10W 2022 Syllabus SPOT
RHAB 5730.900Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilitySpring 2022 SPOT
RHAB 5720.900Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesSpring 2022 SPOT
RHAB 5900.010Special ProblemsSpring 2022
RHAB 5811.001Practicum in RehabilitationFall 2021 SPOT
RHAB 5811.900Practicum in RehabilitationFall 2021 SPOT
RHAB 5720.001Rehabilitation Counseling TheoriesFall 2021 SPOT
RHAB 5900.010Special ProblemsFall 2021
RHAB 5722.900Advanced Counseling Techniques in Rehabilitation CounselingSummer 10W 2021 SPOT
RHAB 5730.900Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilitySpring 2021 SPOT
RHAB 5730.950Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilitySpring 2021 SPOT
RHAB 4200.900Physical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilitySpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
RHAB 4200.900Physical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilityFall 2020 SPOT
RHAB 5734.900Psychopathology in Clinical Rehabilitation CounselingFall 2020 SPOT
RHAB 5734.950Psychopathology in Clinical Rehabilitation CounselingFall 2020 SPOT
RHAB 5900.010Special ProblemsFall 8W2 2020
RHAB 5722.001Advanced Counseling Techniques in Rehabilitation CounselingSummer 10W 2020
RHAB 5722.900Advanced Counseling Techniques in Rehabilitation CounselingSummer 10W 2020
RHAB 5722.950Advanced Counseling Techniques in Rehabilitation CounselingSummer 10W 2020
RHAB 5730.900Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilitySpring 2020
RHAB 5730.950Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of DisabilitySpring 2020
RHAB 5734.810Psychopathology in Clinical Rehabilitation CounselingFall 2019 SPOT
RHAB 5734.820Psychopathology in Clinical Rehabilitation CounselingFall 2019 SPOT

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Chitnis, S., Haque, B., Ahmed, N., Oblack, A., Salinas, M., McDaniels, B.W., Pouratian, N., Yazdani, U. (2023). Patient perceptions and knowledge of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson’s disease (PD)(KNOW-DBS)(P5-11.015).. BMC Neurology. 100 (17) 3540.
  • Book Chapter

  • McDaniels, B.W., Subramanian, I., Martin, C.R., Preddy, V.R., Patel, V.B., Rajendram, R. (2024). Psychosocial challenges associated with Parkinson’s disease. The behavior and psychology of disease. 1-27. Springer Nature.
  • McDaniels, B.W., Adrienne, K., Subramanian, I. (2023). The role of personalized medicine and wellness in Parkinson’s disease.. Where are we? Continuous dopaminergic stimulation for Parkinson's disease.. None available - it's an electronic book. Berkshire, England, Empowering Strategic Performance Ltd.
  • McDaniels, B.W. (2022). Psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and disability.. Disability and accommodations in higher education: A handbook for disability advisors. 19-34. BN Press.
  • McDaniels, B.W., Subramanian, I. (2022). Social isolation, loneliness and mental health sequelae of the COVID-19 pandemic in Parkinson’s disease. International Review of Neurobiology: Covid-19 and Parkinsonism. 165 197-227. Elsevier.
  • Mpofu, E., McDaniels, B.W., Watts, J. (2022). Trauma Survivorship and Disability. Trauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions for Managing Trauma, Stress, Crisis, and Disaster (2nd ed.).
  • McDaniels, B., Bishop, M., Rumrill, P.D. (2021). Quality of Life for People with Neurological Conditions. Principles and Practices of Disability Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach. 303-324. New York, NY, Springer Publishing Company.
  • Watts, J., McDaniels, B.W., Rivera, S., Resiak, D., Mpofu, E., Redwine, S. (2021). Community Substance Use Safety. Sustainable Community Health. 201-237. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ysasi, N.A., McDaniels, B. (2018). Challenges faced by veterans residing in rural communities.. Disability and vocational rehabilitation in rural settings: Challenges to service delivery. 11. New York, NY, Springer.
  • Bishop, M., McDaniels, B., Frain, M. (2018). Multiple sclerosis among rural residents: Treatment, psychosocial implications and vocational implications.. Disability and vocational rehabilitation in rural settings: Challenges to service delivery. 12. New York, NY, Springer.
  • McDaniels, B., Fleming, A. (2018). Research and evidence-based practices of vocational rehabilitation in rural, frontier, and territory communities.. Disability and vocational rehabilitation in rural settings: Challenges to service delivery. 19. New York, NY, Springer.
  • McDaniels, B., Kim, B., Harley, D.A. (2018). Sensory impairments among rural population in America. Disability and vocational rehabilitation in rural settings: Challenges to service delivery. 13. New York, NY, Springer.
  • McDaniels, B., Harley, D.A., Beach, D. (2018). Transportation accessibility and accommodation in rural communities.. Disability and vocational rehabilitation in rural settings: Challenges to service delivery. New York, NY, Springer.
  • Bishop, M., McDaniels, B. (2017). Human growth and development.. Certified rehabilitation counselor examination preparation: A concise guide to the rehabilitation counselor test. (2) 69-94. New York, NY, Springer Publishing Company.
  • Journal Article

  • Subramanian, i., Pushparatnam, K., McDaniels, B.W., Mathur, S., Post, B., Schrag, A. (2024). Delivering the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease- Setting the stage with hope and compassion.. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 118 105926.
  • Salinas, M., Yazdani, U., Oblack, A., McDaniels, B.W., Ahmed, N., Haque, B., Pouratian, N., Chitnis, S. (2024). Know DBS: Patient perceptions and knowledge of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease.. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. 17 1-9.
  • Bhattarai, M., McDaniels, B.W., Smedema, S. (2024). Pain and quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury: A mediating role of mindfulness, self-efficacy, social support, and functional independence.. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 80 (2) 406-420.
  • McDaniels, B.W., Lee, B., Rumrill, S., Edereka Great, K.O., Subramanian, I. (2023). The relationship between meaning in life and apathy in people with Parkinson’s disease: a cross-sectional analysis. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 35 (1) 91-99.
  • McDaniels, B.W., Pontone, G., Mathur, S., Subramanian, I. (2023). Staying hidden: The burden of stigma in PD. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 116 105838.
  • Pontone, G., McDaniels, B.W., Keener, A., Subramanian, I. (2023). A wellness prescription for Parkinson’s: Mid to late-stage disease.. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 31 (9) 737-747.
  • McDaniels, B.W., Subramanian, I., Kurian, S., Chitnis, S. (2023). Early-onset Parkinson’s disease: An assessment of unmet needs.. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 110 105395.
  • McDaniels, B.W., Pontone, G., Keener, A., Subramanian, I. (2023). A prescription for wellness in early PD: Just what the doctor ordered.. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology. 36 (6) 461-469.
  • Subramanian, I., McDaniels, B.W., Farahnik, J., Mischley, L. (2023). Childhood Trauma and Parkinson’s Disease: Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Disease Severity and Quality of Life.. Neurology Clinical Practice. 13 (2) 10 pages.
  • Lee, B., McDaniels, B.W., Rumrill, S., Reyes, A. (2023). The association between hope and employment among individuals with multiple sclerosis: A hierarchical logistic regression model.. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 74 (2) 531-538.
  • Lee, B., McDaniels, B.W., Grenawalt, T. (2022). Resilience as a Moderator in the Relationship between Disability Related Stress and Participation in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Psychology, Health & Medicine. (Early Online publication) 1-11.
  • Phillips, B., Fleming, A., McDaniels, B.W., Levine, A. (2022). Development and validation of the Satisfaction with Labor Market Participation. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. 65 (2) 108-119.
  • McDaniels, B., Lee, C., Bishop, M. (2022). Evaluating the psychometric properties of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Parkinson's Disease. 12 221-228.
  • McDaniels, B., Bishop, M. (2021). Participation and Psychological Capital in adults with Parkinson’s disease: Mediation analysis based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education. 35 (3) 144-157. New York, NY, Springer.
  • McDaniels, B., Bishop, M. (2021). Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health to predict participation in adults with Parkinson’s disease: The role of positive psychological capital.. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education. 87 (1) 71-79.
  • Phillips, B.N., Fleming, A.R., McDAniels, B.W., Levine, A. (2021). Initial validation of the satisfaction with labor market participation survey with a sample of adults with disabilities.. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. 65 (2) 108-119. Newbury Park, CA, Sage.
  • McDaniels, B., Braitsch, M., Novak, D., Chitnis, S. (2021). Parkinson’s disease and COVID-19: More than a minor inconvenience.. Journal of Rehabilitation. 87 (1) 71-79. National Rehabilitation Association.
  • Bishop, M., Rumrill, S., McDaniels, B., Lee , J., Fraser, R., Rumrill, P., Bhattarai, M., Park, M. (2020). Needs for information and resources among people with multiple sclerosis: A national analysis.. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling. 26 (2) 12. Cambridge University Press.
  • Phillips, B.N., Fleming, A.R., McDaniels, B.w., Nerlich, A.P., Gray, J., Rong, X. (2020). Systematic Review of Intervention Research in Rehabilitation Counseling and Related Settings From 2007 to 2018. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education. 35 (1) 12. New York, NY, Springer.
  • Kaya, C., Leslie, M., McDaniels, B., Cuevas, S., Wu, H., Rumrill, P., Wehman, P., Chan, F. (2020). Vocational rehabilitation factors associated with successful return to work outcomes for clients with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 52 145-156. IOS Press.
  • Bishop, M., Fraser, R., Lee, J., Rumrill, P.D., Burns, M., LaRocca, N., Frain, M., McDaniels, B., Lee, B. (2020). Life domains that are important to quality of life for people with multiple sclerosis: A population-based qualitative analysis.. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. IOS Press.
  • McDaniels, B. (2019). An exploratory survey of the employment concerns and experiences of people with Parkinson’s disease: Implications for rehabilitation research, policy, and education.. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education. 33 (1) 104-110. Springer Publishing Company.
  • Adams, C., Corbin, A., O'Hara, L., Park, M., Sheppard-Jones, K., Butler, L., Umeasiegbu, V., McDaniels, B., Bishop, M. (2019). Qualitative analysis of the employment needs and barriers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in rural areas.. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 50 (3) 227-240. National Rehabilitation Counseling Association.
  • Bishop, M., Frain, M., Lee, J., Chiu, C., McDaniels, B., Kim, B. (2019). The Multiple Sclerosis Self-Management Scale-2: Evaluation of an updated scale.. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 50 (3) 210-226. National Rehabilitation Counseling Association.
  • Chiu, C., Bishop, M., McDaniels, B., Kim, B., Tiro, L. (2018). A population-based investigation of healthcare needs and preferences in American adults with MS. 1-8. Sage.
  • McDaniels, B., Fleming, A. (2018). Sexual Health Education: A Missing Piece in Transition Services for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities?. Journal of Rehabilitation. 84 (3) 28-38. Alexandria, VA, National Rehabilitation Association.
  • McDaniels, B. (2018). Employment issues and vocational rehabilitation considerations for people with Parkinson’s disease: A review of the literature and a call to action. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 48 297-303. Clifton, VA, IoS Press.
  • Bishop, M., Fleming, A., Tiro, L., McDaniels, B. (2017). Critical readings for doctoral training in rehabilitation counseling: A consensus-building approach. Journal of Rehabilitation. 83 (1) 3-10. Alexandra, VA, American Rehabilitation Association.
  • Ysasi, N., Kerwin, S., Marini, I., McDaniels, B., Antol, D. (2016). A comprehensive literature review of secondary complications of spinal cord injury.. 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era.
  • Ysasi, N.A., Marini, I., McDaniels, B., Chen, R., Dunkley, L., Kerwin, S. (2016). Physiatrists’ professional opinions of secondary complications after SCI.. Journal of Life Care Planning. 14 (1) 12.
  • McDaniels, B., Fleming, A. (2016). Sexuality education and intellectual disability: Time to address the challenge.. Sexuality and Disability. 34 (1) 11.
  • McDaniels, B. (2016). Disproportionate opportunities: Fostering vocational choice for individuals with intellectual disabilities.. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 45 19-25. Alexandria, VA, iOS Press.
  • Monograph

  • Bishop, M., Strauser, D., Chan, F., Leahy, M., McDaniels, B., Onsess, M., Kinyanjui, B. (2015). Project to inform the revision of the CORE Graduate Educational Standards for the Council on Rehabilitation Education: Final Report. Council on Rehabilitation Education.
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was