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Craig S. Neumann

Title: Professor

Department: Psychology

College: College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Kansas, 1994
    Major: Psychology
    Specialization: Clinical Psychology
    Dissertation: Structural Equation Modeling of Symptoms of Alcoholism and Psychopathology
  • MA, University of Kansas, 1990
    Major: Psychology
    Specialization: Clinical Psychology
    Dissertation: Self-Handicapping and Attribute Ambiguity
  • BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1986
    Major: Psychology

Current Scheduled Teaching

PSYC 6950.720Doctoral DissertationSpring 2025
PSYC 5900.738Special ProblemsSpring 2025
PSYC 6900.716Special ProblemsSpring 2025

Previous Scheduled Teaching

PSYC 6950.704Doctoral DissertationFall 2024
PSYC 1630.005General Psychology IFall 2024 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2024
PSYC 6820.701PracticumFall 2024
PSYC 6830.714PracticumFall 2024 SPOT
PSYC 6950.722Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2024
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.720Doctoral DissertationSpring 2024
PSYC 6610.703Independent ResearchSpring 2024
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2024
PSYC 5780.001PsychopathologySpring 2024 SPOT
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2023
PSYC 1630.001General Psychology IFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2023
PSYC 6820.701PracticumFall 2023 SPOT
PSYC 5900.718Special ProblemsFall 2023
PSYC 5900.738Special ProblemsFall 8W2 2023
PSYC 6910.718Special ProblemsFall 2023
PSYC 6950.722Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2023
PSYC 5950.720Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2023
PSYC 5900.737Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2023
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.716Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
PSYC 5950.716Master's ThesisSpring 2023
PSYC 5780.001PsychopathologySpring 2023 SPOT
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
PSYC 6820.704PracticumFall 2022 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2022 SPOT
PSYC 5950.720Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2022
PSYC 5900.737Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2022
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.716Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
PSYC 5950.716Master's ThesisSpring 2022
PSYC 6900.716Special ProblemsSpring 2022
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
PSYC 6835.002External Research PracticumFall 2021
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2021
PSYC 6820.704PracticumFall 2021 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2021 SPOT
PSYC 5900.718Special ProblemsFall 2021
PSYC 6910.718Special ProblemsFall 2021
PSYC 6835.002External Research PracticumSummer 10W 2021
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSpring 2021
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2020
PSYC 3000.001Positive PsychologyFall 2020
PSYC 6820.702PracticumFall 2020 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2020
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2020
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2020
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2020 Syllabus
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2020
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2019
PSYC 6820.704PracticumFall 2019 SPOT
MUPH 5016.001Psychology in Performing Arts HealthFall 2019 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2019 SPOT
PSYC 5900.718Special ProblemsFall 2019
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2019
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2019
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2019
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2018
PSYC 6820.704PracticumFall 2018 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2018 SPOT
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2018
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2018
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2018
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2017
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2017
PSYC 6820.701PracticumFall 2017 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2017 SPOT
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2017
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2017
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSpring 2017
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2016
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2016
PSYC 6820.702PracticumFall 2016 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2016 SPOT
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsFall 2016
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2016
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
PSYC 6835.002External Research PracticumSpring 2016
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2015
PSYC 6820.702PracticumFall 2015 SPOT
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2015 SPOT
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsFall 2015
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2015
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2015 Syllabus
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2015
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2014
PSYC 6820.702PracticumFall 2014
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2014
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsFall 2014
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2014
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2014 Syllabus
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2014
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2014
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2013
PSYC 6820.702PracticumFall 2013
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2013
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2013
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2013
PSYC 5910.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2013
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2013
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2013
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2013
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2012
PSYC 1630.003General Psychology IFall 2012 Syllabus
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2012
PSYC 6820.702PracticumFall 2012
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2012
PSYC 5900.718Special ProblemsFall 2012
PSYC 4600.001History and SystemsSummer 5W2 2012
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2012
PSYC 5900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2012
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2012
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2012 Syllabus
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2012
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2012
PSYC 4900.718Special ProblemsSpring 2012
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSpring 2012
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2011
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2011
PSYC 5780.002PsychopathologyFall 2011
PSYC 4900.718Special ProblemsFall 2011
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsFall 2011
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2011
PSYC 4600.001History and SystemsSummer 5W2 2011
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2011
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2011 Syllabus
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2011
PSYC 4950.718Honors ThesisSpring 2011
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2011
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2010
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2010
PSYC 6820.705PracticumFall 2010
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsFall 2010
PSYC 4600.001History and SystemsSummer 5W2 2010
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2010
PSYC 4900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2010
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2010
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2010 Syllabus
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2010
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2010
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2009
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2009
PSYC 6820.705PracticumFall 2009
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2009
PSYC 4600.001History and Systems of PsychologySummer 5W2 2009
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2009
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2009
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2009
PSYC 6830.705PracticumSpring 2009
PSYC 4910.718Special ProblemsSpring 2009
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSpring 2009
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2008
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2008
PSYC 6820.705PracticumFall 2008
PSYC 4900.718Special ProblemsFall 2008
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2008
PSYC 4600.001History and Systems of PsychologySummer 5W2 2008
PSYC 4900.702Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2008
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2008
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2008
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2008
PSYC 6830.702PracticumSpring 2008
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2007
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisFall 2007
PSYC 6820.702PracticumFall 2007
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2007
PSYC 4600.001History and Systems of PsychologySummer 5W2 2007
PSYC 6900.718Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2007
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2007
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2007
PSYC 5950.718Master's ThesisSpring 2007
PSYC 6830.704PracticumSpring 2007
PSYC 4900.706Special ProblemsSpring 2007
PSYC 6950.713Doctoral DissertationFall 2006
PSYC 5950.705Master's ThesisFall 2006
PSYC 6820.704PracticumFall 2006
PSYC 4900.703Special ProblemsFall 2006
PSYC 6950.702Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2006
PSYC 4600.001History and Systems of PsychologySummer 5W2 2006
PSYC 6610.704Psychology Research Seminar and PracticumSummer 10W 2006
PSYC 4900.702Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2006
PSYC 4610.001Abnormal PsychologySpring 2006
PSYC 6830.704Advanced PracticumSpring 2006
PSYC 6950.707Doctoral DissertationSpring 2006
PSYC 5950.713Master's ThesisSpring 2006
PSYC 4900.703Special ProblemsSpring 2006
PSYC 6900.706Special ProblemsSpring 2006
PSYC 6950.713Doctoral DissertationFall 2005
PSYC 5950.705Master's ThesisFall 2005
PSYC 4900.703Special ProblemsFall 2005
PSYC 6950.702Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2005
PSYC 6950.703Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2005
PSYC 4600.001History and Systems of PsychologySummer 5W2 2005
PSYC 5950.704Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2005
PSYC 6900.702Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2005
PSYC 6900.704Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2005
PSYC 6910.702Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2005
PSYC 6830.711Advanced PracticumSpring 2005
PSYC 6200.004Advanced Topics Seminar in PsychologySpring 2005
PSYC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationSpring 2005
PSYC 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2005
PSYC 6820.709Advanced PracticumFall 2004
PSYC 5780.003Advanced PsychopathologyFall 2004
PSYC 6950.722Doctoral DissertationFall 2004
PSYC 5950.706Master's ThesisFall 2004

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Thomson, N.D., Kj\aervik, Sophie L, Neumann, C.S. (2025). Psychopathy and violence. Handbook of Gun Violence. 145--156. Academic Press.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S. (2018). Psychopathy and emotion regulation: Taking stock and moving forward. Routledge international handbook of psychopathy and crime. 76--97. Routledge.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S., Mokros, A. (2018). The PCL-R assessment of psychopathy: Development, properties, debates, and new directions.. (2nd) 39-79. New York, NY, Guilford Press.
  • Neumann, C.S., Kosson, D.S., Salekin, R.T. (2017). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the psychopathy construct: Methodological and conceptual issues. The Psychopath. 79-104. Routledge.
  • Neumann, C.S., Vitacco, M.J., Mokros, A.S. (2016). Using both variable-centered and person-centered approaches to understanding psychopathic personality. The Clinical and Forensic Assessment of Psychopathy: A Practitioner’s Guide. 14–31. Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Neumann, C.S., Vitacco, M.J., Mokros, A.S. (2015). Using Both Variable-Centered and Person-Centered Approaches to Understanding Psychopathic Personality 1. The clinical and forensic assessment of psychopathy. 14--31. Routledge.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2013). Psychopathie als klinisches und empirisches Konstrukt. Behandlung von Straftätern. 123-161. Centaurus Verlag & Media, Herbolzheim.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2013). Psychopathie als klinisches und empirisches Konstrukt. Behandlung von Straftätern. 123–161. Centaurus Verlag & Media.
  • Uzieblo, K., Gordts, S., Neumann, C.S., Van Den Bussche, E., Rossi, G. (2013). Uzieblo, K. Gordts, S., Neumann, C., Van den Bussche, E., Rossi, G.(2013). Evaluating the factor structure and external validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale in a large community sample. Poster presented at The Society for Scientific Study of Psychopathy, June 6-8, Washington DC (USA).. Unknown.
  • Hayslip, Jr, B., Smith, G.C. (2012). The role of resilience in mediating stressor-outcome relationships among grandparents raising their grandchildren. Resilient Grandparent Caregivers. 64-85. Routledge.
  • Hare, R. D., & Neumann, C. S.. (2009). Psychopathy and Its Assessment. In P. Corr & G. Matthews (Eds.), In Cambridge Handbook of Personality.
  • Hare, R. D., & Neumann, C. S.. (2009). Psychopathy. In P. Blaney and T. Millon (Eds.). Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology Oxford.
  • Neumann, C. S., Kosson, D., & Salekin, R.. (2007). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the psychopathy construct: Methodological and conceptual issues. In H. Herve and J. Yuille (eds.)..
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S. (2007). The clinical assessment of psychopathy. Learning forensic assessment. 141-164. Routledge.
  • Vitacco, M. J., & Neumann, C. S.. (2007). The Clinical Assessment of Psychopathy. In R. L. Jackson (Ed.), Learning Forensic Assessment.
  • Hayslip, B., Neumann, C. S., Louden, L., & Chapman, B.. (2006). Developmental stage theories. In J. C. Thomas and D. L. Segal (Eds.) Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology: Volume I, Personality and Everyday Functioning.
  • Hare, R. D., & Neumann, C. S.. (2006). The PCL-R assessment of psychopathy: Development, structural properties, and new directions. In C. Patrick (Ed.), Handbook of Psychopathy.
  • Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S. (2003). Conceptual issues and explanatory models of malingering. Malingering and illness deception. 71–82.
  • Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Halligan, P.W., Bass, C., Oakley, D.A. (2003). Conceptual issues and explanatory models of malingering. Malingering and illness deception: Clinical and theoretical perspectives. 71-82. Oxford University Press.
  • Neumann, C. S. & Walker, E. F.. (1999). Interpersonal deficits in schizophrenia; developmental origins and implications. In K.T. Mueser and N. Tarrier (Eds.).
  • Neumann, C.S., Walker, E.F. (1996). Childhood neuromotor soft signs, behavior problems, and adult psychopathology. Advances in clinical child psychology. 173–203. Springer US.
  • Walker, E. F. & Neumann, C. S.. (1996). The role of central nervous system maturation in the expression of congenital neuropathology..
  • Walker, E., Weinstein, J., Baum, K., Neumann, C.S. (1995). Antecedents of schizophrenia: Moderating effects of development and biological sex. Search for the causes of schizophrenia. 21-42. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Neumann, C. S. & Walker, E. F.. (1995). Childhood neuromotor soft signs, behavior problems, and adult psychopathology..
  • Walker, E. F., Weinstein, J., Baum, K., & Neumann, C. S.. (1994). Antecedents of schizophrenia:  Moderating influences of age and biological sex..
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Shafer, M., Neumann, C.S., Mayfield, J.W., Koch, S. Cluster analysis of the WISC-III factor index for children with TBI. 22 835-835. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON ….
  • Gordts, S., Uzieblo, K., Neumann, C.S., Van den Bussche, E., Rossi, G. Construct validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale.
  • Uzieblo, K., Gordts, S., Neumann, C.S., Van Den Bussche, E., Rossi, G. Evaluating the Factor Structure and External Validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale in a Large Community Sample.
  • Neumann, C.S., Shafer, M.E., Mayfield, J.W. Examining the factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-: confirmatory factor analysis with a group of children with traumatic brain injuries. 18 776-776. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON ….
  • Uzieblo, K., De Bruyn, K., Huys, W., Bijttebier, P., Goethals, K., Neumann, C.S. Validity of the hare self-report psychopathy scales in a sample of sex offenders. 15-15. Thomas More.
  • Uzieblo, K., De Bruyn, K., Huys, W., Bijttebier, P., Goethals, K., Neumann, C.S. (2014). Validity of the hare self-report psychopathy scales in a sample of sex offenders. The treatment of psychopathy: Making the impossible possible?. 15–15.
  • Gray, N., Dickson, T., Neumann, C.S., McIndoe, N., Gaylor, H., O'Carroll, R. (2009). A pilot study of psychological factors affecting adherence to disease modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis. PSYCHOLOGY \& HEALTH. 24 192--193.
  • Shafer, M., Neumann, C., Mayfield, J., Koch, S. (2007). Cluster analysis of the WISC-III factor index for children with TBI. ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY. 22 (7) 835–835.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S. (2007). Learning Forensic Assessment. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Neumann, C., Shafer, M., Mayfield, J. (2003). Examining the factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-: confirmatory factor analysis with a group of children with traumatic brain injuries. ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY. 18 (7) 776–776.
  • Generic

  • Neumann, C.S. (2017).
  • Neumann, C.S. (2009).
  • Journal Article

  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. 38 Psychopathy and its measurement. Other. 660.
  • Hare, R.R., León-Mayer, E., Folino, J.O., Neumann, C.S. Aproximación diagnóstica de psicopatía mediante instrumento autoinformado.
  • Neumann, C.S., Folino, J.O., Hare, R.D. Elizabeth Le\'on-Mayer.
  • Neumann, C.S., Folino, J.O., Hare, R.D. Elizabeth León-Mayer.
  • Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Johansson, P.T., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Johansson, P.T. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.
  • Foulkes, L., Viding, E., McCrory, E., Neumann, C.S. Social Reward Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Zwets, A.J., Hornsveld, R.H., Neumann, C.S., Muris, P., van Marle, Hjalmar J. C. The four-factor model of the PCL-R: Validation in a Dutch forensic sample.
  • Hare, R.D., Olver, M.E., Stockdale, K.C., Neumann, C.S., Mokros, A., Baskin-Sommers, A., Brand, E., Folino, J., Gacono, C., Gray, N.S., others. The PCL-R and Capital Sentencing: Reply to DeMatteo et al.(2020b).
  • Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J.D., Miller, J., Lynam, D., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N., Snowden, R., Neumann, C.S. Triarchic or Septarchic?-Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) Structure Sandeep Roy University of North Texas Colin Vize Purdue University.
  • Lewine, R., Neumann, C.S., Mittal, V., Watt, N. Using childhood home movies of adult schizophrenia patients to investigate the development of physical and behavioural abnormalities. Other. 235.
  • Olver, M., Stockdale, K., Neumann, C.S., Mokros, A., Hare, R., Baskin-Sommers, A., Brand, E., Folino, J., Gacono, C., Gray, N.S., others. Validity and Reliability of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in the Assessment of Risk for Institutional Violence: A Cautionary Note on DeMatteo et al.(2020)..
  • Kim, E.Y., Xu, C., Neumann, C.S. (2024). Assessment of psychopathy among justice-involved adult males with low versus average intelligence: Differential links to violent offending.. Psychological Assessment. 36 (1) 81. American Psychological Association.
  • Milillo, M.M., Neumann, C.S., Maurer, J.M., Jin, C., Commerce, E., Reynolds, B.L., Harenski, C.L., Kiehl, K.A. (2024). Association between traumatic brain injury and psychopathic traits among justice-involved adolescents. Other. 1--13. Springer US.
  • Ng, N.L., Neumann, C.S., Luke, D.M., Gawronski, B. (2024). Associations of aversive (‘dark’) traits and affiliative (‘light’) traits with moral-dilemma judgments: A preregistered exploratory analysis using the CNI model. Journal of Research in Personality. 109 104450. Academic Press.
  • Ng, N.L., Neumann, C.S., Luke, D.M., Gawronski, B. (2024). Associations of aversive (‘dark’) traits and affiliative (‘light’) traits with moral-dilemma judgments: A preregistered exploratory analysis using the CNI model. Journal of Research in Personality. 109 104450. Academic Press.
  • Su, C.C., Ruggero, C., Neumann, C.S., Cicero, D.C. (2024). Measurement Equivalence of Family Functioning and Psychosis Risk Measures in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentSM Study. Assessment. 10731911241298079. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Neumann, C.S., Salekin, R.T., Commerce, E., Charles, N.E., Barry, C.T., Mendez, B., Hare, R.D. (2024). Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder (PSCD) scale: A Latent Profile Analysis with At-Risk Adolescents. Other. 52 (3) 369--383. Springer US New York.
  • Bellamy, N.A., Neumann, C.S., Mendez, B., Batky, B.D., DeGroot, H.R., Hare, R.D., Salekin, R.T. (2024). Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder (PSCD): Further validation of the parent-report version in a nationally representative US sample of 10-to 17-year-olds.. Psychological Assessment. 36 (3) 175. American Psychological Association.
  • Ngo, D., Neumann, C.S., Maurer, J.M., Harenski, C., Kiehl, K.A. (2024). Psychopathic traits in adult versus adolescent males: Measurement invariance across the PCL-R and PCL: YV. Behavioral Sciences. 14 (8) 672. MDPI.
  • Neumann, C.S., Kaufman, S.B., ten Brinke, L. (2024). The democratic status of governments is linked to malevolent versus benevolent dispositions and wellbeing among its citizens.
  • Milillo, M.M., Cappelle, T., Clarke, G.J., Neumann, C.S., Maurer, J.M., Anderson, N., Harenski, C.L., Arciniegas, D., Decety, J., Koenigs, M., others. (2024). Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychopathic Traits in Justice-involved Adult Males.
  • Su, C.C., Ruggero, C., Neumann, C.S., Cicero, D.C. (2024). Measurement Equivalence of Family Functioning and Psychosis Risk Measures in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development(SM) Study.. Assessment. 10731911241298079.
  • Trajtenberg, Nicol\'as, de Ribera, Olga S\'anchez, Nivette, A., Le\'on-Mayer, Elizabeth, Neumann, C.S. (2023). Assessing the validity of self-report of psychopathy short-form (SRP-SF) in incarcerated offenders from Chile and Uruguay. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 87 101867. Pergamon.
  • Kim, E.Y., Xu, C., Neumann, C.S. (2023). Assessment of psychopathy among justice-involved adult males with low versus average intelligence: Differential links to violent offending.. Psychological Assessment. American Psychological Association.
  • Rodriguez, S.N., Gullapalli, A.R., Tirrell, P.S., Maurer, J.M., Egala, U., Edwards, B.G., Anderson, N.E., Harenski, C.L., Decety, J., Neumann, C.S., others. (2023). Automated patterns of head dynamics are associated with psychopathic traits in incarcerated women. Personality and Individual Differences. 200 111904. Pergamon.
  • Dotterer, H.L., Vazquez, A.Y., Hyde, L.W., Neumann, C.S., Santtila, P., Pezzoli, P., Johansson, A., Burt, S.A. (2023). Elucidating the role of negative parenting in the genetic v. environmental influences on adult psychopathic traits. Psychological Medicine. 53 (3) 897--907. Cambridge University Press.
  • Neumann, C.S., Salekin, R.T., Commerce, E., Charles, N.E., Barry, C.T., Mendez, B., Hare, R.D. (2023). Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder (PSCD) scale: A Latent Profile Analysis with At-Risk Adolescents. Other. 1--15. Springer US New York.
  • Shold, J.N., Maurer, J.M., Reynolds, B.L., Gullapalli, A.R., Allen, C.H., Edwards, B.G., Anderson, N.E., Harenski, C.L., Neumann, C.S., Kiehl, K.A. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Trauma Checklist 2.0 and its predictive utility of felony re-offending among high-risk juvenile offenders. Other. 17 (1) 111. BioMed Central London.
  • Tacke, L.J., Lishner, D.A., Knepple Carney, A., Vitacco, M.J., Saltigerald, B., Jacquez, H.R., Hillman, V., Meendering, M., Burgess, B., Smith, A., others. (2023). Psychopathy and COVID-19: Callousness, impulsivity, and motivational reasons for engaging in prevention behavior. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 17 (12) e12900.
  • Brazil, K.J., Roy, S., Bubeleva, K.V., Neumann, C.S. (2023). Sexual assault proclivity and sexual aggression in college men: Associations with psychopathic traits and sex drive. Journal of Criminal Justice. 87 102089. Pergamon.
  • Cappelle, T., Neumann, C.S., Cook, A.M., Kim, E.Y., Harenski, C.L., Edwards, B.G., Clarke, G.J., Decety, J., Kiehl, K.A. (2023). Traumatic brain injury and psychopathic traits in justice-involved adult women. Journal of Personality Disorders. 37 (2) 195--212. Guilford Publications Inc..
  • Roy, S., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D. (2023). Validating latent profiles of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised with a large sample of incarcerated men.. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Plate, R., Jones, C., Zhao, S., Flum, M., Steinberg, J., Daley, G., Corbett, N., Neumann, C.S., Waller, R. (2023). “But not the music”: psychopathic traits and difficulties recognising and resonating with the emotion in music. Cognition and Emotion. 1--15. Routledge.
  • Mark, D., Roy, S., Walsh, H., Neumann, C.S. (2022). Antisocial personality disorder.. American Psychological Association.
  • Seara-Cardoso, A., Vasconcelos, M., Sampaio, A., Neumann, C.S. (2022). Neural correlates of psychopathy: A comprehensive review. Other. 43--73. Academic Press.
  • Salekin, R.T., Charles, N.E., Barry, C.T., Hare, R.D., Batky, B.D., Mendez, B., Neumann, C.S. (2022). Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder (PSCD): Factor structure and psychometric properties in a residential school facility.. Psychological Assessment. American Psychological Association.
  • Kim, E.Y., Xu, C., Bubeleva, K.V., Neumann, C.S. (2022). Psychopathy. Elsevier.
  • Hare, R.D., Le\'on-Mayer, Elizabeth, Salinas, J.R., Folino, J., Neumann, C.S. (2022). Psychopathy and crimes against humanity: A conceptual and empirical examination of human rights violators. Journal of Criminal Justice. 81 101901. Pergamon.
  • Roy, S., Neumann, C.S. (2022). The Self-Report Psychopathy Scale--Fourth Edition. Other. 128. Hogrefe Publishing GmbH.
  • Plate, R.C., Zhao, S., Katz, C., Graber, E., Daley, G., Corbett, N., All, K., Neumann, C.S., Waller, R. (2021). Are you laughing with me or at me? Psychopathic traits and the ability to distinguish between affiliation and dominance laughter cues. Journal of Personality.
  • Hollerbach, P., Olderbak, S., Wilhelm, O., Montag, C., Jung, S., Neumann, C.S., Habermeyer, E., Mokros, A. (2021). Associations of the MAOA uVNTR genotype and 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 haplotype with psychopathic traits. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 105275. Pergamon.
  • Ng, N.L., Neumann, C.S., Luke, D., Gawronski, B. (2021). Effects of Dark and Light Traits on Moral Judgment. OSF.
  • Dotterer, H.L., Vazquez, A.Y., Hyde, L.W., Neumann, C.S., Santtila, P., Pezzoli, P., Johansson, A., Burt, S.A. (2021). Elucidating the role of negative parenting in the genetic v. environmental influences on adult psychopathic traits. Psychological Medicine. 1--11. Cambridge University Press.
  • Neumann, C.S., Jones, D.N., Paulhus, D.L. (2021). Examining the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4) Across Models, Correlates, and Gender. Assessment. 1073191120986624. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Roy, S., Neumann, C., Jones, D., Garic,, A., \vSram, Z. (2021). Psychopathic propensities contribute to social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism in predicting prejudicial attitudes in a large European sample. Other. 168 (110355) Elsevier.
  • Luke, D.M., Neumann, C.S., Gawronski, B. (2021). Psychopathy and Moral-Dilemma Judgment: An Analysis Using the Four-Factor Model of Psychopathy and the CNI Model of Moral Decision-Making. Clinical Psychological Science. 21677026211043862. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2021). Psychopathy and traumatic brain injury (TBI). OSF Preprints.
  • Hauser, N.C., Neumann, C.S., Marshall, J., Mokros, A. (2021). Rational, emotional, or both? Subcomponents of psychopathy predict opposing moral decisions. Other.
  • Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van, Dongen, J. D. M., Miller, J. D., Lynam,, D. R., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros,, A., Gray, N. S., Snowden, R., \&, Neumann, C.S. (2021). The perils of untested assumptions in theory testing: A reply to Patrick et al. (2020).. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 12 (1) 24028.
  • Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J.D., Miller, J.D., Lynam, D.R., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N.S., others. (2021). The perils of untested assumptions in theory testing: A reply to Patrick et al.(2020).. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J.D., Miller, J., Lynam, D., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N.S., others. (2021). Triarchic or septarchic??Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure?s (TriPM) structure.. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 12 (1) 1. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Dornbach-Bender, A., Ruggero, C., Smith, P., Schuler, K., Bennett, C.B., Neumann, C.S., Callahan, J.L. (2020). Association of behavioral activation system sensitivity to lower level facets of positive affect in daily life. Personality and Individual Differences. 152 109570.
  • Dornbach-Bender, A., Ruggero, C., Smith, P., Schuler, K., Bennett, C.B., Neumann, C.S., Callahan, J.L. (2020). Association of behavioral activation system sensitivity to lower level facets of positive affect in daily life. Personality and Individual Differences. 152 109570. Pergamon.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Mark, D. (2020). Associations between psychopathy and the trait meta-mood scale in incarcerated males: A combined latent variable-and person-centered approach. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 0093854819891460.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Mark, D. (2020). Associations between psychopathy and the trait meta-mood scale in incarcerated males: A combined latent variable-and person-centered approach. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 47 (3) 331--351. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Luo, J., Wang, M., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Salekin, R.T. (2020). Factor structure and construct validity of the Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder (PSCD) scale in Chinese adolescents. Assessment. 1073191120949914. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Longpr\'e, Nicholas, Sims-Knight, J.E., Neumann, C.S., Guay, J., Knight, R.A. (2020). Is paraphilic coercion a different construct from sadism or the lower end of an agonistic continuum?. Journal of Criminal Justice. 71 101743. Pergamon.
  • Neumann, C.S., Kaufman, S.B., ten Brinke, L., Yaden, D.B., Hyde, E., Tsykayama, E. (2020). Light and dark trait subtypes of human personality--A multi-study person-centered approach. Personality and Individual Differences. 164 110121. Pergamon.
  • Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J.D., Miller, J.D., Lynam, D.R., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N.S., others. (2020). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Velotti, P. (2020). Psychopathy and aggression: The role of emotion dysregulation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 0886260519900946. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Kosson, D.S., Velotti, P. (2020). Psychopathy and emotion dysregulation: More than meets the eye. Psychiatry Research. 290 113160. Elsevier.
  • Waller, R., Corbett, N., Raine, A., Wagner, N.J., Broussard, A., Edmonds, D., Reardon, S., Jones, C., Itkin-Ofer, M., Schell, T., others. (2020). Reduced sensitivity to affiliation and psychopathic traits.. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Olver, M.E., Stockdale, K.C., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Mokros, A., Baskin-Sommers, A., Brand, E., Folino, J., Gacono, C., Gray, N.S., others. (2020). Reliability and validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in the assessment of risk for institutional violence: A cautionary note on DeMatteo et al.(2020).. American Psychological Association.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2020). Structural equation modeling of the associations between amygdala activation, personality, and internalizing, externalizing symptoms of psychopathology. Other. 3 Cambridge University Press.
  • Mokros, A., Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S., Habermeyer, E. (2020). Subtypes and variations of psychopathic disorders. Other. 107--143. John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd Chichester, UK.
  • Hare, R.D., Olver, M.E., Stockdale, K.C., Neumann, C.S., Mokros, A., Baskin-Sommers, A., Brand, E., Folino, J., Gacono, C., Gray, N.S., others. (2020). The PCL--R and capital sentencing: A commentary on ?Death is different? DeMatteo et al.(2020a).. American Psychological Association.
  • Lehmann, R.J., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Biedermann, J., Dahle, K., Mokros, A. (2019). A latent profile analysis of violent offenders based on PCL-R factor scores: criminogenic needs and recidivism risk. Other. 10
  • Lehmann, R.J., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Biedermann, J\"urgen, Dahle, K., Mokros, A. (2019). A latent profile analysis of violent offenders based on PCL-R factor scores: criminogenic needs and recidivism risk. Other. 10 627. Frontiers.
  • GAROFALO, C., Neumann, C.S. (2019). AssociAtions Between PsychoPAthy And the trAit MetA-Mood scAle in incArcerAted MAles.
  • Walsh, H., Roy, S., Lasslett, H., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Differences and similarities in how psychopathic traits predict attachment insecurity in females and males. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 41 (4) 537-548.
  • Walsh, H., Roy, S., Lasslett, H., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Differences and similarities in how psychopathic traits predict attachment insecurity in females and males. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 41 (4) 537--548. Springer US.
  • Thomson, N.D., Aboutanos, M., Kiehl, K.A., Neumann, C.S., Galusha, C., Fanti, K.A. (2019). Physiological reactivity in response to a fear-induced virtual reality experience: Associations with psychopathic traits. Psychophysiology. 56 (1) e13276.
  • Thomson, N.D., Aboutanos, M., Kiehl, K.A., Neumann, C.S., Galusha, C., Fanti, K.A. (2019). Physiological reactivity in response to a fear‐induced virtual reality experience: Associations with psychopathic traits. Psychophysiology. 56 (1) e13276.
  • Seara-Cardoso, A., Queirós, A., Fernandes, E., Coutinho, J., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Psychometric properties and construct validity of the short version of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale in a Southern European sample. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-12.
  • Seara-Cardoso, A., Queir\'os, Andreia, Fernandes, Eug\'enia, Coutinho, J., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Psychometric properties and construct validity of the short version of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale in a Southern European sample. Journal of Personality Assessment. Routledge.
  • DeLisle, A., Walsh, H., Holtz, P., Callahan, J.L., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Rape myth acceptance, male gender role norms, attitudes towards women, and psychopathic traits in a military sample. Personality and Individual Differences. 144 125-131.
  • DeLisle, A., Walsh, H., Holtz, P., Callahan, J.L., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Rape myth acceptance, male gender role norms, attitudes towards women, and psychopathic traits in a military sample. Personality and Individual Differences. 144 125--131. Pergamon.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Meloy, J.R. (2019). Spiteful and contemptuous: A new look at the emotional experiences related to psychopathy. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 10 (2) 173.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Meloy, J.R. (2019). Spiteful and contemptuous: A new look at the emotional experiences related to psychopathy.. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 10 (2) 173. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • León-Mayer, E., Rocuant-Salinas, J., Eisenbarth, H., Folino, J., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Structural equation modeling of psychopathic traits in Chilean female offenders using the Self-Report Psychopathy-Short Form (SRP-SF) Scale: a comparison of gender-based item modifications versus standard items. Other. 41 (1) 31-37.
  • Le\'on-Mayer, Elizabeth, Rocuant-Salinas, J., Eisenbarth, H., Folino, J., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Structural equation modeling of psychopathic traits in Chilean female offenders using the Self-Report Psychopathy-Short Form (SRP-SF) Scale: a comparison of gender-based item modifications versus standard items. Other. 41 (1) 31--37. Associa\cc\~ao Brasileira de Psiquiatria.
  • Vize, C., Roy, S., Uzbielo, K., van Dongen, J., Miller, J., Lynam, D., Brazil, I., Yoon, D.L., Mokros, A., Neumann, C.S. (2019). Triarchic or Septarchic?-Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure?s (TriPM) Structure. OSF Preprints.
  • Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J., Miller, J., Lynam, D., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N. (2019). Triarchic or septarchic?-uncovering the triarchic psychopathy measure’s (TriPM) structure. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.
  • Waller, R., Gard, A.M., Shaw, D.S., Forbes, E.E., Neumann, C.S., Hyde, L.W. (2019). Weakened functional connectivity between the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex is longitudinally related to psychopathic traits in low-income males during early adulthood. Clinical Psychological Science. 7 (3) 628-635.
  • Waller, R., Gard, A.M., Shaw, D.S., Forbes, E.E., Neumann, C.S., Hyde, L.W. (2019). Weakened functional connectivity between the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex is longitudinally related to psychopathic traits in low-income males during early adulthood. Clinical Psychological Science. 7 (3) 628--635. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Driessen, J.M., Fanti, K.A., Glennon, J.C., Neumann, C.S., Baskin-Sommers, A.R., Brazil, I.A. (2018). A comparison of latent profiles in antisocial male offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice. 57 47--55. Pergamon.
  • Olver, M.E., Neumann, C.S., Sewall, L.A., Lewis, K., Hare, R.D., Wong, S.C. (2018). A comprehensive examination of the psychometric properties of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in a Canadian multisite sample of indigenous and non-indigenous offenders. Psychological Assessment. 30 (6) 779.
  • Olver, M.E., Neumann, C.S., Kingston, D.A., Nicholaichuk, T.P., Wong, S.C. (2018). Construct Validity of the Violence Risk Scale--Sexual Offender Version Instrument in a Multisite Sample of Treated Sexual Offenders. Assessment. 25 (1) 40--55. Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Velotti, P. (2018). Difficulties in emotion regulation and psychopathic traits in violent offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice. 57 116--125. Pergamon.
  • Hollerbach, P., Johansson, A., Ventus, D., Jern, P., Neumann, C.S., Westberg, L., Santtila, P., Habermeyer, E., Mokros, A. (2018). Main and interaction effects of childhood trauma and the MAOA uVNTR polymorphism on psychopathy. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 95 106--112. Pergamon.
  • Hollerbach, P., Johansson, A., Ventus, D., Jern, P., Neumann, C.S., Westberg, L., Santilla, P., Habermeyer, E., Mokros, A., Briken, P. (2018). Nature or Nurture? Haupt-und Interaktionseffekte von Kindheitstraumata und genetischer Disposition auf Psychopathie. Other. (2018) 1-3.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Meloy, J.R. (2018). Spiteful and contemptuous: A new look at the emotional experiences related to psychopathy.. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Eisenbarth, H., Krammer, S., Edwards, B.G., Kiehl, K.A., Neumann, C.S. (2018). Structural analysis of the PCL-R and relationship to BIG FIVE personality traits and parenting characteristics in an Hispanic female offender sample. Personality and Individual Differences. 129 59--65. Pergamon.
  • Garofalo, C., Neumann, C.S. (2018). Taking stock and moving forward. Other.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S., Mokros, A. (2018). The PCL-R assessment of psychopathy: Development, properties, debates, and new directions.
  • Pajevic, M., Vukosavljevic-Gvozden, T., Stevanovic, N., Neumann, C.S. (2018). The relationship between the Dark Tetrad and a two-dimensional view of empathy. Personality and Individual Differences. 123 125--130. Pergamon.
  • Klein Haneveld, E., Neumann, C.S., Smid, W., Wever, E., Kamphuis, J.H. (2018). Treatment responsiveness of replicated psychopathy profiles. Law and Human Behavior. 42 (5) 484.
  • Waller, R., McCabe, H.K., Dotterer, H.L., Neumann, C.S., Hyde, L.W. (2018). Unique and interactive associations between maltreatment and complex emotion recognition deficits and psychopathic traits in an undergraduate sample. Journal of Personality Disorders. 32 (4) 543--561. Guilford Publications Inc..
  • Krstic, S., Neumann, C.S., Roy, S., Robertson, C.A., Knight, R.A., Hare, R.D. (2018). Using latent variable-and person-centered approaches to examine the role of psychopathic traits in sex offenders. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 9 (3) 207.
  • Sullivan, E.A., Contractor, A.A., Gerber, M., Neumann, C.S. (2017). Examination of polytrauma typologies: A latent class analysis approach. Psychiatry Research. 255 111-118.
  • Sullivan, E.A., Contractor, A.A., Gerber, M., Neumann, C.S. (2017). Examination of polytrauma typologies: A latent class analysis approach.. Psychiatry Research. 255 111-118.
  • Dotterer, H.L., Waller, R., Neumann, C.S., Shaw, D.S., Forbes, E.E., Hariri, A.R., Hyde, L.W. (2017). Examining the factor structure of the Self-Report of Psychopathy Short-Form across four young adult samples. Assessment. 24 (8) 1062-1079.
  • Hoppenbrouwers, S.S., Munneke, J., Kooiman, K.A., Little, B., Neumann, C.S., Theeuwes, J. (2017). Fearful faces do not lead to faster attentional deployment in individuals with elevated psychopathic traits. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 39 (4) 596--604. Springer US.
  • Krstic, S., Neumann, C.S., Roy, S., Robertson, C.A., Knight, R.A., Hare, R.D. (2017). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.
  • Krstic, S., Neumann, C.S., Roy, S., Robertson, C., Knight, R.A., Hare, R.D. (2017). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment (forthcoming).
  • Foulkes, L., Neumann, C.S., Roberts, R., McCrory, E., Viding, E. (2017). Social Reward QuestionnaireÑAdolescent Version and its association with callous--unemotional traits. Other. 4 (4) 160991. The Royal Society.
  • Foulkes, L., Neumann, C.S., Roberts, R., McCrory, E., Viding, E. (2017). Social Reward Questionnaire—Adolescent Version and its association with callous--unemotional traits. Other. 4 (4) 160991. The Royal Society Publishing.
  • Callahan, J.L., Neumann, C.S., Cox, R.J., Ruggero, C. (2017). The Supervisor Trainee Quarterly Evaluation (STQE): Psychometric support for use as a measure of competency. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 11 (3) 117.
  • Hoppenbrouwers, S., Munneke, J., Kooiman, K., Little, B., Neumann, C. (2017). Theeuwes J. Fearful Faces do Not Lead to Faster Attentional Deployment in.
  • Gordts, S., Uzieblo, K., Neumann, C.S., Van den Bussche, E., Rossi, G. (2017). Validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scales (SRP-III full and short versions) in a community sample. Assessment. 24 (3) 308--325. Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Olver, M.E., Neumann, C.S., Kingston, D.A., Nicholaichuk, T.P., Wong, S.C. (2016). Construct Validity of the Violence Risk Scale–Sexual Offender Version Instrument in a Multisite Sample of Treated Sexual Offenders. Assessment. 1073191116643819. Sage Publications.
  • Dotterer, H.L., Waller, R., Neumann, C.S., Shaw, D.S., Forbes, E.E., Hariri, A.R., Hyde, L.W. (2016). Examining the Factor Structure of the Self-Report of Psychopathy Short-Form Across Four Young Adult Samples. Assessment. 1073191116640355. SAGE Publications.
  • Baskin-Sommers, A.R., Neumann, C.S., Cope, L.M., Kiehl, K.A. (2016). Latent-variable modeling of brain gray-matter volume and psychopathy in incarcerated offenders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 125 (6) 811.
  • von Robert, D.H., Neumann, C.S. (2016). Psychopathie als klinisches und empirisches. Behandlung von Straftätern: Sozialtherapie, Maßregelvollzug, Sicherungsverwahrung. 26 123. Springer-Verlag.
  • Neumann, C.S., Weber, K., Lasslett, H. (2016). Psychopathy.
  • Voelker, D.K., Petrie, T.A., Neumann, C.S., Anderson, C.M. (2016). Psychosocial factors as longitudinal predictors of bulimic symptomatology among female collegiate athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 26 123–129. Elsevier.
  • Neumann, C.S., Vitacco, M.J., Mokros, A.S. (2016). Using both variable-centered and person-centered approaches to understanding psychopathic personality. The Clinical and Forensic Assessment of Psychopathy: A Practitioner’s Guide. 14-31.
  • Hoppenbrouwers, S.S., Neumann, C.S., Lewis, J., Johansson, P. (2015). A latent variable analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist–Revised and behavioral inhibition system/behavioral activation system factors in North American and Swedish offenders. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 6 (3) 251.
  • Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Pardini, D.A. (2015). Antisociality and the construct of psychopathy: Data from across the globe. Journal of Personality. 83 (6) 678–692.
  • Declercq, F., Carter, R., Neumann, C.S. (2015). Assessing psychopathic traits and criminal behavior in a young adult female community sample using the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 60 (4) 928–935.
  • Mathieu, C., Neumann, C.S., Babiak, P., Hare, R.D. (2015). Corporate psychopathy and the full-range leadership model. Assessment. 22 (3) 267–278. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Carré, J.M., Ortiz, T.L., Labine, B., Moreau, B.J., Viding, E., Neumann, C.S., Goldfarb, B. (2015). Digit ratio (2D: 4D) and psychopathic traits moderate the effect of exogenous testosterone on socio-cognitive processes in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 62 319–326. Pergamon.
  • Hoppenbrouwers, S.S., Neumann, C.S., Lewis, P.J. (2015). Latent variable analysis of the PCL-R and BIS-BAS factors in North American and Swedish offenders. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 6-3.
  • Baskin-Sommers, A.R., Brazil, I.A., Ryan, J., Kohlenberg, N.J., Neumann, C.S., Newman, J.P. (2015). Mapping the association of global executive functioning onto diverse measures of psychopathic traits. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 6 (4) 336–346. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Lishner, D.A., Hong, P.Y., Jiang, L., Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S. (2015). Psychopathy, narcissism, and borderline personality: A critical test of the affective empathy-impairment hypothesis. Personality and Individual Differences. 86 257–265. Pergamon.
  • León-Mayer, E., Folino, J.O., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D. (2015). The construct of psychopathy in a Chilean prison population. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. 37 (3) 191–196. Associacao Brasileira de Psiquiatria (ABP).
  • Zwets, A.J., Hornsveld, R.H., Neumann, C.S., Muris, P., van Marle, Hjalmar J. C. (2015). The four-factor model of the Psychopathy Checklist—Revised: Validation in a Dutch forensic inpatient sample. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 39 13-22.
  • Gordts, S., Uzieblo, K., Neumann, C.S., Van den Bussche, E., Rossi, G. (2015). Validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scales (SRP-III full and short versions) in a community sample. Assessment. 1073191115606205. Sage Publications.
  • Mokros, A., Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S., Santtila, P., Habermeyer, E., Nitschke, J. (2015). Variants of psychopathy in adult male offenders: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 124 (2) 372.
  • Mathieu, C., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Babiak, P. (2014). A dark side of leadership: Corporate psychopathy and its influence on employee well-being and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences. 59 83--88. Pergamon.
  • Mokros, A., Habermeyer, E., Neumann, C.S., Schilling, F., Hare, R.D., Eher, R. (2014). Assessment of Psychopathy in Austria. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. Hogrefe Publishing.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2014). Conceptualizing quality of college life.
  • Spitzer, M. (2014). Egoist, Psychopath, Pr\"asident?. Other. 33 (10) 728--733. Schattauer GmbH.
  • Anderson, N., Kiehl, K., Benning, S., Patrick, C., Hicks, B., Blonigen, D., Krueger, R., Dutton, K., Babiak, P., Neumann, C., others. (2014). Egoist, Psychopath, Pr\"asident? Zur Ph\"anomenologie, Pers\"onlichkeit, Entwicklung, Neurobiologie und Genetik des Homo oeconomicus (Teil I). Other. 33 (10) 728--733. Schattauer GmbH.
  • Dotterer, H.L., Waller, R., Neumann, C.S., Shaw, D.S., Forbes, E.E., Hariri, A.R., Hyde, L.W. (2014). Examining The Factor Structure Of The Self-Report Of Psychopathy Short Form Across 4 Samples. Other. 5
  • Neumann, C.S., Pardini, D. (2014). Factor structure and construct validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy (SRP) Scale and the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) in young men. Journal of Personality Disorders. 28 (3) 419–433. Guilford Publications Inc..
  • Foulkes, L., McCrory, E.J., Neumann, C.S., Viding, E. (2014). Inverted social reward: Associations between psychopathic traits and self-report and experimental measures of social reward. PLOS One. 9 (8) e106000. Public Library of Science.
  • Foulkes, L., Seara-Cardoso, A., Neumann, C.S., Rogers, J.S., Viding, E. (2014). Looking after number one: Associations between psychopathic traits and measures of social motivation and functioning in a community sample of males. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 36 (1) 22–29. Springer US.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S., Pardini, D.A. (2014). Predicting future criminal offending in a community-based sample of males using self-reported psychopathy. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 41 (3) 345–363. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2014). Psychopathic traits and insecure attachment patterns in community-based subgroups.
  • Foulkes, L., Viding, E., McCrory, E.J., Neumann, C.S. (2014). Social Reward Questionnaire (SRQ): development and validation. Frontiers in Psychology. 5 201. Frontiers.
  • Welker, K.M., Lozoya, E., Campbell, J.A., Neumann, C.S., Carré, J.M. (2014). Testosterone, cortisol, and psychopathic traits in men and women. Physiology & Behavior. 129 230–236. Elsevier.
  • León-Mayer, E., Neumann, C.S., Folino, J.O., Hare, R.D. (2013). A diagnose approach to psychopathy using a self-report instrument. Other. 55 (3) 251–264. Policía Nacional de Colombia.
  • Le\'on-Mayer, Elizabeth, Neumann, C.S., Folino, J.O., Hare, R.D. (2013). Aproximaci\'on diagn\'ostica de psicopat\'\ia mediante instrumento autoinformado. Other. 55 (3) 251--264. Polic\'\ia Nacional de Colombia.
  • León-Mayer, E., Neumann, C.S., Folino, J.O., Hare, R.D. (2013). Aproximación diagnóstica de psicopatía mediante instrumento autoinformado. Other. 55 (3) 251–264.
  • Yates, Iii, R.D. (2013). Attention and metacognition in the elaborated intrusion theory of desire.
  • Ernest, K.D. (2013). Correlates Between Adult Romantic Attachment Patterns and Dimensional Personality Pathology.
  • Seara-Cardoso, A., Dolberg, H., Neumann, C.S., Roiser, J.P., Viding, E. (2013). Empathy, morality and psychopathic traits in women. Personality and Individual Differences. 55 (3) 328–333. Pergamon.
  • Uzieblo, K., Gordts, S., Neumann, C.S., Van Den Bussche, E., Rossi, G. (2013). Evaluating the Factor Structure and External Validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale in a Large Community Sample.
  • Jordan, M.J., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Norlander, B. (2013). Evaluating the positive and negative benefits of crime: Development and validation of the Decisional Balance Scale for Adolescent Offenders (DBS-AO). Journal of Criminal Justice. 41 (2) 108–114. Pergamon.
  • Jordan, M.J., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Norlander, B. (2013). Evaluating the positive and negative benefits of crime: Development and validation of the Decisional Balance Scale for Adolescent Offenders (DBS-AO). Journal of Criminal Justice. 41 (2) 108–114. Elsevier.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2013). Exploring psychopathic personality traits and moral development in a non-criminal sample.
  • Mathieu, C., Hare, R.D., Jones, D.N., Babiak, P., Neumann, C.S. (2013). Factor structure of the B-Scan 360: A measure of corporate psychopathy. Psychological Assessment. 25 (1) 288.
  • Kosson, D.S., Neumann, C.S., Forth, A.E., Salekin, R.T., Hare, R.D., Krischer, M.K., Sevecke, K. (2013). Factor structure of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL: YV) in adolescent females. Psychological Assessment. 25 (1) 71.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2013). internalizing-externalizing psychopathology and personality pathology as predictors of treatment rejection in substance users.
  • Lewis, J.J. (2013). Internalizing-externalizing Psychopathology and Personality Pathology As Predictors of Treatment Rejection in Substance Users. University of North Texas.
  • Neumann, C. S., Schmitt, D. S., Carter, R., Embley, I., & Hare, R. D. (2013).. (2013). Psychopathic traits in females and males across the globe..
  • Carré, J.M., Hyde, L.W., Neumann, C.S., Viding, E., Hariri, A.R. (2013). The neural signatures of distinct psychopathic traits. Social Neuroscience. 8 (2) 122–135. Taylor & Francis.
  • Neumann, C.S., Johansson, P.T., Hare, R.D. (2013). The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), low anxiety, and fearlessness: A structural equation modeling analysis. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 4 (2) 129.
  • Hayslip, Jr, B., Davis, S.R., Neumann, C.S., Goodman, C., Smith, G.C., Maiden, R., Carr, G.F., Hayslip, Jr, B., Smith, G. (2013). The role of resilience in mediating stressor-outcome relationships among grandparents raising their grandchildren. Other. 48–69. Routledge New York, NY, USA.
  • Olver, M. E., Neumann, C. S., Wong, S. C. P., & Hare, R. D. (2013).. (2013). The structural and predictive properties of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in Canadian aboriginal and non-aboriginal offenders. .
  • Olver, M.E., Neumann, C.S., Wong, S.C., Hare, R.D. (2013). The structural and predictive properties of the Psychopathy Checklist–Revised in Canadian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal offenders. Psychological Assessment. 25 (1) 167.
  • Neumann, C. S., Uzieblo, K., Grombez, G., & Hare, R. D. (2013).. (2013). Understanding the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) in terms of the Unidimensionality, Orthogonality, and Construct validity of PPI-I and ?II..
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S., Widiger, T.A. (2012). 22 Psychopathy. Other. 120 (143) 477. Oxford University Press.
  • Anderson, C.M., Petrie, T.A., Neumann, C.S. (2012). Effects of sport pressures on female collegiate athletes: A preliminary longitudinal investigation.. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. 1 (2) 120. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Neumann, C. S. & Pardini, D. (2012).. (2012). Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy (SRP) Scale and the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) in Young Men. .
  • Seara-Cardoso, A., Neumann, C.S., Roiser, J., McCrory, E., Viding, E. (2012). Investigating associations between empathy, morality and psychopathic personality traits in the general population. Personality and Individual Differences. 52 (1) 67–71. Pergamon.
  • Neumann, C.S., Schmitt, D.S., Carter, R., Embley, I., Hare, R.D. (2012). Psychopathic traits in females and males across the globe. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 30 (5) 557–574.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S., Widiger, T.A. (2012). Psychopathy.. Oxford University Press.
  • Nichols, E., Callahan, J.L., Neumann, C.S. (2012). Variations in Suicidal Ideation Among Substance Users. Other. 21.
  • Mathieu, C., Babiak, P., Jones, D.N., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D. (2012). WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOPATHIC TRAITS IN A SUPERVISOR ON EMPLOYEES’PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS?. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications, and Conflict. 16 (2) 81. Jordan Whitney Enterprises, Inc.
  • Anderson, C.M., Petrie, T, & Neumann, C. S.. (2011).  Psychosocial Correlates of Bulimic Symptomatology Among NCAA Division I Female Collegiate Gymnasts and Swimmers/Divers. .
  • Mokros, A., Neumann, C.S., Stadtland, C., Osterheider, M., Nedopil, N., Hare, R.D. (2011). Assessing measurement invariance of PCL-R assessments from file reviews of North American and German offenders. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 34 (1) 56–63. Pergamon.
  • Anderson, C.M., Petrie, T.A., Neumann, C.S. (2011). Psychosocial correlates of bulimic symptoms among NCAA division-I female collegiate gymnasts and swimmers/divers. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 33 (4) 483–505.
  • Neumann, C.S., Wampler, M., Taylor, J., Blonigen, D.M., Iacono, W.G. (2011). Stability and invariance of psychopathic traits from late adolescence to young adulthood. Journal of Research in Personality. 45 (2) 145–152. Academic Press.
  • Mokros, A., Neumann, C.S., Stadtland, C., Osterheider, M., Nedopil, N., Hare, R.D.. (2010). Assessing Measurement Invariance of PCL-R Assessments from File Reviews for North-American and German Offenders..
  • Malterer, M.B., Lilienfeld, S.O., Neumann, C.S., Newman, J.P. (2010). Concurrent validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory with offender and community samples. Assessment. 17 (1) 3-15.
  • Babiak, P., Neumann, C. S., & Hare, R. D.. (2010). Corporate Psychopathy: Talking the Walk.
  • Hernandez, N. (2010). Demographic and psychosocial contributions to the expression of schizotypal personality traits.
  • Goldberg, D. (2010). Letter to the Editor: Co-morbidity and the concept of ‘emotional disorders’. Psychological Medicine. 40 (9) 1583-1584.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S., Caldwell, M.F. (2010). Predicting antisocial behavior in high-risk male adolescents: Contributions of psychopathy and instrumental violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 37 (8) 833–846. Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Malterer, M. B., Lilienfeld, S. O., Neumann, C. S., & Newman, J. P.. (2010). Psychopathic Personality Inventory with Offender and Community Samples..
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2010). Psychopathy: Assessment and forensic implications. Other. 93–123. Oxford University Press Oxford.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2010). The role of antisociality in the psychopathy construct: Comment on Skeem and Cooke (2010).
  • Neumann, C.S. (2010). Understanding quality of life in older adults.
  • Miesse, C.A. (2009). A Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Study of Adolescents and Religion: Views of Risk and Resiliency.
  • Moske, A.K. (2009). A longitudinal examination of factors associated with custodial grandparenting: A test of moderated mediation.
  • Malterer, M. B., Lilienfeld, S. O., Neumann, C. S., & Newman, J. P.. (2009). Concurrent Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory with Offender and Community Samples.
  • Paulhus, D., Neumann, C., Hare, R. (2009). Manual for the self-report psychopathy scale. Other.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2009). Negative Affect and Positive Symptoms of Psychosis.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2009). Psychopathy.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2009). Psychopathy and its measurement. Other. 660.
  • Hare, R. D., & Neumann, C. S.. (2009). Psychopathy: Assessment and Forensic Implications.
  • Hare, R. D. & Neumann, C. S.. (2009). The role of antisociality in the psychopathy construct: Comment on Skeem & Cooke.
  • Wupperman, P., Neumann, C.S., & Axlerod, S.. (2009). The Role of Mindfulness in Borderline Personality Disorder Features.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Jackson, R.L., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Miller, H.A., Gabel, J. (2008). Detection strategies for malingering with the miller forensic assessment of symptoms test a confirmatory factor analysis of its underlying dimensions. Assessment. 15 (1) 97–103. Sage Publications.
  • Vitacco, M. J., Neumann, C. S., & Wodushek, T.. (2008). Differential relationships between the dimensions of psychopathy and intelligence: Replication in an adult offender sample.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S., Wodushek, T. (2008). Differential relationships between the dimensions of psychopathy and intelligence: Replication with adult jail inmates. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 35 (1) 48--55. Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Wupperman, P., Neumann, C.S., Axelrod, S.R. (2008). Do deficits in mindfulness underlie borderline personality features and core difficulties?. Journal of Personality Disorders. 22 (5) 466-482.
  • Vitacco, M. J., Jackson, R. L., Rogers, R., Neumann, C. S. et al.. (2008). Evaluating the Underpinnings of Malingering: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test.
  • Neumann, C.S., Malterer, M.B., Newman, J.P. (2008). Factor structure of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI): findings from a large incarcerated sample.. Psychological Assessment. 20 (2) 169. American Psychological Association.
  • Mittal, V.A., Neumann, C.S., Saczawa, M., Walker, E.F. (2008). Longitudinal progression of movement abnormalities in relation to psychotic symptoms in adolescents at high risk of schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry. 65 (2) 165–171. American Medical Association.
  • Neumann, C. S., & Hare, R. D.. (2008). Psychopathic Traits in a Large Community Sample: Links to Violence, Alcohol Use, and Intelligence.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2008). Psychopathy as a clinical and empirical construct. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 4 217–246. Annual Reviews.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S. (2008). The clinical assessment of psychopathy. Other. 129–152.
  • Mittal, V. A., Neumann, C. S., Saczawa, M., & Walker, E. F.. (2008). The longitudinal progression of movement abnormalities in relation to psychotic symptoms in adolescents at high-risk for schizophrenia.
  • Bloechl, A. L., Vitacco, M. J., Neumann, C. S., & Erickson, S. E.. (2007). An empirical investigation of insanity defense attitudes: Exploring factors related to bias.
  • Neumann, C. S. Psychopathy. (2007). British Journal of Psychiatry, 191, 357-358.
  • Neumann, C.S., Kosson, D.S., Salekin, R.T. (2007). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Psychopathy Construct: Methodological and Conceptual Issues.. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Jackson, R. L., Neumann, C. S., & Vitacco, M. L.. (2007). Impulsivity, anger, and psychopathy: The moderating effect of ethnicity.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2007). Psychopathy. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 191 (4) 357--358. Cambridge University Press.
  • Vitacco, M.J. (2007). Psychopathy. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 191 (4) 357–357. The Royal College of Psychiatrists.
  • Bolt, D.M., Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2007). Score Metric Equivalence of the Psychopathy Checklist–Revised (PCL-R) Across Criminal Offenders in North America and the United Kingdom A Critique of Cooke, Michie, Hart, and Clark (2005) and New Analyses. Assessment. 14 (1) 44–56. Sage Publications.
  • Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Newman, J.P. (2007). The super-ordinate nature of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. Journal of Personality Disorders. 21 (2) 102-117.
  • Wupperman, P. (2006). Are Deficits in Mindfulness Core Features of Borderline Personality Disorder?. University of North Texas.
  • Wupperman, P., Neumann, C.S. (2006). Depressive symptoms as a function of sex-role, rumination, and neuroticism. Personality and Individual Differences. 40 (2) 189–201. Pergamon.
  • Noffsinger, M.A. (2006). Development of a multidimensional approach to understanding youthful offenders: The influence of psychosocial and personality risk factors.
  • HAYSLIP, JR, B., Neumann, C.S., LOUDEN, L., CHAPMAN, B. (2006). Developmental stage theories. Other. 115.
  • Salekin, R.T., Brannen, D.N., Zalot, A.A., Leistico, A., Neumann, C.S. (2006). Factor Structure of Psychopathy in Youth Testing the Applicability of the New Four-Factor Model. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 33 (2) 135–157. Sage Publications.
  • Neumann, C.S., Kosson, D.S., Forth, A.E., Hare, R.D. (2006). Factor structure of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL: YV) in incarcerated adolescents. Psychological Assessment. 18 (2) 142.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S., Caldwell, M.F., Leistico, A., Van Rybroek, G.J. (2006). Testing factor models of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version and their association with instrumental aggression. Journal of Personality Assessment. 87 (1) 74–83. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc..
  • Vitacco, M. J., Neumann, C. S., Caldwell, M., Leistico, A. M., Van Rybroek, G.. (2006). The four-factor model of adolescent psychopathy and its association with instrumental violence.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2006). The PCL-R assessment of psychopathy. Other. 58–88. The Guilford Press New York, NY.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Harrison, K.S., Vincent, G. (2005). A comparison of factor models on the PCL-R with mentally disordered offenders: The development of a four-factor model. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 32 (5) 526–545. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Harrison, K.S., Vincent, G. (2005). A comparison of factor models on the PCL-R with mentally disordered offenders: The development of a four-factor model. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 32 (5) 526–545. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Grandjean, N.R. (2005). Neuropsychological predictors of incompetency to stand trial in defendants referred for competency restoration.
  • Neumann, C.S., Vitacco, M.J., Hare, R.D., Wupperman, P. (2005). Reconstruing the “reconstruction” of psychopathy: A comment on Cooke, Michie, Hart, and Clark. Journal of Personality Disorders. 19 (6) 624–640. Guilford Publications Inc..
  • Kaminski, P. L., Shafer, M. E., Neumann, C. S., & Ramos, V.. (2005). Self-concept Among Mexican-American Boys and Girls: Validating the Self-Description Questionnaire-I.
  • Kaminski, P.L., Shafer, M.E., Neumann, C.S., Ramos, V. (2005). Self-concept in Mexican American girls and boys: validating the Self-Description Questionnaire-I.. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. 11 (4) 321. Educational Publishing Foundation.
  • Hare, R.D., Neumann, C.S. (2005). Structural models of psychopathy. Current Psychiatry Reports. 7 (1) 57–64. Current Medicine Group.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S., Jackson, R.L. (2005). Testing a four-factor model of psychopathy and its association with ethnicity, gender, intelligence, and violence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73 (3) 466.
  • Liff, C. D., Harrell, E., Neumann, C., & Sewell, K.. (2005). The detection of neuropsychological malingering.
  • Hill, C.D., Neumann, C.S., Rogers, R. (2004). Confirmatory factor analysis of the psychopathy checklist: screening version in offenders with axis I disorders.. Psychological Assessment. 16 (1) 90. American Psychological Association.
  • Hill, C.D., Neumann, C.S., Rogers, R. (2004). Confirmatory factor analysis of the psychopathy checklist: screening version in offenders with axis I disorders.. Psychological Assessment. 16 (1) 90. American Psychological Association.
  • Salekin, R. T., Neumann, C. S., Leistico, A. M., & DiCicco, T. M.. (2004). Construct validity of psychopathy in a youth offender sample: Taking a closer look at psychopathy's potential importance over disruptive behavior disorders.
  • Salekin, R.T., Leistico, A.R., Neumann, C.S., DiCicco, T.M., Duros, R.L. (2004). Psychopathy and comorbidity in a young offender sample: taking a closer look at psychopathy's potential importance over disruptive behavior disorders.. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 113 (3) 416. American Psychological Association.
  • Salekin, R. T., Neumann, C. S., Leistico, A. M., & Zalot, A. A.. (2004). Psychopathy in youth and intelligence: An investigation of Cleckley's Hypothesis.
  • Gonterman, A.R. (2004). The structure of insight in patients with psychosis.
  • Salekin, R.T., Yff, R., Neumann, C.S., Leistico, A.R., Salot, A.A. (2003). " Juvenile transfer to adult courts: A look at the prototypes for dangerousness, sophistication-maturity, and amenability to treatment through a legal lens": Correction to Salekin et al.(2002).
  • Rogers, R., Jackson, R.L., Salekin, K.L., Neumann, C.S. (2003). Assessing Axis I symptomatology on the SADS-C in two correctional samples: The validation of subscales and a screen for malingered presentations. Journal of Personality Assessment. 81 (3) 281–290. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc..
  • Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S. (2003). Conceptual issues and explanatory models of malingering. Other. 71–82.
  • Vitacco, M. J., Neumann, C. S., Ramos, V., & Roberts, M. K.. (2003). Ineffective parenting: A precursor to psychopathic traits and delinquency in Hispanic females.
  • Wodushek, T., & Neumann, C. S.. (2003). Inhibitory capacity in adults with symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Neumann, C.S., Vitacco, M., Robertson, A., Sewell, K. (2003). Longitudinal Assessment of Callous/Impulsive Traits, Substance Abuse, and Symptoms of Depression in Adolescents. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1008 (1) 276–280. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Neumann, C. S., Vitacco, M. J., Robertson, A., & Sewell, K.. (2003). Longitudinal assessment of callous/impulsive traits, substance abuse, and symptoms of depression in adolescents: A latent variable approach.
  • Neumann, C.S. & Walker, E.F.. (2003). Neuromotor functioning in adolescents with schizotypal personality disorder: Associations with symptoms and neurocognition.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S. (2003). The antisocial process screening device an examination of its construct and criterion-related validity. Assessment. 10 (2) 143–150. Sage Publications.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S. (2003). The antisocial process screening device an examination of its construct and criterion-related validity. Assessment. 10 (2) 143–150. Sage Publications.
  • Tomaszewski, S., Harrell, E., Neumann, C. S., & Houtz, A.. (2003). The relationship between neuropsychological performance and daily functioning in individuals with Alzheimer's disease: Ecological validity of neuropsychological tests.
  • Vitacco, M., Neumann, C. S., Robertson, A. & Durrant, S.. (2002). Contributions of impulsivity and callousness in the assessment of adjudicated adolescent males: A prospective study.
  • Vitacco, M.J., Neumann, C.S., Robertson, A.A., Durrant, S.L. (2002). Contributions of impulsivity and callousness in the assessment of adjudicated male adolescents: A prospective study. Journal of Personality Assessment. 78 (1) 87--103. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc..
  • Salekin, R.T., Yff, R., Neumann, C.S., Leistico, A.R., Zalot, A.A. (2002). Juvenile transfer to adult courts: A look at the prototypes for dangerousness sophistication-maturity and amenability to treatment through a legal lens. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 8 (4) 373.
  • Neumann, C.S., Shafer, M.E., Kaminski, P.L., Ramos, V. (2002). Multifaceted Self-Concept: Associations with Child Behavior Problems in Hispanic Children.
  • Jackson, R.L., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Lambert, P.L. (2002). Psychopathy in female offenders: An investigation of its underlying dimensions. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 29 (6) 692–704. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Jackson, R.L., Rogers, R., Neumann, C.S., Lambert, P.L. (2002). Psychopathy in female offenders: An investigation of its underlying dimensions. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 29 (6) 692–704. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Rogers, R., Vitacco, M.J., Cruise, K.R., Sewell, K.W., Neumann, C.S. (2002). Screening for adolescent psychopathy among at-risk youth: Initial validation of the survey of attitudes and life experiences. Assessment. 9 (4) 343–350. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Rogers, R., Vitacco, M.J., Cruise, K.R., Sewell, K.W., Neumann, C.S. (2002). Screening for adolescent psychopathy among at-risk youth: Initial validation of the survey of attitudes and life experiences. Assessment. 9 (4) 343–350. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Salekin, R.T., Yff, R.M., Neumann, C.S., Leistico, A.R., Zalot, A.A. (2002). SPECIAL THEME: EXPERT TESTIMONY IN THE COURTS: THE INFLUENCE OF THE DAUBERT, JOINER, AND KUMHO DECISIONS, PART 3: Juvenile Transfer to Adult Courts: A Look at the Prototypes for Dangerousness, Sophistication-Maturity, and Amenability to Treatment Through a Legal Lens. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 8 373–373. American Psychological Association Psychology, Public Policy and Law.
  • Kosson, D.S., Cyterski, T.D., Steuerwald, B.L., Neumann, C.S., Walker-Matthews, S. (2002). The Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents-The Reliability and Validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL: YV) in Nonincarcerated Adolescent Males. Psychological Assessment. 14 (1) 97-109.
  • Kosson, D.S., Cyterski, T.D., Steuerwald, B.L., Neumann, C.S., Walker-Matthews, S. (2002). The reliability and validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL: YV) in nonincarcerated adolescent males. Psychological Assessment. 14 (1) 97.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2001). Patterns of Change in Semantic Clustering in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: What Can it Tell Us about the Nature of Clustering Deficits.
  • Tomazewski, S., Harrell, E., Houtz, A., & Neumann, C.. (2000). Relationship between neuropsychological performance and daily functioning in individuals with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Rogers, R., Salekin, R.T., Hill, C., Sewell, K.W., Murdock, M.E., Neumann, C.S. (2000). The Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version: An examination of criteria and subcriteria in three forensic samples. Assessment. 7 (1) 1–15. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • D'Reaux, R., Neumann, C.S. & Rhymer, K.. (2000). Time of day of testing and neuropsychological performance in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls.
  • D'Reaux, R.A., Neumann, C.S., Rhymer, K.N. (2000). Time of day of testing and neuropsychological performance of schizophrenic patients and healthy controls. Schizophrenia Research. 45 (1-2) 157--167. Elsevier.
  • Neumann, C. S. & Walker, E. F.. (1999). Motor dysfunction in schizotypal personality disorder.
  • Neumann, C. S., Bradley, L., Donald, R., Jarvis, M., & Stupak, D.. (1999). Neuropsychological and personality functioning in conduct disordered children.
  • Neumann, C.S., Walker, E.F. (1998). Developmental origins of interpersonal deficits in schizophrenia. Other. 121–133.
  • Walker, E.F., Lewine, R.R., Neumann, C.S. (1996). Childhood behavioral characteristics and adult brain morphology in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 22 (2) 93–101. Elsevier.
  • Neumann, C.S., Baum, K.M., Walker, E.F., Lewine, R.J. (1996). Childhood behavioral precursors of adult neuropsychological functioning in schizophrenia. Other.
  • Walker, E.F. & Neumann, C.S., Baum, K, Davis, DM, Diforio, D & Bergman, A.. (1996). Developmental pathways to schizophrenia:  The Moderating Effects of Stress..
  • Neumann, C. S. & Walker, E. F, Weinstein & Cutshaw, C.. (1996). Psychotic patient's awareness of their mental illness:  Implications for legal defense proceedings..
  • Neumann, C.S., Walker, E.F., Weinstein, J., Cutshaw, C. (1996). Psychotic patients' awareness of mental illness: implications for legal defense proceedings. Other. 24 (3) 421--442. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Walker, E.F., Neumann, C.S., Baum, K., Davis, D.M., Diforio, D., Bergman, A. (1996). The developmental pathways to schizophrenia: potential moderating effects of stress. Development and Psychopathology. 8 (04) 647–665. Cambridge University Press.
  • Neumann, C.S., Grimes, K., Walker, E.F., Baum, K. (1995). Developmental pathways to schizophrenia: Behavioral stereotypes.. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 104 (4) 558. American Psychological Association.
  • Neumann, C.S., Grimes, K., Walker, E.F., Baum, K. (1995). Developmental pathways to schizophrenia: Behavioral subtypes.. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 104 (4) 558. American Psychological Association.
  • Walker, E., Neumann, C. (1995). Sex differences in the childhood precursors of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 15 (1) 23. Elsevier.
  • Neumann, C.S., Walker, E. (1995). The relation of neuromotor dysfunction with symptom ratings and cortisol response in schizophrenia-spectrum, personality disordered subjects. Schizophrenia Research. 1 (15) 18.
  • Neumann, C., Walker, E. (1995). The relation of neuromotor dysfunction with symptom ratings and cortisol response in schizophrenia-spectrum, personality disordered subjects. Schizophrenia Research. 15 (1) 18. Elsevier.
  • Walker, E. F. & Neumann, C. S.. (1994). Neurodevelopmental origins of schizophrenia. .
  • Neumann, C.S. (1994). Structural equation modeling of symptoms of alcoholism and psychopathology.
  • Neumann, C.S., Cromwell, R.L., Bradshaw, S.L., Jain, S.K. (1993). Visual pattern integration as a function of antidepressant medication in depressed patients. Psychiatry Research. 46 (3) 295–309. Elsevier.
  • Monograph

  • Paulhus, D.L., Neumann, C. S., & Hare, R.D.. (2016). Manual for the Self-Report Psychopathy scale 4th edition. 193. Toronto, Ontario, Multi-Health Systems Inc..
  • Other

  • Walsh, H. (2021). “They Understand the Lyrics, but Not the Music”: Differences in Prosodic Output across Psychopathic Subtypes. University of North Texas.
  • Paulhus, D.L., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Williams, K.M., Hemphill, J.F. (2017). Self-report psychopathy scale 4th edition (SRP 4) manual. MHS, Multi-Health Systems Incorporated.
  • Ph.D. Thesis

  • Walsh, H. (2018). An Examination of the Language of Psychopaths: Differences in Prosodic Channels of Communication in Psychopathic and Non-Psychopathic Offenders. University of North Texas.
  • Lewis, J.J. (2016). Attachment insecurity, emotion regulation difficulties, and mindfulness deficits in personality pathology. University of North Texas.
  • Cardona, L.A. (2014). Conceptualizing quality of college life. University of North Texas.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2013). Attention and metacognition in the elaborated intrusion theory of desire. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS.
  • Bewsey, K. (2013). Exploring psychopathic personality traits and moral development in a non-criminal sample. University of North Texas.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2013). Exploring psychopathic personality traits and moral development in a non-criminal sample. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2010). Demographic and psychosocial contributions to the expression of schizotypal personality traits. University of North Texas.
  • Cardona, L.A. (2010). Understanding quality of life in older adults. University of North Texas.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2009). A Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Study of Adolescents and Religion: Views of Risk and Resiliency. University of North Texas.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2009). A longitudinal examination of factors associated with custodial grandparenting: A test of moderated mediation. University of North Texas.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2006). Development of a multidimensional approach to understanding youthful offenders: The influence of psychosocial and personality risk factors. University of North Texas.
  • Neumann, C.S. (2004). Neuropsychological predictors of incompetency to stand trial in defendants referred for competency restoration. University of North Texas.
  • Wupperman, P. (2003). Differences in depression as a function of gender, roles, and rumination. University of North Texas.
  • Edwards, K.B. (2001). Patterns of change in semantic clustering in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: What can it tell us about the nature of clustering deficits. University of North Texas.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Neumann, C.S., "Psychopathy & Social Dominance," sponsored by The William H. Donner Foundation, International, $12000 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Neumann, C.S. (Principal), "Examining cognitive processes in psychopaths in a population-based sample," sponsored by William H Donner Foundation, International, $20000 Funded. (2013 - 2015).
  • Neumann, C.S., "Psychopathy & Social Dominance," sponsored by The William H. Donner Foundation, International, Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Neumann, C.S. (Principal), "Prevalence of Psychopathic Traits in the General US Population," sponsored by The William H. Donner Foundation, Inc., FOND, Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Neumann, C.S. (Principal), "Examining cognitive processes in psychopaths in a population-based sample," sponsored by William H Donner Foundation, International, Funded. (2013 - 2015).
  • Neumann, C.S. (Principal), "Comparing Interventions to Improve the Well-Being of Custodial Grandfamilies," sponsored by DNU Kent State University (FFT), NFP, Funded. (2010 - 2015).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was