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Thomas W. Scharf

Title: Professor

Department: Materials Science and Engineering

College: College of Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Alabama, 2000
    Major: Materials Metallurgical Engineering
    Dissertation: Growth, Structure, and Mechanical Wear Strength of Ultra-Thin Ion Beam and Sputter Deposited Hard Coatings
  • MS, University of Alabama, 1997
    Major: Metallurgical Engineering
    Specialization: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Dissertation: Structural, Tribo-Mechanical, and Thermal Characterization of Sputtered Diamond-Like Carbon and Nitrogenated Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Films
  • BS, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 1994
    Major: Ceramic Science and Engineering; Thesis title, "The Effects of Oxidation on the Strength Behavior of SiC Fibers"

Current Scheduled Teaching

MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2025
MTSE 6940.229Individual ResearchSpring 2025
MTSE 6940.230Individual ResearchSpring 2025
MTSE 6940.231Individual ResearchSpring 2025
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2025 Syllabus

Previous Scheduled Teaching

MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2024 SPOT
MTSE 5010.601Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2024 SPOT
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2024
MTSE 6940.223Individual ResearchFall 2024
MTSE 6940.224Individual ResearchFall 2024
MTSE 5900.108Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2024
MTSE 6940.229Individual ResearchSpring 2024
MTSE 6940.230Individual ResearchSpring 2024
MTSE 6940.231Individual ResearchSpring 2024
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2023 SPOT
MTSE 6940.222Individual ResearchFall 2023
MTSE 6940.223Individual ResearchFall 2023
MTSE 6940.224Individual ResearchFall 2023
MTSE 5920.001Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisFall 2023
MTSE 5930.022Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisFall 2023
MTSE 6940.229Individual ResearchSpring 2023
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2022 SPOT
MTSE 6940.222Individual ResearchFall 2022
MTSE 5900.108Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2022
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2022
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2021
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5900.007Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2021
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2020 SPOT
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchFall 2020
MTSE 5900.007Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2020
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2020
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2020
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2020 Syllabus
MTSE 5700.009Seminar in Materials Science and EngineeringSpring 2020
MTSE 4900.007Special Topics in Materials Science and EngineeringSpring 2020
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2019 SPOT
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchFall 2019
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2019
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2019
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSpring 2019
MTSE 6940.107Individual ResearchSpring 2019
MTSE 5950.107Master's ThesisSpring 2019
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2018 SPOT
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchFall 2018
MTSE 6940.207Individual ResearchFall 2018
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2018
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2018
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2018
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5900.107Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2018
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2017 SPOT
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2017
MTSE 3100.011Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory IISpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 4900.007Special Topics in Materials Science and EngineeringSpring 2017
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2016 SPOT
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2016
MTSE 4900.007Special Topics in Materials Science and EngineeringFall 2016
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2016
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2015 SPOT
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2015
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2015
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2015
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2014 Syllabus
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2014
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W2 2014
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2014
MTSE 6900.007Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2014
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2014
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSpring 2014
MTSE 6900.007Special ProblemsSpring 2014
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2013 Syllabus
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2013
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2013
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchFall 2013
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2013
MTSE 6900.007Special ProblemsFall 2013
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2013
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2013
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSpring 2013
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2013
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2012 Syllabus
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2012
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2012
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchFall 2012
MTSE 6940.107Individual ResearchFall 2012
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2012
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2012
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSpring 2012
MTSE 6940.107Individual ResearchSpring 2012
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2012
MTSE 5920.007Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2012
MTSE 5930.007Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2012
MTSE 4100.007Senior Research Project IISpring 2012
MTSE 5070.007Tribology of MaterialsSpring 2012
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2011 Syllabus
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2011
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchFall 2011
MTSE 6940.107Individual ResearchFall 2011
MTSE 6940.207Individual ResearchFall 2011
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2011
MTSE 4090.007Senior Research Project IFall 2011
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2011
MTSE 5820.007INTERNSHIP MAT SCISummer 10W 2011
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2011
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSpring 2011
MTSE 6940.107Individual ResearchSpring 2011
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisSpring 2011
MTSE 4100.007Senior Research Project IISpring 2011
MTSE 5070.007Tribology of MaterialsSpring 2011
MTSE 3010.007Bonding and StructureFall 2010 Syllabus
MTSE 5010.007Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2010
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationFall 2010
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchFall 2010
MTSE 6940.207Individual ResearchFall 2010
MTSE 5950.007Master's ThesisFall 2010
MTSE 4090.007Senior Research Project IFall 2010
MTSE 6900.007Special ProblemsFall 2010
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2010
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2010
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2010
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2010
MTSE 5900.007Special Problems in Materials ResearchSummer 5W2 2010
MTSE 6950.007Doctoral DissertationSpring 2010
ENGR 3450.001Engineering MaterialsSpring 2010 Syllabus
MTSE 6940.007Individual ResearchSpring 2010
MTSE 5900.007Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2010
MTSE 3010.514Bonding and StructureFall 2009
MTSE 5010.514Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2009
MTSE 6950.515Doctoral DissertationFall 2009
MTSE 6940.107Individual ResearchFall 2009
MTSE 6940.513Individual ResearchFall 2009
MTSE 6940.613Individual ResearchFall 2009
MTSE 6940.513Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2009
MTSE 6940.543Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2009
MTSE 5950.513Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2009
ENGR 3450.001Engineering MaterialsSpring 2009
MTSE 6940.008Individual ResearchSpring 2009
MTSE 5950.008Master's ThesisSpring 2009
MTSE 5800.007Special Studies in Materials ScienceSpring 2009
MTSE 3010.514Bonding and StructureFall 2008
MTSE 5010.514Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2008
MTSE 6950.513Doctoral DissertationFall 2008
MTSE 6940.513Individual ResearchFall 2008
MTSE 6950.513Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2008
MTSE 6940.008Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2008
MTSE 6940.008Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2008
MTSE 6950.008Doctoral DissertationSpring 2008
MFET 3450.001Engineering MaterialsSpring 2008
MTSE 6940.008Individual ResearchSpring 2008
MTSE 6900.008Special ProblemsSpring 2008
MTSE 5800.012Special Studies in Materials ScienceSpring 2008
MTSE 3010.008Bonding and StructureFall 2007
MTSE 5010.008Bonding, Structure, and CrystallographyFall 2007
MTSE 6950.008Doctoral DissertationFall 2007
MTSE 5920.015Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisFall 2007
MTSE 5930.003Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisFall 2007
MTSE 5920.008Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisSummer 5W2 2007
MTSE 5900.008Special Problems in Materials ResearchSummer 5W1 2007
MTSC 6940.008Individual ResearchSpring 2007
MTSC 6940.108Individual ResearchSpring 2007
MTSC 6940.208Individual ResearchSpring 2007
MTSC 6900.008Special ProblemsSpring 2007
MTSC 5800.008Special Studies in Materials ScienceSpring 2007
MTSC 6940.008Individual ResearchFall 2006
MTSC 6940.018Individual ResearchFall 2006
MTSC 4900.008Materials Science ResearchFall 2006
MTSC 5900.008Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2006
MTSC 5800.008Special Studies in Materials ScienceFall 2006
MTSC 6940.008Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2006
MTSC 6900.008Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2006
MTSC 6940.008Individual ResearchSpring 2006
MTSC 6940.108Individual ResearchSpring 2006
MTSC 6800.008Selected Topics in Materials ScienceSpring 2006

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Scharf, T.W. (2017). Transition Metal Dichalcogenide-based (MoS2, WS2) Coatings. Friction, Lubrication and Wear Technology. 18 (2nd ed.) 583-596. ASM International.
  • Borkar, T., Mohseni, H., Hwang, J., Scharf, T.W., Tiley, J., Hong, S.H., Banerjee, R. (2015). Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) of Carbon Nanotube (CNT)/Graphene Nanoplatelet (GNP)-Nickel Nanocomposites: Structure Property Analysis. Advanced Composites for Aerospace, Marine, and Land Applications II. 53--79. Springer, Cham.
  • T.W. Scharf. (2012). Low Friction Coatings.
  • T.W. Scharf. (2012). Wear of Metals.
  • T.W. Scharf and I.L. Singer. (2007). "Third Bodies and Tribochemistry of DLC Coatings," in Tribology of Diamond-like Carbon Films: Fundamentals and Applications, eds. A. Erdemir and C. Donnet.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Mogonye, J., Mohseni, H., Gopagoni, S., Hwang, J., Tiley, J., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W. (2012). 3-D Focused Ion Beam Serial Sectioning to Determine Solidification and Wear Mechanisms in Adaptive Composites Coatings. AIP Conference Proceedings.
  • G.L. Doll and T.W. Scharf. (2009). Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition of Coatings for Mechanical Applications.
  • Jones, J., Ecton, P., Mo, Y., Gorman, B., Diercks, D., Scharf, T.W., Perez, J. (2007). Effects of Gasses on the Thermal Etching Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons. APS Texas Sections Fall Meeting Abstracts.
  • T.W. Scharf, R.M. Mowery, and I.L. Singer. (2002). In Situ Raman Tribometry of Diamond-like Carbon Coatings and Transfer Films in Dry and Lubricated Contacts.
  • I.L. Singer, S.D. Dvorak, K.J. Wahl and T.W. Scharf. (2002). Third Body Processes and Friction of Solid Lubricants Studied by In Situ Optical and Raman Tribometry.
  • T.-W. Wu, T.W. Scharf, and H. Zhang. (1999). Micro-wear Scan Test on Carbon Overcoats as Thin as 6 nm or Less.
  • T.W. Scharf, R.D. Ott, D. Yang, and J.A. Barnard. (1998). Observations of Depth-Sensing Reciprocating Scratch Tests of DLC and Nitrogenated-DLC Overcoats on Magnetic Disks.
  • R.D. Ott, T.W. Scharf, D. Yang, and J.A. Barnard. (1998). Tribological and Mechanical Properties of CN Ultra-Thin Overcoat Films and Their Influence on the Underlying Magnetic Media.
  • T.W. Scharf, R.B. Inturi, and J.A. Barnard. (1997). Characterization of the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Sputtered a:SiC Thin Films.
  • Journal Article

  • Turnage, S., Clayton, J., Rodriguez, J., Scharf, T.W., Williams, C. (2024). Planar shock compression of spark plasma sintered B4C and B4C–TiB2 ceramic composites. AIP Advances. 14 (1)
  • Sharma, A., Sankar Haridas, R., Agrawal, P., Gumaste, A., Scharf, T.W., Kandasamy, K., Mishra, R.S. Novel SolidStir extrusion technology for enhanced conductivity cable manufacturing via in-situ exfoliation of graphite to graphene. Other. 238
  • Smith, J., Garcia, C., Rodriguez, J., Scharf, T.W. (2023). Quantitative Estimation of Closed Cell Porosity in Low Density Ceramic Composites using X‑ray Microtomography. Scientific Reports. (13(1)) 127.
  • Scharf, T.W., Kadhim, D.F., Koricherla, M.V. (2023). Room and Elevated Temperature Sliding Friction and Wear Behavior of Al0.3CoFeCrNi and Al0.3CuFeCrNi2 High Entropy Alloys. Crystals. no. 13 (4) 609.
  • Kadhim, D., Koricherla, M.V., Scharf, T.W. (2023). Sliding Friction and Wear Behavior of Al0.3CoFeCrNi and Al0.3CuFeCrNi2 High Entropy Alloys. Crystals. 13 609.
  • Mohseni, H., Mensah, B., Scharf, T.W. (2023). Sliding Wear and Rolling Contact Fatigue Behavior of M50 Steel Coated with Atomic Layer Deposited Lubricious Oxide Nanolaminates. Wear. 522 204865.
  • Nartu, Mohan Sai Kiran Kumar Yadav, Banerjee, S., Chesetti, A., Rodriguez, J., Yadav, S., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R. (2023). Solid-state reaction mediated microstructural evolution in a spark plasma sintered in situ Ti--B4C composite. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 885 145601. Elsevier.
  • Jacques, K., Shirani, A., Smith, J., Scharf, T.W., Walck, S.D., Berkebile, S., Eryilmaz, O.L., Voevodin, A.A., Aouadi, S., Berman, D. (2023). MoVN-Cu Coatings for In Situ Tribocatalytic Formation of Carbon-Rich Tribofilms in Low-Viscosity Fuels. Other. 15 (25) 30070-30082. American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Jacques, K., Shirani, A., Smith, J., Scharf, T.W., Walck, S.D., Berkebile, S., Eryilmaz, O.L., Voevodin, A.A., Aouadi, S.M., Berman, D. (2023). MoVN-Cu Coatings for In Situ Tribocatalytic Formation of Carbon-Rich Tribofilms in Low-Viscosity Fuels. Other. 15 (25) 30070-30082. American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Lide, H., Ageh, V., Smith, J.D., Rodriguez, J., Faierson, E.J., Scharf, T.W. (2022). Reactively sintered B4C-TiB2 composites: Effects of nanolayer films and secondary phase size on mechanical and fracture properties. Materialia. 26 101607.
  • Garcia, C., Smith, J.D., Rodriguez, J., DiGiovanni, A.A., Scharf, T.W. (2022). Reactive spark plasma sintering of SiC-TiC-diamond composites. Diamond and Related Materials. 129 109384.
  • Nartu, M., Torgerson, T.B., Mantri, S.A., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W. (2021). Directed Energy Deposition of Ni-Al-Cr-C Composites: Microstructural Evolution during Solidification and Wear. Other. 42 102000.
  • Al Shenawa, A., Argade, G., Chilukuri, A., DÕSouza, N.A., Nasrazadani, S., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R. (2021). Effect of supercritical CO2 on salt water corrosion and wear resistance of bismaleimide coating filled with organophilic montmorillonite clay. Other. 1--18. Taylor \& Francis.
  • Al-Shenawa, A., Argade, G., Chilukuri, A., D'Souza, N.A., Nasrazadani, S., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R. (2021). Effect of supercritical CO2 on salt water corrosion and wear resistance of bismaleimide coating filled with organophilic montmorillonite clay. Other. 1-18. Taylor & Francis.
  • Koricherla, M.V., Torgerson, T.B., Alidokht, S.A., Munagala, V.V., Chromik, R.R., Scharf, T.W. (2021). High Temperature Sliding Wear Behavior and Mechanisms of Cold-sprayed Ti and Ti–TiC Composite Coatings. Wear. 476 203746.
  • NartuM., Pole, M., Mantri, S.A., Haridas, R.S., Scharf, T.W., McWilliams, B., Cho, K., Mukherjee, S., Dahotre, N.B., Banerjee, R. (2021). Process Induced Multi-layered Titanium – Boron Carbide Composites via Additive Manufacturing. Other. 46 102156.
  • Rubink, W., Ageh, V., Lide, H., Ley, N., Young, M.L., Casem, D., Faierson, E., Scharf, T.W. (2021). Spark plasma sintering of B4C and B4C-TiB2 composites: Deformation and failure mechanisms under quasistatic and dynamic loading. Other.
  • Patil, A., Walunj, G., Torgerson, T.B., Koricherla, M.V., Khan, M.U., Scharf, T.W., Gupta, R., Borkar. (2021). Tribological Behavior of In Situ Processed Ni-Ti-C Nanocomposites. Tribology Transactions. 64 53-64.
  • Gwalani, B., Torgerson, T.T., Dasari, S., Jagetia, A., Nartu, M., Gangireddy, S., Pole, M., Wang, T., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R. (2021). Influence of fine-scale B2 precipitation on dynamic compression and wear properties in hypo-eutectic Al0. 5CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 853 157126.
  • Al-Shenawa, A., D'Souza, N.A., Nasrazadani, S., Argade, G., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R. (2021). Effect of Supercritical CO2 on Salt water Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Bismaleimide Coating Filled with Organophilic Montmorillonite Clay.
  • Thomas, J., Mogonye, J., Mantri, S.A., Choudhuri, D., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W. (2020). Additive Manufacturing of Compositionally Graded Laser Deposited Titanium-Chromium Alloys. Other. 33 101132.
  • Lee, J., Hasannaeimi, V., Scharf, T.W., Berman, D. (2020). Mechanical and chemical robustness of the aluminum oxide-infiltrated block copolymer films and the resulting aluminum oxide coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology. 399 (126204)
  • Patil, A., Walunj, G., Torgerson, T.B., Koricherla, M.V., Khan, M.U., Scharf, T.W., Gupta, R., Borkar, T. (2020). Tribological Behavior of In Situ Processed Ni-Ti-C Nanocomposites. Tribology Transactions.
  • Huang, J., Rubink, W.S., Lide, H., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R., Minary‐Jolandan, M. (2019). Alumina–Nickel Composite Processed via Co-Assembly Using Freeze-Casting and Spark Plasma Sintering. Advanced Engineering Materials. 21 1801103.
  • Clayton, J.D., Rubink, W.S., Ageh, V., Choudhuri, D., Chen, R.R., Du, J., Scharf, T.W. (2019). Deformation and Failure Mechanics of Boron Carbide--Titanium Diboride Composites at Multiple Scales. JOM. 71 (8) 2567--2575.
  • She, Y., Lee, J., Lee, B., Diroll, B., Scharf, T.W., Shevchenko, E.V., Berman, D. (2019). Effect of the micelle opening in self-assembled amphiphilic block Co-polymer films on the infiltration of inorganic precursors. Langmuir. 35 (3) 796-803.
  • Munagala, V.N., Torgerson, T.B., Scharf, T.W., Chromik, R.R. (2019). High Temperature Friction and Wear Behavior of Cold-Sprayed Ti6Al4V and Ti6Al4V-TiC Composite Coatings. Wear. 426-427 357-369.
  • Torgerson, T.B., Mantri, S.A., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W. (2019). Room and Elevated Temperature Sliding Wear Behavior and Mechanisms of Additively Manufactured Novel Precipitation Strengthened Metallic Composites. Wear. 426-427 942-951.
  • Zhang, Y., Choudhuri, D., Scharf, T.W., Descartes, S., Chromik, R.R. (2019). Tribologically induced nanolaminate in a cold-sprayed WC-reinforced Cu matrix composite: a key to high wear resistance. Other. 182 108009. Elsevier BV.
  • She, Y., Lee, J., Diroll, B.T., Scharf, T.W., Shevchenko, E.V., Berman, D. (2018). Accessibility of the Pores in Highly Porous Alumina Films Synthesized via Sequential Infiltration Synthesis. Nanotechnology. 29 495703.
  • Mantri, S.A., Torgerson, T.B., Ivanov, E., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R. (2018). Effect of Boron Addition on the Mechanical Wear Resistance of Additively Manufactured Biomedical Titanium Alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 49 806-810.
  • Mangolini, F., Krick, B.A., Jacobs, T.B., Kanal, S.R., Streller, F., McClimon, J.B., Hilbert, J., Prasadi, S.V., Scharf, T.W., Ohlhausen, J.A., Lukes, J.R., Sawyer, W.G., Carpick, R.W. (2018). Effect of Silicon and Oxygen Dopants on the Stability of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon under Harsh Environmental Conditions. Carbon. 130 127-136.
  • Gwalani, B., Ayyagari, A.V., Choudhuri, D., Scharf, T.W., Mukherjee, S., Gibson, M., Banerjee, R. (2018). Microstructure and wear resistance of an intermetallic-based Al0. 25Ti0. 75CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 210 197--206. Elsevier.
  • Ayyagari, A., Barthelemy, C., Gwalani, B., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W., Mukherjee, S. (2018). Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of high entropy alloys in dry and marine environments. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 210 162--169. Elsevier.
  • Torgerson, T.B., Harris, M.D., Alidokht, S.A., Scharf, T.W., Aouadi, S.M., Chromik, R.R., Zabinski, J.S., Voevodin, A.A. (2018). Room and elevated temperature sliding wear behavior of cold sprayed Ni-WC composite coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology. 350 136-145.
  • Ayyagari, A., Barthelemy, C., Gwalani, B., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W., Mukherjee, S. (2018). Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of high entropy alloys in dry and marine environments. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 210 162-169. Elsevier BV.
  • Shaikh, V.A., Scharf, T.W., Boubekri, N. (2017). Microlubrication Machining of 1018 Steel: The Effect of a Biodegradable Lubricant on the Microstructural Integrity. 29 357-376.
  • Mogonye, J., Scharf, T.W. (2017). Tribological Properties and Mechanisms of Self-mated Ultrafine-Grained Titanium. Wear. 376-377 931-939.
  • Mogonye, J., Argibay, N., Goeke, R.S., Kotula, P.G., Scharf, T.W., Prasad, S.V. (2017). Tribology and Sliding Electrical Contact Resistance of E-beam Hard Au: Effects of Annealing. Wear. 376-377 1662-1672.
  • Ayyagari, A., Barthelemy, C., Gwalani, B., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W., Mukherjee, S. (2017). Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of high entropy alloys in dry and marine environments. Materials Chemistry and Physics. Elsevier BV.
  • Gwalani, B., Ayyagari, A.V., Choudhuri, D., Scharf, T.W., Mukherjee, S., Gibson, M., Banerjee, R. (2017). Microstructure and wear resistance of an intermetallic-based Al0.25Ti0.75CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy. Materials Chemistry and Physics. Elsevier BV.
  • Ayyagari, A., Scharf, T.W., Mukherjee, S. (2016). Dry Reciprocating Sliding Wear Behavior and Mechanisms of Bulk Metallic Glass Composites. Wear. 350-351 56-62.
  • Ayyagari, A., Scharf, T.W., Mukherjee, S. (2016). Dry reciprocating sliding wear behavior and mechanisms of bulk metallic glass composites. Wear. 350 56--62. Elsevier.
  • Tinubu, O.O., Das, S., Dutt, A., Mogonye, J., Ageh, V., Xu, R., Forsdike, J., Mishra, R.S., Scharf, T.W. (2016). Friction Stir Processing of A-286 Stainless Steel: Microstructural Evolution during Wear. Wear. 356-357 94-100.
  • Mogonye, J., Srivastava, A., Gopagoni, S., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W. (2016). Solid/Self-Lubrication Mechanisms of an Additively Manufactured Ni–Ti–C Metal Matrix Composite. Tribology Letters. 64 (3) 37.
  • Scharf, T.W., Prasad, S.V., Kotula, P.G., Michael, J.R., Robino, C.V. (2015). Elevated Temperature Tribology of Cobalt and Tantalum-based Alloys. Wear. 330-331 199-208.
  • Borkar, T., Mohseni, H., Hwang, J., Scharf, T.W., Tiley, J.S., Hong, S.H., Banerjee, R. (2015). Excellent Strength-Ductility Combination in Nickel-Graphite Nanoplatelet (GNP/Ni) Nanocomposites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 646 135-144.
  • Mohseni, H., Mensah, B.A., Gupta, N., Srivilliputhur, S.G., Scharf, T.W. (2015). Exceptional Friction Mitigation via Subsurface Plastic Shear in Defective Nanocrystalline Ceramics. Materials Research Letters. 3 23-29.
  • Mogonye, J., Hattar, K., Kotula, P.G., Scharf, T.W., Prasad, S.V. (2015). He Implantation for Improved Tribological Performance in Au Electrical Contacts. Journal of Materials Science. 50 382-392.
  • Ageh, V., Choudhuri, D., Scharf, T.W. (2015). High Frequency Reciprocating Sliding Wear Behavior and Mechanisms of Quaternary Metal Oxide Coatings. Wear. 330-331 390-399.
  • Mohseni, H., Nandwana, P., Tsoi, A., Banerjee, R., Scharf, T.W. (2015). In Situ Nitrided Titanium Alloys: Microstructural Evolution during Solidification and Wear. Acta Materialia. 83 61–74.
  • Argibay, N., Mogonye, J., Michael, J.R., Goeke, R.S., Kotula, P.G., Scharf, T.W., Dugger, M.T., Prasad, S.V. (2015). On the Thermal Stability of Physical Vapor Deposited Oxide-Hardened Nanocrystalline Gold Thin Films. Journal of Applied Physics. 117 145302-1 - 145302-13.
  • Mohseni, H., Scharf, T.W. (2015). Role of Atomic Layer Deposited Solid Lubricants in the Sliding Wear Reduction of Carbon–Carbon Composites at Room and Higher Temperatures. Wear. 332-333 1303-1313.
  • Singh, H., Mutyala, K.C., Mohseni, H., Scharf, T.W., Evans, R.D., Doll, G.L. (2015). Tribological Performance and Coating Characteristics of Sputter Deposited Ti-Doped MoS2 in Rolling and Sliding Contact. Tribology Transactions. 58 767-777.
  • Shaikh, V., Boubekri, N., Scharf, T.W. (2014). Analyzing the Effectiveness of Microlubrication using a Vegetable Oil-based Metal Working Fluid during End Milling AISI 1018 Steel. International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering. 2014 1-13.
  • Sun, W., Ageh, V., Mohseni, H., Scharf, T.W., Du, J. (2014). Experimental and Computational Studies on Stacking Faults in Zinc Titanate. Applied Physics Letters. 104 (24) 241903-1 – 241903-5.
  • Borkar, T., Sosa, J., Hwang, J.Y., Scharf, T.W., Tiley, J., Fraser, H., Banerjee, R. (2014). Laser Deposited in situ TiC-Reinforced Nickel Matrix Composites: 3D Microstructure and Tribological Properties. Journal of Minerals, Metals and Materials (JOM) Society, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 66 (6) 935-942.
  • Stone, D.S., Gao, H., Chantharangsi, C., Paksunchai, C., Bischof, M., Jaeger, D., Martini, A., Scharf, T.W., Aouadi, S.M. (2014). Load-dependent High Temperature Tribological Properties of Silver Tantalate Coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology. 244 (37-44)
  • Aouadi, S.M., Gao, H., Martini, A., Scharf, T.W., Muratore, C. (2014). Lubricious Oxide Coatings for Extreme Temperature Applications: A Review. Surface and Coatings Technology. 257 266-277.
  • Aouadi, S.M., Gao, H., Martini, A., Scharf, T.W., Muratore, C. (2014). Lubricious oxide coatings for extreme temperature applications: A review. Surface and Coatings Technology. 257 266–277. Elsevier.
  • Ageh, V., Rajamure, R.S., Ho, Y.H., Scharf, T.W. (2014). Nanocrystalline Zinc Titanate Coatings for Corrosion Protection. Nanomaterials and Energy. 3 (2) 47-52.
  • Ageh, V., Mohseni, H., Scharf, T.W. (2014). Processing-Structure-Tribological Property Interrelationships of Zinc Titanate Thin Films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition. Surface and Coatings Technology. 241 112-117.
  • Borkar, T., Hwang, J., Hwang, J.Y., Scharf, T.W., Tiley, J., Hong, S.H., Banerjee, R. (2014). Strength versus Ductility in Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nickel Matrix Nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Research. 29 761-769.
  • Gao, H., Aouadi, S.M., Scharf, T.W., Martini, A. (2013). High-Temperature Tribological Properties of Silver Tantalate. Other. 69 (10) 22. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers.
  • D.S. Stone, S. Harbin, H. Mohseni, J.-E. Mogonye, T.W. Scharf, C. Muratore, A.A. Voevodin, A. Martini, and S.M. Aouadi. (2013). Lubricious Silver Tantalate Films for Extreme Temperature Applications.
  • Stone, D., Harbin, S., Mohseni, H., Mogonye, J., Scharf, T.W., Muratore, C., Voevodin, A.A., Martini, A., Aouadi, S.M. (2013). Lubricious silver tantalate films for extreme temperature applications. Surface and Coatings Technology. 217 140–146. Elsevier.
  • Stone, D.S., Harbin, S., Mohseni, H., Mogonye, J.E., Scharf, T.W., Muratore, C., Voevodin, A.A., Martini, A., Aouadi, S.M. (2013). Lubricious silver tantalate films for extreme temperature applications. Surface & Coatings Technology. 217 140-146. ://WOS:000315975400020!!!
  • V. Ageh, H. Mohseni, and T.W. Scharf. (2013). Lubricious Zinc Titanate Coatings for High Temperature Applications.
  • H. Gao, D.S. Stone, H. Mohseni, S.M. Aouadi, T.W. Scharf, and A. Martini. (2013). Mechanistic Studies of High Temperature Friction Reduction in Silver Tantalate.
  • Scharf, T.W., Shaikh, V., Boubekri, N. (2013). Microlubrication Effects during End Milling AISI 1018 Steel. International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials and Mechanical Engineering. 3 (4) 14-29.
  • T.W. Scharf and S.V. Prasad. (2013). Solid Lubricants: A Review.
  • T.W. Scharf, R.S. Goeke, P.G. Kotula, and S.V. Prasad. (2013). Synthesis of Au-MoS2 Nanocomposites: Thermal and Friction-Induced Changes to the Structure.
  • A. Sondhi, C. Morandi, R.F. Reidy, and T.W. Scharf. (2013). Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on the Mechanism of Carbothermal Reduction of Zirconia.
  • H. Mohseni and T.W. Scharf. (2012). Atomic Layer Deposition of ZnO/Al2O3/ZrO2 Nanolaminates for Improved Thermal and Wear Resistance in Carbon-Carbon Composites.
  • H. Mohseni, P.C. Collins, and T. W. Scharf. (2012). Nanocrystalline Orientation and Phase Mapping of Textured Coatings Revealed by Precession Electron Diffraction.
  • Mohseni, H., Mensah, B.A., Gupta, N., Srinivasan, S.G., Scharf, T.W. (2012). On tailoring the nanocrystalline structure of ZnO to achieve low friction. Other. 68 (1) 17. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers.
  • S. Gopagoni, A. R. P. Singh, J. Y. Hwang, N. Bunce, B.A. Mensah, T. W. Scharf, J. Tiley, and R. Banerjee. (2011). Microstructural evolution in laser deposited nickel-titanium-carbon in situ metal matrix composites.
  • F.L. Kuo, M.-T. Lin, B.A. Mensah, T.W. Scharf and N.D. Shepherd,. (2010). A comparative study of the photoluminescence and conduction mechanisms of low temperature pulsed laser deposited and atomic layer deposited zinc oxide thin films.
  • Kuo, F.L., Lin, M., Mensah, B.A., Scharf, T.W., Shepherd, N.D. (2010). A comparative study of the photoluminescence and conduction mechanisms of low temperature pulsed laser deposited and atomic layer deposited zinc oxide thin films. Physica Status Solidi (a). 207 (11) 2487–2491. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • A.R.P. Singh, J.Y. Hwang, T.W. Scharf, J. Tiley and R. Banerjee. (2010). Bulk Nickel-Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites by Laser Deposition.
  • G.L. Doll, B.A. Mensah, H. Mohseni and T.W. Scharf. (2010). Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition of Coatings for Mechanical Applications.
  • T.W. Scharf, P.G. Kotula and S.V. Prasad. (2010). Friction and Wear Mechanisms in MoS2/Sb2O3/Au Nanocomposite Coatings.
  • S. V. Prasad, T.W. Scharf, P. G. Kotula, J. R. Michael, and T. R. Christenson. (2009). Application of Diamond-Like Nanocomposite Coatings on LIGA Microsystem Parts.
  • T.W. Scharf, D. R. Diercks, B. P. Gorman, S. V. Prasad, and M. T. Dugger. (2009). Atomic Layer Deposition of Tungsten Disulphide Solid Lubricant Nanocomposite Coatings on Rolling Element Bearings.
  • T.W. Scharf, A. Rajendran, R. Banerjee, and F. Sequeda. (2009). Growth, Structure and Friction Behavior of Titanium Doped Tungsten Disulphide (Ti-WS2) Coatings.
  • W. Brostow, W. Chonkaew; K.P. Menard, and T.W. Scharf. (2009). Modification of an Epoxy Resin with a Fluoroepoxy Oligomer for Improved Mechanical and Tribological Properties.
  • T.W. Scharf and I.L. Singer. (2009). Role of the Transfer Film on the Friction and Wear of Metal Carbide Reinforced Amorphous Carbon Coatings during Run-in.
  • T.W. Scharf, A. Neira, J.Y. Hwang, J. Tiley and R. Banerjee. (2009). Solid Lubrication of Laser Deposited Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nickel Matrix Nanocomposites.
  • T.W. Scharf, M.C. Romanes, K. Mahdak, J.Y. Hwang R. Banerjee, R.D. Evans and G.L. Doll. (2008). Atomic-scale Structure and Composition of Tungsten Carbide Reinforced Diamond-like Carbon Films.
  • J.Y. Hwang, A. Neira, T.W. Scharf, J. Tiley, and, R. Banerjee. (2008). Laser-deposited Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nickel Matrix Composites.
  • M.C. Romanes, N.A. D'Souza, D. Coutinho, K.J. Balkus, Jr. , and T.W. Scharf. (2008). Surface and Subsurface Characterization of Epoxy-Mesoporous Silica Composites to Clarify Tribological Properties.
  • Romanes, M.C., D’Souza, N.A., Coutinho, D., Balkus, K.J., Scharf, T.W. (2008). Surface and subsurface characterization of epoxy-mesoporous silica composites to clarify tribological properties. Wear. 265 (1) 88–96. Elsevier.
  • S. Samuel, S. Nag, T.W. Scharf, and R. Banerjee. (2008). Wear Resistance of Laser-Deposited Boride Reinforced Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta Alloy Composites for Orthopedic Implants.
  • R.E. Stallcup II, Y. Mo, T.W. Scharf, and J.M. Perez. (2007). Formation of nanometer-size high-density pits on epitaxial diamond (100) films.
  • T.W. Scharf, J.A. Ohlhausen, D.R. Tallant, and S.V. Prasad. (2007). Mechanisms of Friction in Diamond-like Nanocomposite Coatings.
  • D.S. Grierson, A.V. Sumant, A.R. Konicek, M. Abrecht, J. Birrell, O. Auciello, J.A. Carlisle, T.W. Scharf, M.T. Dugger, P.U.P.A. Gilbert, and R.W. Carpick. (2007). Tribochemistry and Material Transfer for the Ultrananocrystalline Diamond-Silicon Nitride Interface by X-PEEM Spectromicroscopy.
  • T.W. Scharf, S. V. Prasad, M. T. Dugger, P.G. Kotula, R. S. Goeke, and R.K. Grubbs. (2006). Growth, Structure, and Tribological Behavior of Atomic Layer Deposited Tungsten Disulphide Solid Lubricant Coatings with Applications to MEMS.
  • T.M. Mayer, T.W. Scharf, S. V. Prasad, M. T. Dugger, P.G. Kotula, R.K. Grubbs, and R. S. Goeke. (2005). Atomic Layer Deposition of Highly Conformal Tribological Coatings.
  • T.W. Scharf and S. V. Prasad. (2005). Diamond-Like Nanocomposite Coatings for LIGA-Fabricated Nickel Alloy Parts.
  • T.W. Scharf, S. V. Prasad, T. M. Mayer, R. S. Goeke, and M. T. Dugger. (2004). Atomic Layer Deposition of Tungsten Disulphide Solid Lubricant Coatings.
  • J. Neidhardt, L. Hultman, E. Broitman, T.W. Scharf, and I.L. Singer. (2004). Structural, Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Fullerene-like and Amorphous Carbon Nitride Coatings Synthesized by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering.
  • T.W. Scharf and I.L. Singer. (2003). Monitoring Transfer Films and Friction Instabilities with In Situ Raman Tribometry.
  • T.W. Scharf and I.L. Singer. (2003). Quantification of the Thickness of Carbon Transfer Films Using Raman Tribometry.
  • I.L. Singer, S.D. Dvorak, K.J. Wahl and T.W. Scharf. (2003). Role of Third Bodies in Friction and Wear of Protective Coatings.
  • T.W. Scharf and I.L. Singer. (2003). Thickness of Diamond-like Carbon Coatings Quantified with Raman Spectra.
  • T.W. Scharf, J. Gong, G. Zangari, J.A. Barnard. (2002). Assessing Defect Density and Wear Resistance of Ultrathin Diamond-like Carbon Films.
  • T.W. Scharf and I.L. Singer. (2002). Role of Third Bodies in Friction Behavior of Diamond-like Nanocomposite Coatings Studied by In Situ Tribometry.
  • T.W. Scharf, T.W. Wu, B.K. Yen, B. Marchon, J.A. Barnard. (2001). Mechanical Strength and Wear Resistance of 5 nm IBD Carbon Overcoats for Magnetic Disks.
  • G. Wei, T.W. Scharf, J.N. Zhou, F. Huang, M.L. Weaver, J.A. Barnard. (2001). Nanotribology Studies of Cr, Cr2N and CrN Thin Films Using Constant and Ramped Load Nanoscratch Techniques.
  • T.W. Wu, V. Deline, T.W. Scharf, B.K. Yen, J.A. Barnard. (2001). Wear of Ultrathin Carbon Overcoat Characterized by Microwear Scan and Auger Electron Spectroscopy.
  • T.W. Scharf and J.A. Barnard. (2000). Coverage and Mechanical Wear Assessment of ≤50 Å Thick Dual Ion Beam Deposited and Sputtered Protective Overcoats.
  • T.W. Scharf, R.D. Ott, D. Yang, and J.A. Barnard. (1999). Structural and Tribological Characterization of Protective a:C and a:CNx Overcoats for Next Generation Hard Disks.
  • R.D. Ott, T.W. Scharf, D. Yang, and J.A. Barnard. (1998). Tribological and Mechanical Properties of CN Ultra-Thin Overcoat Films.
  • H. Deng, T.W. Scharf, and J.A. Barnard. (1997). Adhesion Assessment of Silicon Carbide, Carbon, and Carbon Nitride Ultrathin Overcoats by Nanoscratch Techniques.
  • H. Deng, T.W. Scharf, and J.A. Barnard. (1997). Determining Critical Loads for Ultra-Thin Overcoats Using a Depth Sensing Nanoindentation Multiple Sliding Technique.
  • J.A. Barnard, V.R. Inturi, J.D. Jarratt, T.W. Scharf, and J.L. Weston. (1997). High Coercivity Nanostructured Networks.
  • T.W. Scharf, H. Deng, and J.A. Barnard. (1997). Mechanical and Fracture Toughness Studies of Amorphous SiC-N Hard Coatings Using Nanoindentation.
  • T.W. Scharf and J.A. Barnard. (1997). Nanotribology of Ultrathin a:SiC/SiC-N Overcoats Using a Depth Sensing Nanoindentation Multiple Sliding Technique.
  • T.W. Scharf, H. Deng, and J.A. Barnard. (1997). Nanowear/nanomechanical Testing and the Role of Stress in Sputtered CNx Overcoats.
  • J.A. Barnard, H. Fujiwara, V.R. Inturi, J.D. Jarratt, T.W. Scharf, and J.L. Weston. (1996). Nanostructured Magnetic Networks.
  • Magazine/Trade Publication

  • Singh, H., Mutyala, K.C., Mohseni, H., Scharf, T.W., Evans, R.D., Doll, G.L. (2015). Tribological Behavior of Ti Containing MoS2 in Sliding and Rolling Contact. 71 (1) 22-24.
  • Scharf, T.W., Gao, H., Aouadi, S.M., Martini, A. (2013). High-Temperature Tribological Properties of Silver Tantalate. 69 (10) 16-19.
  • K. Roget, S.G. Srinivasan, and T.W. Scharf. (2013). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Frictional Behavior in FCC Copper and HCP Magnesium.
  • Scharf, T.W., Sondhi, A., Reidy, R.F. (2013). Understanding the Mechanism of Zirconia to Zirconium Carbide Conversion for Ultra-high Temperature Ceramic Applications. 92 (6) 56.
  • R.R. Chromik, H.W. Strauss and T.W. Scharf. (2012). Materials Phenomena Revealed by In situ Tribometry.
  • H. Mohseni, B.A. Mensah, N. Gupta, S.G. Srinivasan, and T.W. Scharf. (2012). On Tailoring the Nanocrystalline Structure of ZnO to Achieve Low Friction.
  • H. Mohseni and T.W. Scharf, Tribology and Lubrication Technology, 66(8), 20-21 (2010).. (2010). Tribological Improvement of Carbon/Carbon Composites by Infiltration of ZnO/Al2O3/ZrO2 Solid Lubricant Coatings.
  • Other

  • Gopagoni, S., Scharf, T.W., Banerjee, R., Tiley, J.S. (2013). Solid lubricating, hard and fracture resistant composites for surface engineering applications.
  • Poster

  • Al Shenawa, A., D'Souza, N.A., Nasrazadani, S., Scharf, T.W. (2017). Effect of Supercritical CO2 on Corrosion and Wear Resistance of BMI Coating Filled with Montmorillonite Clay. Houston Texas,
  • Technical Report

  • Scharf, T.W. (2022). Hierarchical Diamond-Based Ceramic Composites (Summary Technical Report, Oct 2019- Sep 2021). ARMY RESEARCH LAB ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD.
  • Banerjee, R., Needleman, A., Scharf, T.W., Wilson, A.K. (2015). Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation (ISES). University of North Texas Denton United States.
  • Tiley, J.S., Borkar, T., Sosa, J., Hwang, J.Y., Scharf, T.W., Fraser, H., Banerjee, R. (2014). Laser-Deposited In Situ TiC-Reinforced Nickel Matrix Composites: 3D Microstructure and Tribological Properties (Postprint). AIR FORCE RESEARCH LAB WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING DIRECTORATE.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research


  • Shepherd, N.D. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Baskes, M.I. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Agrawal, P. (Co-Principal), "Hierarchically Structured Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by ARL, Federal, $5250000 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
  • Shepherd, N.D. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by ARL, Federal, $4250000 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Jiang, Y. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Shepherd (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, $5500000 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Mishra, R.S., Scharf, T.W., Srivilliputhur, S.G., Jiang, Y., Mukherjee, S., Young, M.L., Shepherd, N., Reidy, R.F., "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, $3250000 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Dahotre, N. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Du, J. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory, Federal, $2000000 Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), Du, J. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Verbeck, G.F. (Co-Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, $1000000 Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities; You do not have access to modify this field.Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities," sponsored by ARL subcontract through Temple University - Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education; You do not have access to modify this field.ARL subcontract through Temple University - Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education, Federal, $2197537 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities," sponsored by ARL subcontract through Temple University - Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education, Federal, $3754970 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), "Polymer Tribology and Flame Retardant Polymers," sponsored by Industrial external research from DAF Trucks NV (Co-PI) and A&A Logistics (PI), University of North Texas, $11000 Funded. (2007 - 2008).
  • Mishra, R.S., Scharf, T.W., Srivilliputhur, S.G., Jiang, Y., Mukherjee, S., Young, M.L., Shepherd, N., Reidy, R.F., "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Grant - Research

  • Scharf, T.W. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), "Fundamental Mechanistic Investigations of Novel Additively Manufactured Hybrid Materials," sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Federal, $171359.00 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Scharf, T.W., Voevodin, A.A., Aouadi, S.M., "Adaptive Tribological Surfaces Prepared by Additive Cold Spray Processes," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, University of North Texas, $113000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Scharf, T.W., Mishra, R.S., Banerjee, R., Mukherjee, S., Reidy, R.F., Xia, Z., Young, M.L., "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activitie," sponsored by Temple University, University of North Texas, $3754970.00 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Scharf, T.W. (Principal), "Next Generation Tribological Developments to Reduce Manual In-process Operations and Increase Throughput," sponsored by Carpenter Technology Corporation, University of North Texas, $69000 Funded. (2012 - 2015).
  • Prasad, V. (Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), , H.L. (Co-Principal), Omary, M.A. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), "Modernization of Multi-scale Characterization, Analysis, and Synthesis Facility for Materials and Devices: Remote Access, Visualization, and Public Engagement," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $1046053 Funded. (2010 - 2013).
  • Du, J. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), Shepherd, N.D. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Principal), Jiang, Y. (Principal), Xia, Z. (Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by U.S. Army Research Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2022).
  • Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Principal), "Fundamental Mechanistic Investigations of Novel Additively Manufactured Hybrid Materials," sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, FED, Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities," sponsored by Temple University - Of The Commonwealth, NFP, Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Voevodin, A.A. (Principal), Aouadi, S.M. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), "Task FY16.6.0 - Adaptive Tribological Surfaces Prepared by Additive Cold Spray Processes," sponsored by U.S. Army Research Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Needleman, A. (Co-Principal), Wilson, A.K. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), "Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation," sponsored by Air Force Research Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2008 - 2016).
  • Prasad, V. (Principal), Dahotre, N. (Co-Principal), , H.L. (Co-Principal), Omary, M.A. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), "Modernization of Multi-scale Characterization, Analysis, and Synthesis Facility for Materials and Devices: Remote Access, Visualization, and Public Engagement," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2010 - 2013).
  • Grant - Service

  • Scharf, T.W., "Equipment and Service Grant: Atomic Layer Depostion," sponsored by Hunt Energy Enterprises, LLC, National, $7744 Funded. (2019).
  • Scharf, T.W., "Equipment and Service Grant: Atomic Layer Depostion," sponsored by Hunt Energy Enterprises, LLC, National, Funded. (2019).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was