Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Link
PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 2011
Major: Business Administration
Specialization: Real Estate
BA, Illinois Wesleyan University, 2005
Major: Economics
Current Scheduled Teaching
REAL 2100.001 | Principles of Real Estate | Spring 2025 |
REAL 4200.401 | Property Management | Spring 2025 |
Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.
Previous Scheduled Teaching
Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Bian, X., Brastow, R., Stoll, M., Waller, B., Wentland, S. (2021). Neighborhood sorting dynamics in real estate: Evidence from the Virginia sex offender registry. Measuring Amenities and Disamenities in the Housing Market: Applications of the Hedonic Method.
- Bian, X., Chen, R., Jiang, H. (2024). Do Immigrants Equally Benefit from Rent Control?. Real Estate Economics. RCoB Premier Journal - recognized by the 2024 Dean’s Guidelines; ABDC "A" Journal
- Bian, X., Lin, Z., Zhu, F. (2024). Housing Leverage, Home Value, and Retirement. Real Estate Economics. 52 (4) 1103-1139. RCoB Premier Journal - recognized by the 2024 Dean’s Guidelines; ABDC "A" Journal
- Bian, X., Feng, Z., Lin, Z., Liu, Y. (2024). Holding onto the Past: Previous Homes, Post-Move Housing Consumption, and the Great Recession. Journal of Real Estate Research. 46 (2) 214-244. RCoB Premier Journal (previous) - recognized by the 2018 Dean’s Guidelines
- Bian, X., Zhu, F. (2024). Does Owning a Home Make Us More Generous?. Journal of Housing Research. 33 (1) 80-111.
- Bian, X., Devos, E., Feng, Z. (2023). Commercial Real Estate Returns and Innovation. Journal of Real Estate Research. 45 (3) 385-404. RCoB Premier Journal (previous) - recognized by the 2018 Dean’s Guidelines
- Bian, X., Contat, J., Waller, B.D., Wentland, S.A. (2023). Why Disclose Less Information? Toward Resolving a Disclosure Puzzle in the Housing Market. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. 66 (2) 443-486. ABDC "A" Journal
- Bian, X., Lin, Z. (2022). Housing Debt and Elderly Housing Tenure Choices. Real Estate Economics. 50 (5) 1360-1397. RCoB Premier Journal - recognized by the 2024 Dean’s Guidelines; ABDC "A" Journal
- Bian, X., Brastow, R.T., Waller, B.D., Wentland, S.A. (2021). Foreclosure Externalities and Home Liquidity. Real Estate Economics. 49 (3) 876-916.
- Bian, X. (2021). Disability and Mortgage Delinquency. Housing Studies. 36 (10) 1537-1565.
- Bian, X., Lin, Z., Liu, Y. (2018). House Price, Loan-to-Value Ratio and Credit Risk. Journal of Banking and Finance. 92 1-12.
- Bian, X., Lin, Z., Liu, Y. (2018). Bargaining, Mortgage Financing and Housing Prices. Journal of Real Estate Research. 40 (3) 419-451.
- Bian, X., Turnbull, G.K., Waller, B.D. (2017). Client Externality Effects of Agents Selling Their Own Properties. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. 54 (2) 139-164.
- Bian, X., Waller, B.D., Yavas, A. (2017). Commission Splits in Real Estate Transactions. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. 54 (2) 165-187.
- Bian, X. (2017). Housing Equity Dynamics and Home Improvements. Journal of Housing Economics. 37 29-41.
- Bian, X. (2016). Leverage and Elderly Homeowners’ Decisions to Downsize. Housing Studies. 31 (1) 20-41.
- Bian, X., Waller, B.D., Wentland, S.A. (2016). The Role of Transaction Costs in Impeding Market Exchange in Real Estate. Journal of Housing Research. 25 (2) 115-135.
- Bian, X., Waller, B.D., Turnbull, G.K., Wentland, S.A. (2015). How Many Listings Are Too Many? The Impact of Agent Inventory Externalities. Journal of Housing Economics. 28 130-143.
- Bian, X., Abdullah, Y. (2013). Prepayment Penalty as a Screening Mechanism for Default and Prepayment Risks. Real Estate Economics. 41 (1) 193-224.
- Ambrose, B.W., Bian, X. (2010). Stock Market Information and REIT Earnings Management. Journal of Real Estate Research. 32 (1) 101-138.