Faculty Profile

Yuede Ji

Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering



PhD, George Washington University, 2021.
Major: Computer Engineering
Degree Specialization: Cybersecurity and High-Performance Computing
Dissertation Title: High-Performance Graph Computing and Application in Cybersecurity
MS, Jilin University, 2015.
Major: Computer Science
Degree Specialization: Cybersecurity
Dissertation Title: Host-Based Botnet Detection
BE, Jilin University, 2012.
Major: Software Engineering
Degree Specialization: Software Engineering
Dissertation Title: Research of Host-based Bot Detection

Current Scheduled Teaching*

CSCE 2900.709, Special Problems in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2024

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Previous Scheduled Teaching*

CSCE 6933.001, Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering, Spring 2024 SPOT
CSCE 4890.709, Directed Study, Spring 2024
CSCE 6940.917, Individual Research, Spring 2024
CSCE 5565.002, Secure Software Development, Spring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 5150.002, Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Fall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 4890.709, Directed Study, Fall 2023
CSCE 6940.809, Individual Research, Fall 2023
CSCE 6933.001, Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering, Spring 2023 SPOT
CSCE 4890.762, Directed Study, Spring 2023
CSCE 6940.917, Individual Research, Spring 2023
CSCE 5150.002, Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Fall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 4890.709, Directed Study, Fall 2022
CSCE 5934.809, Directed Study, Fall 2022
CSCE 6940.809, Individual Research, Fall 2022
CSCE 6940.917, Individual Research, Spring 2022
CSCE 5565.001, Secure Software Systems, Spring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 5150.002, Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Fall 2021 Syllabus SPOT

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Published Publications

Published Intellectual Contributions

Conference Proceeding
Qiu, C., Yadav, S., Ji, Y., Squicciarini, ., Dantu, R., Zhao, J., Xu, C. Fine-Grained Geo-Obfuscation to Protect Workers’ Location Privacy in Large-Scale Time-Sensitive Spatial Crowdsourcing. 27th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2024.
Feng, W., Chen, S., Liu, H., Ji, Y. (2023). PeeK: A Prune-Centric Approach for Shortest Path Computation. Denver, CO: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC).
Chen, S., Zheng, D., Ding, C., Huan, C., Ji, Y., Liu, H. (2023). TANGO: re-thinking quantization for graph neural network training. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC).
Caldwell, J., Feng, W., Byun, M., Albert, M. V., Shu, T., Ji, Y. (2023). Exploring Power and Thermal Dynamics in the Summit Supercomputer: A Data Visualization Study. 7th Annual Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences Data Challenge (SMCDC).
Haleem, Y., Wagenvoord, I., Wei, Q., Xiao, T., Shu, T., Ji, Y. (2023). Understanding Nationwide Power Outage and Restoration for Future Prediction. 7th Annual Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences Data Challenge (SMCDC).
Cui, L., Cui, J., Ji, Y., Hao, Z., Li, L., Ding, Z. (2023). API2vec: Learning Representations of API Sequences for Malware Detection. ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'23).
Fu, Q., Ji, Y., Huang, H. (2022). TLPGNN: A Lightweight Two-Level Parallelism Paradigm for Graph Neural Network Computation on GPU. ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC). https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3502181.3531467
He, H., Ji, Y., Huang, H. (2022). Illuminati: Towards Explaining Graph Neural Networks for Cybersecurity Analysis. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9797387
Ji, Y., Huang, H. NestedGNN: Detecting Malicious Network Activity with Nested Graph Neural Networks. IEEE.
Ji, Y., Elsabagh, M., Johnson, R., Stavrou, A. (2021). DEFInit: An Analysis of Exposed Android Init Routines. USENIX Security.
Ji, Y., Cui, L., Huang, H. (2021). Vestige: Identifying Binary Code Provenance for Vulnerability Detection. The 19th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS).
Ji, Y., Cui, L., H. (2021). BugGraph: Differentiating Source-Binary Code Similarity with Graph Triplet-Loss Network. The ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS).
Journal Article
Ji, Y., Liu, H., Hu, Y., Huang, H. iSpan: Parallel Identification of Strongly Connected Components with Spanning Trees. ACM.
Shang, L., Guo,, Ji, Y., Li, Q. (2021). Discovering Unknown Advanced Persistent Threat Using Shared Features Mined by Neural Networks. Computer Networks.
Wang, L., Malladi, A., Ji, Y. Efficient Sparse Deep Neural Network Computation on GPU. ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC).

Awarded Grants

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Grant - Research
Ji, Y. (Principal), Bhowmick, S. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: SHF: Small: LEGAS: Learning Evolving Graphs At Scale," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $308739 Funded. (January 1, 2024December 31, 2026).
Ji, Y. (Principal), Gao, X. (Co-Principal), "CICI: UCSS: Secure Containers in High-Performance Computing Infrastructure," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $600000 Funded. (August 1, 2023July 31, 2026).
Ji, Y., "Scalable and Efficient Computation of Graph Neural Networks on GPUs," Sponsored by Google, Private, $5000 Funded. (September 1, 2021August 31, 2022).
Grant - Teaching
Ji, Y., "Analysis of Computer Algorithms," Sponsored by Google, Private, $5350 Funded. (August 27, 2022August 29, 2023).
Ji, Y., "Analysis of Computer Algorithms," Sponsored by Google, Private, $2900 Funded. (October 1, 2021August 23, 2022).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was