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Francis D'Souza

Title: Professor

Department: Chemistry

College: College of Science

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1992
    Major: Chemistry/Photochemistry
  • MS, Mysore University, 1984
    Major: Chemistry
  • BS, Mysore University, 1982
    Major: Science

Current Scheduled Teaching

CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2025
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2025
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2025 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2025
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2025
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2025
CHEM 3452.305Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2025

Previous Scheduled Teaching

CHEM 5570.002Advanced Analytical ChemistryFall 2024 SPOT
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2024
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2024
CHEM 6940.778Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2024
CHEM 6940.779Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2024
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2024
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2024
BIOL 4900.769Special ProblemsSpring 2024
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2023
CHEM 3996.727Honors College Mentored Research ExperienceFall 2023
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2023
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2023
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2023
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2023
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2022
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2022
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2022
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2022
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2022
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2022
CHEM 3452.305Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2022
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2022
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2021
CHEM 5640.001Selected Topics in Organic ChemistryFall 2021 SPOT
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsFall 2021
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2021
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2021
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2021
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2021
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2021
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2021
CHEM 3452.305Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2021
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2021
CHEM 4910.727Special ProblemsSpring 2021
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2020
CHEM 4930.001Selected Topics in ChemistryFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 5640.001Selected Topics in Organic ChemistryFall 2020 SPOT
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsFall 2020
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2020
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2020 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2020
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2020
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2020
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2020
CHEM 3452.305Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2020
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2020
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2019
CHEM 4912.727Undergraduate Research Capstone ExperienceFall 2019
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W2 2019
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2019
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2019
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2019
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2019
CHEM 5950.727Master's ThesisSpring 8W2 2019
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisSpring 2019
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2019 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2019 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2019 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2019 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.305Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2019 Syllabus
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2019
CHEM 4910.727Special ProblemsSpring 2019
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2018
CHEM 4951.701Honors College Capstone ThesisFall 2018
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2018
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisFall 2018
CHEM 4930.002Selected Topics in ChemistryFall 2018 SPOT
CHEM 5640.001Selected Topics in Organic ChemistryFall 2018 SPOT
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsFall 2018
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W2 2018
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2018
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2018
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2018
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2018
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2018
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2018
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2018
CHEM 3452.305Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2018
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2018
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2017
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2017
CHEM 4930.002Selected Topics in ChemistryFall 2017 SPOT
CHEM 5640.001Selected Topics in Organic ChemistryFall 2017 SPOT
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsFall 2017
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2017
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2017
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2017
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2017
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2017
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2017
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2017
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2017
CHEM 4912.727Undergraduate Research Capstone ExperienceSpring 2017
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2016
CHEM 1420.001General Chemistry for Science MajorsFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 1420.211General Chemistry for Science MajorsFall 2016
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2016
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsFall 2016
CHEM 4912.727Undergraduate Research Capstone ExperienceFall 2016
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2016
CHEM 3996.002Honors College Mentored Research ExperienceSummer 5W1 2016
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2016
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2016
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisSpring 2016
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2016
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2016
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2016
CHEM 3452.304Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2016
CHEM 4910.727Special ProblemsSpring 2016
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2015
CHEM 4930.002Selected Topics in ChemistryFall 2015 SPOT
CHEM 5640.001Selected Topics in Organic ChemistryFall 2015 SPOT
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2015
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2015
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2015
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2015
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2015 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2015
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2015
CHEM 3452.303Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2015
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2015
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2014
CHEM 1420.001General Chemistry for Science MajorsFall 2014
CHEM 1420.211General Chemistry for Science MajorsFall 2014
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2014
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsFall 2014
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2014
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2014
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2014
CHEM 3451.001Quantitative AnalysisSpring 2014 Syllabus
CHEM 3452.301Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2014
CHEM 3452.302Quantitative Analysis LaboratorySpring 2014
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2014
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2013
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2013
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisFall 2013
CHEM 4930.002Selected Topics in ChemistryFall 2013
CHEM 5640.001Selected Topics in Organic ChemistryFall 2013
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2013
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2013
CHEM 1420.003General Chemistry for Science MajorsSpring 2013
CHEM 1420.231General Chemistry for Science MajorsSpring 2013
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2013
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisSpring 2013
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2012
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2012
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisFall 2012
CHEM 5640.001Selected Topics in Organic ChemistryFall 2012
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2012
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2012
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2012
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationSpring 2012
CHEM 1420.003General Chemistry for Science MajorsSpring 2012
CHEM 1420.231General Chemistry for Science MajorsSpring 2012
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchSpring 2012
CHEM 5950.777Master's ThesisSpring 2012
CHEM 4900.727Special ProblemsSpring 2012
CHEM 6950.777Doctoral DissertationFall 2011
CHEM 6940.777Individual ResearchFall 2011

Published Intellectual Contributions


  • D'Souza, F., , K.M. (2014). Handbook of Carbon Nanomaterials. 5 and 6 Singapore, World Scientific Publications.
  • D'Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2012). Handbook of Carbon Nanomaterials. 3 and 4 Singapore, World Scientific Publications.
  • Book Chapter

  • Sharma, P.S., Iskierko, Z., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2016). Macromolecular Imprinting for Improved Health Security. Biosensors for Security and Bioterrorism Applications. 141–160. Springer International Publishing.
  • Obraztsov, I., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2016). Metalloporphyrins in Solar Energy Conversion. Electrochemistry of N4 Macrocyclic Metal Complexes. 171–262. Springer International Publishing.
  • Ito , O., D'Souza, F. (2015). Functionalized Nanocarbons for Artificial Photosynthesis: from Fullerene to SWCNT, Carbon Nanohorn and Graphene. From Molecules to Materials "Pathway to Artificial Photosynthesis Eds. E. A. Rozhkova, K. Ariga. Springer, 2014, in press.
  • Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2015). Functionalized Nanocarbons for Artificial Photosynthesis: From Fullerene to SWCNT, Carbon Nanohorn, and Graphene. From Molecules to Materials. 193–240. Springer International Publishing.
  • Sharma, P.S., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2014). 'Graphene and Graphene Oxides for Chemo- and Biosensing of Biohazards'. Topics in Current Chemistry, Eds. M. Marcaccio, F. Paolucci. 348 237-266. Springer.
  • D'Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A., Ito, O. (2013). 'Photoinduced Electron Transfer of Supramolecular Carbon Nanotube Materials Decorated with Photoactive Sensitizers'. Organic Nanomaterials. 187-204.
  • Sharma, P.S., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Graphene and graphene oxide materials for chemo-and biosensing of chemical and biochemical hazards. Making and Exploiting Fullerenes, Graphene, and Carbon Nanotubes. 237–265. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Sharma, P.S., D'Souza, F., Kutner , W. (2012). 'Carbon nanotube based chemo- and biosensors'. chapter 5, Handbook of Carbon Nanomaterials, Eds. D'Souza, F.; Kadish, K. M.. 3 154-202. Singapore, World Scientific.
  • Sharma, P.S., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2012). 'Molecular imprinting for selective sensing of biohazardous compounds'. Portable Chemical Sensors Ed. Dimitrios P. Nikolelis, Nato Science for Peace and Security Series. 63-94. Dordrecht, Springer.
  • Hill, J.P., D'Souza, F., Ariga , K. (2012). 'Porphyrinoids: Highly Colored, Redox Active Scaffolds for Supramolecular Synthesis'. Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials Eds. P. A. Gale and J. W. Steed. 1713-1730. Wiley-VCG, Verlog.
  • Pietrzyk-Le, A., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2012). 'Supramolecular Self-assembly Governed Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Selective Chemical Sensing'. Supramolecular Chemistry for 21st Century Technology' Ed. H.-J. Schneider. 105-128. Taylor - Francis and CRC.
  • Sharma, P.S., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2012). Carbon Nanotube–Based Chemo-and Biosensors. Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: (In 2 Volumes) Volume 3: Medicinal and Bio-related Applications Volume 4: Materials and Fundamental Applications. 151–202.
  • D'Souza, F., Ito , O. (2012). Chapter 8 'Artificial Photosynthetic Antenna-Reaction Center Mimics'. Multiporphyrin Array: Fundamentals and Applications Ed. Kim, D.. 389-437. Singapore, Pan Stanford Publishing.
  • Iurlo, M., Rapino, S., Valenti, G., Marcaccio, M., Paolucci, F. (2012). Electrochemistry of Carbon Nanostructures: From Pristine Materials to Functional Devices. Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: (In 2 Volumes) Volume 3: Medicinal and Bio-related Applications Volume 4: Materials and Fundamental Applications. 131–188.
  • Sharma, P.S., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2012). Molecular imprinting for selective sensing of explosives, warfare agents, and toxins. Portable Chemical Sensors. 63–94. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Slanina, Z., Uhlík, F., Lee, S., Akasaka, T., Nagase, S. (2012). Stability computations for fullerenes and metallofullerenes. Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: (In 2 Volumes) Volume 3: Medicinal and Bio-related Applications Volume 4: Materials and Fundamental Applications. 381–429.
  • Kolosnjaj-Tabi, J., Baati, T., Szwarc, H., Moussa, F., Pantano, P., Draper, R.K., Mikoryak, C., Wang, R., Lalwani, G., Sitharaman, B., others. (2012). Toxicity Studies of [60] Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes: State of the Art. Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: (In 2 Volumes) Volume 3: Medicinal and Bio-related Applications Volume 4: Materials and Fundamental Applications. 49–81.
  • Pieta, P., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2011). Preparation, Properties, and Application of Polymer Composites of Carbon Nanotubes. Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: (In 2 Volumes) Volume 1: Synthesis and Supramolecular Systems Volume 2: Electron Transfer and Applications. 693–753.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2010). 4 Tetrapyrrole–Nanocarbon Hybrids: Self-Assembly and Photoinduced Electron Transfer. Handbook of Porphyrin Science (Volume 1) With Applications to Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering, Biology and Medicine. 307–437.
  • Toops, G.H. (2009). On contrasting the use of tense and aspect in Upper and Lower Sorbian. Brockmeyer Verlag.
  • D'Souza, F., Kadish, K. (2006). Electron Transfer Processes of $\beta$-Pyrrole Brominated Porphyrins: Structural vs. Electronic Effects. N4-Macrocyclic Metal Complexes. 439--466. Springer New York New York, NY.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K. (2006). Electron Transfer Processes of $β$-Pyrrole Brominated Porphyrins: Structural vs. Electronic Effects. N4-Macrocyclic Metal Complexes. 439–466. Springer New York.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Wang, H., Moss, A.E., Arvidson, J., Jang, Y., Alsaleh, A., D'Souza, F. (2024). Molecular Donor-Acceptor Systems Derived from Aromatic Heterocycle-Fused Porphyrins. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 245. (13) 1061--1061.
  • Wang, H., Arvidson, J., Shaikh, S., Kaswan, R., Jang, Y., Alsaleh, A., D'Souza, F. (2024). Synthesis and Characterization of Aromatic Heterocycle-Fused Porphyrins. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 245. (14) 1155--1155.
  • Wang, H., Hu, Y., Moss, A.E., Arvidson, J., Jang, Y., Alsaleh, A., D'Souza, F. (2023). $\Pi$-Extended Porphyrins: Fusion of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Porphyrins. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 243. (14) 1357--1357.
  • D'Souza, F. (2023). (Nanocarbons Division Robert C. Haddon Research Award) Nano Carbons in Mimicking the Early Events of Photosynthetic Reaction Center:‘Simple’and ‘Not-so-Simple’Donor-Acceptor Conjugates. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 243. (12) 1271--1271.
  • D'Souza, F., Narita, A. (2023). B05-Fullerenes-Endohedral Fullerenes and Molecular Carbon 2. 243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII).
  • Poddutoori, P., Bayard, B.J., Holzer, N., Hamza, J.R., Sharma, J., D'Souza, F., Karr, P. (2023). Push-Pull Charge Transfer and High-Potentials Induced by Hypervalent Ions in Antimony (V) and Phosphorus (V) Porphyrins. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 243. (15) 1392--1392.
  • Kazemi, S., Jang, Y., Liyanage, A., Karr, P., D'Souza, F. (2022). A Carbon Nanotube Binding Bis (pyrenylstyryl) Bodipy-C60 Nano Tweezer: Formation and Photoinduced Charge Separation in Supramolecular C60-Bodipy-SWCNT Triads. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241. (11) 825--825.
  • D'Souza, F., Torres, T. (2022). B05-Nanocarbons. 241st ECS Meeting (May 29-June 2, 2022).
  • D'Souza, F., Ganesan, A., Osonkie, A., Chukwunenye, P., Rashed, I., Anwar, F., Gharee, M., Balogun, K., Cundari, T.R., Kelber, J.A. (2022). Electro-Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen to Ammonia By Vanadium Oxide and Vanadium Oxynitride Thin Films: The Roles of Metal Oxophilicity, and Lattice Oxygen and Nitrogen Towards NRR. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241. (45) 1893--1893.
  • Poddutoori, P., Zarrabi, N., Bayard, B.J., Holzer, N., Seetharaman, S., Karr, P., D'Souza, F., van der Est, A. (2022). Phosphorus (V) Porphyrin: A Reductive Electron Quencher in Donor-Acceptor Systems. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241. (14) 980--980.
  • Wang, H., Hu, Y., Thomas, M., Alsaleh, A., D'Souza, F. (2022). Pi-Extended Porphyrins: Synthesis, Functionalization and Applications in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241. (13) 903--903.
  • Dawson, A., Sekaran, B., Jang, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2022). Ultrafast Charge-Transfer in Panchromatic, Push-Pull Porphyrin-Tetracyanobuta-1, 3-Diene-Donor Conjugates. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241. (14) 976--976.
  • Caballero, R., Barrejon, M., Cerda, J., Arago, J., Seetharaman, S., de la Cruz, P., Orti, E., D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2022). Untethering the Tether Towards Spontaneously Self-Assembled Donuts. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241. (11) 827--827.
  • Ayerdurai, V., Garcia-Cruz, A., Cieplak, M., Sharma, P.S., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2021). Capacitive Electrochemical Sensor with Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Determination of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 239. (55) 1363--1363.
  • Kalecki, J., Cieplak, M., D\kabrowski, Marcin, Lisowski, W., Kuhn, A., D'Souza, F., Sharma, P.S. (2021). Nanostructured Molecular Imprinted Polymers for Chemosensing of Hormone Proteins. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 239. (63) 1690--1690.
  • D'Souza, F., Imahori, H. (2020). B05-Exohedral Fullerenes. 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020)(May 10-14, 2020).
  • Kadish, K.M., D'Souza, F. (2020). B08-Porphyrinoids Electrochemical and Physical Properties. 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020)(May 10-14, 2020).
  • Wang, H., Hu, Y., Thomas, M., Alsaleh, A., D'Souza, F. (2020). Beta, Beta-Functionalized Push-Pull Opp-Dibenzoporphyrins As Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: The Role of the Phenylethynyl Bridge and the Tertiary Amine Push Group. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (11) 880.
  • Shao, S., D'Souza, F., Obondi, C., Subedi, D., Lim, G.N., Gobeze, H.B., Karr, P., Poddutoori, P.K., van der Est, A. (2020). Donor-Acceptor Systems from Triplet Photosensitizers for High Potential, Long-Lived Charge Separation. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (9) 795.
  • Ayerdurai, V., Garcia-Cruz, A., Cieplak, M., Sharma, P.S., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2020). Electrochemical Sensor for Food Toxins with Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Selective Determination of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts prime2020. (68) 3681--3681.
  • D'Souza, F., Misra, R., Sharma, R., Gautam, P., Shinde, J., Thomas, M., Jang, Y., Alsaleh, A. (2020). Low-Bandgap, Donor-Acceptor Conjugates Based on Tetracyanobutadiene (TCBD) and Dicyanoquinodimethane (DCNQ): Synthesis, Structure and Photochemical Properties. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (12) 919.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Zarrabi, N., Lim, G.N., Seetharaman, S., D'Souza, F. (2020). Redox Control Recombination in Axially Linked “Donor--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--Fullerene” Reaction Center Models. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (12) 923.
  • Caballero, R., de la Cruz, P., Ort\'\i, Enrique, Arag\'o, Juan, Cerd\'a, Jes\'us, Barrejon, M., Seetharaman, S., Langa, F., D'Souza, F. (2020). Self-Assembly Directed Organization of Fullerene-Bisporphyrins into Supramolecular Donut Structures for Excited State Charge Stabilization. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (7) 1086.
  • Hill, J.P., Chahal, M.K., Payne, D., Labuta, J., Matsushita, Y., Ariga, K., Karr, P., D'Souza, F. (2020). Sensing and Catalytic Properties of Oxoporphyrinogens. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (12) 938.
  • Thomas, M.B., Hu, Y., Wang, H., D'Souza, F. (2019). Accelerated Charge Separation and Stabilization in a Fused Bis Zinc Porphyrin-Quinone Conjugate Via Cation-Quinone Interaction. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (14) 947.
  • Wang, H., Hu, Y., D'Souza, F. (2019). Beta, Beta-Functionalized Push-Pull Opp-Dibenzoporphyrins As Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: The Role of the Phenylethynyl Bridge. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (13) 884.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Shao, S., D'Souza, F. (2019). Excited State Dynamics and Ultrafast Electron Transfer in $\beta$-Iodo Substituted Bdp and ADP Donor-Acceptor Systems Featuring Fullerene.. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (11) 782.
  • Poudel, Y., Sairaman, S., Hennighausen, Z., Kar, S., D'Souza, F., Neogi, A. (2019). Exciton-dynamics of molybdenum disulfide on gallium nitride. APS March Meeting Abstracts. 2019 H15--002.
  • D'Souza, F., Guldi, D.M. (2019). Exohedral Fullerenes. 235th ECS Meeting (May 26-30, 2019).
  • Kumar, S., Webre, W., Stewart, C., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2019). Novel Synthesis of [2, 3] Naphthaloporphyrins. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (45) 2216.
  • Shao, S., Gobeze, H., Karr, P., D'Souza, F. (2019). Photoinduced electron transfer in meso donor carrying bis styryl BODIPY bound to fullerene using" two point" self assembly strategy. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 258
  • Hill, J.P., Chahal, M.K., Labuta, J., Payne, D., Webre, W., D'Souza, F., Ariga, K. (2019). Self-Assembly and Sensing Properties of Rim-Functionalized Oxoporphyrinogens. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (14) 937.
  • Benitz, A., D'Souza, F., Thomas, M. (2019). Synthesis and characterization of a red to near-IR absorbing donor-acceptor styrl-BODIPY conjugates. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 258
  • Sankar, M., Rathi, P., Seetharaman, S., D'Souza, F. (2019). Synthesis, Structural, Spectral and Electrochemical Redox Properties of N-Fused Porphyrins and Their Photoinduced Electron Transfer Studies with C60 Derivatives. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (14) 904.
  • D'Souza, F. (2019). Triplet Sensitizer Derived, Nanocarbon Bearing Donor-Acceptor Conjugates for High Potential, Long-Lived Charge Separation. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (11) 781.
  • Shao, S., Obondi, C., Gobeze, H., Lim, G.N., Karr, P., D'Souza, F. (2019). Ultrafast Photoinduced Charge Separation in Wide-Band Capturing, Bis-Styryl Bodipy-Fullerene Donor--Acceptor Assemblies. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (14) 912.
  • D'Souza, F. (2018). Bodipy-Nanocarbon Hybrids for Mimicking Early Events of Natural Photosynthesis. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 233. (9) 800--800.
  • D'Souza, F., Martin, N. (2018). Functionalized Fullerenes. 233rd ECS Meeting (May 13-17, 2018).
  • Hu, Y., Jinadasa, R.W., Yellappa, S., Webre, W., Thomas, M., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2018). Linker Group Effects of Linearly Pi-Extended Porphyrins for Solar Energy Conversion. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (11) 910.
  • Poudel, Y., D'Souza, F., Neogi, A. (2018). Plasmon enhanced light emission in molybdenum disulfide. 2D Photonic Materials and Devices. 10534 1053406.
  • Mahat, M., Rostovtsev, Y., Karna, S., D'Souza, F., Neogi, A. (2018). Plasmonic induced transparency in graphene oxide quantum dots. Quantum Dots and Nanostructures: Growth, Characterization, and Modeling XV. 10543 69--76.
  • Iskierko, Z., Sharma, P.S., Fronc, K., D'Souza, F., Noworyta, K.R. (2017). Application of Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor Sensors with Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Recognition Layers for Determination of Renal Dysfunction Biomarkers. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 231. (28) 1315--1315.
  • Obondi, C., Lim, G.N., Karr, P., Pilkington, M., van der Est, A., Poddutoori, P.K., D'Souza, F. (2017). Axially Assembled Photosynthetic Antenna-Reaction Center Mimics. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 231. (11) 757--757.
  • D'Souza, F., Guldi, D.M. (2017). Chemistry of Nanocarbons 3. 231st ECS Meeting (May 28-June 1, 2017).
  • Kutner, W., Garcia-Cruz, A., Lach, P., Sharma, P.S., Pieta, P., Golebiewska, K.K., Cieplak, M., Noworyta, K.R., Schulz, E., D'Souza, F. (2017). Conducting Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Chemical Sensors for Toxic N-Nitrosamines Selective Determination in Heat Processed Food of Animal Origin. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 231. (42) 1919--1919.
  • Wang, H., Jinadasa, R.W., Thomas, M., Hu, Y., D'Souza, F. (2017). Linearly-and Cross-Conjugated Porphyrin Dimers: Synthesis and Characterization. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (14) 887.
  • Sastre-Santos, Á., D’Souza, F. (2017). Multichromophoric Perylenediimide-Silicon Phthalocyanine-C60 System As an Artificial Photosynthetic Analogue. Meeting Abstracts. (11) 753–753.
  • D'Souza, F., Guldi, D.M. (2017). Nanocarbons Division Richard E. Smalley Research Award Session. 231st ECS Meeting (May 28-June 1, 2017).
  • McKinzey, D., D'Souza, F., Shao, S. (2017). Peripheral functionalization of AzaBODIPY for 2D and 3D assemblies. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 253
  • Wang, H., Jinadasa, R.G., Hu, Y., Thomas, M., D'Souza, F., Yellappa, S. (2017). Push-Pull P-Extended porphyrins As Sensitizer for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (13) 841.
  • Hill, J.P., Miklik, D., Svec, P., Matsushita, Y., Labuta, J., Ishihara, S., D'Souza, F., Ariga, K. (2017). Pyrazinacenes and Oxoporphyrinogens. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 231. (14) 889--889.
  • Collini, M., Thomas, M., Bandi, V., Karr, P., D'Souza, F. (2017). Strongly Coupled Bisdonor-BF2 Chelated Azadipyrromethene-Fullerene Tetrads: Synthesis and Charge Separation Studies. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 231. (14) 914--914.
  • D'Souza, F., Obondi, C., Churchill, B., Lim, G.N., Poddutoori, P., van der Est, A. (2016). Long-Lived Charge Separated States Exclusively from the Triplet Excited States in Palladium Porphyrin-Fullerene Conjugates. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 229. (10) 728--728.
  • D'Souza, F., Bandi, V., Gobeze, H.B. (2016). Peripherally Fused Azabodipy Dimers: A New Class of Near-Infrared Fluorescence Probes. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 229. (13) 845--845.
  • D'Souza, F., Guldi, D.M. (2016). PET and Catalysis. 229th ECS Meeting (May 29-June 2, 2016).
  • Cheng, B., Wei, M., Bandi, V., Nguyen, K.T., Hong, Y., D’Souza, F., Yuan, B. (2015). Improve the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Ultrasound-Switchable Fluorescence Technique for Deep-tissue High-resolution Fluorescence Imaging. Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery. OW1D--6.
  • Dhoubhadel, M.S., Lakshantha, W.J., Lightbourne, S., D’Souza, F., Rout, B., McDaniel, F.D. (2015). Improvement in the photocurrent collection due to enhanced absorption of light by synthesizing staggered layers of silver nanoclusters in silicon. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1671 (1) 020003.
  • D'Souza, F., Lim, G.N., KC, C. (2015). Modulating Electron Transfer Dynamics Via Graphene Interactions in Donor-Acceptor Systems. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 227. (8) 835--835.
  • D'Souza, F., Bandi, V., D'Souza, F.P., Gobeze, H.B. (2015). Multi-Step Energy and Electron Transfer in a'v-Configured'Supramolecular Bodipy-Azabodipy-Fullerene Triad. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 227. (11) 994--994.
  • Cieplak, M., Szwabinska, K., KC, C., Borowicz, P., Noworyta, K.R., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Selective Electrochemical Sensing of Human Albumin By Semi-Covalent Imprinting. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 227. (45) 2309--2309.
  • Gawecka, K., Noworyta, K.R., Chitta, R., D'Souza, F. (2015). Structure and Electrical Properties of the Selected Crown Ether-Derivatized Bis (2, 2'-bithienyl) Methanes in Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 227. (11) 1032--1032.
  • Dhoubhadel, M.S., Rout, B., Lakshantha, W.J., Das, S.K., D'Souza, F., Glass, G.A., McDaniel, F.D. (2014). 1607 16-23. AIP Conf. Proc..
  • Gobeze, H.B., Das, S.K., Bikram, C.K., D'Souza, F. (2014). Electron transfer dynamics at the tetrapyrrole dye/TiO2 interface: Femtosecond transient absorption study. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 247
  • D'Souza, F., Das, S.K., Song, B., Ito, O. (2014). High Potential Zinc Porphyrin-Fullerene Dyads: Formation and Electron Transfer Studies. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 225. (32) 1242--1242.
  • Dhoubhadel, M.S., Rout, B., Lakshantha, W.J., Das, S.K., D’Souza, F., Glass, G.A., McDaniel, F.D. (2014). Investigation of structural and optical properties of Ag nanoclusters formed in Si (100) after multiple implantations of low energies Ag ions and post-thermal annealing at a temperature below the Ag-Si eutectic point. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1607 (1) 16–23.
  • D'Souza, F. (2014). Light harvesting supramolecular porphyrin-nanocarbon donor-acceptor hybrids. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 247
  • D'Souza, F., Bandi, V., Heine, B., El-Khouly, M., Nesterov, V., Ohkubo, K., Zandler, M., Fukuzumi, S. (2014). Photosynthetic Donor-Acceptor Mimicry Using Near-Infrared Photosensitizers. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 225. (35) 1330--1330.
  • Bandi, V.G., Gobeze, H., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F. (2014). Studies on" distantly" and" closely" positioned bisphenothiazine-BF2 chelated azadipyrromethene-fullerene tetrads. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 247
  • D'Souza, F., Bikram KC, C., Das, Sushanta, K, Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S. (2013). Charge Separation in Tetrapyrrole-Graphene and Tetrapyrrole-Slgo-Fullerene Hybrids. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 223. (30) 1066--1066.
  • Das, S.K., Chandra, B., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2013). Decorating single layer graphene oxide with donor-acceptor molecules in an electron transfer process. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 245
  • D'Souza, F. (2012). Amin AN El-Khouly ME Subbaiyan NK Zandler ME Fukuzumi SJ Am. Chem. Soc. 134 654--664.
  • Dsouza, F., Sushanta, K.D., Zandler, M.E., Atula, S., Ito, O. (2012). Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Porphyrin-ssDNA-SWCNT Bionano Donor-Acceptor Hybrids. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (29) 1107.
  • Kutner, W., Sharma, P.S., Dabrowski, M., KC, C.B., Noworyta, K., D'Souza, F. (2012). Selective Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate (ATP) Recognition with a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Using Derivatized Fullerene Functional Monomers. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (30) 1138.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., D'Souza, F. (2012). Simple Construction of Near Unity Photon-to-Electron Conversion Efficiency Performing Photoelectrochemical Cells Built on Porphyrins Electrostatically Stacked onto Nanocrystalline SnO2 Surface. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (36) 1307.
  • D'Souza, F., Amin, A., Zandler, M.E., El-Khouly, M., Fukuzumi, S. (2011). Azadipyrromethene-Porphyrin-Fullerene Triad: Synthesis and Photoinduced Processes. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (37) 1799.
  • D'Souza, F., Das, S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Sandanayaka, A.S., Hasobe, T., Ito, O. (2011). Photoinduced Processes of the Supramolecularly Functionalized Semi-Conductive SWNTs with Porphyrins. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (31) 1665.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., Maligaspe, E., D'Souza, F. (2011). Supramolecular Solar Cells-Water Soluble Porphyrin Adsorption on Tin Oxide and their Photoelectrochemical Studies. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (29) 2019.
  • D'Souza, F. (2010). Bio-Inspired Supramolecular Nano-Assemblies for Light Energy Conversion. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (30) 1455.
  • D'Souza, F., Subbaiyan, N.K., Maligaspe, E. (2010). Free-Base Porphyrin-Fe Porphyrin Based Supramolecular Solar Cells. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (36) 1649.
  • Pietrzyk, A., Kutner, W., Suriyanarayanan, S., Chitta, R., Maligaspe, E., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F., Sannicolo, F., Mussini, P.R. (2010). Supramolecular Complexation of Biogenic Amines by Functional Electroactive Monomers of Thiophene Derivatives for Formation of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Films for Biosensor Development. Heyrovsky Discussion Electrochemistry of Organic Molecules and nCoordination Compounds.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., Obraztov, I., Wijesinghe, C., Tran, K., Kutner, W., D'Souza, F. (2009). Electropolymerized Zinc Porphyrin Axially Coordinated to Fullerene Supramolecular Donor-Acceptor Hybrids: Formation, Characterization and Photoelectrochemical Studies. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (29) 1109.
  • D'Souza, F., Maligaspe, E., Zandler, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S. (2009). Linking Fullerene (s) to Organic LED Molecules: New Donor-Acceptor Conjugates for Investigating Photoinduced Electron Transfer. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (29) 1106.
  • Guldi, D., D’Souza, F., Weisman, B. (2009). Nanostructure and Function of Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, and Related Materials.
  • Noworyta, K.R., Kutner, W., Wijesinghe, C., Srour, S., D'Souza, F. (2009). Nicotine Chemosensor based on Molecular Imprinting Zinc Porphyrin Polymers as the Recognition Element. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (45) 1500.
  • Maligaspe, E., D'Souza, F. (2009). ORGN 344-Energy transfer followed by electron transfer in a supramolecular boron dipyrrin-zinc porphyrin-fullerene. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 237
  • Wijesinghe, C.A., D'Souza, F. (2009). PHYS 387-Molecular triads comprised of boron dipyrrin-C60 dyad connected to either an energy or electron donating entity to probe sequential energy/electron transfer events. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 237
  • D'Souza, F., Chitta, R., Ohkubo, K., Tasior, M., Subbaiyan, N., Venukadasula, G., Zandler, M., Gryko, D., Fukuzumi, S. (2008). Corrole-Fullerene Dyads: Design, Syntheses and Photophysical Studies. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (27) 926.
  • Zandler, M.E., D'Souza, F. (2008). DFT Calculations of the Energy and HOMO-LUMO (Band Gap) of Carbon and Borno-Nitride Cones and Cups. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (29) 992.
  • 大久保敬, 福住俊一, others. (2008). Face-to-Face 型亜鉛フタロシアニン二量体とフラーレンからなるドナー・アクセプター連結系の光電子移動反応. 基礎有機化学討論会要旨集 (基礎有機化学連合討論会予稿集) 第 19 回基礎有機化学討論会 (第 38 回構造有機化学討論会・第 58 回有機反応化学討論会). 262–262.
  • D’Souza, F. (2008). Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures–213th ECS Meeting.
  • 大久保敬, 福住俊一, others. (2008). コロール-フラーレン連結分子を用いた非極性溶媒中における長寿命電荷分離状態の生成. 基礎有機化学討論会要旨集 (基礎有機化学連合討論会予稿集) 第 19 回基礎有機化学討論会 (第 38 回構造有機化学討論会・第 58 回有機反応化学討論会). 263–263.
  • D’Souza, F. (2007). Fullerenes, nanotubes, and carbon nanostructures.
  • D'Souza, F. (2007). Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures 2.
  • Chitta, R., Sandanayaka, A.S., Schumacher, A.L., D'Souza, L., Araki, Y., Ito, O., D'Souza, F. (2007). Non-covalently linked and self-assembled zinc porphyrin/zinc naphthalocyanine-SWCNT nanohybrids for photoinduced electron transfer. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 233
  • Zandler, M.E., Opara, L., D'Souza, F. (2007). Remarkable group additivity properties from DFT calculations: Total energy and frontier orbital energies and shapes. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 233 250--250.
  • Zandler, M., Paul, A Karr, D'Souza, F. (2006). Application of DFT-KS Orbitals in Predicting the Electrochemical and Spectral Properties of Porphyrin Supramolecular Donor-Acceptor Assemblies. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (27) 955.
  • Winkler, K., Grodzka, E., D'Souza, F., Balch, A. (2006). Application of Two-component Films of Fullerene and Palladium for Electrochemical Capacitor Materials. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (19) 836.
  • Saito, K., Ohkubo, K., Troiani, V., Solladi, N., Gadde, S., D'Souza, F., Crossley, M., Araki, Y., Ito, O., Fukuzimi, S. (2006). Artificial Photosynthetic Models Composed of Zinc Porphyrin Assembly/Fullerene Supramolecular Complexes. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (19) 837.
  • D'Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Metalloporphyrins Bearing Crown Ether Voids: Building Blocks of Supramolecular Donor-Acceptor Architecture. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (27) 947.
  • D'Souza, F., McCarty, A.L., Ariga, K., Jonathan, P.H., Zandler, M.E., Paul, A Karr. (2006). Oxocyclohexadienylidene Porphyrinogens: A New Class of Anion Binding and Solvatochromic Agents. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (22) 754.
  • D'Souza, F., Schmacher, A.L., Karr, P.A., Melvin, E.Z., Ariga, K., Hill, J.P. (2006). Oxoporphyrinogens as Anion Binding Agents: Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Investigations. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (46) 2083.
  • Fukuzumi, S., Saito, K., Amasaki, I., Troiani, V., Solladi\'e, Nathalie, Gadde, S., D'Souza, F., Crossley, M., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Photoinduced Electron Transfer of Supramolecular Assemblies of Porphyrins. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (22) 762.
  • Hasobe, T., Kamat, P., Saito, K., Troiani, V., Solladie, N., Ahn, T., Kim, S., Kim, D., D'Souza, F., Kongkanand, A., others. (2006). Photovoltaic Cells Composed of Supramolecular Clusters Based on Porphyrin-Peptide Oligomers and Fullerenes. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (27) 948.
  • D'Souza, F., Gadde, S., Chitta, R., Zandler, M.E., El-Khouly, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Self-assembled Porphyrin-Fullerene Conjugates via Multiple Modes of Binding Motif: Design and Photochemical Investigation. ECS Meeting Abstracts. (20) 846.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., McCarty, A.L., Zandler, M.E., Shafiqul, D.I., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Studies on Supramolecular Ferrocene-Porphyrin-Fullerene Constructs for Charge Stabilization. Meeting Abstracts. (14) 594–594.
  • Plonska, M., Winkler, K., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F., Balch, A.L. (2005). ELECTROCHEMICAL FORMATION OF TWO-COMPONENT ELECTROACTIVE FILMS OF PALLADIUM AND FULLERENE COVALENTLY ATTACHED TO A ZINC PORPHYRIN REDOX PROBE. Fullerenes and Nanotubes: Materials for the New Chemical Frontier: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters. 14 30.
  • Kutner, W., Pieta, P., Nowakowski, R., Sobczak, J.W., Kaszkur, Z., McCarty, A.L., D’Souza, F. (2005). Preparation, surface characteristics and electrochemical properties of electrophoretically deposited C60 films. AIP Conference Proceedings. 786 (1) 13–16.
  • D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., Itou, M. (2005). SELF-ASSEMBLY VIA TWO-POINT’BINDING OF A ZINC PORPHYRIN DIMER TO A BIS PYRIDINE FUNCTIONALIZED FULLERENE: SINGLET EMISSION STUDIES. Fullerenes and Nanotubes: Materials for the New Chemical Frontier: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters. 14 46.
  • D’Souza, F., McCarty, A.L., Smith, P.M. (2005). SYNTHESIS AND CATION COMPLEXATION INDUCED ELECTROCHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIS-FUNCTIONALIZED FULLERENE-DIBENZO-[18|-CROWN-6 CONJUGATES. Fullerenes and Nanotubes: Materials for the New Chemical Frontier: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters. 14 232.
  • Kamat, P., Guldi, D., D'Souza, F., Fukuzumi, S. (2004). Proceedings-Electrochemical Society: Preface. Proceedings-Electrochemical Society. iii.
  • Smith, P.M., McCarty, A.L., Nguyen, N.Y., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2003). BIS FULLEROPYRROLIDINE-DIBENZO [18] CROWN-6 CONJUGATE: CATION-COMPLEXATION INDUCED REDUCTION POTENTIAL CHANGES. Fullerenes and Nanotubes: The Building Blocks of Next Generation Nanodevices: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters. 2003 40.
  • Marczak, R., Noworyta, K., D’Souza, F. (2003). Complexation of Fullerene Adducts of Pyridine or Imidazole by Water Soluble Zinc Porphyrins in the Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Fullerenes and Nanotubes: The Building Blocks of Next Generation Nanodevices: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters. 2003 47.
  • Nguyen, N., Smith, P., McCarty, A., Zandler, M., Sherigara, B., D'Souza, F. (2003). Fullerene-dibenzo [18] crown-6 conjugates: Synthesis and cation-complexation dependent redox behavior.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 225 U357--U358.
  • Kamat, P., Guldi, D., D’Souza, F. (2003). Fullerenes and nanotubes: the building blocks of next generation nanodevices(Paris, 27 April- 2 May 2003). Proceedings- Electrochemical Society.
  • Kamat, P.V., Guldi, D.M., DSouza, F. (2003). Fullerenes and Nanotubes: The Building Blocks of Next Generation Nanodevices: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters.
  • Marczak, R., Noworyta, K., Kutner, W., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F. (2003). Self-assembling of C60-imidazole and C60-pyridine adducts in the Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films via complex formation with water-soluble zinc porphyrins. AIP Conference Proceedings. 685 (1) 3–6.
  • Marczak, R., Hoang, V.T., Noworyta, K., Zandler, M.E., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2002). Interfacial molecular recognition of adenine, adenosine and ATP by a C60-uracil adduct via complementary base pairing. AIP Conference Proceedings. 633 (1) 454–457.
  • Zandler, M.E., Smith, P.M., D'Souza, F., Fujitsuka, M., Itob, O. (2002). STUDIES ON MOLECULAR TRIADS COMPOSED OF FERROCENE, C60 AND NITROAROMATIC ENTITIES. The Exciting World of Nanocages and Nanotubes: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters. 12 22.
  • Zandler, M.E., Smith, P.M., D’Souza, F. (2002). STUDIES ON MOLECULAR TRIADS COMPOSED OF FERROCENE, CM AND NITROAROMAT1C ENTITIES. The Exciting World of Nanocages and Nanotubes: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters. 12 22.
  • Kutner, W., Noworyta, K., D’Souza, F. (2001). Simultaneous CV and EQCM study of thin-solid films of higher fullerenes: C 76, C 78 and C 84. AIP Conference Proceedings. 591 (1) 53–56.
  • Zandler, M., D'Souza, F. (2001). Structure and electronic properties of computationally challenging metal containing molecules.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 222 U394--U394.
  • D'Souza, F., Deviprasad, G., Smith, P., Kutner, W., Noworyta, K. (2000). Charge transfer in molecular and thin-solid films of redox-active fulleropyrrolidenes.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 219 U103--U103.
  • D'Souza, F. (2000). CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY OF FULLERENE, C60: AN EXPERIMENT FOR UNDERGRADUATE INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS COURSE. Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanomaterials: Proceedings of the International Symposium. 26.
  • D'Souza, F., Deviprasad, G., Zandler, M. (2000). Design and study of self-assembled porphyrin-fullerene conjugates with a fixed distance and orientation.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 219 U112--U112.
  • Deviprasad, G., D'Souza, F. (2000). Rational design of porphyrin-fullerene dyads with defined distance and orientation.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 220 U71--U72.
  • Noworyta, K., Krinichnaya, E.P., Kutner, W., Smith, P.M., Deviprasad, G.R., D'Souza, F. (2000). SPREADING AND REDOX PROPERTIES OF A FERROCENE-C60 DYAD FILMS. Electrochemistry and Photochemistry: Proceedings of the International Symposium. 2000 54.
  • Deviprasad, G.R., Zandler, M.E., D'Souza, F. (2000). STUDIES ON SELF-ASSEMBLED ZINC TETRAPYRROLE-FULLEROPYRROLIDINE CONJUGATES. Electrochemistry and Photochemistry: Proceedings of the International Symposium. 2000 182.
  • D'Souza, F., Ayers, J., McCarren, P., Lowary, T. (2000). Synthesis and conformational investigations of arabinofuranosides from mycobacteria.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 219 U240--U240.
  • D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Kutner, W. (1999). Electrocatalytic properties of the C 60, C 70, C 76, C 78 and C 84 fullerene anions. AIP Conference Proceedings. 486 (1) 452–455.
  • D'Souza, F., Deviprasad, G., Rahman, M., Choi, J. (1999). Studies on noncovalently linked zinc Tetrapyrrole-C-60 conjugates. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 217 U1030--U1030.
  • D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Hsieh, Y., Shriner, K., Kutner, W. (1998). Catalytic reduction of 1, 2-dihaloethanes by electrochemically generated C 60 n-(n= 2 and 3). AIP Conference Proceedings. 442 (1) 241–244.
  • Pradeep, T., D’souza, F., Subbanna, G., Krishnan, V., Rao, C. (1991). Buckminsterfullerene, $ C_ ${$60$}$ $: improved synthesis, electron microscopy, electron states, anions and related aspects. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Chemical Sciences. 103 (5) 685–689.
  • D’souza, F., Krishnan, V. (1990). Singlet quenching of tetraphenylporphyrin and its metal derivatives by iron (III) coordination compounds. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-Chemical Sciences. 102 (2) 131–146.
  • Journal Article

  • Holzer, N., Brown, A., Hamza, J.R., Sharma, J.K., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2024). Bathochromically shifted absorption and near IR emission in bismuth (III) porphyrins with meso-fluorophenyl and methoxyphenyl substitutions. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 28 (1) 33--40. Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (SPP).
  • Alsaleh, A.Z., Pinjari, D., Das, S., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2024). Broad-Band-Capturing Tetracyanobutadiene-Incorporated Phenothiazine-aza BODIPY Push--Pull Systems: Excited State Charge Separation and Relaxation Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 128 (17) 7188--7201. American Chemical Society.
  • Yadav, I.S., Kaswan, R.R., Liyanage, A., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2024). Dimethylaniline-Tetracyanobutadiene and Dimethylaniline-Extended-Tetracyanobutadiene Functionalized BODIPYs Witnessing Ultrafast Charge Transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 128 (12) 4934--4945. American Chemical Society.
  • Kaswan, R.R., Washburn, S., Oji, U., Wang, H., D'Souza, F. (2024). Directly Fused Porphyrin-Tetracyanopentacenequinone Conjugates: Role of the Cross-Conjugated, Powerful Electron Acceptor in Promoting Highly Efficient Charge Separation. Other. e202404165.
  • Ganesan, A., Hajiseyedjavadi, A., Rathi, P., Kafle, A., Adesope, Q., Kumar, S., Mesilov, V., Kelber, J.A., Cundari, T.R., Sankar, M., others. (2024). Electrocatalytic Dinitrogen Reduction to Ammonia Using Easily Reducible N-Fused Cobalt Porphyrins. Other. 30 (58) e202402610.
  • Adesope, Q., Altafi, M.K., Amagbor, S.C., Balogun, K., Guragain, M., Kafle, A., Mesilov, V., D’Souza, F., Cundari, T.R., Kelber, J.A. (2024). Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonia at Oxidized Vanadium Surfaces with V (3+) and V (4+) Oxidation States. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 171 (7) 076504. IOP Publishing.
  • Yadagiri, B., Kaswan, R.R., Tagare, J., Kumar, V., Rajesh, M.N., Singh, S.P., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F., Giribabu, L. (2024). Excited Charge Separation in a $\pi$-Interacting Phenothiazine--Zinc Porphyrin--Fullerene Donor--Acceptor Conjugate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. American Chemical Society.
  • Guti\'errez-V\'\ilchez, Ana M, Ileperuma, C.V., Navarro-P\'erez, Valeria, Karr, P.A., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F. (2024). Excited Charge Transfer Promoted Electron Transfer in all Perylenediimide Derived, Wide-Band Capturing Conjugates: A Mimicry of the Early Events of Natural Photosynthesis. Other. 89 (11) e202400348.
  • Hamza, J.R., Sharma, J.K., Karr, P.A., van der Est, A., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2024). Intramolecular Charge Transfer and Spin--Orbit Coupled Intersystem Crossing in Hypervalent Phosphorus (V) and Antimony (V) Porphyrin Black Dyes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 146 (37) 25403--25408. American Chemical Society.
  • Kazemi, S., Alsaleh, A.Z., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2024). Multimodular Wide-Band Capturing Nanohybrids: Role of Carbon Nanotubes in Slowing Charge Recombination in Supramolecular C60-BisstyrylBODIPY-(Zinc Porphyrin) 2 Donor--Acceptor Molecular Cleft. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 146 (19) 13509--13518. American Chemical Society.
  • Kumar Gupta, P., Das, S., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2024). Near-IR Capturing N-Methylbenzene Sulfonamide-Phenothiazine Incorporating Strong Electron Acceptor Push-Pull Systems: Photochemical Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics. Other. 30 (25) e202304313.
  • Alhowity, S., Balogun, K., Ganesan, A., Lund, C.J., Omolere, O., Adesope, Q., Chukwunenye, P., Amagbor, S.C., Anwar, F., Altafi, M., others. (2024). Niobium Carbide and Tantalum Carbide as Nitrogen Reduction Electrocatalysts: Catalytic Activity, Carbophilicity, and the Importance of Intermediate Oxidation States. Other. 16 (2) 2180--2192. American Chemical Society.
  • Alhowity, S., Balogun, K., Ganesan, A., Lund, C.J., Omolere, O., Adesope, Q., Chukwunenye, P., Amagbor, S.C., Anwar, F., Altafi, M., others. (2024). Niobium Carbide and Tantalum Carbide as Nitrogen Reduction Electrocatalysts: Catalytic Activity, Carbophilicity, and the Importance of Intermediate Oxidation States. Other. American Chemical Society.
  • Das, S., Rout, Y., Poddar, M., Alsaleh, A.Z., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2024). Novel Benzothiadiazole-based Donor-Acceptor Systems: Synthesis, Ultrafast Charge Transfer and Separation Dynamics. Other. 30 (51) e202401959.
  • Guragain, M., Kafle, A., Adesope, Q., Altafi, M.K., Amagbor, S.C., Mesilov, V., Kelber, J.A., Cundari, T.R., D’Souza, F. (2024). Photoenhanced Electrochemical Conversion of Nitrate to Ammonia Via Sulfur Vacancy-Rich Exfoliated MoS2. ACS Catalysis. 14 (23) 18085--18094. American Chemical Society.
  • Shao, S., Gobeze, H.B., De Silva, I.W., Schaffner, J., Verbeck, G.F., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2024). Photoinduced Energy and Electron Transfer in a ‘Two-Point’Bound Panchromatic, Near-Infrared-Absorbing Bis-styrylBODIPY (Zinc Porphyrin) 2--Fullerene Self-Assembled Supramolecular Conjugate. Other. e202401892.
  • Yahagh, A., Kaswan, R.R., Kazemi, S., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2024). Symmetry breaking charge transfer leading to charge separation in a far-red absorbing bisstyryl-BODIPY dimer. Chemical Science. 15 (3) 906--913. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Yahagh, A., Kaswan, R.R., Kazemi, S., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2024). Symmetry breaking charge transfer leading to charge separation in a far-red absorbing bisstyryl-BODIPY dimer. Chemical Science. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Dawson, A.W., Sekaran, B., Das, S., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2024). Synthesis and Understanding of the Role of Donor-Tetracyanobutadiene in Porphyrin $\beta$-Periphery toward Ultrafast Charge Transfer Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 128 (44) 18857--18871. American Chemical Society.
  • Holzer, N., Sharma, J.K., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2024). Tuning Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Antimony (V) Porphyrin through Axial Fluorination. ACS Omega. American Chemical Society.
  • Sekaran, B., Guragain, M., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2023). $\beta$-Pyrrole Functionalized Push or Pull Porphyrins: Excited Charge Transfer Promoted Singlet Oxygen Generation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 127 (38) 7964--7975. American Chemical Society.
  • Follana-Bern\'a, Jorge, Dawson, A., Kaswan, R.R., Seetharaman, S., Karr, P.A., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D’Souza, F. (2023). $\pi$-Extended Pyrazinepyrene-Fused Zinc Phthalocyanines: Synthesis and Excited-State Charge Separation Involving Coordinated C60. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 127 (30) 6191--6203. American Chemical Society.
  • Pandurang, T.P., Cacaccio, J., Durrani, F.A., Dukh, M., Alsaleh, A.Z., Sajjad, M., D’Souza, F., Kumar, D., Pandey, R.K. (2023). A Remarkable Difference in Pharmacokinetics of Fluorinated Versus Iodinated Photosensitizers Derived from Chlorophyll-a and a Direct Correlation between the Tumor Uptake and Anti-Cancer Activity. Molecules. 28 (9) 3782. MDPI.
  • Jang, Y., Sekaran, B., Singh, P.P., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2023). Accelerated Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Tetracyanobutadiene-and Expanded Tetracyanobutadiene-Incorporated Asymmetric Triphenylamine--Quinoxaline Push--Pull Conjugates. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. American Chemical Society.
  • Xiao-Fei Chen, Habtom B. Gobeze, Francis D'Souza, Dennis K., Ng, P. (2023). Assembling Artificial Photosynthetic Models in Water Using $\beta$-Cyclodextrin-Conjugated Phthalocyanines as Building Blocks. Other. e202300709--1. Wiley-VCH.
  • Holzer, N., Brown, A., Hamza, J.R., Sharma, J.K., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2023). Bathochromically shifted absorption and near IR emission in bismuth (III) porphyrins with meso-fluorophenyl and methoxyphenyl substitutions. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. A--H. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Popli, C., Jang, Y., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2023). Charge Resonance and Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Bis (N, N-dimethylaminophenyl-tetracyanobutadiene)-diketopyrrolopyrrole Multimodular System. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 127 (19) 4286--4299. American Chemical Society.
  • Hynek, J., Chahal, M.K., Payne, D.T., Liyanage, A., D’Souza, F., Hill, J.P. (2023). Design rules for oxoporphyrinogen (‘OxP’) as a versatile chromophore for efficient singlet oxygen generation. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. A--K. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Ganesan, A., Alhowity, S., Alsaleh, A.Z., Guragain, M., Omolere, O., Cundari, T.R., Kelber, J.A., D’Souza, F. (2023). Electro-and Photocatalytic Conversion of N2 to NH3 by Chemically Modified Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, MoS2, and WS2. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 170 (5) 056501. IOP Publishing.
  • Maiti, S., Sharma, J.K., Ling, J., Tietje-Mckinney, D., Heaney, M.P., Run\vcevski, Tom\vce, Addicoat, M.A., D'Souza, F., Milner, P.J., Das, A. (2023). Emissive Substoichiometric Covalent Organic Frameworks for Water Sensing and Harvesting. Other. 44 (11) 2200751.
  • Sheokand, M., Alsaleh, A.Z., D’Souza, F., Misra, R. (2023). Excitation Wavelength-Dependent Charge Stabilization in Highly Interacting Phenothiazine Sulfone-Derived Donor--Acceptor Constructs. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 127 (12) 2761--2773. American Chemical Society.
  • Washburn, S., Kaswan, R.R., Shaikh, S., Moss, A.E., D’Souza, F., Wang, H. (2023). Excited-State Charge Transfer in Push--Pull Platinum (II) $\pi$-Extended Porphyrins Fused with Pentacenequinone. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 127 (43) 9040--9051. American Chemical Society.
  • Alsaleh, A.Z., Pinjari, D., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2023). Far-Red Excitation Induced Electron Transfer in Bis Donor-AzaBODIPY Push-Pull Systems; Role of Nitrogenous Donors in Promoting Charge Separation. Other. 29 (53) e202301659.
  • Holzer, N., Jin, J., Nesterov, V.N., Sharma, J.K., Zarrabi, N., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2023). Fluorinated Antimony (V) Tetraarylporphyrins as High-Valent Electron Acceptors with Unparalleled Reduction Potentials. Inorganic Chemistry. 62 (18) 7097--7110. American Chemical Society.
  • Ileperuma, C.V., Garc\'es-Garc\'es, Jos\'e, Shao, S., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2023). Front Cover: Panchromatic Light-Capturing Bis-styryl BODIPY-Perylenediimide Donor-Acceptor Constructs: Occurrence of Sequential Energy Transfer Followed by Electron Transfer (Chem. Eur. J. 56/2023). Other. 29 (56) e202302817.
  • Austen Moss, Youngwoo Jang, Jacob Arvidson, Hong Wang,, D’Souza, F. (2023). Highly Coupled Heterobicycle-Fused Porphyrin Dimers: Excitonic Coupling and Charge Separation with Coordinated Fullerene. ChemSusChem. 16 (8) e202202289--1. Wiley-VCH.
  • Sudagar, A.J., Shao, S., Żo\lek, Teresa, Maciejewska, D., Asztemborska, M., Cieplak, M., Sharma, P.S., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W\lodzimierz, Noworyta, K.R. (2023). Improving the Selectivity of the C--C Coupled Product Electrosynthesis by Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer─ An Enhanced Route from Phenol to Biphenol. Other. 15 (42) 49595--49610. American Chemical Society.
  • Nenavath, S., Duvva, N., Kaswan, R.R., Lim, G.N., D’Souza, F., Giribabu, L. (2023). Intramolecular Photoinduced Energy and Electron Transfer Reactions in Phenanthroimidazole--Boron Dipyromethane Donor--Acceptor Dyads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 127 (32) 6779--6790. American Chemical Society.
  • Cooper, C., Paul, R., Alsaleh, A., Washburn, S., Rackers, W., Kumar, S., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F., Vinogradov, S.A., Wang, H. (2023). Naphthodithiophene-Fused Porphyrins: Synthesis, Characterization, and Impact of Extended Conjugation on Aromaticity. Other. 29 (57) e202302013.
  • Alhowity, S., Kabirat, B., Ganesan, A., Lund, C.J., Omolere, O., Adesope, Q., Chukwunenye, P., Amagbor, S.C., Anwar, F., Altafi, M.K., D'Souza, F., Cundari, T.R., Kelber, J.A. Niobium Carbide and Tantalum Carbide as Nitrogen Reduction Electrocatalysts: Catalytic Activity, Carbophilicity, and the Importance of Intermediate Oxidation States. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 16 2180-2192.
  • Ileperuma, C.V., Garc\'es-Garc\'es, Jos\'e, Shao, S., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2023). Panchromatic Light-Capturing Bis-styryl BODIPY-Perylenediimide Donor-Acceptor Constructs: Occurrence of Sequential Energy Transfer Followed by Electron Transfer. Other. 29 (56) e202301686.
  • Chahal, M.K., Maji, S., Liyanage, A., Matsushita, Y., Hill, P.J., Payne, D.T., Jevasuwan, W., Fukata, N., Karr, P.A., Labuta, J., others. (2023). Persistent Microporosity of a Non-planar Porphyrinoid based on Multiple Supramolecular Interactions for Nanomechanical Sensor Applications. Other. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Chahal, M.K., Maji, S., Liyanage, A., Matsushita, Y., Tozman, P., Payne, D.T., Jevasuwan, W., Fukata, N., Karr, P.A., Labuta, J., others. (2023). Persistent microporosity of a non-planar porphyrinoid based on multiple supramolecular interactions for nanomechanical sensor applications. Other. 7 (2) 325--332. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kalecki, J., Cieplak, M., Iskierko, Z., Piechowska, J., Nogala, W., D’Souza, F., Sharma, P.S. (2023). Post-imprinting modification: electrochemical and scanning electrochemical microscopy studies of a semi-covalently surface imprinted polymer. Other. 11 (8) 1659--1669. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Chukwunenye, P., Ganesan, A., Gharaee, M., Balogun, K., Adesope, Q., Amagbor, S.C., Golden, T.D., D’Souza, F., Cundari, T.R., Kelber, J.A. (2023). Stability and activity of titanium oxynitride thin films for the electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen to ammonia at different pH values. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 25 (29) 19540--19552. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Yadav, I., Sharma, J.K., Sankar, M., D'Souza, F. (2023). Symmetrically Functionalized Copper and Silver Corrole-Bis-Tetracyanobutadiene Push-Pull Conjugates: Efficient Population of Triplet States via Charge Transfer. Other. e202301341.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Shea, M., Manoleff, L., Zosel, N., Lim, G., D’Souza, F. (2023). Ultrafast electron injection in TiO2 surface-anchored aluminum (III) porphyrin stacks. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. A--K. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Balogun, K., Ganesan, A., Chukwunenye, P., Gharaee, M., Adesope, Q., Nemsak, S., Bagus, P.S., Cundari, T.R., D'Souza, F., Kelber, J.A. (2023). Vanadium oxide, vanadium oxynitride, and cobalt oxynitride as electrocatalysts for the nitrogen reduction reaction: a review of recent developments. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. IOP Publishing.
  • Guragain, M., Pinjari, D., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2023). Zinc Tetrapyrrole Coordinated to Imidazole Functionalized Tetracyanobutadiene or Cyclohexa-2, 5-diene-1, 4-diylidene-expanded-tetracyanobutadiene Conjugates: Dark vs. Light-Induced Electron Transfer. Other. 29 (68) e202302665.
  • Moss, A.E., Jang, Y., Arvidson, J., Wang, H., D'Souza, F. (2023). Highly Coupled Heterobicycle-Fused Porphyrin Dimers –Excitonic Coupling and Charge Separation with Coordinated Fullerene, C60.
  • Kajemi, S., Jang, Y., Liyanage, A., Karr, P., D'Souza, F. (2022). A Carbon Nanotube Binding Bis (pyrenylstyryl) BODIPY-C60 Nano Tweezer: Charge Stabilization through Sequential Electron Transfer.. Other.
  • Kazemi, S., Jang, Y., Liyanage, A., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2022). A Carbon Nanotube Binding BODIPY-C60 Nano Tweezer: Charge Stabilization through Sequential Electron Transfer. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 61 (49) e202212474.
  • Nikoloudakis, E., Alsaleh, A.Z., Charalambidis, G., Coutsolelos, A.G., D'Souza, F. (2022). A covalently linked nickel (ii) porphyrin--ruthenium (ii) tris (bipyridyl) dyad for efficient photocatalytic water oxidation. Chemical Communications. 58 (86) 12078--12081. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hill, J.P., Karr, P.A., Zu\~niga Uy, Roxanne A, Subbaiyan, N.K., Futera, Z., Ariga, K., Ishihara, S., Labuta, J., D’Souza, F. (2022). Analyte Interactions with Oxoporphyrinogen Derivatives: Computational Aspects. Current Organic Chemistry. 26 (6) 580--595. Bentham Science Publishers.
  • Holzer, N., Sharma, J.K., Peterson, S., Bayard, B.J., Nesterov, V.N., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2022). Antimony (+ 5) ion induced tunable intramolecular charge transfer in hypervalent antimony (v) porphyrins. Dalton Transactions. 51 (15) 5890--5903. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Moss, A.E., Jang, Y., Arvidson, J., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2022). Aromatic heterobicycle-fused porphyrins: impact on aromaticity and excited state electron transfer leading to long-lived charge separation. Chemical Science. 13 (34) 9880--9890. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Arellano, L.M., Gobeze, H.B., Jang, Y., Barrej\'on, Myriam, Parejo, Concepci\'on, \'Alvarez, Julio C, G\'omez-Escalonilla, Mar\'\ia J, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2022). Cover Feature: Formation and Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Porphyrin-and Phthalocyanine-Bearing N-Doped Graphene Hybrids Synthesized by Click Chemistry (Chem. Eur. J. 22/2022). Other. 28 (22) e202200962.
  • Seetharaman, S., Zink-Lorre, N., Guti\'errez-Moreno, David, Karr, P.A., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F. (2022). Cover Feature: Quadrupolar Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Diaminoazobenzene-Bridged Perylenediimide Triads (Chem. Eur. J. 13/2022). Other. 28 (13) e202200449.
  • Chukwunenye, P., Ganesan, A., Gharaee, M., Balogun, K., Anwar, F., Adesope, Q., Cundari, T.R., D'Souza, F., Kelber, J.A. (2022). Electrocatalytic selectivity for nitrogen reduction vs. hydrogen evolution: a comparison of vanadium and cobalt oxynitrides at different pH values. Other. 10 (40) 21401--21415. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Maiti, S., Sharma, J.K., Ling, J., Tietje-Mckinney, D., Heaney, M.P., Run\vcevski, Tom\vce, Addicoat, M.A., D'Souza, F., Milner, P.J., Das, A. (2022). Emissive Sub-Stoichiometric Covalent Organic Frameworks for Water Sensing and Harvesting. Other. 2200751.
  • Arellano, L.M., Gobeze, H.B., Jang, Y., Barrej\'on, Myriam, Parejo, Concepci\'on, \'Alvarez, Julio C, G\'omez-Escalonilla, Mar\'\ia J, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2022). Formation and Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Porphyrin-and Phthalocyanine-Bearing N-Doped Graphene Hybrids Synthesized by Click Chemistry. Other. 28 (22) e202200254.
  • Canton-Vitoria, R., Alsaleh, A.Z., Rotas, G., Nakanishi, Y., Shinohara, H., Francis, D., Tagmatarchis, N., others. (2022). Graphene performs the role of an electron donor in covalently interfaced porphyrin-boron azadipyrromethene dyads and manages photoinduced charge-transfer processes. Nanoscale. 14 (40) 15060--15072. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Sharma, J.K., Bayard, B.J., Zosel, N., Ali, S.S., Holzer, N., Nesterov, V.N., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2022). Hypervalent Phosphorus (V) Porphyrins with meso-Methoxyphenyl Substituents: Significance of the Number and Position of Methoxy Groups in Promoting Intramolecular Charge Transfer. Inorganic Chemistry. 61 (42) 16573--16585. American Chemical Society.
  • Kazemi, S., Jang, Y., Liyanage, A., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2022). Inside Cover: A Carbon Nanotube Binding BODIPY-C60 Nano Tweezer: Charge Stabilization through Sequential Electron Transfer (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 49/2022). Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 61 (49) e202216342.
  • Balogun, K., Chukwunenye, P., Anwar, F., Ganesan, A., Adesope, Q., Willadsen, D., Nem\vs\'ak, S, Cundari, T.R., Bagus, P.S., D’Souza, F., others. (2022). Interaction of molecular nitrogen with vanadium oxide in the absence and presence of water vapor at room temperature: Near-ambient pressure XPS. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 157 (10) 104701. AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Balogun, K., Chukwunenye, P., Anwar, F., Ganesan, A., Adesope, Q., Willadsen, D., Nem\vs\'ak, S, Cundari, T.R., Bagus, P.S., D’Souza, F., others. (2022). Interaction of molecular nitrogen with vanadium oxide in the absence and presence of water vapor at room temperature: Near-ambient pressure XPS. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 157 (10) AIP Publishing.
  • Ayerdurai, V., Cieplak, M., Garcia-Cruz, A., Piechowska, J., Noworyta, K.R., Pietrzyk-Le, A., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W., Sharma, P.S. (2022). Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based Capacitive Chemosensor for Determination of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines in Food Samples. Other. 21 (1) 51. MDPI.
  • Yadav, I.S., Jang, Y., Rout, Y., Thomas, M.B., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2022). Near-IR Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Strongly Interacting Diphenothiazene-TCBD and Diphenothiazene-DCNQ Push-Pull Triads. Other. 28 (25) e202200348.
  • Han, T., Jang, Y., Arvidson, J., D’Souza, F., Wang, H. (2022). Optical and photophysical properties of platinum benzoporphyrins with C 2 v and D 2 h symmetry. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. A--K. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Han, T., Jang, Y., Arvidson, J., D’Souza, F., Wang, H. (2022). Optical and photophysical properties of platinum benzoporphyrins with C 2 v and D 2 h symmetry. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 26 (06n07) 458--468. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Bloyet, C., Sciortino, F., Matsushita, Y., Karr, P.A., Liyanage, A., Jevasuwan, W., Fukata, N., Maji, S., Hynek, J., D’Souza, F., others. (2022). Photosensitizer Encryption with Aggregation Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Production. Journal of the American Chemical Society. American Chemical Society.
  • Bloyet, C., Sciortino, F., Matsushita, Y., Karr, P.A., Liyanage, A., Jevasuwan, W., Fukata, N., Maji, S., Hynek, J., D’Souza, F., others. (2022). Photosensitizer encryption with aggregation enhanced singlet oxygen production. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144 (24) 10830--10843. American Chemical Society.
  • Poudel, Y., Seetharaman, S., Kar, S., D’Souza, F., Neogi, A. (2022). Plasmon-Induced Enhanced Light Emission and Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in a Tunable Molybdenum Disulfide-Gallium Nitride Heterostructure. Materials. 15 (21) 7422. MDPI.
  • Seetharaman, S., Zink-Lorre, N., Guti\'errez-Moreno, David, Karr, P.A., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F. (2022). Quadrupolar Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Diaminoazobenzene-Bridged Perylenediimide Triads. Other. 28 (13) e202104574.
  • Zarrabi, N., Holzer, N., Lim, G.N., Obondi, C.O., Van Der Est, A., D'Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2022). Sequential electron transfer in a bis (styryl) BODIPY-aluminum (III) porphyrin-naphthalenediimide reaction center mimic. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 26 (5) 407--417. Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (SPP).
  • van der Est, A., Malcolm, S., Zarrabi, N., Obondi, C.O., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2022). Sequential Electron Transfer in a BODIPY--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--C60 Triad Studied by Transient EPR Spectroscopy. Other. 53 (3) 671--683. Springer Vienna.
  • Subedi, D.R., Reid, R., D'Souza, P.F., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F. (2022). Singlet Oxygen Generation in Peripherally Modified Platinum and Palladium Porphyrins: Effect of Triplet Excited State Lifetimes and meso-Substituents on 1O2 Quantum Yields. Other. 87 (4) e202200010.
  • Yadav, I.S., Alsaleh, A.Z., Martin, B., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2022). Star-Shaped Triphenylamine--Tetracyanobutadiene--Phenothiazine Push--Pull Systems: Role of Terminal Phenothiazine in Improving Charge Transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 126 (31) 13300--13310. American Chemical Society.
  • Liyanage, A., Karunarathne, D.J., Nasrazadani, S., D'Souza, F., Golden, T., Siller Carrillo, H.R. (2022). Polyphthalocyanine coatings for corrosion protection on additive manufactured steel materials. Progress in Organic Coatings. 170 106990. Progress in Organic Coatings.
  • Balogun, K.A., Chukwunenye, P., Anwar, F., Ganesan, A., Adesope, Q., Willadsen, D., Nemsak, S., Cundari, T.R., Bagus, P.S., D'Souza, F., Kelber, J.A. Interaction of molecular nitrogen with vanadium oxide in the absence and presence of water vapor at room temperature: Near-ambient pressure XPS. Journal of Chemical Physics. No.
  • Hu, Y., Alsaleh, A., Trinh, O., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2021). $\beta$-Functionalized push--pull opp-dibenzoporphyrins as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells: the push group effect. Other. 9 (48) 27692--27700. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Zarrabi, N., Bayard, B.J., Seetharaman, S., Holzer, N., Karr, P., Ciuti, S., Barbon, A., Di Valentin, M., van der Est, A., D’Souza, F., others. (2021). A charge transfer state induced by strong exciton coupling in a cofacial $\mu$-oxo-bridged porphyrin heterodimer. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Chahal, M.K., Liyanage, A., Alsaleh, A.Z., Karr, P.A., Hill, J.P., D'Souza, F. (2021). Anion-enhanced excited state charge separation in a spiro-locked N-heterocycle-fused push-pull zinc porphyrin. Chemical Science. 12 (13) 4925--4930. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Yadav, I.S., Alsaleh, A.Z., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2021). Charge stabilization via electron exchange: excited charge separation in symmetric, central triphenylamine derived, dimethylaminophenyl--tetracyanobutadiene donor--acceptor conjugates. Chemical Science. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Sekaran, B., Dawson, A., Jang, Y., MohanSingh, K.V., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2021). Charge-Transfer in Panchromatic Porphyrin-Tetracyanobuta-1, 3-Diene-Donor Conjugates: Switching the Role of Porphyrin in the Charge Separation Process. Other. 27 (57) 14335--14344.
  • Ganesan, A., Osonkie, A., Chukwunenye, P., Cundari, T., D'Souza, F., Kelber, J. (2021). Communication—Electrochemical Reduction of N2 to Ammonia by Vanadium Oxide Thin Films at Neutral pH: Oxophilicity and the NRR Reaction. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. IOP Publishing.
  • Shinde, J., Thomas, M.B., Poddar, M., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2021). Does Location of BF2-Chelated Dipyrromethene (BODIPY) Ring Functionalization Affect Spectral and Electron Transfer Properties? Studies on $\alpha$-, $\beta$-, and Meso-Functionalized BODIPY-Derived Donor--Acceptor Dyads and Triads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125 (43) 23911--23921. American Chemical Society.
  • Subedi, D.R., Jang, Y., Ganesan, A., Schoellhorn, S., Reid, R., Verbeck, IV, G.F., D’Souza, F. (2021). Donor-acceptor conjugates derived from cobalt porphyrin and fullerene via metal-ligand axial coordination: Formation and excited state charge separation. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. A--N. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Osonkie, A., Ganesan, A., Chukwunenye, P., Anwar, F., Balogun, K., Gharaee, M., Rashed, I., Cundari, T.R., D’Souza, F., Kelber, J.A. (2021). Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrogen to Ammonia: the Roles of Lattice O and N in Reduction at Vanadium Oxynitride Surfaces. Other. American Chemical Society.
  • Zink-Lorre, N., Seetharaman, S., Guti\'errez-Moreno, David, Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2021). Excited State Charge Separation in an Azobenzene-Bridged Perylenediimide Dimer--Effect of Photochemical Trans-Cis Isomerization. Other. 27 (60) 14996--15005.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Holzer, N., Bayard, B.J., Kandrashkin, Y.E., Lim, G., D’SOUZA, F., Van der Est, A. (2021). Excited state dynamics and electron transfer in a phosphorus (V) porphyrin--TEMPO conjugate. Other. 133 (3) 1--13. Springer India.
  • Zarrabi, N., Holzer, N., Bayard, B.J., Seetharaman, S., Boe, B.G., D'Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2021). Fluorinated aluminum (III) porphyrins: Synthesis, spectroscopy, electrochemistry and photochemistry. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 25 (5-6) 456--468. Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (SPP).
  • Seetharaman, S., Dukh, M., Tabaczynski, W.A., Ou, Z., Karr, P.A., Kadish, K.M., Pandey, R.K., D'Souza, F. (2021). Meso-Biphenyl-Linked, Near-and Far-Infrared Emitting, Chlorin and Bacteriochlorin Dimers: Synthesis, Excitation Transfer, and Singlet Oxygen Production. Other. 86 (4) 674--680.
  • Badgurjar, D., Seetharaman, S., D'Souza, F., Chitta, R. (2021). One-Photon Excitation Followed by a Three-Step Sequential Energy--Energy--Electron Transfer Leading to a Charge-Separated State in a Supramolecular Tetrad Featuring Benzothiazole--Boron-Dipyrromethene--Zinc Porphyrin--C60. Other. 27 (6) 2184--2195.
  • Khan, F., Jang, Y., Patil, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2021). Photoinduced Charge Separation Prompted Intervalence Charge Transfer in a Bis (thienyl) diketopyrrolopyrrole Bridged Donor-TCBD Push-Pull System. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60 (37) 20518--20527.
  • Bayard, B.J., Zarrabi, N., Seetharaman, S., Karr, P., van der Est, A., D'Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2021). Photoinduced energy and electron transfer in a cofacial aluminum (III) porphyrin--Phosphorus (V) porphyrin heterodimer. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. 8 100069. Elsevier.
  • Mikl\'\ik, David, Mousavi, S.F., Bure\vsov\'a, Zuzana, Middleton, A., Matsushita, Y., Labuta, J., Ahsan, A., Buimaga-Iarinca, L., Karr, P.A., Bure\vs, Filip, others. (2021). Pyrazinacenes exhibit on-surface oxidation-state-dependent conformational and self-assembly behaviours. Other. 4 (1) 1--10. Nature Publishing Group.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Bayard, B.J., Holzer, N., Seetharaman, S., Zarrabi, N., Weidner, N., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2021). Rational Design and Synthesis of OEP and TPP Centered Phosphorus (V) Porphyrin--Naphthalene Conjugates: Triplet Formation via Rapid Charge Recombination. Inorganic Chemistry. 60 (23) 17952--17965. American Chemical Society.
  • Ayerdurai, V., Garcia-Cruz, A., Piechowska, J., Cieplak, M., Borowicz, Pawe\l, Noworyta, K.R., Spolnik, G., Danikiewicz, W., Lisowski, W., Pietrzyk-Le, A., others. (2021). Selective Impedimetric Chemosensing of Carcinogenic Heterocyclic Aromatic Amine in Pork by dsDNA-Mimicking Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Film-Coated Electrodes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 69 (48) 14689--14698. American Chemical Society.
  • Caballero, Rub\'en, Barrej\'on, Myriam, Cerd\'a, Jes\'us, Arag\'o, Juan, Seetharaman, S., de la Cruz, P., Ort\'\i, Enrique, D’Souza, F., Langa, F. (2021). Self-Assembly-Directed Organization of a Fullerene--Bisporphyrin into Supramolecular Giant Donut Structures for Excited-State Charge Stabilization. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143 (29) 11199--11208. American Chemical Society.
  • Lach, P., Cieplak, M., Noworyta, K.R., Pieta, P., Lisowski, W., Kalecki, J., Chitta, R., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W., Sharma, P.S. (2021). Self-reporting molecularly imprinted polymer with the covalently immobilized ferrocene redox probe for selective electrochemical sensing of p-synephrine. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 130276. Elsevier.
  • van der Est, A., Malcolm, S., Zarrabi, N., Obondi, C.O., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2021). Sequential Electron Transfer in a BODIPY--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--C 60 Triad Studied by Transient EPR Spectroscopy. Other. 1--13. Springer Vienna.
  • van der Est, A., Malcolm, S., Zarrabi, N., Obondi, C.O., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2021). Sequential Electron Transfer in a BODIPY--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--C60 Triad Studied by Transient EPR Spectroscopy. Other. 1--13. Springer Vienna.
  • Jang, Y., Rout, Y., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2021). Symmetric and Asymmetric Push--Pull Conjugates: Significance of Pull Group Strength on Charge Transfer and Separation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 125 (16) 4067--4075. American Chemical Society.
  • Benitz, A., Thomas, M.B., Jang, Y., Nesterov, V., D’SOUZA, F. (2021). Synthesis and photoinduced charge stabilization in molecular tetrads featuring covalently linked triphenylamine-oligothiophene-BODIPY-C60. Other. 133 (3) 1--18. Springer India.
  • Sideri, I.K., Jang, Y., Garc\'es-Garc\'es, Jose, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, Canton-Vitoria, R., Kitaura, R., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F., Tagmatarchis, N. (2021). Unveiling the Photoinduced Electron-Donating Character of MoS2 in Covalently Linked Hybrids Featuring Perylenediimide. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60 (16) 9120--9126.
  • Ashwin, G., Osonkie, A., Chukwunenye, P., Rashed, I., Cundari, T.R., D'Souza, F., Kelber, J.A. (2021). Communication—Electrochemical Reduction of N2 to Ammonia by Vanadium Oxide Thin Films at Neutral pH: Oxophilicity and the NRR Reaction. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 168 26504. IOP.
  • Benitz, A., Thomas, M.B., De Silva, I.W., Nesterov, V., Verbeck, G.F., D'Souza, F. (2021). Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Axially Coordinated Supramolecular Zinc Tetrapyrrole Bis(styryl)BODIPY Donor-Acceptor Conjugates. ChemPhotoChem.
  • Sankar, M., Rathi, P., Ganesan, A., Seetharaman, S., Karr, P., D'Souza, F. (2020). A Persubstituted Triphenylamine Bearing Dendritic Zinc Porphyrin to Host Endohedral Fullerene, Sc3N@ C80: Formation and Excited State Electron Transfer.. Other.
  • Kumar, S., Webre, W., Stewart, C., D’Souza, F., Wang, H. (2020). A Synthetic Approach to $\beta$-Functionalized Naphtho [2, 3] porphyrins. Organic Letters. 22 (18) 7078--7082. American Chemical Society.
  • Hu, Y., Thomas, M.B., Weber, W.A., Moss, A.E., Jinadasa, W.R., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2020). Bisporphyrin-Fused Pentacenes Exhibiting Abnormal High Stability.
  • Wang, H., Hu, Y., Thomas, M., Webre, W., Moss, A., Jinadasa, R., Nesterov, V., D'Souza, F. (2020). Bisporphyrin-Fused Pentacenes Exhibiting Abnormal High Stability.. Other.
  • Chahal, M.K., Payne, D.T., Labuta, J., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F., Ariga, K., Hill, J.P. (2020). Cover Feature: Selective Phase Transfer Reagents (OxP-crowns) for Chromogenic Detection of Nitrates Especially Ammonium Nitrate (Chem. Eur. J. 58/2020). Other. 26 (58) 13104--13104.
  • Pinjari, D., Alsaleh, A.Z., Patil, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2020). Cover Picture: Interfacing High-Energy Charge-Transfer States to a Near-IR Sensitizer for Efficient Electron Transfer upon Near-IR Irradiation (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52/2020). Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 59 (52) 23345--23345.
  • Zarrabi, N., Seetharaman, S., Chaudhuri, S., Holzer, N., Batista, V.S., Van Der Est, A., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2020). Decelerating Charge Recombination Using Fluorinated Porphyrins in N, N-Bis (3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenyl) aniline—Aluminum (III) Porphyrin—Fullerene Reaction Center Models. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142 (22) 10008--10024. American Chemical Society.
  • Payne, D.T., Chahal, M.K., B\vrezina, V\'aclav, Webre, W., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F., Labuta, J., Hill, J.P. (2020). Diporphyrin tweezer for multichannel spectroscopic analysis of enantiomeric excess. Other. 14 (1) 28--40. Higher Education Press.
  • Mart\'\in Gomis, Luis, Seetharaman, S., Karr, P., Fern\'andez L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F., Sastre-Santos, A. (2020). Distance matter: Effect of the spacer length in the photophysical properties in Multimodular Perylenediimide-Silicon Phthalocyanine-Fullerene Triads. Other.
  • Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, D\'\iaz-Puertas, Roc\'\io, Seetharaman, S., Karr, P.A., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela. (2020). Distance matters: effect of the spacer length on the photophysical properties of multimodular perylenediimide--silicon phthalocyanine--fullerene triads. Other. 26 (21) 4822--4832.
  • Seetharaman, S., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F., others. (2020). Distance Matters: Effect of the Spacer Length on the Photophysical Properties of Multimodular Perylenediimide\=a€“Silicon Phthalocyanine\=a€“Fullerene Triads. Other. 26 (21) Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley \& Sons).
  • Ayerdurai, V., Cieplak, M., Noworyta, K.R., Gajda, M., Ziminska, A., Sosnowska, M., Piechowska, J., Borowicz, P., Lisowski, W., Shao, S., others. (2020). Electrochemical sensor for selective tyramine determination, amplified by a molecularly imprinted polymer film. Other. 138 107695. Elsevier.
  • Chahal, M.K., Gobeze, H.B., Webre, W., Karr, P.A., Payne, D.T., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F., Hill, J.P. (2020). Electron and energy transfer in a porphyrin--oxoporphyrinogen--fullerene triad, ZnP--OxP--C 60. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22 (25) 14356--14363. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Ganesan, A., Shao, S., Seetharaman, S., Perera, W.A., D’Souza, F. (2020). Electropolymerizable meso-Tetrakis Biphenyl-Bis (bithiophene) Zinc Porphyrin: Ground and Excited State Properties in Solution and in Films with Axially Coordinated C60. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 9 (6) 061008. IOP Publishing.
  • Poddar, M., Jang, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2020). Excited State Electron Transfer in 1, 1, 4, 4-Tetracyanobuta-1, 3-Diene (TCBD)-and Cyclohexa-2, 5-Diene-1, 4-Diylidene-Expanded TCBD--Substituted BODIPY-Phenothiazines Donor-Acceptor Conjugates. Other.
  • Thomas, M.B., Kumar, S., Esquivel, T., Wang, H., D’Souza, F. (2020). Excited state electron transfer in A2 and A2B2 functionalized zinc porphyrins carrying rigid and flexible $\beta$-pyrrole $\pi$-extended substituents. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 24 (05n07) 904--919. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Poddar, M., Jang, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2020). Excited-state electron transfer in 1, 1, 4, 4-Tetracyanobuta-1, 3-diene (TCBD)-and cyclohexa-2, 5-diene-1, 4-diylidene-expanded TCBD-substituted BODIPY-phenothiazine donor--acceptor conjugates. Other. 26 (30) 6869--6878.
  • Subedi, D.R., Gobeze, H.B., Kandrashkin, Y.E., Poddutoori, P.K., van der Est, A., D'Souza, F. (2020). Exclusive triplet electron transfer leading to long-lived radical ion-pair formation in an electron rich platinum porphyrin covalently linked to fullerene dyad. Chemical Communications. 56 (45) 6058--6061. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Saremi, B., Bandi, V., Kazemi, S., Hong, Y., D’Souza, F., Yuan, B. (2020). Exploring NIR aza-BODIPY-based polarity sensitive probes with ON-and-OFF fluorescence switching in Pluronic nanoparticles. Other. 12 (3) 540. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
  • Popli, C., Jang, Y., Patil, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2020). Formation of Highly Efficient, Long-Lived Charge Separated States in Star-Shaped Ferrocene-Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Triphenylamine Donor--Acceptor--Donor Conjugates. Other. 26 (66) 15109--15115.
  • Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, Seetharaman, S., Herrero, D., Karr, P.A., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela. (2020). Front Cover: Distance-Dependent Electron Transfer Kinetics in Axially Connected Silicon Phthalocyanine-Fullerene Conjugates (ChemPhysChem 20/2020). ChemPhysChem. 21 (20) 2230--2230.
  • Pinjari, D., Alsaleh, A.Z., Patil, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2020). Interfacing High-Energy Charge-Transfer States to a Near-IR Sensitizer for Efficient Electron Transfer upon Near-IR Irradiation. Other. 132 (52) 23905--23913.
  • Dukh, M., Tabaczynski, W.A., Seetharaman, S., Ou, Z., Kadish, K.M., D'Souza, F., Pandey, R.K. (2020). meso-and $\beta$-Pyrrole-Linked Chlorin-Bacteriochlorin Dyads for Promoting Far-Red FRET and Singlet Oxygen Production. Other. 26 (65) 14996--15006.
  • Payne, D.T., Webre, W., Gobeze, H.B., Seetharaman, S., Matsushita, Y., Karr, P.A., Chahal, M.K., Labuta, J., Jevasuwan, W., Fukata, N., others. (2020). Nanomolecular singlet oxygen photosensitizers based on hemiquinonoid-resorcinarenes, the fuchsonarenes. Chemical Science. 11 (10) 2614--2620. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hu, Y., Thomas, M.B., Webre, W., Moss, A., Jinadasa, R.W., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2020). Nickel (II) Bisporphyrin-Fused Pentacenes Exhibiting Abnormal High Stability. Other. 132 (45) 20250--20257.
  • Chitta, R., Badgurjar, D., Seetharaman, S., D'Souza, F. (2020). One-Photon Excitation Followed by a Three-Step Sequential Energy-Energy-Electron Transfer Leading To a Charge Separation in Supramolecular Tetrad Benzothiazole-Boron Dipyrromethene-Zinc Porphyrin-C60. Other.
  • Sankar, M., Rathi, P., Ganesan, A., Seetharaman, S., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2020). Persubstituted Triphenylamine Bearing Zinc Porphyrin to Host Endohedral Fullerene, Sc3N@ C80: Formation and Excited State Electron Transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 124 (27) 5723--5729. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Guldi, D.M., Paolesse, R., Torres, T., Rajeshwar, K. (2020). Preface—JSS Focus Issue on Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies in Honor of Karl M. Kadish. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 9 (8) 080001. IOP Publishing.
  • Rotas, G., Thomas, M.B., Canton-Vitoria, R., D’Souza, F., Tagmatarchis, N. (2020). Preparation, photophysical and electrochemical evaluation of an azaborondipyrromethene/zinc porphyrin/graphene all supramolecular nanoensemble. Other.
  • Rotas, G., Thomas, M.B., Canton-Vitoria, R., D'Souza, F., Tagmatarchis, N. (2020). Preparation, photophysical and electrochemical evaluation of an azaborondipyrromethene/zinc porphyrin/graphene supramolecular nanoensemble. Other. 26 (29) 6652--6661.
  • Cieplak, M., W\keg\lowski, Rafa\l, Iskierko, Z., W\keg\lowska, Dorota, Sharma, P.S., Noworyta, K.R., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2020). Protein determination with molecularly imprinted polymer recognition combined with birefringence liquid crystal detection. Sensors. 20 (17) 4692. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
  • Thien\'aNgo, Huynh, James, E., others. (2020). Rotaxanation as a sequestering template to preclude incidental metal insertion in complex oligochromophores. Chemical Communications. 56 (54) 7447--7450. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Hill, J.P. (2020). rsc. li/chemical-science.
  • Caballero, Rub\'en, Servi\'an, Luis David, Gobeze, H.B., Fernandez-Delgado, O., Echegoyen, L., D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2020). Sc 3 N@ I h-C 80 based donor--acceptor conjugate: role of thiophene spacer in promoting ultrafast excited state charge separation. RSC Advances. 10 (34) 19861--19866. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Chahal, M.K., Payne, D.T., Labuta, J., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F., Ariga, K., Hill, J.P. (2020). Selective Phase Transfer Reagents (OxP-crowns) for Chromogenic Detection of Nitrates Especially Ammonium Nitrate. Other. 26 (58) 13177--13183.
  • Chahal, M.K., Liyanage, A., Gobeze, H.B., Payne, D.T., Ariga, K., Hill, J.P., D’Souza, F. (2020). Supramolecular ultrafast energy and electron transfer in a directly linked BODIPY--oxoporphyrinogen dyad upon fluoride ion binding. Chemical Communications. 56 (27) 3855--3858. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Ngo, N., Shao, S., Conrad, H., Sanders, S.F., D'Souza, F., Golden, T.D. (2020). Synthesis, characterization, and the effects of organo-grafted nanoparticles in nickel coatings for enhanced corrosion protection. Other. 25 101628. Elsevier.
  • Pinjari, D., Alsaleh, A.Z., Patil, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2020). Titelbild: Interfacing High-Energy Charge-Transfer States to a Near-IR Sensitizer for Efficient Electron Transfer upon Near-IR Irradiation (Angew. Chem. 52/2020). Other. 132 (52) 23549--23549.
  • Shao, S., Gobeze, H.B., Bandi, V., Funk, C., Heine, B., Duffy, M.J., Nesterov, V., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2020). Triplet BODIPY and AzaBODIPY Derived Donor-acceptor Dyads: Competitive Electron Transfer versus Intersystem Crossing upon Photoexcitation. ChemPhotoChem. 4 (1) 68--81.
  • Arellano, L.M., Gobeze, H.B., G\'omez-Escalonilla, Mar\'\ia J, Fierro, Jos\'e Luis G, D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2020). Triplet photosensitizer-nanotube conjugates: synthesis, characterization and photochemistry of charge stabilizing, palladium porphyrin/carbon nanotube conjugates. Nanoscale. 12 (17) 9890--9898. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D'Souza, F., Solladi\'e, Nathalie, Fukuzumi, S., Ohkubo, K., Rein, R\'egis, Saito, K., Troiani, V., Qiu, H., Gadde, S., Hasegawa, T. (2020). Two Different Multiple Photosynthetic Reaction Centers Using Either Zinc Porphyrinic Oligopeptide-Fulleropyrrolidine or Free-Base Porphyrinic Polypeptide-Li+@ C60 Supramolecular Complexes. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 9 (6) IOP Science.
  • Solladi\'e, Nathalie, Fukuzumi, S., Ohkubo, K., D’Souza, F., Rein, R\'egis, Saito, K., Troiani, V., Qiu, H., Gadde, S., Hasegawa, T. (2020). Two Different Multiple Photosynthetic Reaction Centers Using Either Zinc Porphyrinic Oligopeptide-Fulleropyrrolidine or Free-Base Porphyrinic Polypeptide-Li+@ C60 Supramolecular Complexes. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 9 (6) 061026. IOP Publishing.
  • Chatterjee, S., Webre, W., Patra, S., Rout, B., Glass, G.A., D'Souza, F., Chatterjee, S. (2020). Achievement of superior efficiency of TiO2 nanorod-nanoparticle composite photoanode in dye sensitized solar cell. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. N/A. 826 (154188) 8. Amsteradam, Elsevier.
  • Hu, Y., Webre, W., Thomas, M.B., Moss, A., Hancock, S.N., Schaffner, J., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2019). $\beta$-Functionalized push--pull opp-dibenzoporphyrins as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells: the role of the phenylethynyl bridge. Other. 7 (17) 10712--10722. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Navarro-P\'erez, Valeria, Guti\'errez-V\'\ilchez, Ana M, Ortiz, J., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Seetharaman, S., Duffy, M., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2019). A zinc phthalocyanine--benzoperylenetriimide conjugate for solvent dependent ultrafast energy vs. electron transfer. Chemical Communications. 55 (99) 14946--14949. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kumar, S., Webre, W., Schaffner, J., Islam, S.M., D’Souza, F., Wang, H. (2019). A2 and A2B2 Benzoporphyrins as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 23 (04n05) 599--610. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Poudel, Y., S\lawi\'nska, Jagoda, Gopal, P., Seetharaman, S., Hennighausen, Z., Kar, S., D’souza, F., Nardelli, M.B., Neogi, A. (2019). Absorption and emission modulation in a MoS 2--GaN (0001) heterostructure by interface phonon--exciton coupling. Other. 7 (12) 1511--1520. Optical Society of America.
  • Poudel, Y., Slawinska, J., Gopal, P., Seetharaman, S., Hennighausen, Z., Kar, S., Dsouza, F., Nardelli, M.B., Neogi, A. (2019). Absorption and emission modulation in MoS2-GaN (0001) heterostructure by interface phonon-exciton coupling. Other.
  • Thomas, M.B., Hu, Y., Shan, W., Kadish, K.M., Wang, H., D’Souza, F. (2019). Acceleration and Stabilization of Electron Transfer Products with Improved Quantum Yields upon Cation Binding to a Fused Bis-Zinc Porphyrin-Quinone Donor--Acceptor Conjugate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123 (36) 22066--22073. American Chemical Society.
  • Poudel, Y., Lim, G.N., Moazzezi, M., Hennighausen, Z., Rostovtsev, Y., D’Souza, F., Kar, S., Neogi, A. (2019). Active control of coherent dynamics in hybrid plasmonic MoS2 monolayers with dressed phonons. Other. 6 (7) 1645--1655. American Chemical Society.
  • Poudel, Y., Lim, G.N., Moazzezi, M., Hennighausen, Z., Rostovtsev, Y., D’Souza, F., Kar, S., Neogi, A. (2019). Active control of coherent dynamics in hybrid plasmonic MoS2 monolayers with dressed phonons. Other. American Chemical Society.
  • Richards, G.J., Cador, A\"el, Yamada, S., Middleton, A., Webre, W., Labuta, J., Karr, P.A., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F., Kahlal, S., others. (2019). Amphiprotism-coupled near-infrared emission in extended pyrazinacenes containing seven linearly fused pyrazine units. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141 (50) 19570--19574. American Chemical Society.
  • Richards, G.J., Cador, A\"el, Yamada, S., Middleton, A., Webre, W., Labuta, J., Karr, P.A., Ariga, K., D'Souza, F., Kahlal, S., others. (2019). Amphiprotism-coupled NIR-Emission in Extended Pyrazinacenes containing Seven Linearly-fused Pyrazine Units. Journal of the American Chemical Society. American Chemical Society.
  • Barrej\'on, Myriam, Arellano, L.M., D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2019). Bidirectional charge-transfer behavior in carbon-based hybrid nanomaterials. Nanoscale. 11 (32) 14978--14992. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Xiao, B., H\'ebert, F, Batrouni, G., Scalettar, R. (2019). Competition between phase separation and spin density wave or charge density wave order: Role of long-range interactions. Physical Review B. 99 (20) 205145. American Physical Society.
  • Rout, Y., Jang, Y., Gobeze, H.B., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2019). Conversion of Large-Bandgap Triphenylamine--Benzothiadiazole to Low-Bandgap, Wide-Band Capturing Donor--Acceptor Systems by Tetracyanobutadiene and/or Dicyanoquinodimethane Insertion for Ultrafast Charge Separation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123 (38) 23382--23389. American Chemical Society.
  • Argade, G., Sanders, S., Mohandass, G., Alsaleh, A., D’Souza, F., Golden, T., Mishra, R. (2019). Corrosion Inhibition Study of Mg-Nd-Y High Strength Magnesium Alloy Using Organic Inhibitor. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 28 (2) 852--862. Springer US.
  • Argade, G.R., Sanders, S., Mohandass, G., Alsaleh, A., D'Souza, F., Golden, T.D., Mishra, R.S. (2019). Corrosion Inhibition Study of Mg-Nd-Y High Strength Magnesium Alloy Using Organic Inhibitor. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 28 852-862.
  • Zink-Lorre, N., Font-Sanchis, E., Seetharaman, S., Karr, P.A., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D'Souza, F., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando. (2019). Directly Linked Zinc Phthalocyanine--Perylenediimide Dyads and a Triad for Ultrafast Charge Separation. Other. 25 (43) 10123--10132.
  • Zink-Lorre, N., Font-Sanchis, E., Seetharaman, S., Karr, P.A., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D'Souza, F., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando. (2019). Directly Linked Zinc Phthalocyanine--Perylenediimide Dyads and a Triad for Ultrafast Charge Separation. Other. John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.
  • Seetharaman, S., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F., others. (2019). Directly Linked Zinc Phthalocyanine\=a€“Perylenediimide Dyads and a Triad for Ultrafast Charge Separation. Other. 25 (43) Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley \& Sons).
  • Miranda, H., Velumani, S., P\'erez, CA Samudio, Krause, J., D’Souza, F., De Obald\'\ia, Elida, Ching-Prado, E. (2019). Effects of changes on temperature and fluorine concentration in the structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO 2: F thin films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 30 (16) 15563--15581. Springer US.
  • Jain, K., D’Souza, F., Chitta, R. (2019). Energy Transfer followed by Sequential Electron Transfer in a Supramolecular Tetrad Composed of Phenothiazine, Zinc Porphyrin, Borondipyyromethene, and Fullerene: Charge Stabilization in “Antenna-Reaction Center” Mimic. Other. 87.
  • Canton-Vitoria, R., Gobeze, H.B., Blas-Ferrando, V.M., Ortiz, J., Jang, Y., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, Nakanishi, Y., Shinohara, H., D'Souza, F., others. (2019). Excited-State Charge Transfer in Covalently Functionalized MoS2 with a Zinc Phthalocyanine Donor--Acceptor Hybrid. Other. 131 (17) 5768--5773.
  • Canton-Vitoria, R., Gobeze, H.B., Blas-Ferrando, V.M., Ortiz, J., Jang, Y., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, Nakanishi, Y., Shinohara, H., D'Souza, F., others. (2019). Excited-State Charge Transfer in Covalently Functionalized MoS2 with a Zinc Phthalocyanine Donor--Acceptor Hybrid. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 58 (17) 5712--5717.
  • Dąbrowski, Marcin, Ziminska, A., Kalecki, J., Cieplak, M., Lisowski, W., Maksym, Rados\law, Shao, S., D’Souza, F., Kuhn, A., Sharma, P.S. (2019). Facile Fabrication of Surface-Imprinted Macroporous Films for Chemosensing of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone. Other. 11 (9) 9265--9276. American Chemical Society.
  • Chahal, M.K., Velychkivska, N., Webre, W., Labuta, J., Ishihara, S., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F., Hill, J.P. (2019). Increasing the complexity of oxoporphyrinogen colorimetric sensing chromophores: N-alkylation and $\beta$-substitution. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 1--11. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Chahal, M.K., Velychkivska, N., Webre, W., Labuta, J., Ishihara, S., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F., Hill, J.P. (2019). Increasing the complexity of oxoporphyrinogen colorimetric sensing chromophores: N-alkylation and $\beta$-substitution. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 23 (11n12) 1184--1194. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Chahal, M.K., Labuta, J., B\vrezina, V\'aclav, Karr, P.A., Matsushita, Y., Webre, W., Payne, D.T., Ariga, K., D'Souza, F., Hill, J.P. (2019). Knock-on synthesis of tritopic calix [4] pyrrole host for enhanced anion interactions. Dalton Transactions. 48 (41) 15583--15596. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kutner, W., Bartold, K., Pietrzyk-Le, A., Golebiewska, K., Lisowski, W., Cauteruccio, S., Licandro, E., D’Souza, F., others. (2019). Molecular Imprinting of Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) in an Electropolymerized CG-Rich Artificial Oligomer Analogue for Determination of Genetically Relevant Oligonucleotide.
  • Payne, D.T., Webre, W., Matsushita, Y., Zhu, N., Futera, Zden\uek, Labuta, J., Jevasuwan, W., Fukata, N., Fossey, J.S., D’Souza, F., others. (2019). Multimodal switching of a redox-active macrocycle. Nature Communications. 10 Nature Publishing Group.
  • Payne, D.T., Webre, W., Matsushita, Y., Zhu, N., Futera, Zden\uek, Labuta, J., Jevasuwan, W., Fukata, N., Fossey, J.S., D’Souza, F., others. (2019). Multimodal switching of a redox-active macrocycle. Nature Communications. 10 (1) 1--9. Nature Publishing Group.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Arellano, L.M., Guti\'errez-V\'\ilchez, Ana Mar\'\ia, G\'omez-Escalonilla, Mar\'\ia J, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Langa, F., D'Souza, F. (2019). Occurrence of excited state charge separation in a N-doped graphene--perylenediimide hybrid formed via ‘click’chemistry. Other. 1 (10) 4009--4015. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Bartold, K., Pietrzyk-Le, A., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2019). Oligonucleotide analogs and mimics for sensing macromolecular biocompounds. Trends in Biotechnology. 37 (10) 1051--1062. Elsevier Current Trends.
  • Bartold, K., Pietrzyk-Le, A., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2019). Oligonucleotide Analogs and Mimics for Sensing Macromolecular Biocompounds. Trends in Biotechnology. Elsevier Current Trends.
  • Klunder, K., Cass, A., Anderson, S., Putzbach, W., Ronkainen, N., Bullock, R., Das, A., Appel, A., Subbaiyan, N., Wijesinghe, C., others. (2019). Phthalocyanines as a $\pi$--$\pi$ adsorption strategy to immobilize catalyst on carbon for electrochemical synthesis. Other. 30 (10) 1187--1193. \copyright Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart\textperiodcentered New York.
  • Gr\kadzka, Emilia, Goclon, J., Das, S.K., Dubis, A., Winkler, K., D'Souza, F. (2019). Polymer network of graphene oxide with covalently attached 2-(4′-Hydroxyphenyl) fulleropyrrolidine and Palladium: Synthesis, properties and theoretical studies. Other. 249 114406. Elsevier.
  • Bartold, K., Pietrzyk-Le, A., Lisowski, W., Golebiewska, K., Siklitskaya, A., Borowicz, P., Shao, S., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2019). Promoting bioanalytical concepts in genetics: A TATA box molecularly imprinted polymer as a small isolated fragment of the DNA damage repairing system. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 100 1--10. Elsevier.
  • Sekaran, B., Jang, Y., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2019). Push-Pull Porphyrins via $\beta$-Pyrrole Functionalization: Evidence of Excited State Events Leading to High-Potential Charge-Separated States.. Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 25 (56) 12991--13001.
  • Xiao, B., H\'ebert, F, Batrouni, G., Scalettar, R. (2019). Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the One Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model with Long Range Electron-Phonon Coupling. Other.
  • Seetharaman, S., Follana-Bern\'a, Jorge, Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, Charalambidis, G., Trapali, A., Karr, P.A., Coutsolelos, A.G., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D'Souza, F. (2019). Sequential, Ultrafast Energy Transfer and Electron Transfer in a Fused Zinc Phthalocyanine-free-base Porphyrin-C60 Supramolecular Triad. ChemPhysChem. 20 (1) 163--172.
  • Sharma, R., Thomas, M.B., Misra, R., D'Souza, F. (2019). Strong Ground-and Excited-State Charge Transfer in C3-Symmetric Truxene-Derived Phenothiazine-Tetracyanobutadine and Expanded Conjugates. Other. 131 (13) 4394--4399.
  • Zarrabi, N., Lim, G.N., Bayard, B.J., D'Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2019). Surface anchored self-assembled reaction centre mimics as photoanodes consisting of a secondary electron donor, aluminium (iii) porphyrin and TiO 2 semiconductor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21 (35) 19612--19622. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Prakash, K., Sankar, M., Seetharaman, S., D'Souza, F. (2019). Synthesis, Electrochemical and Photochemical Studies on $\pi$-Extended Mono-$\beta$-Functionalized Porphyrin Dyads. Other. 3 (3) 151--165.
  • D'Souza, F., Prakash, K., Alsaleh, A.Z., Rathi, P., Sharma, A., Sankar, M. (2019). Synthesis, Spectral, Electrochemical and Photovoltaic Studies of A3B Porphyrinic Dyes having Peripheral Donors. ChemPhysChem. John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.
  • D'Souza, F., Shao, S., Gobeze, H., Bandi, V., Funk, C., Heine, B., Nesterov, V., Karr, P.A. (2019). Triplet BODIPY and AzaBODIPY Derived Donor-Acceptor Dyads: Competitive Electron Transfer versus Intersystem Crossing upon Photoexcitation. Other. John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.
  • Poudel, Y., Lim, G.N., Moazzezi, M., Hennighausen, Z., Rostovtsev, Y., DSouza, F., Kar, S., Neogi, A. (2018). Active control of coherent dynamics in hybrid plasmonic MoS2 monolayers with dressed phonons. Other.
  • Achary, B.S., Ramya, A., Nanubolu, J.B., Seetharaman, S., Lim, G.N., Jang, Y., D’Souza, F., Giribabu, L. (2018). Axially substituted phosphorous (v) corrole with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: syntheses, X-ray structures, and photoinduced energy and electron transfer studies. New Journal of Chemistry. 42 (10) 8230--8240. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Maragani, R., Thomas, M.B., Misra, R., D’Souza, F. (2018). C 3-Symmetric Positional Isomers of BODIPY Substituted Triazines: Synthesis and Excited State Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 122 (21) 4829--4837. American Chemical Society.
  • Obondi, C.O., Lim, G.N., Jang, Y., Patel, P.M., Wilson, A.K., Poddutoori, P.K., D’Souza, F. (2018). Charge Stabilization in High-Potential Zinc Porphyrin-Fullerene via Axial Ligation of Tetrathiafulvalene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. American Chemical Society.
  • Zarrabi, N., Obondi, C.O., Lim, G.N., Seetharaman, S., Boe, B.G., D'Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2018). Charge-separation in panchromatic, vertically positioned bis (donor styryl) BODIPY--aluminum (iii) porphyrin--fullerene supramolecular triads. Nanoscale. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Malyshev, V., Michota-Kami\'nska, Agnieszka, Shao, S., D'Souza, F., Noworyta, K. (2018). Determination of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine by Using Organic Semiconductor-Based Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Film. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 7 (7) Q3189--Q3195. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Arellano, L.M., Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, Gobeze, H.B., Molina, Desir\'e, Hermosa, C., G\'omez-Escalonilla, Mar\'\ia J, Fierro, Jos\'e Luis G, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2018). Edge-on and face-on functionalized Pc on enriched semiconducting SWCNT hybrids. Nanoscale. 10 (11) 5205--5213. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Webre, W., Gobeze, H.B., Shao, S., Karr, P.A., Ariga, K., Hill, J.P., D’Souza, F. (2018). Fluoride-ion-binding promoted photoinduced charge separation in a self-assembled C 60 alkyl cation bound bis-crown ether-oxoporphyrinogen supramolecule. Chemical Communications. 54 (11) 1351--1354. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Zarrabi, N., Agatemor, C., Lim, G.N., Matula, A.J., Bayard, B.J., Batista, V.S., D'Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2018). High-Energy Charge-Separated States by Reductive Electron Transfer Followed by Electron Shift in Tetraphenylethylene--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--Fullerene Triad. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. American Chemical Society.
  • Zarrabi, N., Agatemor, C., Lim, G.N., Matula, A.J., Bayard, B.J., Batista, V.S., D’Souza, F., Poddutoori, P.K. (2018). High-Energy Charge-Separated States by Reductive Electron Transfer Followed by Electron Shift in the Tetraphenylethylene--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--Fullerene Triad. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123 (1) 131--143. American Chemical Society.
  • Vallan, L., Canton-Vitoria, R., Gobeze, H.B., Jang, Y., Arenal, R., Benito, A.M., Maser, W.K., D’Souza, F., Tagmatarchis, N. (2018). Interfacing Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with Carbon Nanodots for Managing Photoinduced Energy and Charge-Transfer Processes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 140 (41) 13488--13496. American Chemical Society.
  • Hussain, M., El-Zohry, A.M., Gobeze, H.B., Zhao, J., D’Souza, F., Mohammed, O.F. (2018). Intramolecular Energy and Electron Transfers in Bodipy Naphthalenediimide Triads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 122 (29) 6081--6088. American Chemical Society.
  • Thomas, M.B., Jindasa, R.W., Hu, Y., Schmitz, B., Wang, H., D’Souza, F. (2018). Investigation of the push--pull effects on $\beta$-functionalized zinc porphyrin coordinated to C60 donor--acceptor conjugates. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. (999) 1--9. NRC Research Press.
  • Barrej\'on, Myriam, Arellano, L.M., Gobeze, H.B., G\'omez-Escalonilla, Mar\'\ia J, Fierro, J.L., D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2018). N-Doped graphene/C 60 covalent hybrid as a new material for energy harvesting applications. Chemical Science. 9 (43) 8221--8227. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Castro, E., Fernandez-Delgado, O., Arslan, F., Zavala, G., Yang, T., Seetharaman, S., D'Souza, F., Echegoyen, L. (2018). New thiophene-based C 60 fullerene derivatives as efficient electron transporting materials for perovskite solar cells. New Journal of Chemistry. 42 (17) 14551--14558. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Bartold, K., Pietrzyk-Le, A., Golebiewska, K., Lisowski, W., Cauteruccio, S., Licandro, E., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2018). Oligonucleotide Determination via Peptide Nucleic Acid Macromolecular Imprinting in an Electropolymerized CG-Rich Artificial Oligomer Analogue. Other. 10 (33) 27562--27569. American Chemical Society.
  • Cantu, R., Seetharaman, S., Babin, E.M., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2018). Paddle-Wheel BODIPY--Hexaoxatriphenylene Conjugates: Participation of Redox-Active Hexaoxatriphenylene in Excited-State Charge Separation to Yield High-Energy Charge-Separated States. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 122 (15) 3780--3786. American Chemical Society.
  • \vSvec, Pavel, Webre, W., Richards, G., Labuta, J., Wakayama, Y., Mikl\'\ik, David, Karr, P., Mori, T., Ariga, K., D'Souza, F., others. (2018). Phenanthroline-fused Pyrazinacenes: One-pot Synthesis, Tautomerization and a Ru (II)(2, 2'-bpy) 2 Derivative. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.
  • \vSvec, Pavel, Webre, W., Richards, G.J., Labuta, J., Wakayama, Y., Mikl\'\ik, David, Karr, P.A., Mori, T., Ariga, K., D'Souza, F., others. (2018). Phenanthroline-Fused Pyrazinacenes: One-Pot Synthesis, Tautomerization and a RuII (2, 2′-bpy) 2 Derivative. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2018 (22) 2541--2548.
  • Reddy, G., Duvva, N., Seetharaman, S., D’Souza, F., Giribabu, L. (2018). Photoinduced energy transfer in carbazole--BODIPY dyads. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20 (43) 27418--27428. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Razi, S.S., Koo, Y.H., Kim, W., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Gobeze, H., D’Souza, F., Zhao, J., Kim, D. (2018). Ping-Pong Energy Transfer in a Boron Dipyrromethane Containing Pt (II)--Schiff Base Complex: Synthesis, Photophysical Studies, and Anti-Stokes Shift Increase in Triplet--Triplet Annihilation Upconversion. Inorganic Chemistry. 57 (9) 4877--4890. American Chemical Society.
  • Shao, S., Thomas, M.B., Park, K.H., Mahaffey, Z., Kim, D., D’Souza, F. (2018). Sequential energy transfer followed by electron transfer in a BODIPY--bisstyrylBODIPY bound to C 60 triad via a ‘two-point’binding strategy. Chemical Communications. 54 (1) 54--57. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Seetharaman, S., Follana-Bern\'a, Jorge, Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, Charalambidis, G., Trapali, A., Karr, P.A., Coutsolelos, A.G., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, Sastre-Santos, \'Angela, D'Souza, F. (2018). Sequential, Ultrafast Energy Transfer and Electron Transfer in a Fused Zinc Phthalocyanine-free-base Porphyrin-C60 Supramolecular Triad. ChemPhysChem.
  • Follana-Bern\'a, Jorge, Seetharaman, S., Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, Charalambidis, G., Trapali, A., Karr, P.A., Coutsolelos, A.G., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D’Souza, F., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela. (2018). Supramolecular complex of a fused zinc phthalocyanine--zinc porphyrin dyad assembled by two imidazole-C 60 units: ultrafast photoevents. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20 (11) 7798--7807. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Kandrashkin, Y.E., Obondi, C.O., D'Souza, F., van der Est, A. (2018). Triplet electron transfer and spin polarization in a palladium porphyrin--fullerene conjugate. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20 (44) 28223--28231. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hu, Y., Yellappa, S., Thomas, M.B., Jinadasa, R.W., Matus, A., Shulman, M., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2017). $\beta$-Functionalized Push--Pull opp-Dibenzoporphyrins as Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Other. 12 (20) 2749--2762.
  • Hu, Y., Yellappa, S., Thomas, M.B., Jinadasa, R.W., Matus, A., Shulman, M., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2017). $\beta$-Functionalized Push--Pull opp-Dibenzoporphyrins as Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Other. 12 (20) 2749--2762. Wiley Online Library.
  • Kandukuri, J., Yu, S., Cheng, B., Bandi, V., D’Souza, F., Nguyen, K.T., Hong, Y., Yuan, B. (2017). A Dual-Modality System for Both Multi-Color Ultrasound-Switchable Fluorescence and Ultrasound Imaging. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18 (2) 323. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
  • Bagaki, A., Gobeze, H.B., Charalambidis, G., Charisiadis, A., Stangel, C., Nikolaou, V., Stergiou, A., Tagmatarchis, N., D’Souza, F., Coutsolelos, A.G. (2017). Axially Assembled Photosynthetic Antenna-Reaction Center Mimics Composed of Boron Dipyrromethenes, Aluminum Porphyrin, and Fullerene Derivatives. Inorganic Chemistry. American Chemical Society.
  • Arellano, L.M., Barrej\'on, Myriam, Gobeze, H.B., G\'omez-Escalonilla, Mar\'\ia J, Fierro, Jos\'e Luis G, D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2017). Charge stabilizing tris (triphenylamine)-zinc porphyrin--carbon nanotube hybrids: synthesis, characterization and excited state charge transfer studies. Nanoscale. 9 (22) 7551--7558. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Bottari, G., Herranz, M.Á., Wibmer, L., Volland, M., Rodríguez-Pérez, L., Guldi, D.M., Hirsch, A., Martín, N., D’Souza, F., Torres, T. (2017). Chemical functionalization and characterization of graphene-based materials. Other. 46 (15) 4464–4500. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hu, Y., Thomas, M.B., Jinadasa, R.W., Wang, H., D'Souza, F. (2017). Competitive Energy and Electron Transfer in $\beta$-Functionalized Free-Base Porphyrin--Zinc Porphyrin Dimer Axially Coordinated to C60: Synthesis, Supramolecular Formation and Excited-State Processes. Other. 23 (52) 12805--12814.
  • Hu, Y., Thomas, M.B., Jinadasa, R.W., Wang, H., D'Souza, F. (2017). Competitive Energy and Electron Transfer in $\beta$-Functionalized Free-Base Porphyrin--Zinc Porphyrin Dimer Axially Coordinated to C60: Synthesis, Supramolecular Formation and Excited-State Processes. Other. 23 (52) 12805--12814. Wiley Online Library.
  • Obondi, C.O., Lim, G.N., Martinez, P., Swamy, V., D'Souza, F. (2017). Controlling electron and energy transfer paths by selective excitation in a zinc porphyrin--BODIPY--C 60 multi-modular triad. Nanoscale. 9 (45) 18054--18065. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hu, Y., Thomas, M.B., Jinadasa, R.W., Wang, H., D'Souza, F. (2017). Cover Feature: Competitive Energy and Electron Transfer in $\beta$-Functionalized Free-Base Porphyrin--Zinc Porphyrin Dimer Axially Coordinated to C60: Synthesis, Supramolecular Formation and Excited-State Processes (Chem. Eur. J. 52/2017). Other. 23 (52) 12679--12679.
  • Benitz, A., Thomas, M.B., D'Souza, F. (2017). Cover Picture: Geometry-Controlled Photoinduced Charge Separation and Recombination in a Trans-A2B2-Functionalized Donor--Acceptor Conjugate Composed of a Multimodular Zinc Porphyrin and Fullerene (ChemPhotoChem 1/2017). ChemPhotoChem. 1 (1) 1--1.
  • Voccia, D., Sosnowska, M., Bettazzi, F., Roscigno, G., Fratini, E., De Franciscis, V., Condorelli, G., Chitta, R., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W., others. (2017). Direct determination of small RNAs using a biotinylated polythiophene impedimetric genosensor. Other. 87 1012–1019. Elsevier.
  • Collini, M.A., Thomas, M.B., Bandi, V., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2017). Directly Attached Bisdonor-BF2 Chelated Azadipyrromethene-Fullerene Tetrads for Promoting Ground and Excited State Charge Transfer. Other. 23 (18) 4450–4461.
  • Obraztsov, I., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2017). Evolution of Molecular Design of Porphyrin Chromophores for Photovoltaic Materials of Superior Light-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency. Other.
  • Bodenstedt, K., Lim, G.N., Vdouychenko, M., Estrada, T., Subbaiyan, N.K., Nesterov, V.N., D’Souza, F. (2017). Excited State Charge Separation in Solution and in Electropolymerized Films of Terthiophene-Fullerene Dyad and Phenothiazine-Terthiophene-Fullerene Triad. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 6 (6) M3007–M3013. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Benitz, A., Thomas, M.B., D’Souza, F. (2017). Geometry-Controlled Photoinduced Charge Separation and Recombination in a Trans-A2B2-Functionalized Donor–Acceptor Conjugate Composed of a Multimodular Zinc Porphyrin and Fullerene. Other. 1 (1) 17–25.
  • Dabrowski, M., Cieplak, M., Sharma, P.S., Borowicz, P., Noworyta, K., Lisowski, W., D’Souza, F., Kuhn, A., Kutner, W. (2017). Hierarchical templating in deposition of semi-covalently imprinted inverse opal polythiophene film for femtomolar determination of human serum albumin. Other. 94 155–161. Elsevier.
  • Castro, E., Zavala, G., Seetharaman, S., D'Souza, F., Echegoyen, L. (2017). Impact of fullerene derivative isomeric purity on the performance of inverted planar perovskite solar cells. Other. 5 (36) 19485--19490. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Kumar, S., D'Souza, F., Ravikanth, M. (2017). Inside Back Cover: Strongly Coupled Oxasmaragdyrin--BF2 Chelated Dipyrrin Dyads: Syntheses, X-ray Structure, Ground-and Excited-State Charge-Transfer Interactions (Chem. Eur. J. 7/2017). Other. 23 (7) 1723--1723.
  • Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, Peralta-Ruiz, F., Thomas, M.B., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela. (2017). Inside Cover: Multichromophoric Perylenediimide--Silicon Phthalocyanine--C60 System as an Artificial Photosynthetic Analogue (Chem. Eur. J. 16/2017). Other. 23 (16) 3795--3795.
  • Lim, G.N., Hedström, Svante, Jung, K.A., Smith, P.A., Batista, V.S., D’Souza, F., Van Der Est, A., Poddutoori, P.K. (2017). Interfacial Electron Transfer Followed by Photooxidation in N, N-Bis (p-anisole) aminopyridine--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--Titanium (IV) Oxide Self-Assembled Photoanodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121 (27) 14484--14497. American Chemical Society.
  • Svante, Hedström, AD, S.P., others. (2017). Interfacial Electron Transfer Followed by Photooxidation in N, N-Bis (p-anisole) aminopyridine--Aluminum (III) Porphyrin--Titanium (IV) Oxide Self-Assembled Photoanodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. American Chemical Society.
  • Jinadasa, R.W., Thomas, M.B., Hu, Y., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2017). Investigation of the push--pull effects on $\beta$-functionalized benzoporphyrins bearing an ethynylphenyl bridge. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19 (20) 13182--13188. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Jinadasa, R.W., Thomas, M.B., Hu, Y., D'Souza, F., Wang, H. (2017). Investigation of the push--pull effects on $\beta$-functionalized benzoporphyrins bearing an ethynylphenyl bridge. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19 (20) 13182--13188. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Iskierko, Z., Checinska, A., Sharma, P., Golebiewska, K., Noworyta, K., Borowicz, P., Fronc, K., Bandi, V., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2017). Molecularly imprinted polymer based extended-gate field-effect transistor chemosensors for phenylalanine enantioselective sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 5 (4) 969–977. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Lach, P., Sharma, P.S., Golebiewska, K., Cieplak, M., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2017). Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Chemosensor for Selective Determination of an N-Nitroso-l-proline Food Toxin. Other. 23 (8) 1942–1949.
  • Mart\'\in-Gomis, Luis, Peralta-Ruiz, F., Thomas, M.B., Fern\'andez-L\'azaro, Fernando, D'Souza, F., Sastre-Santos, \'Angela. (2017). Multichromophoric Perylenediimide--Silicon Phthalocyanine--C60 System as an Artificial Photosynthetic Analogue. Other. 23 (16) 3863--3874.
  • Seetharaman, S., Jang, Y., Kc, C.B., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2017). Peripheral phenothiazine induced suppression of charge separation from the singlet excited zinc phthalocyanine to coordinated C 6 0 in supramolecular donor--acceptor conjugates. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 21 (12) 870--881. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Yellappa, S., Webre, W., Gobeze, H.B., Middleton, A., KC, C.B., D’Souza, F. (2017). Phenothiazine-Sensitized Solar Cells: Effect of Number of Cyanocinnamic Acid Anchoring Groups on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance. Other. 82 (6) Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons).
  • Mahat, M., Rostovtsev, Y., Karna, S., Lim, G.N., D’Souza, F., Neogi, A. (2017). Plasmonically induced transparency in graphene oxide quantum dots with dressed phonon states. Other. 5 (2) 614--620. American Chemical Society.
  • Ngo, T.H., Labuta, J., Lim, G.N., Webre, W., D’Souza, F., Karr, P.A., Lewis, J.E., Hill, J.P., Ariga, K., Goldup, S. (2017). Porphyrinoid rotaxanes: building a mechanical picket fence. Chemical Science. 8 (9) 6679–6685. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Weisman, R.B., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2017). Preface—JSS Focus Issue on Nanocarbons--In Memory of Sir Harry Kroto. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 6 (6) Y5. IOP Publishing.
  • Bartold, K., Pietrzyk-Le, A., Huynh, T., Iskierko, Z., Sosnowska, M., Noworyta, K., Lisowski, W., Sannicolo, F., Cauteruccio, S., Licandro, E., others. (2017). Programmed Transfer of Sequence Information into a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Hexakis (2, 2′-bithien-5-yl) DNA Analogue Formation toward Single-Nucleotide-Polymorphism Detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 9 (4) 3948–3958. American Chemical Society.
  • Alkire, R., Arnold, M., Atanassov, P., Ayers, K.E., Balch, A., Banerjee, G., Barrera, T., Bayachou, M., Biddinger, E., Blackburn, J., others. (2017). Selected Proceedings from the 231st ECS Meeting, New Orleans, LA--Spring 2017. ECS Transactions. 77 (11) The Electrochemical Society.
  • Lach, P., Cieplak, M., Sharma, P.S., Sosnowska, M., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2017). Self-Reporting Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Label-Free Selective Electrochemical Sensing of p-synephrine. Other. 1 (8) 772.
  • Dabrowski, M., Cieplak, M., Sharma, P.S., Borowicz, P., Noworyta, K., Kuhn, A., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2017). Semi-Covalent Imprinting for Selective Protein Sensing at a Femtomolar Concentration Level. Other. 1 (8) 771.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Kumar, S., D’Souza, F., Ravikanth, M. (2017). Strongly Coupled Oxasmaragdyrin–BF2 Chelated Dipyrrin Dyads: Syntheses, X-ray Structure, Ground-and Excited-State Charge-Transfer Interactions. Other. 23 (7) 1546–1556.
  • Sharma, P.S., Iskierko, Z., Noworyta, K., Cieplak, M., Borowicz, P., Lisowski, W., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2017). Synthesis and application of a “plastic antibody” in electrochemical microfluidic platform for oxytocin determination. Other. Elsevier.
  • Cheng, B., Bandi, V., Yu, S., D’Souza, F., Nguyen, K.T., Hong, Y., Tang, L., Yuan, B. (2017). The Mechanisms and Biomedical Applications of an NIR BODIPY-Based Switchable Fluorescent Probe. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18 (2) 384. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
  • Gautam, P., Misra, R., Thomas, M.B., D'Souza, F. (2017). Ultrafast Charge-Separation in Triphenylamine-BODIPY-Derived Triads Carrying Centrally Positioned, Highly Electron-Deficient, Dicyanoquinodimethane or Tetracyanobutadiene Electron-Acceptors. Other. 23 (38) 9192--9200.
  • Shao, S., Gobeze, H.B., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2017). “Two-Point” Self-Assembly and Photoinduced Electron Transfer in meso-Donor-Carrying Bis (styryl crown ether)-BODIPY--Bis (alkylammonium) fullerene Donor--Acceptor Conjugates. Other. 12 (17) 2258--2270.
  • Mahat, M., Rostovtsev, Y., Lim, G., Karna, S., D'Souza, F., Neogi, A. (2017). Plasmonically Induced Transparency in Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots with Dressed Phonon States. Other. - (-) -. -, ACS. -
  • Lim, G.N., Obondi, C.O., D’Souza, F. (2016). A High-Energy Charge-Separated State of 1.70 eV from a High-Potential Donor–Acceptor Dyad: A Catalyst for Energy-Demanding Photochemical Reactions. Other. 128 (38) 11689–11693.
  • Wojnarowicz, A., Sharma, P.S., Sosnowska, M., Lisowski, W., Huynh, T., Pszona, M., Borowicz, P., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2016). An electropolymerized molecularly imprinted polymer for selective carnosine sensing with impedimetric capacity. Other. 4 (6) 1156–1165. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Webre, W., Hill, J.P., Matsushita, Y., Karr, P.A., Ariga, K., D'Souza, F. (2016). Anion binding, electrochemistry and solvatochromism of $\beta$-brominated oxoporphyrinogens. Dalton Transactions. 45 (9) 4006--4016. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Webre, W., Hill, J.P., Matsushita, Y., Karr, P.A., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F. (2016). Anion binding, electrochemistry and solvatochromism of $β$-brominated oxoporphyrinogens. Dalton Transactions. 45 (9) 4006–4016. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Huynh, T., Wojnarowicz, A., Kelm, A., Woznicki, P., Borowicz, P., Majka, A., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2016). Chemosensor for Selective Determination of 2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenol Using a Custom Designed Imprinted Polymer Recognition Unit Cross-Linked to a Fluorophore Transducer. Other. 1 (6) 636–639. American Chemical Society.
  • Bandi, V., D’Souza, F.P., Gobeze, H.B., D’Souza, F. (2016). Competitive electron transfer in a novel, broad-band capturing, subphthalocyanine–AzaBODIPY–C 60 supramolecular triad. Chemical Communications. 52 (3) 579–581. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., others. (2016). Design and photochemical study of supramolecular donor–acceptor systems assembled via metal–ligand axial coordination. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 322 104–141. Elsevier.
  • Kc, C.B., Lim, G.N., D’Souza, F. (2016). Effect of Spacer Connecting the Secondary Electron Donor Phenothiazine in Subphthalocyanine–Fullerene Conjugates in Promoting Electron Transfer Followed by Hole Shift Process. Other. 11 (8) 1246–1256.
  • Ngo, T.H., Zieba, D., Webre, W., Lim, G.N., Karr, P.A., Kord, S., Jin, S., Ariga, K., Galli, M., Goldup, S., others. (2016). Engaging Copper (III) Corrole as an Electron Acceptor: Photoinduced Charge Separation in Zinc Porphyrin–Copper Corrole Donor–Acceptor Conjugates. Other. 22 (4) 1301–1312.
  • Sharma, R., Gobeze, H.B., Chatterjee, T., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F., Ravikanth, M. (2016). High singlet oxygen production and negative solvatochromism of octabrominated 3-pyrrolyl boron dipyrromethenes. RSC Advances. 6 (29) 24111–24114. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Cheng, B., Bandi, V., Wei, M., Pei, Y., D’Souza, F., Nguyen, K.T., Hong, Y., Yuan, B. (2016). High-resolution ultrasound-switchable fluorescence imaging in centimeter-deep tissue phantoms with high signal-to-noise ratio and high sensitivity via novel contrast agents. PLOS One. 11 (11) e0165963. Public Library of Science.
  • O Obondi, C., Lim, G.N., Churchill, B., Poddutoori, P.K., van der Est, A., D’Souza, F. (2016). Modulating the generation of long-lived charge separated states exclusively from the triplet excited states in palladium porphyrin-fullerene conjugates. Nanoscale. 8 8333–8344.
  • Obondi, C.O., Lim, G.N., Churchill, B., Poddutoori, P.K., van der Est, A., D’Souza, F. (2016). Modulating the generation of long-lived charge separated states exclusively from the triplet excited states in palladium porphyrin–fullerene conjugates. Nanoscale. 8 (15) 8333–8344. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Iskierko, Z., Sharma, P.S., Prochowicz, D., Fronc, K., D’Souza, F., Toczydowska, D., Stefaniak, F., Noworyta, K. (2016). Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Film with Improved Surface Area Developed by Using Metal–Organic Framework (MOF) for Sensitive Lipocalin (NGAL) Determination. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 8 (31) 19860–19865. American Chemical Society.
  • Sharma, R., Gobeze, H.B., D’Souza, F., Ravikanth, M. (2016). Panchromatic Light Capture and Efficient Excitation Transfer Leading to Near-IR Emission of BODIPY Oligomers. ChemPhysChem. 17 (16) 2516–2524.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Lim, G.N., Pilkington, M., D’Souza, F., van der Est, A. (2016). Phosphorus (V) Porphyrin-Manganese (II) Terpyridine Conjugates: Synthesis, Spectroscopy, and Photo-Oxidation Studies on a SnO2 Surface. Inorganic Chemistry. 55 (21) 11383–11395. American Chemical Society.
  • Pagona, G., Stergiou, A., Gobeze, H., Rotas, G., D’Souza, F., Tagmatarchis, N. (2016). Photoinduced charge separation in an oligophenylenevinylene-based Hamilton-type receptor supramolecularly associating two C 60-barbiturate guests. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18 (2) 811–817. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Obondi, C.O., Lim, G.N., Karr, P.A., Nesterov, V.N., D’Souza, F. (2016). Photoinduced charge separation in wide-band capturing, multi-modular bis (donor styryl) BODIPY–fullerene systems. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18 (27) 18187–18200. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Yang, Y., Gobeze, H.B., D’Souza, F., Jankowiak, R., Li, J. (2016). Photovoltaics: Plasmonic Enhancement of Biosolar Cells Employing Light Harvesting Complex II Incorporated with Core–Shell Metal@ TiO2 Nanoparticles (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 15/2016). Other. 3 (15)
  • Yang, Y., Gobeze, H.B., D’Souza, F., Jankowiak, R., Li, J. (2016). Plasmonic Enhancement of Biosolar Cells Employing Light Harvesting Complex II Incorporated with Core–Shell Metal@ TiO2 Nanoparticles. Other. 3 (15)
  • D’Souza, F. (2016). Porphyrin and Fullerene Modified Electrodes for Electrochemical Catalytic and Sensor Applications. Other.
  • Sharma, P.S., Wojnarowicz, A., Sosnowska, M., Benincori, T., Noworyta, K., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2016). Potentiometric chemosensor for neopterin, a cancer biomarker, using an electrochemically synthesized molecularly imprinted polymer as the recognition unit. Other. 77 565–572. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Simonian, A. (2016). Preface to the Focus Issue on Nanocarbons in Sensing Applications. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 5 (8) Y5–Y5. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Commins, P.J., Hill, J.P., Matsushita, Y., Webre, W., Labuta, J., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F. (2016). Selective octabromination of tetraarylporphyrins based on meso-substituent identity: Structural and electrochemical studies. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 20 (01n04) 213–222. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Tram, T., KC, C.B., Cantu, R.R., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2016). Singlet Oxygen Generation and Photoinduced Charge Separation of Tetra Polyethyleneglycol Functionalized Zinc Phthalocyanine-Fullerene Dyad. Other. 34 (10) 969–974. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Blanco, G.D., Hiltunen, A.J., Lim, G.N., Kc, C.B., Kaunisto, K.M., Vuorinen, T.K., Nesterov, V.N., Lemmetyinen, H.J., D’Souza, F. (2016). Syntheses, Charge Separation, and Inverted Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cell Application of Phenothiazine–Fullerene Dyads. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 8 (13) 8481–8490. American Chemical Society.
  • Cantu, R., Gobeze, H.B., D’Souza, F. (2016). Synthesis and photochemical studies of a tris (4-iodophenoxy) subphthalocyaninato boron (III)-fulleropyrrolidine dyad. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 20 (08n11) 987–996. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Hill, J.P., Labuta, J., Ishihara, S., Richards, G.J., Xie, Y., D’Souza, F., Ariga, K. (2016). Tautomerism in Oxoporphyrinogens and Pyrazinacenes. Other. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kc, C.B., Lim, G.N., D’Souza, F. (2016). Tuning Optical and Electron Donor Properties by Peripheral Thio–Aryl Substitution of Subphthalocyanine: A New Series of Donor–Acceptor Hybrids for Photoinduced Charge Separation. Other. 22 (37) 13301–13311.
  • Barrejón, M., Gobeze, H.B., Gómez-Escalonilla, M.J., Fierro, J.L., Zhang, M., Yudasaka, M., Iijima, S., D’Souza, F., Langa, F. (2016). Ultrafast electron transfer in all-carbon-based SWCNT–C 60 donor–acceptor nanoensembles connected by poly (phenylene–ethynylene) spacers. Nanoscale. 8 (31) 14716–14724. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D'Souza, F., Langa, F. (2016). www. rsc. org/nanoscale. Nanoscale. 8 (31) 14685--14910.
  • Barrejon, M., Pla, S., Berlanga, I., Gomez-Escalonilla, M.J., Martin-Gomiz, L., Fierro, J., Zhang, M., Yudasaka, M., Ijima, S., Gobeze, H.B., D'Souza, F., Sastre-Santos, A., Langa, F. (2015). Other. 3 4960-4969. RSC.
  • KC, C.B., Lim, G.N., D'Souza, F. (2015). Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 54 5088-5092. Wiley-VCH.
  • Huynh, T., Wojnarowicz, A., Sosnowska, M., Srebnik, S., Benincori, T., Sannicolo, F., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 70 153-160. Elsevier.
  • Jana, A., Gobeze, H.B., Ishida, M., Mori, T., Ariga, K., Hill , J.P., D'Souza, F. (2015). Dalton Transactions. 44 359-367. RSC.
  • Watley, R.L., Awuah, S.G., Bio, M., Cantu, R., Gobeze, H.B., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F., You, Y. (2015). Other. 10 1335-1343. Wiley-VCH.
  • Das, S., Bandi, V., Arora, H.S., Veligatla, M., Garrison, S., D'Souza, F., Mukherjee, S. (2015). Journal of Materials Research. 30 1121-1127. MRS.
  • KC, C.B., Lim, G.N., D'Souza, F. (2015). Nanoscale. 7 6813-6826. RSC.
  • De Respines, M., Joya, K.S., De Groot, H., D'Souza, F., Simith, W., Van de Krol, R., Dam, B. (2015). Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119 7275-7281. ACS.
  • Sharma, P.S., Iskierko, Z., Pietrzyk-Le, A., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Electrochemistry Communications. 50 81-87. Elsevier.
  • Obondi, C., Lim, G.N., D'Souza, F. (2015). Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119 176-185.
  • Bandi, V., Gozeze, H., Vellanki, L., Ravikanth, M., D'Souza, F. (2015). Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119 8095-8102. ACS.
  • Lim, G.N., Webre , W., D'Souza, F. (2015). Other. 19 270-280. SPP.
  • Huynh, T., KC, C.B., Sosnowska, M., Sobczak, J.W., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 64 657-663. Elsevier.
  • Bandi, V., D'Souza, F.P., Gobeze, H.B., D'Souza, F. (2015). Chemistry: A European Journal. 21 2669-2679. Wiley-VCH.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Lim, G.N., Sandanayaka, A.S., Karr, P.A., Ito, O., D’Souza, F., Pilkington, M., van der Est, A. (2015). Axially assembled photosynthetic reaction center mimics composed of tetrathiafulvalene, aluminum (III) porphyrin and fullerene entities. Nanoscale. 7 (28) 12151–12165. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Watley, R.L., Awuah, S.G., Bio, M., Cantu, R., Gobeze, H.B., Nesterov, V.N., Das, S.K., D’Souza, F., You, Y. (2015). Back Cover: Dual Functioning Thieno-Pyrrole Fused BODIPY Dyes for NIR Optical Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy: Singlet Oxygen Generation without Heavy Halogen Atom Assistance (Chem. Asian J. 6/2015). Other. 10 (6) 1420–1420.
  • Shao, S., Gobeze, H.B., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2015). Back Cover: Ultrafast Photoinduced Charge Separation in Wide-Band-Capturing Self-Assembled Supramolecular Bis (donor styryl) BODIPY–Fullerene Conjugates (Chem. Eur. J. 45/2015). Other. 21 (45) 16284–16284. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Sharma, P.S., Iskierko, Z., Pietrzyk-Le, A., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Bioinspired intelligent molecularly imprinted polymers for chemosensing: a mini review. Electrochemistry Communications. 50 81–87. Elsevier.
  • Jana, A., Gobeze, H.B., Ishida, M., Mori, T., Ariga, K., Hill, J.P., D’Souza, F. (2015). Breaking aggregation in a tetrathiafulvalene-fused zinc porphyrin by metal–ligand coordination to form a donor–acceptor hybrid for ultrafast charge separation and charge stabilization. Dalton Transactions. 44 (1) 359–367. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kc, C.B., Lim, G.N., D’Souza, F. (2015). Charge Separation in Graphene-Decorated Multimodular Tris (pyrene)–Subphthalocyanine–Fullerene Donor–Acceptor Hybrids. Other. 127 (17) 5177–5181. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Lim, G.N., Webre, W., D’Souza, F. (2015). Charge separation in supramolecular ferrocene (s)-zinc porphyrin-fullerene triads: A femtosecond transient absorption study. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 19 (01n03) 270–280. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Lightbourne, S.K., Gobeze, H.B., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F. (2015). Chlorin e6 sensitized photovoltaic cells: effect of co-adsorbents on cell performance, charge transfer resistance, and charge recombination dynamics. Journal of Photonics for Energy. 5 (1) 053089–053089. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  • Bandi, V., D'Souza, F.P., Gobeze, H.B., D'Souza, F. (2015). Competitive electron transfer in a novel, broad-band capturing, subphthalocyanine--AzaBODIPY--C₆₀ supramolecular triad.
  • Barrejón, M., Pla, S., Berlanga, I., Gómez-Escalonilla, M.J., Martín-Gomis, L., Fierro, J.L., Zhang, M., Yudasaka, M., Iijima, S., Gobeze, H.B., others. (2015). Covalent decoration onto the outer walls of double walled carbon nanotubes with perylenediimides. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 3 (19) 4960–4969. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Huynh, T., Wojnarowicz, A., Sosnowska, M., Srebnik, S., Benincori, T., Sannicolo, F., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Cytosine derivatized bis (2, 2′-bithienyl) methane molecularly imprinted polymer for selective recognition of 6-thioguanine, an antitumor drug. Other. 70 153–160. Elsevier.
  • Kumar, S., Gobeze, H.B., Chatterjee, T., D’Souza, F., Ravikanth, M. (2015). Directly Connected AzaBODIPY–BODIPY Dyad: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Ground-and Excited-State Interactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119 (30) 8338–8348. American Chemical Society.
  • Watley, R.L., Awuah, S.G., Bio, M., Cantu, R., Gobeze, H.B., Nesterov, V.N., Das, S.K., D’Souza, F., You, Y. (2015). Dual Functioning Thieno-Pyrrole Fused BODIPY Dyes for NIR Optical Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy: Singlet Oxygen Generation without Heavy Halogen Atom Assistance. Other. 10 (6) 1335–1343.
  • D’Souza, F. (2015). Expanded Porphyrins: More Confusion All the Time. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 54 (16) 4713–4714. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Iskierko, Z., Sosnowska, M., Sharma, P.S., Benincori, T., D’Souza, F., Kaminska, I., Fronc, K., Noworyta, K. (2015). Extended-gate field-effect transistor (EG-FET) with molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) film for selective inosine determination. Other. 74 526–533. Elsevier.
  • Wysocka-Zolopa, M., Winkler, K., D'Souza, F., Kadish, K. (2015). Fullerene-based conducting polymeric materials: structure, formation, properties, and application. Other. 7 World Scientific.
  • Huynh, T., Sharma, P.S., Sosnowska, M., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Functionalized polythiophenes: Recognition materials for chemosensors and biosensors of superior sensitivity, selectivity, and detectability. Other. 47 1–25. Pergamon.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Bregles, L.P., Lim, G.N., Boland, P., Kerr, R.G., D’Souza, F. (2015). Modulation of Energy Transfer into Sequential Electron Transfer upon Axial Coordination of Tetrathiafulvalene in an Aluminum (III) Porphyrin–Free-Base Porphyrin Dyad. Inorganic Chemistry. 54 (17) 8482–8494. American Chemical Society.
  • Sharma, P.S., Wojnarowicz, A., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2015). Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Synthetic Catalysts. Other. 183. Elsevier.
  • Lim, G.N., D’Souza, F., others. (2015). Multi-modular, tris (triphenylamine) zinc porphyrin–zinc phthalocyanine–fullerene conjugate as a broadband capturing, charge stabilizing, photosynthetic ‘antenna-reaction center’mimic. Nanoscale. 7 (15) 6813–6826. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Bandi, V., D’Souza, F.P., Gobeze, H.B., D’Souza, F. (2015). Multistep Energy and Electron Transfer in a “V-Configured” Supramolecular BODIPY–azaBODIPY–Fullerene Triad: Mimicry of Photosynthetic Antenna Reaction-Center Events. Other. 21 (6) 2669–2679. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Huynh, T., Chandra, B., Sosnowska, M., Sobczak, J.W., Nesterov, V.N., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Nicotine molecularly imprinted polymer: Synergy of coordination and hydrogen bonding. Other. 64 657–663. Elsevier.
  • Stergiou, A., Gobeze, H., Petsalakis, I., Zhao, S., Shinohara, H., D’Souza, F., Tagmatarchis, N. (2015). Oligothiophene/graphene supramolecular ensembles managing light induced processes: preparation, characterization, and femtosecond transient absorption studies leading to charge-separation. Nanoscale. 7 (38) 15840–15851. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Arellano, L.M., Martín-Gomis, L., Gobeze, H.B., Barrejón, M., Molina, D., Gómez-Escalonilla, M.J., Fierro, J.L., Zhang, M., Yudasaka, M., Iijima, S., others. (2015). Peripheral versus axial substituted phthalocyanine-double-walled carbon nanotube hybrids as light harvesting systems. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 3 (39) 10215–10224. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F. (2015). Porphyrine im Umbruch: invertiert, expandiert, kondensiert. Other. 127 (16) 4795–4796. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Cieplak, M., Szwabinska, K., Sosnowska, M., Chandra, B.K., Borowicz, P., Noworyta, K., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2015). Selective electrochemical sensing of human serum albumin by semi-covalent molecular imprinting. Other. 74 960–966. Elsevier.
  • de Respinis, M., Joya, K.S., De Groot, H.J., D’Souza, F., Smith, W.A., van de Krol, R., Dam, B. (2015). Solar Water Splitting Combining a BiVO4 Light Absorber with a Ru-Based Molecular Cocatalyst. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119 (13) 7275–7281. American Chemical Society.
  • Das, S., Bandi, V., Arora, H.S., Veligatla, M., Garrison, S., D’Souza, F., Mukherjee, S. (2015). Synergistic catalytic effect of iron metallic glass particles in direct blue dye degradation. Journal of Materials Research. 30 (8) 1121–1127. Cambridge University Press.
  • Poddutoori, P.K., Lim, G.N., Vassiliev, S., D’Souza, F. (2015). Ultrafast charge separation and charge stabilization in axially linked ‘tetrathiafulvalene–aluminum (iii) porphyrin–gold (iii) porphyrin’reaction center mimics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17 (39) 26346–26358. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Shao, S., Gobeze, H.B., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2015). Ultrafast Photoinduced Charge Separation in Wide-Band-Capturing Self-Assembled Supramolecular Bis (donor styryl) BODIPY–Fullerene Conjugates. Other. 21 (45) 16005–16016. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Sudhakar, K., Gokulnath, S., Giribabu, L., Lim, G.N., Tram, T., D’Souza, F. (2015). Ultrafast Photoinduced Charge Separation Leading to High-Energy Radical Ion-Pairs in Directly Linked Corrole–C60 and Triphenylamine–Corrole-C60 Donor–Acceptor Conjugates. Other. 10 (12) 2708–2719.
  • Bandi, V., Gobeze, H.B., D’Souza, F. (2015). Ultrafast Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Charge Stabilization in Donor–Acceptor Dyads Capable of Harvesting Near-Infrared Light. Other. 21 (32) 11483–11494. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Bandi, V., Gobeze, H.B., Lakshmi, V., Ravikanth, M., D’Souza, F. (2015). Vectorial charge separation and selective triplet-state formation during charge recombination in a pyrrolyl-bridged BODIPY–fullerene dyad. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119 (15) 8095–8102. American Chemical Society.
  • Sharma, P.S., Dabrowski, M., Noworyta, K., Huynh, T., KC, C.B., Sobczak, J.W., Pieta, P., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2014). ACS.
  • D'Souza, F., Kaunisto, K.M., Subbaiyan, N.K., KC, C.B., Chukharev, V.I., Hakola, H.M., Vuorinen, T.K., Manninen, V.M., Tkachenko, N.V., Lemmetyinen, H.J. (2014). Synthetic Metals. 195 193-200. Elsevier.
  • Bandi, V., Gobeze, H., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2014). Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. 16 25537-25547. RSC.
  • Bandi, V., Gobeze, H.B., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2014). Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 18969-18982. ACS.
  • KC, C.B., Lim, G.N., Nesterov, V.N., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2014). Chemistry: A European Journal. 20 17100-17112. Wiley.
  • Lim, G.N., Maligaspe, E., Zandler, M.E., D'Souza, F. (2014). Chemistry: A European Journal. 20 17089-17099. ACS.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Bandi, V., D'Souza, F. (2014). Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. 16 18720-18728. ACS.
  • Das, S.K., Song, B., Mahler, A., Nesterov, V.N., Wilson, A.K., Ito, O., D'Souza, F. (2014). 'Electron Transfer Studies of High Potential Zinc Porphyrin-Fullerene Supramolecular Dyads'. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 3994-4006.
  • Das, S.K., Mahler, A., Wilson, A.K., D'Souza, F. (2014). 'High--Potential Perfluorinated Phthalocyanine-Fullerene Dyads for Generation of High-Energy Charge-Separated States: Formation and Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Studies.'. ChemPhysChem. 15 2462-2472. Wiley.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2014). 'Photosynthetic Antenna-Reaction Center Mimicry using Boron Dipyrromethene Sensitizers' (invited review). ChemPhysChem. 15 30-47. Wiley.
  • Das, S.K., KC, C.B., D'Souza, F. (2014). 'Studies on Photocatalytic Electron Pooling of Graphene Oxide Hybrids Decorated with Electron Donor and Electron Acceptor Molecules'. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 22 116-125.
  • Bandi, V., Das, S.K., Awuah, S.G., You, Y., D'Souza, F. (2014). 'Thieno-Pyrrole-Fused 4,4-Difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene-Fullerene Dyads: Utilization of Near-Infrared Sensitizers for Ultrafast Charge Separation in Donor-Acceptor Systems.'. Journal of American Chemical Society. 136 7571-7574. ACS.
  • Hill, J.P., Van Rossom, W.F., Ishihara, S., Subbaiyan, N., D'Souza, F., Xie, Y., Ballester, N., Ariga , K. (2014). 'Unexpected but Convenient Synthesis of Soluble Tetrakis[1-(3,4-benzoquinone)-substituted) Porphyrins'. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 18 173-181.
  • Lim, G.N., Maligaspe, E., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2014). A Supramolecular Tetrad Featuring Covalently Linked Ferrocene–Zinc Porphyrin–BODIPY Coordinated to Fullerene: A Charge Stabilizing, Photosynthetic Antenna–Reaction Center Mimic. Other. 20 (51) 17089–17099. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Bandi, V., D’Souza, F. (2014). Bis (subphthalocyanine)–azaBODIPY triad for ultrafast photochemical processes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16 (35) 18720–18728. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Bandi, V., El-Khouly, M.E., Ohkubo, K., Nesterov, V.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2014). Bisdonor-azaBODIPY-Fullerene Supramolecules " Syntheses, Characterization and Light Induced Electron Transfer Studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 2321-2332.
  • Bandi, V., El-Khouly, M.E., Ohkubo, K., Nesterov, V.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2014). Bisdonor–azaBODIPY–Fullerene Supramolecules: Syntheses, Characterization, and Light-Induced Electron-Transfer Studies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 (5) 2321–2332. American Chemical Society.
  • Das, S.K., Song, B., Mahler, A., Nesterov, V.N., Wilson, A.K., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2014). Electron transfer studies of high potential zinc porphyrin–fullerene supramolecular dyads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 (8) 3994–4006. American Chemical Society.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Das, S.K., D’Souza, F. (2014). Femtosecond Transient Absorption Study of Supramolecularly Assembled Metal Tetrapyrrole–TiO2 Thin Films. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 (30) 16660–16671. American Chemical Society.
  • Gobeze, H.B., Das, S.K., D'Souza, F. (2014). Femtosecond Transient Absorption Study of Supramolecularly Assembled Metal-Tetrapyrrole-TiO2 Thin Films (Invited). Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 16660-16671. ACS.
  • Sharma, P.S., Dabrowski, M., Noworyta, K., Huynh, T., Sobczak, J.W., Pieta, P., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W., others. (2014). Fullerene derived molecularly imprinted polymer for chemosensing of adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP). Analytica Chimica Acta. 844 61–69. Elsevier.
  • Das, S.K., Mahler, A., Wilson, A.K., D’Souza, F. (2014). High-Potential Perfluorinated Phthalocyanine–Fullerene Dyads for Generation of High-Energy Charge-Separated States: Formation and Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Studies. ChemPhysChem. 15 (12) 2462–2472. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Lim, G.N., Maligaspe, E., D’Souza, F. (2014). Investigating photoinduced energy and electron transfer mechanisms in ferrocene-zinc porphyrin-boron dipyrrin-fullerene supramolecular construct. American Chemical Society.
  • Obraztsov, I., Noworyta, K., Hart, A., Gobeze, H.B., KC, C.B., Kutner, W., D'Souza, F. (2014). Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Self-Assembled (Alkylether-Derivatized Zn Phthalocyanine)-(C60 Imidazole Adduct) Dyad with Controlled Intermolecular Distance for Photoelectrochemical Studies.'. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 6 8688-8701. ACS.
  • Obraztsov, I., Noworyta, K., Hart, A., Gobeze, H.B., Kc, C.B., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2014). Langmuir–Blodgett films of self-assembled (alkylether-derivatized Zn phthalocyanine)–(C60 imidazole adduct) dyad with controlled intermolecular distance for photoelectrochemical studies. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 6 (11) 8688–8701. American Chemical Society.
  • Bandi, V., Gobeze, H.B., Nesterov, V.N., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2014). Phenothiazine–azaBODIPY–fullerene supramolecules: syntheses, structural characterization, and photochemical studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16 (46) 25537–25547. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kc, C.B., Lim, G.N., Nesterov, V.N., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2014). Phenothiazine–BODIPY–Fullerene Triads as Photosynthetic Reaction Center Models: Substitution and Solvent Polarity Effects on Photoinduced Charge Separation and Recombination. Other. 20 (51) 17100–17112. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2014). Photosynthetic antenna–reaction center mimicry by using boron dipyrromethene sensitizers. ChemPhysChem. 15 (1) 30–47. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Bandi, V., Gobeze, H.B., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2014). Preferential Through-Space Charge Separation and Charge Recombination in V-Type Configured Porphyrin–azaBODIPY–Fullerene Supramolecular Triads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118 (33) 18969–18982. American Chemical Society.
  • Das, S.K., KC, C.B., D’Souza, F. (2014). Studies on the Photocatalytic Electron Pooling of Graphene Oxide Hybrids Decorated with Electron Donor and Electron Acceptor Molecules. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 22 (1-3) 128–137. Taylor & Francis.
  • Kc, C.B., Lim, G.N., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2014). Study of photoinduced electron transfer of tris (phenothiazine) subphthalocyanine-fullerene pentad for light energy harvesting system. American Chemical Society.
  • Kc, C.B., Lim, G.N., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2014). Supramolecular Tetrad Featuring Covalently Linked Bis (porphyrin)–Phthalocyanine Coordinated to Fullerene: Construction and Photochemical Studies. Other. 20 (25) 7725–7735. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • KC, C.B., Lim, G.N., Karr, P.A., D'Souza, F. (2014). Supramolecular Tetrad Featuring Covalently Linked Bis(porphyrin)-Phthalocyanine Coordinated to Fullerene: Construction and Photochemical Studies.. Chemistry: A European Journal. 20 7725-7735. Wiley.
  • Kaunisto, K.M., Subbaiyan, N.K., KC, C.B., Chukharev, V.I., Hakola, H.M., Vuorinen, T.K., Manninen, V.M., Tkachenko, N.V., Lemmetyinen, H.J., D’Souza, F. (2014). The effect of thiophene substituents of fulleropyrrolidine acceptors on the performance of inverted organic solar cells. Synthetic Metals. 195 193–200. Elsevier.
  • Bandi, V., Das, S.K., Awuah, S.G., You, Y., D’Souza, F. (2014). Thieno-Pyrrole-Fused 4, 4-Difluoro-4-bora-3a, 4a-diaza-s-indacene–Fullerene Dyads: Utilization of Near-Infrared Sensitizers for Ultrafast Charge Separation in Donor–Acceptor Systems. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136 (21) 7571–7574. American Chemical Society.
  • Obondi, C.O., Lim, G.N., D’Souza, F. (2014). Triplet–Triplet Excitation Transfer in Palladium Porphyrin–Fullerene and Platinum Porphyrin–Fullerene Dyads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119 (1) 176–185. American Chemical Society.
  • Hill, J.P., Van Rossom, W., Ishihara, S., Subbaiyan, N., D’Souza, F., Xie, Y., Sanchez-Ballester, N.M., Ariga, K. (2014). Unexpected but convenient synthesis of soluble meso-tetrakis (3, 4-benzoquinone)-substituted porphyrins. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 18 (03) 173–181. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • KC, C.B., Ohkubo, K., Karr, P.A., Fukuzumi , S., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'A 'Two-Point' Bound Zinc Porphyrin-Zinc Phthalocyanine-Fullerene Supramolecular Triad for Sequential Energy and Electron Transfer'. Chemical Communications. 49 7614-7616.
  • Perera, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Kalita, M., Wendel, S.L., Samarakoon, T.N., D'Souza, F., Bossmann, S.F. (2013). 'A Hybrid Soft Solar Cell Based on the Mycobacterial Porin MspA Linked to a Sensitizer-Viologen Diad'. Journal of American Chemical Society. 135 6842.
  • Das, S.K., C., C.B., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Decorating Single Layer Graphene Oxide with Electron Donor and Acceptor Molecules for Study of Photoinduced Electron Transfer'. Chemical Communications. 49 2013-2015.
  • Das, S.K., C., C.B., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Decorating Single Layer Graphene Oxide with Electron Donor and Acceptor Molecules for Study of Photoinduced Electron Transfer'. Chemical Communications. 49 2013-2015.
  • Huynh, T., Pietrzyk-Le, A., K. C., C.B., Noworyta, K., Sobczak, J.W., Sharma, P.S., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). 'Electrochemically Synthesized Molecularly Imprinted Polymer of Thiophene Derivatives for Flow-Injection Analysis Determination of Adenosine-5'-Triphosphote (ATP)'. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 41 634-641.
  • Huynh, T., Pieta, P., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). 'Molecularly imprinted polymer for recognition of 4-fluorouracil by the RNA type nucleobase pairing'. Analytical Chemistry. 85 8304-8312.
  • Huynh, T., K. C., C.B., Lisowski, W., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). 'Molecularly imprinted polymer of bis(2,2'-bithienyl)methanes for selective determination of adrenaline'. Other. 93 37-45.
  • D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Nanocarbon hybrids: Interactions with luminophores to applications in energy harvesting and solar fuel production'. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 4 842-842.
  • Sosnowska, M., Pieta, P., Sharma, P.S., Raghu Chitta, , R., KC, C.B., Bandi, V., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). 'Piezomicrogravimetric and impedimetric oligonucleotide biosensors using conducting polymers of biotinylated bis(2,2'-bithien-5-yl )methane as recognition units'. Analytical Chemistry. 85 7454-7461.
  • Bandi, V., El-Khouly, M.E., Nesterov, V.N., Karr, P.A., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Self-assembled via Metal-Ligand Coordination AzaBODIPY-Zinc Phthalocyanine and AzaBODIPY-Zinc Naphthalocyanine Conjugates: Synthesis, Structure and Photoinduced Electron Transfer'. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 5638-5649.
  • Bikram, C.K., Stranius, K., D'Souza, P., Subbaiyan, N.K., Lemmityinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Sequential Photoinduced Energy and Electron Transfer Directed Improved Performance of the Supramolecular Solar Cell of a Zinc Porphyrin-Zinc Phthalocyanine Conjugate Modified TiO2 Surface.'. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 763-773.
  • Huyhn, T., Sosnowska, M.I., Sobczak, J.W., KC, C.B., Nesterov, V.N., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). 'Simultaneous chronoamperometry and piezoelectric microgravimetry determination of nitroaramatic explosives using molecularly imprinted thiophene polymers'. Analytical Chemistry. 85 8361-836.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Studies of a supramolecular photoelectrochemical cell using magnesium tetraphenylporphyrin as photosensitizer'. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 17 733-741.
  • Sharma, P.S., Dabrowski, M., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). 'Surface development of molecularly imprinted polymer films for enhancement of sensing signals'. Other. 51 146-157.
  • KC, C.B., Lim, G.N., Zandler, M.E., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Synthesis and Photoinduced Electron Transfer Studies of a Tri(Phenothiazine)-Subphthalocyanine-Fullerene Pentad'. Organic Letters. 15 4612-4615.
  • Bandi, V., El-Khouly, M.E., Ohkubo, K., Nesterov, V.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2013). 'Ultrafast Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Distantly and Closely Positioned Bisferrocene-BF2 Chelated Azadipyrromethene-Fullerene Triads'. Other. 19 7221-7230.
  • Pietra, P., Obraztsov, I., D'Souza, F., Kunter, W. (2013). (Conducting Polymer)/Carbon nanotube)/graphene-based Electrochemical Supercapacitors. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2 M3120-3134.
  • Bandi, V., Okubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2013). A broad-band capturing and emitting molecular triad: synthesis and photochemistry. Chemical Communications. 49 2867-2869.
  • Bandi, V., Okubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2013). A broad-band capturing and emitting molecular triad: synthesis and photochemistry. Chemical Communications. 49 2867-2869.
  • Bandi, V., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2013). A broad-band capturing and emitting molecular triad: synthesis and photochemistry. Chemical Communications. 49 (28) 2867–2869. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Wijesinghe, C.A., El-Khouly, M.E., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2013). A charge stabilizing multi-modular ferrocene-bis(triphenylamine)zinc porphyrin-fullerene triad. Chemistry: A European Journal. 19 9629-9638.
  • Wijesinghe, C.A., El-Khouly, M.E., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2013). A Charge-Stabilizing, Multimodular, Ferrocene–Bis (triphenylamine)–Zinc-porphyrin–Fullerene Polyad. Other. 19 (29) 9629–9638. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Perera, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Kalita, M., Wendel, S.O., Samarakoon, T.N., D’Souza, F., Bossmann, S.H. (2013). A hybrid soft solar cell based on the mycobacterial porin MspA linked to a sensitizer–viologen diad. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135 (18) 6842–6845. American Chemical Society.
  • Pieta, P., Obraztsov, I., Sobczak, J.W., Chernyayeva, O., Das, S.K., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). A versatile material for a symmetrical electric energy storage device: a composite of the polymer of the ferrocene adduct of C60 and single-wall carbon nanotubes exhibiting redox conductivity at both positive and negative potentials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 (5) 1995–2007. American Chemical Society.
  • Ohkubo, K., Karr, P.A., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F., others. (2013). A ‘two-point’bound zinc porphyrin–zinc phthalocyanine–fullerene supramolecular triad for sequential energy and electron transfer. Chemical Communications. 49 (69) 7614–7616. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Pieta, P., Obraztsov, I., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Composites of conducting polymers and various carbon nanostructures for electrochemical supercapacitors. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2 (10) M3120–M3134. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Das, S.K., Ohkubo, K., Yamada, Y., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F., others. (2013). Decorating single layer graphene oxide with electron donor and acceptor molecules for the study of photoinduced electron transfer. Chemical Communications. 49 (20) Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Pieta, P., Obraztsov, I., Sobczak, J., Chernyayeva, O., Das, S.K., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Design of a Symmetric Electrochemical Capacitor Material: A Composite of the Redox Conducting at both Positive and Negative Potentials Polymer of the Ferrocene Adduct of C60 and Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 1995-2007.
  • Pieta, P., Obraztsov, I., Sobczak, J., Chernyayeva, O., Das, S.K., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Design of a Symmetric Electrochemical Capacitor Material: A Composite of the Redox Conducting at both Positive and Negative Potentials Polymer of the Ferrocene Adduct of C60 and Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes'. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 1995-2007.
  • Huynh, T., Pietrzyk-Le, A., KC, C.B., Noworyta, K.R., Sobczak, J.W., Sharma, P.S., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Electrochemically synthesized molecularly imprinted polymer of thiophene derivatives for flow-injection analysis determination of adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP). Other. 41 634–641. Elsevier.
  • Bandi, V., El-Khouly, M.E., Ohkubo, K., Nesterov, V.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2013). Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent, Ultrafast Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Bisferrocene/BF2-Chelated-Azadipyrromethene/Fullerene Tetrads. Other. 19 (22) 7221–7230. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Ito , O., D'Souza, F. (2013). Light Harvesting, Photosensitized Electron Transfer in Nanocarbon-Sensitizer Hybrids. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2 M3063-M3073.
  • Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2013). Light Harvesting, Photosensitized Electron Transfer in Nanocarbon–Sensitizer Hybrids. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2 (10) M3063–M3073. The Electrochemical Society.
  • D'Souza, F., Ito, O. (2013). Light induced electron transfer processes of functionalized nanocrabons: fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene. Science Progress. 96 369-397.
  • Huynh, T., Pieta, P., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Molecularly imprinted polymer for recognition of 5-fluorouracil by RNA-type nucleobase pairing. Analytical Chemistry. 85 (17) 8304–8312. American Chemical Society.
  • Huynh, T., KC, C.B., Lisowski, W., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Molecularly imprinted polymer of bis (2, 2′-bithienyl) methanes for selective determination of adrenaline. Other. 93 37–45. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A.S., Ito, O. (2013). Photoinduced Electron Transfer of Supramolecular Carbon Nanotube Materials Decorated with Photoactive Sensitizers. Other. 187–203. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2013). Photoinduced electron transfer processes of functionalized nanocarbons; fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene. Science Progress. 96 (4) 369–397. Science Reviews 2000 Ltd.
  • Sosnowska, M., Pieta, P., Sharma, P.S., Chitta, R., KC, C.B., Bandi, V., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Piezomicrogravimetric and impedimetric oligonucleotide biosensors using conducting polymers of biotinylated bis (2, 2′-bithien-5-yl) methane as recognition units. Analytical Chemistry. 85 (15) 7454–7461. American Chemical Society.
  • Hart, A.S., KC, C.B., Gobeze, H.B., Sequeira, L.R., D'Souza, F. (2013). Porphyrin-Sensitized Solar Cells: Effect of Carboxyl Anchor Group Orientation on the Cell Performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 5 5314-5323.
  • Hart, A.S., KC, C.B., Gobeze, H.B., Sequeira, L.R., D’Souza, F. (2013). Porphyrin-sensitized solar cells: effect of carboxyl anchor group orientation on the cell performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 5 (11) 5314–5323. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F. (2013). Preface to the Focus Issue on Nanocarbons for Energy Harvesting and Storage. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2 (10) Y5–Y5. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Bandi, V., El-Khouly, M.E., Nesterov, V.N., Karr, P.A., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2013). Self-assembled via metal–ligand coordination azaBODIPY–zinc phthalocyanine and azaBODIPY–zinc naphthalocyanine conjugates: synthesis, structure, and photoinduced electron transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 (11) 5638–5649. American Chemical Society.
  • Kc, C.B., Stranius, K., D’Souza, P., Subbaiyan, N.K., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., D’Souza, F. (2013). Sequential photoinduced energy and electron transfer directed improved performance of the supramolecular solar cell of a zinc porphyrin–zinc phthalocyanine conjugate modified TiO2 surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 (2) 763–773. American Chemical Society.
  • Huynh, T., Sosnowska, M., Sobczak, J.W., Kc, C.B., Nesterov, V.N., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Simultaneous chronoamperometry and piezoelectric microgravimetry determination of nitroaromatic explosives using molecularly imprinted thiophene polymers. Analytical Chemistry. 85 (17) 8361–8368. American Chemical Society.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F. (2013). Studies of a supramolecular photoelectrochemical cell using magnesium tetraphenylporphyrin as photosensitizer. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 17 (08n09) 733–741. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Song, B. (2013). Studies on high potential porphyrin-fullerene supramolecular dyads.
  • Sharma, P.S., Dabrowski, M., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2013). Surface development of molecularly imprinted polymer films to enhance sensing signals. Other. 51 146–157. Elsevier.
  • Kutner, W., Sosnowska, M., Pieta, P., Sharma, P.S., Chitta, R., Chandra Bikram, K., Bandi, V., D'Souza, F. (2013). Surface nanostructured films of a conducting polymer of biotinylated bis (2, 2’-bithien-5-yl) methane as recognition units of piezomicrogravimetric and impedimetric oligonucleotide biosensors.
  • Kc, C.B., Lim, G.N., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2013). Synthesis and photoinduced electron transfer studies of a tri (Phenothiazine)–subphthalocyanine–fullerene pentad. Organic Letters. 15 (17) 4612–4615. American Chemical Society.
  • Awuah, S.G., Das, S.K., D'Souza, F., You, Y. (2013). Thieno-pyrrole-fulsed BOCIPY intermediate as a platform to multifunctional NIR agents.. Other. 8 3123-3132.
  • Awuah, S.G., Das, S.K., D’Souza, F., You, Y. (2013). Thieno–Pyrrole-Fused BODIPY Intermediate as a Platform to Multifunctional NIR Agents. Other. 8 (12) 3123–3132. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Blakemore, J., Schley, N., Kushner-Lenhoff, M., Winter, A., D'Souza, F., Crabtree, R., Brudvig, G. (2012). 'A Comparison of Amorphous Iridium Water-Oxidation Catalysts Prepared from Soluble Precursors'. Inorganic Chemistry. 51 7749-7763.
  • Amin, A.N., El-Khouly, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'A novel BF2-chelated azadipyrromethane-fullerene dyad: synthesis, electrochemistry and photodynamics'. Chemical Communications. 48 206-208.
  • Hill , J.P., Subbaiyan, N.K., D'Souza, F., Xie, Y., Sahu , S., Ariga, K. (2012). 'Antioxidant-substituted Phthalocyanine as a Turn-on Fluorescence Sensor for Basic Anions' (Invited). Chemical Communications. 48 3951-3953.
  • D'Souza, F., Amin, A.N., El-Khouly, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S. (2012). 'Control over photoinduced energy and electron transfer in supramolecular polyads of covalently linked azaBODIPY-Bisporphyrin 'Molecular Clip' hosting fullerene'. Journal of American Chemical Society. 134 654-664.
  • Wang, F., Subbaiyan, N.K., Wang, Q., Rochford , C., Xu, G., Lu, R., Elliot , A., D'Souza, F., Hui, R., Wu, J. (2012). 'Development of Nanopatterned Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide Electrode for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with Improved Light Trapping'. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 4 1565-1572.
  • Sharma , P.S., Pietrzyk-Le, A., D'Souza, F., Kutner , W. (2012). 'Electrochemically synthesized polymers in molecular imprinting for chemical sensing'. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 402 3177-3204.
  • Das, S.K., Sandanayaka , A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Ito , O., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Functionalization of Diameter Sorted Semi-Conductive SWCNTs with Photosensitizing Porphyrins: Syntheses and Photoinduced Electron Transfer'. Chemistry: A European Journal. 18 11388-11398.
  • Sharma, P.S., Kutner, W., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Molecular imprinting for selective chemosensing of environmental hazards and drugs of abuse'. Other. 34 59-77.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Amin, A.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Near-IR Excitation Transfer and Electron Transfer in Boron-Chelated Dipyrromethane-Azadipyrromethane Dyad and Triad'. Chemistry: A European Journal. 18 5239-5247.
  • Noworyta, K., Kutner, W., Wijesinghe, C.A., Srour, S.G., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Nicotine, cotinine, and myosmine determination using polymer films of tailor designed zinc porphyrins as recognition units for piezoelectric microgravimetry chemosensors'. Analytical Chemistry. 84 2154-2163.
  • D'Souza, F., Das, S.K., Sandanayaka, A., Subbaiyan, N.K., Gollapalli, D.R., Zandler, M.E., Wakahara, T., Ito, O. (2012). 'Photoinduced charge separation in three-layer supramolecular nanohybrids: Fullerene-porphyrin-SWCNT'. Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. 14 2940-2950.
  • D'Souza, F., Ito, O. (2012). 'Photosensitized electron transfer processes of nanocarbons applicable to solar cells' (Invited Tutorial). Other. 41 86-96.
  • Fukuzumi, S., Ohkubo, K., D'Souza, F., Sessler, J.L. (2012). 'Supramolecuar Electron Transfer by Anion Binding' (Invited Feature Article). Chemical Communications. 48 9785-9940.
  • Joya, K.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D'Souza, F., Huub, De Groot, J.M. (2012). 'Surface-Immobilized Singlet-Site Iridium Complexes for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting'. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 51 9601-9605.
  • Jacobs, R., Stranius, K., Maligaspe, E., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Syntheses and excitation transfer studies of near-orthogonal free-base porphyrin-ruthenium phthalocyanine dyads and pentad'. Inorganic Chemistry. 51 3656-3665.
  • Wysocka-Zolopa, M., Winkler, K., Gadde, S., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Two Component Films of Palladium and Fullerene with Covalently Linked Crown Ether Voids: Effect of Cation Binding on the Redox Behavior'. Other. 16 65-74.
  • Vagnini, M.T., Smeigh, A.L., Blakemore, J.D., Eaton, S.W., Schley, N.D., D'Souza, F., Crabtree, R.H., Brudvig, G.W., Co, D.T., Wasielewski, M.R. (2012). 'Ultrafast Photodriven Intramolecular Electron Transfer from an Iridium-basd Water-Oxidation Catalyst to Perylene Diimide Derivatives'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109 15651-15656.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Wijesinghe, C.A., Nesterov, V.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi , S., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Ultrafast Photoinduced Energy and Electron Transfer in Multi-Modular Donor-Acceptor Conjugates'. Chemistry: A European Journal. 18 13844-13853.
  • Amin, A.N., El-Khouly, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2012). A novel BF 2-chelated azadipyrromethene–fullerene dyad: synthesis, electrochemistry and photodynamics. Chemical Communications. 48 (2) 206–208. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hill, J.P., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., Xie, Y., Sahu, S., Sanchez-Ballester, N.M., Richards, G.J., Mori, T., Ariga, K. (2012). Antioxidant-substituted tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine as a fluorescent sensor for basic anions. Chemical Communications. 48 (33) 3951–3953. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Joya, K.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., de Groot, H.J. (2012). Back Cover: Surface-Immobilized Single-Site Iridium Complexes for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 38/2012). Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 51 (38) 9700–9700. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Blakemore, J.D., Schley, N.D., Kushner-Lenhoff, M.N., Winter, A.M., D’Souza, F., Crabtree, R.H., Brudvig, G.W. (2012). Comparison of amorphous iridium water-oxidation electrocatalysts prepared from soluble precursors. Inorganic Chemistry. 51 (14) 7749–7763. American Chemical Society.
  • Wang, F., Subbaiyan, N.K., Wang, Q., Rochford, C., Xu, G., Lu, R., Elliot, A., D’Souza, F., Hui, R., Wu, J. (2012). Development of nanopatterned fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells with improved light trapping. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 4 (3) 1565–1572. American Chemical Society.
  • Das, S.K., Sandanayaka, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2012). Functionalization of Diameter-Sorted Semiconductive SWCNTs with Photosensitizing Porphyrins: Syntheses and Photoinduced Electron Transfer. Other. 18 (36) 11388–11398. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2012). In Multiporphyrin Array: Fundamentals and Applications. Other. 8 389–437.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F. (2012). Light-to-electron converting panchromatic supramolecular solar cells of phthalocyanine–porphyrin heterodimers adsorbed onto nanocrystalline SnO 2 electrodes. Chemical Communications. 48 (30) 3641–3643. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Sharma, P.S., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2012). Molecular imprinting for selective chemical sensing of hazardous compounds and drugs of abuse. Other. 34 59–77. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2012). Multiporphyrin Array: Fundamentals and Applications. Other. 8 389--437.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2012). Multiporphyrins-fullerenes and multiporphyrins-SWCNTs mimicking photosynthetic antenna-reaction center. Other. 389–437.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Amin, A.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2012). Near-IR Excitation Transfer and Electron Transfer in a BF2-Chelated Dipyrromethane–Azadipyrromethane Dyad and Triad. Other. 18 (17) 5239–5247. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Noworyta, K., Kutner, W., Wijesinghe, C.A., Srour, S.G., D’Souza, F. (2012). Nicotine, cotinine, and myosmine determination using polymer films of tailor-designed zinc porphyrins as recognition units for piezoelectric microgravimetry chemosensors. Analytical Chemistry. 84 (5) 2154–2163. American Chemical Society.
  • Hart, A.S., KC, C.B., Subbaiyan, N.K., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2012). Phenothiazine-sensitized organic solar cells: effect of dye anchor group positioning on the cell performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 4 (11) 5813–5820. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Das, S.K., Sandanayaka, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Gollapalli, D.R., Zandler, M.E., Wakahara, T., Ito, O. (2012). Photoinduced charge separation in three-layer supramolecular nanohybrids: fullerene–porphyrin–SWCNT. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14 (8) 2940–2950. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2012). Photosensitized electron transfer processes of nanocarbons applicable to solar cells. Other. 41 (1) 86–96. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hill, J.P., D’Souza, F., Ariga, K. (2012). Porphyrinoids: Highly Versatile, Redox-Active Scaffolds for Supramolecular Design and Biomimetic Applications. Other. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Sharma, P., D'Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2012). Portable Chemical Sensors—Weapons Against Bioterrorism. Other. 63--94.
  • Joya, K.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D'Souza, F., de Groot, H.J. (2012). R\"ucktitelbild: Surface-Immobilized Single-Site Iridium Complexes for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting (Angew. Chem. 38/2012). Other. 124 (38) 9838--9838. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2012). Recent advances in photoinduced electron transfer processes of fullerene-based molecular assemblies and nanocomposites. Molecules. 17 (5) 5816–5835. Molecular Diversity Preservation International.
  • Ito, O., D'Souza, F. (2012). Recent Advances in Photoinduced Electron Transfer Processes of Fullerene-Based Molecular Assemblies and Nanocomposites (Invited Review). Other. 17 5816-5835.
  • Joya, K.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., de Groot, H.J. (2012). Rücktitelbild: Surface-Immobilized Single-Site Iridium Complexes for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting (Angew. Chem. 38/2012). Other. 124 (38) 9838–9838. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Bikram, C.K., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F. (2012). Supramolecular donor–acceptor assembly derived from tetracarbazole–zinc phthalocyanine coordinated to fullerene: design, synthesis, photochemical, and photoelectrochemical studies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116 (22) 11964–11972. American Chemical Society.
  • Fukuzumi, S., Ohkubo, K., D’Souza, F., Sessler, J.L. (2012). Supramolecular electron transfer by anion binding. Chemical Communications. 48 (79) 9801–9815. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Pietrzyk-Le, A., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2012). Supramolecular self-assembly governed molecularly imprinted polymers for selective chemical sensing. Other. 5 105–128.
  • Joya, K.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., de Groot, H.J. (2012). Surface-immobilized single-site iridium complexes for electrocatalytic water splitting. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 51 (38) 9601–9605. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Jacobs, R., Stranius, K., Maligaspe, E., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2012). Syntheses and Excitation Transfer Studies of Near-Orthogonal Free-Base Porphyrin–Ruthenium Phthalocyanine Dyads and Pentad. Inorganic Chemistry. 51 (6) 3656–3665. American Chemical Society.
  • Wysocka-Zoopa, M., Winkler, K., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F. (2012). Two-component polymer films of palladium and fullerene with covalently linked crown ether voids: effect of cation binding on the redox behavior. Other. 16 (1) 65–74. Springer-Verlag.
  • KC, C.B., Das, S.K., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2012). Ultrafast charge separation in supramolecular tetrapyrrole–graphene hybrids. Chemical Communications. 48 (97) 11859–11861. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Vagnini, M.T., Smeigh, A.L., Blakemore, J.D., Eaton, S.W., Schley, N.D., D’Souza, F., Crabtree, R.H., Brudvig, G.W., Wasielewski, M.R., others. (2012). Ultrafast photodriven intramolecular electron transfer from an iridium-based water-oxidation catalyst to perylene diimide derivatives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109 (39) 15651–15656. National Acad Sciences.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Wijesinghe, C.A., Nesterov, V.N., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2012). Ultrafast Photoinduced Energy and Electron Transfer in Multi-Modular Donor–Acceptor Conjugates. Other. 18 (43) 13844–13853. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Amin, A.N., El-Khouly, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D'Souza, F. (2011). 'A novel BF2-chelated azadipyrromethane-fullerene dyad: synthesis, electrochemistry and photodynamics'. Chemical Communications. 48 206-208.
  • Fukuzumi, S., Saito, K., Ohkubo, K., Troiani, V., Qiu, H., Gadde, S., D'Souza, F., Solladie, N. (2011). 'Multiple photosynthetic reaction centres using zinc porphyrinic oligopeptide-fulleropyrrolidine supramolecular complexes'. Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. 13 17019-17022.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., Maligaspe , E., D'Souza, F. (2011). 'Near Unity Photon-to-Electron Conversion of Photoelectrochemical Cells Built on Cationic Water Soluble Porphyrins Electrostatically Decorated onto Thin-Film Nanocrystalline SnO2 Surface'. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 3 2368-2376.
  • Amin, A.N., El-Khouly, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Supur, M., Fukuzumi , S., D'Souza, F. (2011). 'Synthesis, electrochemistry and photodynamics of ferrocene-azadipyrromethane donor-acceptor dyads and triads'. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115 9810-9819.
  • D'Souza, F., Wijesinghe, C.A., El-Khouly, M.E., Hudson, J., Niemi, M., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S. (2011). 'Ultrafast Excitation Transfer and Charge Stabilization in a Newly Assembled Photosynthetic Antenna-Reaction Center Mimic Composed of Boron Dipyrrin, Zinc Porphyrin and Fullerene'. Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. 13 18168-18178.
  • D'Souza, F., Das, S.K., Zandler, M.E., Sandanayaka, A., Ito , O. (2011). Bionano donor-acceptor hybrids of porphyrin, ssDNA, and semiconductive SWCNT for electron transfer via porphyrin excitation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133 19922.
  • D’Souza, F., Das, S.K., Zandler, M.E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Ito, O. (2011). Bionano donor–acceptor hybrids of porphyrin, ssDNA, and semiconductive single-wall carbon nanotubes for electron transfer via porphyrin excitation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133 (49) 19922–19930. American Chemical Society.
  • Sandanayaka, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Das, S.K., Chitta, R., Maligaspe, E., Hasobe, T., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2011). Diameter-Sorted SWCNT–Porphyrin and SWCNT–Phthalocyanine Conjugates for Light-Energy Harvesting. ChemPhysChem. 12 (12) 2266–2273. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Schley, N.D., Blakemore, J.D., Subbaiyan, N.K., Incarvito, C.D., D’Souza, F., Crabtree, R.H., Brudvig, G.W. (2011). Distinguishing homogeneous from heterogeneous catalysis in electrode-driven water oxidation with molecular iridium complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133 (27) 10473–10481. American Chemical Society.
  • Hudhomme, P., Williams, R.M., others. (2011). Energy and electron transfer in photo-and electro-active fullerene dyads. Other. World Scientific.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., Hill, J.P., Ariga, K., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2011). Enhanced photocurrents via redox modulation by fluoride binding to oxoporphyrinogen in a zinc porphyrin-oxoporphyrinogen surface modified TiO2 supramolecular solar cell. Chemical Communications. 47 (21) 6003–6005. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Das, S.K., Subbaiyan, N.K., D'Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A.S., Wakahara, T., Ito, O. (2011). Formation and photoinduced properties of zinc porphyrin-SWCNT and zinc phthalocyanine-SWCNT nanohybrids using diameter sorted nanotubes assembled via metal-ligand coordination and $\pi$--$\pi$ stacking. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 15 (09n10) 1033--1043. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Das, S.K., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A.S., Wakahara, T., Ito, O. (2011). Formation and photoinduced properties of zinc porphyrin-SWCNT and zinc phthalocyanine-SWCNT nanohybrids using diameter sorted nanotubes assembled via metal-ligand coordination and $π$–$π$ stacking. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 15 (09n10) 1033–1043. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Fukuzumi, S., Saito, K., Ohkubo, K., Khoury, T., Kashiwagi, Y., Absalom, M.A., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F., Araki, Y., Ito, O., others. (2011). Multiple photosynthetic reaction centres composed of supramolecular assemblies of zinc porphyrin dendrimers with a fullerene acceptor. Chemical Communications. 47 (28) 7980–7982. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Fukuzumi, S., Saito, K., Ohkubo, K., Troiani, V., Qiu, H., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F., Solladié, N. (2011). Multiple photosynthetic reaction centres using zinc porphyrinic oligopeptide–fulleropyrrolidine supramolecular complexes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13 (38) 17019–17022. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., Maligaspe, E., D’Souza, F. (2011). Near unity photon-to-electron conversion efficiency of photoelectrochemical cells built on cationic water-soluble porphyrins electrostatically decorated onto thin-film nanocrystalline SnO2 surface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 3 (7) 2368–2376. American Chemical Society.
  • Yamada, M., Akasaka, T., Nagase, S. (2011). New vistas in endohedral metallofullerenes. Other. 1 145–184.
  • Wijesinghe, C.A., El-Khouly, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Supur, M., Zandler, M.E., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2011). Photochemical Charge Separation in Closely Positioned Donor–Boron Dipyrrin–Fullerene Triads. Other. 17 (11) 3147–3156. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Wijesinghe, C.A., Niemi, M., Tkachenko, N.V., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Lemmetyinen, H., D’Souza, F. (2011). Photoinduced electron transfer in a directly linked meso-triphenylamine zinc porphyrin-quinone dyad. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 15 (05n06) 391–400. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Ito, O., Sandanayaka, A.S., D’Souza, F. (2011). Photoinduced Electron Transfer of SWCNT-Based Supramolecular Nanoarchitectures with Photosensitizing Molecules. Other. 36 (3) 341–344. The Materials Research Society of Japan.
  • Das, S.K., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A.S., Hasobe, T., Ito, O. (2011). Photoinduced processes of the supramolecularly functionalized semi-conductive SWCNTs with porphyrins via ion-pairing interactions. Other. 4 (3) 707–716. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Boyd, P.D., Hosseini, A., van Paauwe, J.D., Reed, C.A. (2011). Porphyrin-Fullerene Supramolecular Chemistry. Other. 1 375–390. World Scientific Singapore.
  • Perera, A.S., Wendel, S.O., Schibel, A.E., White, H.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., Niederweis, M., Bossmann, S.H. (2011). Purification and analytical assessment of the mycobacterial porin MspA and investigation of its channel activity and potential use for a protein nano-solar cell. American Chemical Society.
  • Amin, A.N., El-Khouly, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Supur, M., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2011). Syntheses, electrochemistry, and photodynamics of ferrocene–azadipyrromethane donor–acceptor dyads and triads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115 (35) 9810–9819. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Wijesinghe, C.A., El-Khouly, M.E., Hudson, J., Niemi, M., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S. (2011). Ultrafast excitation transfer and charge stabilization in a newly assembled photosynthetic antenna-reaction center mimic composed of boron dipyrrin, zinc porphyrin and fullerene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13 (40) 18168–18178. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K. (2010). Biomimetic solar cells. Wichita State University. Graduate School.
  • Wijesinghe, C.A., El-Khouly, M.E., Blakemore, J.D., Zandler, M.E., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2010). Charge stabilization in a closely spaced ferrocene–boron dipyrrin–fullerene triad. Chemical Communications. 46 (19) 3301–3303. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Sandanayaka, A.S., Maligaspe, E., Hasobe, T., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2010). Diameter dependent electron transfer in supramolecular nanohybrids of (6, 5)-or (7, 6)-enriched semiconducting SWCNT as donors and fullerene as acceptor. Chemical Communications. 46 (46) 8749–8751. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hill, J.P., El-Khouly, M.E., Charvet, R., Subbaiyan, N.K., Ariga, K., Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2010). Effect of anion binding on charge stabilization in a bis-fullerene–oxoporphyrinogen conjugate. Chemical Communications. 46 (42) 7933–7935. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Ito, O., Sandanayaka, A.S., Chitta, R., D’Souza, F. (2010). Effect of potassium ion on switching of photoinduced electron transfer in inclusion dyads formed by crown ether-porphyrins and an ammonium cation-fullerene. Other. 87 (1) 13.
  • Maligaspe, E., Kumpulainen, T., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., D’Souza, F. (2010). Electronic energy harvesting multi BODIPY-zinc porphyrin dyads accommodating fullerene as photosynthetic composite of antenna-reaction center. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12 (27) 7434–7444. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Stranius, K., Jacobs, R., Maligaspe, E., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2010). Excitation transfer in metal-ligand coordinated free-base porphyrin-magnesium phthalocyanine and free-base porphyrin-magnesium naphthalocyanine dyads. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14 (11) 948–961. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Maligaspe, E., D’Souza, F. (2010). Harvesting solar energy via artificial photosynthesis.
  • Pieta, P., Zukowska, G.Z., Das, S.K., D’Souza, F., Petr, A., Dunsch, L., Kutner, W. (2010). Mechanism of reductive C60 electropolymerization in the presence of dioxygen and application of the resulting fullerene polymer for preparation of a conducting composite with single-wall carbon nanotubes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114 (18) 8150–8160. American Chemical Society.
  • Pietrzyk, A., Suriyanarayanan, S., Kutner, W., Chitta, R., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2010). Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) based piezoelectric microgravimetry chemosensor for selective determination of adenine. Other. 25 (11) 2522–2529. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Maligaspe, E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Karr, P.A., Hasobe, T., Ito, O. (2010). Photochemical Charge Separation in Supramolecular Phthalocyanine- Multifullerene Conjugates Assembled by Crown Ether-Alkyl Ammonium Cation Interactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114 (41) 10951–10959. American Chemical Society.
  • Maligaspe, E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Hasobe, T., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2010). Sensitive efficiency of photoinduced electron transfer to band gaps of semiconductive single-walled carbon nanotubes with supramolecularly attached zinc porphyrin bearing pyrene glues. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132 (23) 8158–8164. ACS Publications.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Ju, D.K., Kay, K., D’Souza, F., Fukuzumi, S. (2010). Supramolecular Tetrad of Subphthalocyanine–Triphenylamine–Zinc Porphyrin Coordinated to Fullerene as an “Antenna-Reaction-Center” Mimic: Formation of a Long-Lived Charge-Separated State in Nonpolar Solvent. Other. 16 (21) 6193–6202. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A.S., Ito, O. (2010). SWNT-based supramolecular nanoarchitectures with photosensitizing donor and acceptor molecules. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 1 (17) 2586–2593. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Subbaiyan, N.K., Xie, Y., Hill, J.P., Ariga, K., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S. (2009). Anion-complexation-induced stabilization of charge separation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131 (44) 16138–16146. ACS Publications.
  • Pieta, P., Grodzka, E., Winkler, K., Warczak, M., Sadkowski, A., Zukowska, G.Z., Venukadasula, G.M., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2009). Conductive, Capacitive, and Viscoelastic Properties of a New Composite of the C60- Pd Conducting Polymer and Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113 (19) 6682–6691. American Chemical Society.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F. (2009). Electropolymerization of Triphenylamine appended Zinc Porphyrin to form Porphyrin-Fullerene dyads at the electrode surface for photochemical studies. Wichita State University. Graduate School.
  • Maligaspe, E., D’Souza, F. (2009). Energy transfer followed by electron transfer in a supramolecular Boron Dipyrrin-Zinc Porphyrin-Fullerene. Wichita State University. Graduate School.
  • Pietrzyk, A., Kutner, W., Chitta, R., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F., Sannicolo, F., Mussini, P.R. (2009). Melamine acoustic chemosensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer film. Analytical Chemistry. 81 (24) 10061–10070. American Chemical Society.
  • Wijesinghe, C.A., D’Souza, F. (2009). Molecular triads comprised of boron dipyrrin-C60 Dyad connected to either an energy or electron donating entity to probe sequential energy/electron transfer events.. Wichita State University. Graduate School.
  • Maligaspe, E., D’Souza, F. (2009). NOR and AND logic gates based on supramolecular porphyrin- fullerene conjugates. Organic Letters. 12 (3) 624–627. American Chemical Society.
  • Sandanayaka, A.S., Chitta, R., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, L., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2009). Photoinduced charge separation in ion-paired porphyrin- single-wall carbon nanotube donor- acceptor hybrids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (30) 13425–13432. American Chemical Society.
  • Maligaspe, E., Tkachenko, N.V., Subbaiyan, N.K., Chitta, R., Zandler, M.E., Lemmetyinen, H., D’Souza, F. (2009). Photosynthetic Antenna- Reaction Center Mimicry: Sequential Energy-and Electron Transfer in a Self-assembled Supramolecular Triad Composed of Boron Dipyrrin, Zinc Porphyrin and Fullerene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 113 (30) 8478–8489. ACS Publications.
  • D’Souza, F., Maligaspe, E., Ohkubo, K., Zandler, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Fukuzumi, S. (2009). Photosynthetic Reaction Center Mimicry: Low Reorganization Energy Driven Charge Stabilization in Self-Assembled Cofacial Zinc Phthalocyanine Dimer- Fullerene Conjugate. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131 (25) 8787–8797. American Chemical Society.
  • Pieta, P., Venukadasula, G.M., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2009). Preparation and Selected Properties of an Improved Composite of the Electrophoretically Deposited Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Electrochemically Coated with a C60-Pd and Polybithiophene Mixed Polymer Film. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (31) 14046–14058. ACS Publications.
  • Richards, G.J., Hill, J.P., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, F., Karr, P.A., Elsegood, M.R., Teat, S.J., Mori, T., Ariga, K. (2009). Pyrazinacenes: Aza Analogues of Acenes. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 74 (23) 8914–8923. American Chemical Society.
  • Pietrzyk, A., Suriyanarayanan, S., Kutner, W., Chitta, R., D’Souza, F. (2009). Selective histamine piezoelectric chemosensor using a recognition film of the molecularly imprinted polymer of bis (bithiophene) derivatives. Analytical Chemistry. 81 (7) 2633–2643. ACS Publications.
  • Hill, J.P., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F. (2009). Structures and properties of hemiquinone-substituted oxoporphyrinogens. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 13 (01) 60–69. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., Obraztsov, I., Wijesinghe, C.A., Tran, K., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2009). Supramolecular donor- acceptor hybrid of electropolymerized zinc porphyrin with axially coordinated fullerene: formation, characterization, and photoelectrochemical properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (20) 8982–8989. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2009). Supramolecular donor–acceptor hybrids of porphyrins/phthalocyanines with fullerenes/carbon nanotubes: electron transfer, sensing, switching, and catalytic applications. Chemical Communications. (33) 4913–4928. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K., Wijesinghe, C.A., D’Souza, F. (2009). Supramolecular Solar Cells: Surface Modification of Nanocrytalline TiO2 with Coordinating Ligands To Immobilize Sensitizers and Dyads via Metal- Ligand Coordination for Enhanced Photocurrent Generation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131 (41) 14646–14647. ACS Publications.
  • Das, S.K., D’Souza, F. (2009). Synthesis of CdTe quantum dots of different sizes and their interactions with water soluble porphyrins. Wichita State University. Graduate School.
  • D’Souza, F., Venukadasula, G.M., Yamanaka, K., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Ito, O. (2009). Through-bond photoinduced electron transfer in a porphyrin-fullerene conjugate held by a Hamilton type hydrogen bonding motif. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 7 (6) 1076–1080. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Maligaspe, E., Kumpulainen, T., Lemmetyinen, H., Tkachenko, N.V., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2009). Ultrafast singlet- singlet energy transfer in self-assembled via metal- ligand axial coordination of free-base porphyrin- zinc phthalocyanine and free-base porphyrin- zinc naphthalocyanine dyads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114 (1) 268–277. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F. (2008). Bio-inspired supramolecular porphyrin-acceptor conjugates: Design, electrochemical and photochemical studies. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 12 (3) 232.
  • Sandanayaka, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., Chitta, R., Araki, Y., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2008). Co-facial magnesium porphyrin dimer complexed with fullerene: photosynthetic reaction center model of’special pair’self-assembled to electron acceptor. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 12 (07) 857–865. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Hill, J.P., Palza, H., Alam, S., Ariga, K., Schumacher, A.L., D’Souza, F., Anson, C.E., Powell, A.K. (2008). Decomposition of dinuclear manganese complexes for the preparation of nanostructured oxide materials. Inorganic Chemistry. 47 (18) 8306–8314. American Chemical Society.
  • Maligaspe, E., D’Souza, F. (2008). Design and studies of a self-assembled cofacial zinc phthalocyanine dimer complexed with fullerene (s). Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • D’Souza, F., Maligaspe, E., Karr, P.A., Schumacher, A.L., El Ojaimi, M., Gros, C.P., Barbe, J., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S. (2008). Face-to-Face Pacman-Type Porphyrin–Fullerene Dyads: Design, Synthesis, Charge-Transfer Interactions, and Photophysical Studies. Other. 14 (2) 674–681. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Rogers, L.M., Islam, D.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O., Wada, T. (2008). Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between cationic porphyrins accelerated with DNA as a template. Other. 37 (4) 460–461. The Chemical Society of Japan.
  • D’Souza, F., Maligaspe, E., Zandler, M.E., Subbaiyan, N.K., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S. (2008). Metal Quinolinolate- Fullerene (s) Donor- Acceptor Complexes: Evidence for Organic LED Molecules Acting as Electron Donors in Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130 (50) 16959–16967. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Schumacher, A., Hill, J., Karr, P., Xie, Y., Ariga, K., Sandanayaka, A., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2008). Oxoporphyrinogens: From Redox and Spectroscopic Probe for Anion Sensing to a Platform for Construction of Supramolecular Donor-Acceptor Conjugates. ECS Transactions. 13 (14) 127–136. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Pieta, P., Grodzka, E., Winkler, K., Venukadasula, G.M., D’Souza, F., Kutner, W. (2008). Preparation and selected properties of a composite of the C60-Pd conducting polymer and single-wall carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi (b). 245 (10) 2292–2295. Wiley Online Library.
  • Araki, Y., Chitta, R., Sandanayaka, A.S., Langenwalter, K., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2008). Self-Assembled Supramolecular Ferrocene- Fullerene Dyads and Triad: Formation and Photoinduced Electron Transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112 (6) 2222–2229. American Chemical Society.
  • Chitta, R., D’Souza, F. (2008). Self-assembled tetrapyrrole–fullerene and tetrapyrrole–carbon nanotube donor–acceptor hybrids for light induced electron transfer applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 18 (13) 1440–1471. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hill, J.P., Xie, Y., Shundo, A., Ariga, K., Schumacher, A.L., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2008). Structure and properties of phenol-substituted porphyrins and oxoporphyrinogens. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 12 (3) 397.
  • Hill, J.P., Xie, Y., Ariga, K., Schumacher, A.L., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2008). Tautomerism in oxocorrologens. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 12 (3) 536.
  • Xie, Y., Hill, J.P., Schumacher, A.L., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Karr, P.A., Labuta, J., D’Souza, F., Ito, O., Anson, C.E., others. (2008). Twisted, Two-Faced Porphyrins as Hosts for Bispyridyl Fullerenes: Construction and Photophysical Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112 (28) 10559–10572. ACS Publications.
  • Schumacher, A.L., D’Souza, F. (2007). 4-oxocyclohexadienylidene porphyrinogen as an electrochemical anion receptor. Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • D’souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Rogers, L., Karr, P., Zandler, M., Sandanayaka, A. (2007). Araki Y and Ito O. Other. 2007 13.
  • Maligaspe, E., D’Souza, F. (2007). Design and studies of photo-induced electron transfer in ‘Pacman’type porphyrin-fullerene conjugates. Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • Chitta, R., Sandanayaka, A.S., Schumacher, A.L., D’Souza, L., Araki, Y., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2007). Donor- acceptor nanohybrids of zinc naphthalocyanine or zinc porphyrin noncovalently linked to single-wall carbon nanotubes for photoinduced electron transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111 (19) 6947–6955. American Chemical Society.
  • Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., Schumacher, A.L., D’Souza, F. (2007). Harvesting solar energy via artificial photosynthesis.
  • Schumacher, A.L., Hill, J.P., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F. (2007). Highly effective electrochemical anion sensing based on oxoporphyrinogen. Electrochemistry Communications. 9 (12) 2751–2754. Elsevier.
  • Marczak, R., Sgobba, V., Kutner, W., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F., Guldi, D.M. (2007). Langmuir- Blodgett films of a cationic zinc porphyrin- imidazole-functionalized fullerene dyad: formation and photoelectrochemical studies. Langmuir. 23 (4) 1917–1923. American Chemical Society.
  • Gadde, S., Islam, D.S., Wijesinghe, C.A., Subbaiyan, N.K., Zandler, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2007). Light-Induced Electron Transfer of a Supramolecular Bis (Zinc Porphyrin)- Fullerene Triad Constructed via a Diacetylamidopyridine/Uracil Hydrogen-Bonding Motif. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111 (34) 12500–12503. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., Islam, D.S., Wijesinghe, C.A., Schumacher, A.L., Zandler, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2007). Multi-Triphenylamine-Substituted Porphyrin-Fullerene Conjugates as Charge Stabilizing “Antenna- Reaction Center” Mimics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 111 (35) 8552–8560. American Chemical Society.
  • Obraztsov, I., Noworyta, K., Kutner, W., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F. (2007). Nanostructuring of Watson–Crick type base-paired (C60-uracil):(2-aminopurine) conjugates in Langmuir films. Physica Status Solidi (b). 244 (11) 3861–3867. Wiley Online Library.
  • Hasobe, T., Saito, K., Kamat, P.V., Troiani, V., Qiu, H., Solladié, N., Kim, K.S., Park, J.K., Kim, D., D’Souza, F., others. (2007). Organic solar cells. Supramolecular composites of porphyrins and fullerenes organized by polypeptide structures as light harvesters. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 17 (39) 4160–4170. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Saito, K., Kamat, P.V., Troiani, V., Qiu, H., Solladi, N., Kim, K.S., Park, J.K., Kim, D., D'Souza, F., Fukuzumi, S., others. (2007). Organic solar cells. Supramolecular composites of porphyrins and fullerenes organized by polypeptide structures as light harvestersElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: photocurrent and photovoltage response of the OTE/SnO2/(P (H2P) 8+ C60) m electrode, and transient absorption spectra of (P (H2P) 1+ C60) m. See.
  • D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., Islam, D.S., Pang, S., Schumacher, A.L., Zandler, M.E., Horie, R., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2007). Photoinduced electron transfer in a Watson–Crick base-paired, 2-aminopurine∶ uracil-C 60 hydrogen bonding conjugate. Chemical Communications. (5) 480–482. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Rogers, L.M., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2007). Photosynthetic Reaction Center Mimicry of a “Special Pair” Dimer Linked to Electron Acceptors by a Supramolecular Approach: Self-Assembled Cofacial Zinc Porphyrin Dimer Complexed with Fullerene (s). Other. 13 (3) 916–922. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Hill, J.P., Ariga, K., Schumacher, A.L., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F. (2007). Pyren-1-ylmethyl N-substituted oxoporphyrinogens. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 11 (05) 390–396. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Marczak, R., Noworyta, K., Nowakowski, R., Kutner, W., Desbat, B., Araki, Y., Ito, O., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2007). Self assembling of porphyrin-fullerene dyads in the Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films: formation as well as spectral, electrochemical and vectorial electron transfer studies. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 7 (4-1) 1455–1471. American Scientific Publishers.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Sandanayaka, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, L., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2007). Self-Assembled Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube: Zinc–Porphyrin Hybrids through Ammonium Ion–Crown Ether Interaction: Construction and Electron Transfer. Other. 13 (29) 8277–8284. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Sandanayaka, A.S., Subbaiyan, N.K., D’Souza, L., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2007). Supramolecular Carbon Nanotube-Fullerene Donor- Acceptor Hybrids for Photoinduced Electron Transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129 (51) 15865–15871. American Chemical Society.
  • Schumacher, A.L., Sandanayaka, A.S., Hill, J.P., Ariga, K., Karr, P.A., Araki, Y., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2007). Supramolecular Triad and Pentad Composed of Zinc–Porphyrin (s), Oxoporphyrinogen, and Fullerene (s): Design and Electron-Transfer Studies. Other. 13 (16) 4628–4635. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., Schumacher, A.L., Zandler, M.E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2007). Supramolecular Triads of Free-Base Porphyrin, Fullerene, and Ferric Porphyrins via the “Covalent-Coordinate” Binding Approach: Formation, Sequential Electron Transfer, and Charge Stabilization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111 (29) 11123–11130. ACS Publications.
  • Blakemore, J.D., Chitta, R., D’Souza, F. (2007). Synthesis and study of crown ether-appended boron dipyrrin chemosensors for cation detection. Other. 48 (11) 1977–1982. Elsevier.
  • Xie, Y., Hill, J.P., Schumacher, A.L., Karr, P.A., D’Souza, F., Anson, C.E., Powell, A.K., Ariga, K. (2007). Tautomerism in novel oxocorrologens. Other. 13 (35) 9824–9833. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • Winkler, K., Grodzka, E., D’Souza, F., Balch, A.L. (2007). Two-component films of fullerene and palladium as materials for electrochemical capacitors. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 154 (4) K1–K10. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Kobayashi, N., Nakai, K., Fang, X., Bando, Y., Ye, C., Shen, G., Gautam, U.K., Tang, C., Golberg, D., Liang, G., others. (2007). Urgent high quality communications from across the chemical sciences.. Other. 4077 4092.
  • Noworyta, K., Marczak, R., Tylenda, R., Sobczak, J.W., Chitta, R., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2007). “Two-Point” Assembling of Zn (II) and Co (II) Metalloporphyrins Derivatized with a Crown Ether Substituent in Langmuir and Langmuir- Blodgett Films. Langmuir. 23 (5) 2555–2568. American Chemical Society.
  • Hill, J.P., Sandanayaka, A.S., McCarty, A.L., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., Charvet, R., Ariga, K., Araki, Y., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2006). A Novel Bis (zinc–porphyrin)–Oxoporphyrinogen Donor–Acceptor Triad: Synthesis, Electrochemical, Computational and Photochemical Studies. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2006 (3) 595–603. Wiley Online Library.
  • Yellappa, S., Seetharamappa, J., Rogers, L.M., Chitta, R., Singhal, R.P., D'Souza, F. (2006). Binding, electrochemical activation, and cleavage of DNA by cobalt (II) tetrakis-N-methylpyridyl porphyrin and its $\beta$-pyrrole brominated derivative. Other. 17 (6) 1418--1425. American Chemical Society.
  • Yellappa, S., Seetharamappa, J., Rogers, L.M., Chitta, R., Singhal, R.P., D’Souza, F. (2006). Binding, electrochemical activation, and cleavage of DNA by cobalt (II) tetrakis-N-methylpyridyl porphyrin and its $β$-pyrrole brominated derivative. Other. 17 (6) 1418–1425. American Chemical Society.
  • D’SOUZA, F. (2006). Buckyballs to nanotubes. Other. 15 (2) 27–27. Electrochemical Society.
  • Seetharamappa, J., Yellappa, S., D’Souza, F. (2006). Carbon nanotubes. Other.
  • Hill, J.P., Schumacher, A.L., D’Souza, F., Labuta, J., Redshaw, C., Elsegood, M.R., Aoyagi, M., Nakanishi, T., Ariga, K. (2006). Chromogenic indicator for anion reporting based on an N-substituted oxoporphyrinogen. Inorganic Chemistry. 45 (20) 8288–8296. ACS Publications.
  • Hill, J.P., Sandanayaka, A.S., McCarty, A.L., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., Charvet, R., Ariga, K., Araki, Y., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2006). Cover Picture: A Novel Bis (zinc–porphyrin)–Oxoporphyrinogen Donor–Acceptor Triad: Synthesis, Electrochemical, Computational and Photochemical Studies (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 3/2006). European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2006 (3) 549–549. Wiley Online Library.
  • Chitta, R., Suresh, G., Melvin E, Z., McCarty, A.L., Sandanayaka, A.S., Yasuyaki, A., Osamu, I., D'Souza, F. (2006). Design and physico-chemical studies of" two-point" bound supramolecular porphyrin-fullerene conjugates formed by cation-crown ether complexation and axial co-ordination or $\pi$-$\pi$ interactions. Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • Chitta, R., Suresh, G., Melvin, E., McCarty, A.L., Sandanayaka, A.S., Yasuyaki, A., Osamu, I., D’Souza, F., others. (2006). Design and physico-chemical studies of" two-point" bound supramolecular porphyrin-fullerene conjugates formed by cation-crown ether complexation and axial co-ordination or $π$-$π$ interactions. Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Shafiqul Islam, D., Schumacher, A.L., Zandler, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Design and studies on supramolecular ferrocene- porphyrin- fullerene constructs for generating long-lived charge separated states. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 110 (50) 25240–25250. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., McCarty, A.L., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Design, syntheses, and studies of supramolecular porphyrin- fullerene conjugates, using bis-18-crown-6 appended porphyrins and pyridine or alkyl ammonium functionalized fullerenes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 110 (12) 5905–5913. American Chemical Society.
  • Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F. (2006). Electron transfer switching in supramolecular porphyrin–fullerene conjugates held by alkylammonium cation-crown ether binding. Chemical Communications. (41) 4327–4329. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Deviprasad, G.R., Smith, P.M., Zandler, M.E., Rogers, L.M., D’Souza, F. (2006). Fluorophore (s) appended fullerene dyads and triads for probing photoinduced energy transfer: syntheses, electronic structure, and fluorescence studies. Other. 87 (1) 105–114. Springer Netherlands.
  • D’Souza, F., Smith, P.M., Rogers, L., Zandler, M.E., Shafiqul Islam, D., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Formation, spectral, electrochemical, and photochemical behavior of zinc N-confused porphyrin coordinated to imidazole functionalized fullerene dyads. Inorganic Chemistry. 45 (13) 5057–5065. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F. (2006). Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures: Carbon Buckyballs to Nanotubes. Other. 15 (2) 27. IOP Publishing.
  • Zimmerman, J.R., Smucker, B.W., Eichhorn, D.M., Van Stipdonk, M.J. (2006). Model complexes for the A-cluster of CODH/ACS. Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • D’Souza, F. (2006). ORAL PRESENTATIONS-Supramolecular porphyrin and fullerene bearing dyads and triads for photochemical charge stabilization. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 10 (4-6) 443–443. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, c1997-.
  • Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O., Deviprasad, G.R., Smith, P.M., Rogers, L.M., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2006). Photoinduced electron transfer in fullerene triads bearing pyrene and fluorene. Chemical Physics. 325 (2) 452–460. Elsevier.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2006). Photophysical studies of supramolecular triads involving zinc naphthalocyanines and pyridylfullerenes with a second electron donor. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 10 (09) 1156–1164. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Rogers, L.M., Yellappa, S., D’Souza, F. (2006). Physico-chemical studies of interactions of water soluble brominated porphyrins with DNA. Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • Saito, K., Ohtani, M., Qiu, H., Troiani, V., Solladie, N., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F., Sakata, T., Mori, H., Araki, Y., others. (2006). POSTER PRESENTATIONS-Novel photosynthetic model nanohybrids composed of multiporphyrinic polypeptides and carbon nanomaterials. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 10 (4-6) 849–849. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, c1997-.
  • Hill, J.P., Labuta, J., Ariga, K., Wakayama, Y., Schmitt, W., McCarty, A.L., D’Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A.S., Ito, O. (2006). POSTER PRESENTATIONS-Self-assembly and properties of oxoporphyrinogen derivatives. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 10 (4-6) 658–658. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, c1997-.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., McCarty, A.L., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Potassium Ion Controlled Switching of Intra-to Intermolecular Electron Transfer in Crown Ether Appended Free-Base Porphyrin- Fullerene Donor- Acceptor Systems. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110 (13) 4338–4347. American Chemical Society.
  • Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., Beck, M., Jaeger, J.D., McCarty, A.L., Smith, P.M., D’Souza, F. (2006). Predicting the site of electron transfer using DFT frontier orbitals: Studies on porphyrin attached either to quinone or hydroquinone, and quinhydrone self-assembled supramolecular complexes. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM. 765 (1) 91–103. Elsevier.
  • Plonska, M., Winkler, K., Gadde, S., D’Souza, F., Balch, A.L. (2006). Redox Active Two-Component Films of Palladium and Covalently Linked Zinc Porphyrin–Fullerene Dyad. Electroanalysis. 18 (9) 841–848. Wiley Online Library.
  • Hill, J.P., Wakayama, Y., Schmitt, W., Tsuruoka, T., Nakanishi, T., Zandler, M.L., McCarty, A.L., D’Souza, F., Milgrom, L.R., Ariga, K. (2006). Regulating the stability of 2D crystal structures using an oxidation state-dependent molecular conformation. Chemical Communications. (22) 2320–2322. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., El-Khouly, M.E., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., McCarty, A.L., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2006). Supramolecular triads bearing porphyrin and fullerene via ‘two-point’binding involving coordination and hydrogen bonding. Tetrahedron. 62 (9) 1967–1978. Pergamon.
  • Seetharamappa, J., Yellappa, S., D’Souza, F. (2006). The Chalkboard-Carbon Nanotubes: Next Generation of Electronic Materials. Other. 15 (2) 23. IOP Publishing.
  • Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2006). The remarkable ability of B3LYP/3-21G (*) calculations to describe geometry, spectral and electrochemical properties of molecular and supramolecular porphyrin–fullerene conjugates. Other. 9 (7) 960–981. Elsevier Masson.
  • D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., El-Khouly, M.E., Zandler, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2005). A supramolecular Star Wars Tie Fighter Ship: electron transfer in a self-assembled triad composed of two zinc naphthalocyanines and a fullerene. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 9 (10) 698–705. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Kutner, W., Pieta, P., Nowakowski, R., Sobczak, J.W., Kaszkur, Z., McCarty, A.L., D’Souza, F. (2005). Composition, structure, surface topography, and electrochemical properties of electrophoretically deposited nanostructured fullerene films. Chemistry of Materials. 17 (23) 5635–5645. ACS Publications.
  • D'Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., McCarty, A.L., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2005). Effect of Axial Ligation or $\pi$--$\pi$-Type Interactions on Photochemical Charge Stabilization in “Two-Point” Bound Supramolecular Porphyrin--Fullerene Conjugates. Other. 11 (15) 4416--4428. WILEY-VCH Verlag Weinheim.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., McCarty, A.L., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2005). Effect of Axial Ligation or $π$–$π$-Type Interactions on Photochemical Charge Stabilization in “Two-Point” Bound Supramolecular Porphyrin–Fullerene Conjugates. Other. 11 (15) 4416–4428. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • McCarty, A.L., D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., El-Khouly, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2005). Electron transfer in porphyrin-fullerene dyads. Wichita State University. Graduate School..
  • D’Souza, F., Rogers, L.M., O’Dell, E.S., Kochman, A., Kutner, W. (2005). Immobilization and electrochemical redox behavior of cytochrome c on fullerene film-modified electrodes. Other. 66 (1) 35–40. Elsevier.
  • Smith, P.M., D’Souza, F., Zandler, M.E., McCarty, A.L. (2005). Mimicking the primary events of photosynthesis. Wichita State University.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2005). Photoinduced electron transfer in supramolecular systems of fullerenes functionalized with ligands capable of binding to zinc porphyrins and zinc phthalocyanines. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 249 (13) 1410–1422. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., El-Khouly, M.E., Gadde, S., McCarty, A.L., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2005). Self-Assembled via Axial Coordination Magnesium Porphyrin- Imidazole Appended Fullerene Dyad: Spectroscopic, Electrochemical, Computational, and Photochemical Studies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109 (20) 10107–10114. American Chemical Society.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Araki, Y., Ito, O., Gadde, S., McCarty, A.L., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2005). Spectral, electrochemical, and photophysical studies of a magnesium porphyrin–fullerene dyad. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 7 (17) 3163–3171. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hill, J.P., Schmitt, W., McCarty, A.L., Ariga, K., D’Souza, F. (2005). Structures, Spectral and Electrochemical Properties of N-(Naphth-2-ylmethyl)-Appended Porphyrinogens. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2005 (14) 2893–2902. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Chitta, R., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., Sandanayaka, A.S., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2005). Supramolecular porphyrin–fullerene via ‘two-point’binding strategy: Axial-coordination and cation–crown ether complexation. Chemical Communications. (10) 1279–1281. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Gadde, S., Powell, D.R., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2005). X-ray structural and DFT computational studies of a self-assembled via axial coordination magnesium porphyrin-fullerene conjugate. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 9 (10) 691–697. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Ou, Z., Shao, J., D’Souza, F., Tagliatesta, P., Kadish, K.M. (2004). Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 8 (02) 201–214. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Ou, Z., Shao, J., D'Souza, F., Tagliatesta, P., Kadish, K.M. (2004). $\beta$-Pyrrole brominated meso-tetraphenylporphyrins: synthesis, spectral and electrochemical properties. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 8 (02) 201--214. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Yoshimoto, S., Saito, A., Tsutsumi, E., D’Souza, F., Ito, O., Itaya, K. (2004). Electrochemical redox control of ferrocene using a supramolecular assembly of ferrocene-linked C60 derivative and metallooctaethylporphyrin array on a Au (111) electrode. Langmuir. 20 (25) 11046–11052. ACS Publications.
  • Chitta, R., Rogers, L.M., Wanklyn, A., Karr, P.A., Kahol, P.K., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2004). Electrochemical, spectral, and computational studies of metalloporphyrin dimers formed by cation complexation of crown ether cavities. Inorganic Chemistry. 43 (22) 6969–6978. ACS Publications.
  • D’Souza, F., Smith, P.M., Zandler, M.E., McCarty, A.L., Itou, M., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2004). Energy transfer followed by electron transfer in a supramolecular triad composed of boron dipyrrin, zinc porphyrin, and fullerene: a model for the photosynthetic antenna-reaction center complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 126 (25) 7898–7907. ACS Publications.
  • Hill, J.P., Hewitt, I.J., Anson, C.E., Powell, A.K., McCarty, A.L., Karr, P.A., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2004). Highly nonplanar, electron deficient, N-substituted tetra-oxocyclohexadienylidene porphyrinogens: Structural, computational, and electrochemical investigations. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 69 (18) 5861–5869. American Chemical Society.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Ito, O., Smith, P.M., D’Souza, F. (2004). Intermolecular and supramolecular photoinduced electron transfer processes of fullerene–porphyrin/phthalocyanine systems. Other. 5 (1) 79–104. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., Itou, M., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2004). Supramolecular complex composed of a covalently linked zinc porphyrin dimer and fulleropyrrolidine bearing two axially coordinating pyridine entities. Chemical Communications. (20) 2276–2277. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Smith, P.M., Gadde, S., McCarty, A.L., Kullman, M.J., Zandler, M.E., Itou, M., Araki, Y., Ito, O. (2004). Supramolecular Triads Formed by Axial Coordination of fullerene to covalently linked zinc porphyrin- ferrocene (s): design, syntheses, electrochemistry, and photochemistry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108 (31) 11333–11343. American Chemical Society.
  • Zandler, M.E., Smith, P.M., D’Souza, F. (2003). Ab initio Density Functional Methods to Probe the Site of Electron Transfer in Fullerene Bearing Dyads and Triads. Other. 13 31.
  • Smith, P.M., McCarty, A.L., Nguyen, N.Y., Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (2003). Bis-functionalized fullerene-dibenzo [18] crown-6 conjugate: synthesis and cation-complexation dependent redox behavior. Chemical Communications. (14) 1754–1755. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Marczak, R., Noworyta, K., Kutner, W., Gadde, S., D'Souza, F. (2003). Complexing and recognition of fullerene adducts in Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett layers; Kompleksowanie i rozpoznawanie adduktow fulerenow w warstwach Langmuira i Langmuira-Blodgett.
  • Sherigara, B.S., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2003). Electrocatalytic properties and sensor applications of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. Electroanalysis. 15 (9) 753–772. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R., Zandler, M.E., El-Khouly, M.E., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O. (2003). Photoinduced electron transfer in “two-point” bound supramolecular triads composed of N, N-dimethylaminophenyl-fullerene-pyridine coordinated to zinc porphyrin. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 107 (24) 4801–4807. ACS Publications.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Gadde, S., Deviprasad, G.R., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2003). Self-assembled supramolecular triad composed of fulleropyrrolidine bearing two pyridine moieties axially coordinated to two zinc porphyrins. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 7 (01) 1–7. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • El-Khouly, M.E., Rogers, L.M., Zandler, M.E., Suresh, G., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2003). Studies on Intra-Supramolecular and Intermolecular Electron-Transfer Processes between Zinc Naphthalocyanine and Imidazole-Appended Fullerene. ChemPhysChem. 4 (5) 474–481. WILEY-VCH Verlag.
  • D’Souza, F., Zandler, M.E., Smith, P.M., Deviprasad, G.R., Arkady, K., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O. (2002). A Ferrocene- C60- Dinitrobenzene Triad: Synthesis and Computational, Electrochemical, and Photochemical Studies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 106 (4) 649–656. American Chemical Society.
  • Simpson, C.R., Deen, J., Voros, K., Simpson, L., Misra, D., Seal, S., Sundaram, K., Kamat, P.V., D’Souza, F., Guldi, D., others. (2002). CENTENNIAL SPONSORS. Other. 9.
  • Kutner, W., Noworyta, K., Marczak, R., D’Souza, F. (2002). Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance studies of thin-solid films of higher fullerenes: C 76, C 78 and C 84. Electrochimica Acta. 47 (15) 2371–2380. Pergamon.
  • Kutner, W\lodzimierz, Noworyta, K., Marczak, R., D'Souza, F. (2002). Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance studies of thin-solid films of higher fullerenes: C76, C78 and C84. Electrochimica Acta. 47 (15) 2371--2380. Pergamon.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R., Zandler, M.E., El-Khouly, M.E., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O. (2002). Electronic Interactions and Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Covalently Linked Porphyrin- C60 (pyridine) Diads and Supramolecular Triads Formed by Self-Assembling the Diads and Zinc Porphyrin. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 106 (19) 4952–4962. American Chemical Society.
  • Hudhomme, P., Cazzaniga, R., Cha, S., Chen, W., Cho, H., Choi, D., Choi, S., de Souza, J., Denes, F., Desimoni, E., others. (2002). Hay, AS 247 Hlil, AR 247 Hong, YR 279 Huang, L.-M. 155. Synthetic Metals. 130 285.
  • Marczak, R., Hoang, V.T., Noworyta, K., Zandler, M.E., Kutner, W., D’Souza, F. (2002). Molecular recognition of adenine, adenosine and ATP at the air–water interface by a uracil appended fullerene. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 12 (7) 2123–2129. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Zandler, M.E., Smith, P.M., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O., D’Souza, F. (2002). Molecular triads composed of ferrocene, C60, and nitroaromatic entities: electrochemical, computational, and photochemical investigations. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 67 (26) 9122–9129. American Chemical Society.
  • Noworyta, K., Kutner, W., Deviprasad, G.R., D’Souza, F. (2002). Protonation-induced rearrangements in Langmuir films and redox properties of Langmuir–Blodgett films of 2-(n-alkyl) fulleropyrrolidines. Synthetic Metals. 130 (3) 221–227. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F. (2002). Recent advances in the electrochemistry of porphyrins and phthalocyanines. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 6 (04) 285–288. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R., Zandler, M.E., Hoang, V.T., Klykov, A., VanStipdonk, M., Perera, A., El-Khouly, M.E., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O. (2002). Spectroscopic, Electrochemical, and Photochemical Studies of Self-Assembled via Axial Coordination Zinc Porphyrin- Fulleropyrrolidine Dyads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 106 (13) 3243–3252. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Gadde, S., Zandler, M.E., Arkady, K., El-Khouly, M.E., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O. (2002). Studies on Covalently Linked Porphyrin- C60 Dyads: Stabilization of Charge-Separated States by Axial Coordination. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 106 (51) 12393–12404. American Chemical Society.
  • Hoang, V.T., Rogers, L.M., D’Souza, F. (2002). Synthesis and formation of monolayer self-assembly of thiol appended fullerenes and fullerene–ferrocene dyads on gold electrode. Electrochemistry Communications. 4 (1) 50–53. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R., El-Khouly, M.E., Fujitsuka, M., Ito, O. (2001). Probing the Donor- Acceptor Proximity on the Physicochemical Properties of Porphyrin- Fullerene Dyads:“Tail-On” and “Tail-Off” Binding Approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 123 (22) 5277–5284. American Chemical Society.
  • Marczak, R., Noworyta, K., Kutner, W., Hoang, V.T., Klykov, A., Zandler, M., D'Souza, F. (2001). Recognition of adenine, adenosine and ATP in Langmuir films at the air-water interface by C $\{$sub 60$\}$-uracil adduct.
  • D’Souza, F., Rath, N.P., Deviprasad, G.R., Zandler, M.E. (2001). Structural studies of a non-covalently linked porphyrin–fullerene dyad. Chemical Communications. (3) 267–268. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R. (2001). Studies on porphyrin- quinhydrone complexes: molecular recognition of quinone and hydroquinone in solution. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 66 (13) 4601–4609. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Zandler, M.E., Deviprasad, G.R., Kutner, W. (2000). Acid- Base Properties of Fulleropyrrolidines: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 104 (29) 6887–6893. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F.W., Ayers, J.D., McCarren, P.R., Lowary, T.L. (2000). Arabinofuranosyl oligosaccharides from mycobacteria: synthesis and effect of glycosylation on ring conformation and hydroxymethyl group rotamer populations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122 (7) 1251–1260. American Chemical Society.
  • Kutner, W., Noworyta, K., Deviprasad, G., D’Souza, F. (2000). Effect of protonation on redox behavior and Langmuir film properties of 2-(n-alkyl) fulleropyrrolidines. Other. 13 (1-4) 295–300. GORDON BREACH SCI PUBL LTD C/O STBS LTD, PO BOX 90, READING RG1 8JL, BERKS, ENGLAND.
  • Kutner, W., Noworyta, K., Deviprasad, G.R., D’Souza, F. (2000). Electrochemistry of Solutions as well as Simultaneous Cyclic Voltammetry and Piezoelectric Microgravimetry of Conducting Films of 2-(n-Alkyl) fulleropyrrolidines. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 147 (7) 2647–2652. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Deviprasad, G.R., D’Souza, F. (2000). Molecular recognition directed porphyrin chemosensor for selective detection of nicotine and cotinine. Chemical Communications. (19) 1915–1916. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Zandler, M.E., Deviprasad, G.R., Kutner, W. (2000). MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, BONDING, QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, AND GENERAL THEORY-Acid-Base Properties of Fulleropyrrolidines: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 104 (29) 6887–6893. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, c1997-.
  • Kutner, W., Noworyta, K., Deviprasad, G., D’Souza, F. (2000). Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry-Electrochemistry of Solutions as well as Simultaneous Cyclic Voltammetry and Piezoelectric Microgravimetry of Conducting Films of. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 147 (7) 2647–2652. New York, NY: Electrochemical Society, 1948-.
  • D’Souz, F.W., Lowary, T.L. (2000). The first total synthesis of a highly branched arabinofuranosyl hexasaccharide found at the nonreducing termini of mycobacterial arabinogalactan and lipoarabinomannan. Organic Letters. 2 (10) 1493–1495. American Chemical Society.
  • Deviprasad, G.R., Eichhorn, D.M., D’souza, F. (1999). Crystal structure and intermolecular coordination behavior of a porphyrin bearing a hydroquinone receptor, meso-mono (hydroquinonyl) triphenylporphyrinatozinc. Journal of Chemical Crystallography. 29 (7) 849–853. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.
  • D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Kutner, W. (1999). Electrocatalytic Dehalogenation of 1, 2-Dihaloethanes by the C60, C70, C76, C78, and C84 Fullerene Anions: Structure- Reactivity Aspects. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 103 (15) 2892–2896. American Chemical Society.
  • Ford, W., Nishioka, T., Qiu, F., D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Kutner, W., Noworyta, K. (1999). Electrochemistry of Adducts of 2-Cyano-2-propyl Radicals to C60. Other. 71. The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series.
  • Deviprasad, G., Rahman, M., others. (1999). N-(2, 4-Dinitrophenyl)-2-phenylfulleropyrrolidine: an electroactive organofullerene dyad. Chemical Communications. (9) 849–850. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Kutner, W. (1999). PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS: FROM NANOPARTICLES TO MACROMOLECULES-Electrocatalytic Dehalogenation of 1, 2-Dihaloethanes by the C60, C70, C76, C78, and C84 Fullerene Anions: Structure. Other. 103 (15) 2892–2896. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, c1997-.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R., Rahman, M.S., Choi, J. (1999). Self-Assembled Porphyrin- C60 and Porphycene- C60 Complexes via Metal Axial Coordination. Inorganic Chemistry. 38 (9) 2157–2160. American Chemical Society.
  • Ford, W.T., Nishioka, T., Qiu, F., D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Kutner, W., Noworyta, K. (1999). Structure Determination and Electrochemistry of Products from the Radical Reaction of C60 with Azo (bisisobutyronitrile). The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 64 (17) 6257–6262. ACS Publications.
  • Kadish, K.M., Van Caemelbecke, E., D’Souza, F., Lin, M., Nurco, D.J., Medforth, C.J., Forsyth, T.P., Krattinger, B., Smith, K.M., Fukuzumi, S., others. (1999). Synthesis and electrochemical studies of a series of fluorinated dodecaphenylporphyrins. Inorganic Chemistry. 38 (9) 2188–2198. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souz, F.W., Lowary, T.L. (1998). A New Route to Carbohydrates Enriched with Oxygen Isotopes. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 63 (10) 3166–3167. American Chemical Society.
  • Liang, P., Lewis, J., Anderson, K.S., Kohen, A., D’Souza, F.W., Benenson, Y., Baasov, T. (1998). Catalytic mechanism of Kdo8P synthase: transient kinetic studies and evaluation of a putative reaction intermediate. Biochemistry. 37 (46) 16390–16399. American Chemical Society.
  • D'Souza, F., Choi, J., Kutner, W. (1998). Catalytic Reduction of $\alpha$, $\omega$-Dihaloalkanes, X (CH2) m X (X= Cl, Br, or I and m= 2- 8), by Electrochemically Generated C70 n-(n= 2 or 3) in Benzonitrile Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102 (21) 4247--4252. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Kutner, W. (1998). Catalytic Reduction of $α$, $ω$-Dihaloalkanes, X (CH2) m X (X= Cl, Br, or I and m= 2- 8), by Electrochemically Generated C70 n-(n= 2 or 3) in Benzonitrile Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102 (21) 4247–4252. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Hsieh, Y., Shriner, K., Kutner, W. (1998). Catalytic Reduction of 1, 2-Dihaloethanes by Electrochemically Generated Qo""(n= 2 and 3). Other. 241.
  • D’Souza, F.W., Cheshev, P.E., Ayers, J.D., Lowary, T.L. (1998). Conversion of pyranose glycals to furanose derivatives: a new route to oligofuranosides. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 63 (24) 9037–9044. ACS Publications.
  • Maiya, B.G., D’Souza, F. (1998). Dedication to Professor V. Krishnan on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 2 (45) 289–293.
  • D'Souza, F., Choi, J., Hsieh, Y., Shriver, K., Kutner, W. (1998). Electrocatalytic Reduction of $\alpha$, $\omega$-Diiodoalkanes I (CH2) m I (m= 1- 8) by C60 n-(n= 1- 3) Anions in Solution and at the C60 Film-Modified Electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102 (1) 212--217. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Choi, J., Hsieh, Y., Shriver, K., Kutner, W. (1998). Electrocatalytic Reduction of $α$, $ω$-Diiodoalkanes I (CH2) m I (m= 1- 8) by C60 n-(n= 1- 3) Anions in Solution and at the C60 Film-Modified Electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102 (1) 212–217. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Deviprasad, G. (1998). Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical characterization of water-soluble, $β$-pyrrole- brominated cobalt porphyrins. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 2 (45) 429–437.
  • D’Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Deviprasad, G. (1998). Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemicalcharacterization of water-soluble, $\beta$-pyrrole-brominated cobalt porphyrins. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 2 (4-5) 429--437. John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. Chichester, UK.
  • D'Souza, F., Zandler, M.E., Tagliatesta, P., Ou, Z., Shao, J., Van Caemelbecke, E., Kadish, K.M. (1998). Electronic, spectral, and electrochemical properties of (TPPBr x) Zn where TPPBr x is the dianion of $\beta$-brominated-pyrrole tetraphenylporphyrin and x varies from 0 to 8. Inorganic Chemistry. 37 (18) 4567--4572. ACS Publications.
  • D’Souza, F., Zandler, M.E., Tagliatesta, P., Ou, Z., Shao, J., Van Caemelbecke, E., Kadish, K.M. (1998). Electronic, spectral, and electrochemical properties of (TPPBr x) Zn where TPPBr x is the dianion of $β$-brominated-pyrrole tetraphenylporphyrin and x varies from 0 to 8. Inorganic Chemistry. 37 (18) 4567–4572. ACS Publications.
  • Deviprasad, G., others. (1998). Four-electron electrocatalytic reduction of dioxygen to water by an ion-pair cobalt porphyrin dimer adsorbed on a glassy carbon electrode. Chemical Communications. (9) 1027–1028. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Deviprasad, G., others. (1998). o-Benzoquinone appended zinc (II) porphyrin: a new fluorescent sensor for catechols. Other. (19) 3133–3136. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kadish, K., Boulas, P., Kisters, M., Vogel, E., Aukauloo, A., D'Souza, F., Guilard, R. (1998). Synthesis and electrochemical reactivity of $\sigma$-bonded and N-substituted cobalt porphycenes. Inorganic Chemistry. 37 (11) 2693--2700. American Chemical Society.
  • Kadish, K., Boulas, P., Kisters, M., Vogel, E., Aukauloo, A., D’Souza, F., Guilard, R. (1998). Synthesis and electrochemical reactivity of $σ$-bonded and N-substituted cobalt porphycenes. Inorganic Chemistry. 37 (11) 2693–2700. ACS Publications.
  • D’Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Wickman, H., Kutner, W. (1997). Electroanalysis. 9 (14) 1093–1101. Wiley Online Library.
  • D'Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Wickman, H., Kutner, W. (1997). $\beta$-cyclodextrin and carboxymethylated $\beta$-cyclodextrin polymer film modified electrodes, hosting cobalt porphyrins, as sensors for electrocatalytic determination of oxygen dissolved in solution. Electroanalysis. 9 (14) 1093--1101. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Weinheim.
  • Deviprasad, G., others. (1997). A novel porphyrin based fluorescent chemosensor using a molecular recognition approach. Chemical Communications. (6) 533–534. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R., Zandler, M.E. (1997). Aggregation and axial ligand exchange behavior of water-soluble pyrrole-$\beta$ brominated porphyrins. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. (20) 3699--3704. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, G.R., Zandler, M.E. (1997). Aggregation and axial ligand exchange behavior of water-soluble pyrrole-$β$ brominated porphyrins. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. (20) 3699–3704. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F.W., Benenson, Y., Baasov, T. (1997). Catalytic mechanism of KDO8P synthase: synthesis and evaluation of a putative reaction intermediate. Other. 7 (19) 2457–2462. Pergamon.
  • D’SOUZA, F., Pollock, J.L., Nantsis, E.A., Zandler, M.E. (1997). Charge-transfer Interactions of Octaethylporphycenatozinc (II) with 2, 6-Dichloro-3, 5-dicyano-1, 4-benzoquinone. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 1 (02) 101–107. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • D'Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Deviprasad, G. (1997). Electrocatalytic reduction of molecular oxygen using non-planar cobalt tetrakis-(4-sulfonatophenyl)-$\beta$-octabromoporphyrin. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 426 (1-2) 17--21. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Deviprasad, G. (1997). Electrocatalytic reduction of molecular oxygen using non-planar cobalt tetrakis-(4-sulfonatophenyl)-$β$-octabromoporphyrin. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 426 (1-2) 17–21. Elsevier.
  • Zandler, M.E., D’Souza, F. (1997). Electronic and structural properties of the metalloporphyrin structural isomers: semiempirical AM1 and PM3 calculations. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM. 401 (3) 301–314. Elsevier.
  • Kadish, K.M., Li, J., Van Caemelbecke, E., Ou, Z., Guo, N., Autret, M., D'Souza, F., Tagliatesta, P. (1997). Electrooxidation of Cobalt (II) $\beta$-Brominated-Pyrrole Tetraphenylporphyrins in CH2Cl2 under an N2 or a CO Atmosphere. Inorganic Chemistry. 36 (27) 6292--6298. ACS Publications.
  • Kadish, K.M., Li, J., Van Caemelbecke, E., Ou, Z., Guo, N., Autret, M., D’Souza, F., Tagliatesta, P. (1997). Electrooxidation of Cobalt (II) $β$-Brominated-Pyrrole Tetraphenylporphyrins in CH2Cl2 under an N2 or a CO Atmosphere. Inorganic Chemistry. 36 (27) 6292–6298. ACS Publications.
  • D’Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Wickman, H., Kutner, W. (1997). New sensor for dissolved dioxygen: a gold electrode modified with acondensation polymer film of $\beta$-cyclodextrin hosting cobalttetraphenylporphyrin. Chemical Communications. (13) 1191--1192. The Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Wickman, H., Kutner, W. (1997). New sensor for dissolved dioxygen: a gold electrode modified with acondensation polymer film of $β$-cyclodextrin hosting cobalttetraphenylporphyrin. Chemical Communications. (13) 1191–1192. The Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Bruneau, C., Dixneuf, P.H. (1997). Selective transformations of alkynes with ruthenium catalysts. Chemical Communications. (6) 507–512. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Boulas, P.L., Kisters, M., Sambrotta, L., Aukauloo, A.M., Guilard, R., Kadish, K.M. (1996). Effect of peripheral substitution and extended conjugation on the redox potentials of nickel porphycenes. Inorganic Chemistry. 35 (19) 5743–5746. American Chemical Society.
  • Tagliatesta, P., Li, J., Autret, M., Van Caemelbecke, E., Villard, A., D'Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (1996). Electrochemistry and spectral characterization of oxidized and reduced (TPPBr x) FeCl where TPPBr x is the dianion of $\beta$-brominated-pyrrole tetraphenylporphyrin and x varies from 0 to 8. Inorganic Chemistry. 35 (19) 5570--5576. ACS Publications.
  • Tagliatesta, P., Li, J., Autret, M., Van Caemelbecke, E., Villard, A., D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (1996). Electrochemistry and spectral characterization of oxidized and reduced (TPPBr x) FeCl where TPPBr x is the dianion of $β$-brominated-pyrrole tetraphenylporphyrin and x varies from 0 to 8. Inorganic Chemistry. 35 (19) 5570–5576. ACS Publications.
  • Guilard, R., Fahim, M., Zaegel, F., Barbe, J., d’Souza, F., Atmani, A., Adamian, V.A., Kadish, K.M. (1996). Metallomacrocycles with metal metal bonds: synthesis, characterization and electrochemistry of [(P) SnRe (CO) 5] BF4 and [${$(P) Sn$}$ 2Re (CO) 4] BF4 derivatives, where P= tetra-p-tolyporphyrin or tetra-m-tolylporphyrin. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 252 (1-2) 375–382. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F. (1996). Molecular Recognition via Hydroquinone- Quinone Pairing: Electrochemical and Singlet Emission Behavior of [5, 10, 15-Triphenyl-20-(2, 5-dihydroxy-phenyl) porphyrinato] zinc (II)- Quinone Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 118 (4) 923–924. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Hsieh, Y., Deviprasad, G.R. (1996). Spectral and electrochemical investigations on the “Tail-On” and “Tail-Off” mechanism in pyridine covalently bound Zinc (II) porphyrins. Inorganic Chemistry. 35 (19) 5747–5749. American Chemical Society.
  • D'Souza, F., Deviprasad, R., Hsieh, Y. (1996). Synthesis and studies on the electrocatalytic reduction of molecular oxygen by non-planar cobalt (II) tetrakis-(N-methyl pyridyl)-$\beta$-octabromoporphyrin. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 411 (1-2) 167--171. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Deviprasad, R., Hsieh, Y. (1996). Synthesis and studies on the electrocatalytic reduction of molecular oxygen by non-planar cobalt (II) tetrakis-(N-methyl pyridyl)-$β$-octabromoporphyrin. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 411 (1-2) 167–171. Elsevier.
  • Radish, K.M., van Caemelbecke, E., D’Souza, F., Medforth, C.J., Smith, K.M., Tabard, A., Guilard, R. (1995). Electrochemistry and Spectroelectrochemistry of $\sigma$-Bonded Iron (III) Porphyrins with Nonplanar Porphyrin Rings. Reactions of (OETPP) Fe (R) and (OETPP) FeCl, Where R= C 6 H 5, C 6 F 4 H, or C 6 F 5 and OETPP Is the Dianion of 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18-Octaethyl-5, 10, 15, 20-tetraphenylporphyrin. Inorganic Chemistry. 34 (11) 2984.
  • Kadish, K.M., Van Caemelbecke, E., D’Souza, F., Medforth, C.J., Smith, K.M., Tabard, A., Guilard, R. (1995). Electrochemistry and Spectroelectrochemistry of. sigma.-Bonded Iron (III) Porphyrins with Nonplanar Porphyrin Rings. Reactions of (OETPP) Fe (R) and (OETPP) FeCl, Where R= C6H5, C6F4H, or C6F5 and OETPP Is the Dianion of 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18-Octaethyl-5, 10, 15, 20-tetraphenylporphyrin. Inorganic Chemistry. 34 (11) 2984–2989. American Chemical Society.
  • Kosma, P., d'Souza, F., Brade, H. (1995). Synthesis of Kdo-trisaccharide derivatives of chlamydial and enterobacterial LPS containing carboxyl-reduced or $\beta$-configurated Kdo-residues. Other. 2 (1) 63--76. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Kosma, P., D’Souza, F., Brade, H. (1995). Synthesis of Kdo-trisaccharide derivatives of chlamydial and enterobacterial LPS containing carboxyl-reduced or $β$-configurated Kdo-residues. Other. 2 (1) 63–76. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Adamian, V.A., D’Souza, F., Licoccia, S., Di Vona, M.L., Tassoni, E., Paolesse, R., Boschi, T., Kadish, K.M. (1995). Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Behavior of (5, 10, 15-Tri-X-phenyl-2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18-octamethylcorrolato) cobalt (III) Triphenylphosphine Complexes, Where X= p-OCH3, p-CH3, p-Cl, m-Cl, o-Cl, mF, or oF. Inorganic Chemistry. 34 (3) 532–540. American Chemical Society.
  • ThomasáJones, M., others. (1994). A facile and selective method for the solution-phase generation of C 60–and C 60 2–. Other. (16) 1847–1848. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kadish, K.M., D’Souza, F., Villard, A., Autret, M., Van Caemelbecke, E., Bianco, P., Antonini, A., Tagliatesta, P. (1994). Effect of Porphyrin Ring Distortion on Redox Potentials of. beta.-Brominated-Pyrrole Iron (III) Tetraphenylporphyrins. Inorganic Chemistry. 33 (23) 5169–5170. American Chemical Society.
  • Liu, Y., Benassy, M., Chojnacki, S., D’Souza, F., Barbour, T., Belcher, W.J., Brothers, P.J., Kadish, K.M. (1994). Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Investigations of [(TpTP) MvL2]+ Cl-Where TpTP Is the Dianion of Tetra-p-tolylporphyrin, M= P or Sb, and L= Cl-or OCH3. Inorganic Chemistry. 33 (20) 4480–4484. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Boulas, P., Aukauloo, A.M., Guilard, R., Kisters, M., Vogel, E., Kadish, K.M. (1994). Electrochemical, UV/Visible, and EPR characterization of metalloporphycenes containing first-row transition metals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 98 (46) 11885–11891. American Chemical Society.
  • Kadish, K.M., D’Souza, F., Van Caemelbecke, E., Boulas, P., Vogel, E., Aukauloo, A.M., Guilard, R. (1994). Electrochemistry of New. sigma.-Bonded Metal (III) Complexes with Tetrapyrrole Ligands. Reactions of (EtioPc) M (C6H5) and (EtioPc) FeCl Where M= Fe or In and EtioPc Is the Dianion of 2, 7, 12, 17-Tetraethyl-3, 6, 13, 16-tetramethylporphycene. Inorganic Chemistry. 33 (20) 4474–4479. American Chemical Society.
  • Kadish, K.M., Boulas, P., D’Souza, F., Aukauloo, M.A., Guilard, R., Lausmann, M., Vogel, E. (1994). Electrode reactions of. mu.-oxo iron (III) porphycene dimers. Formation of stable [[(Pc) Fe] 2O] n complexes where n=-4 to+ 4. Inorganic Chemistry. 33 (3) 471–476. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F.W., Kosma, P., Brade, H. (1994). Synthesis of carboxyl-reduced analogues related to the Chlamydia-specific Kdo trisaccharide epitope. Other. 262 (2) 223–244. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Villard, A., Van Caemelbecke, E., Franzen, M., Boschi, T., Tagliatesta, P., Kadish, K.M. (1993). Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical behavior of cobalt (III), cobalt (II), and cobalt (I) complexes of meso-tetraphenylporphyrinate bearing bromides on the. beta.-pyrrole positions. Inorganic Chemistry. 32 (19) 4042–4048. American Chemical Society.
  • Boulas, P., D’Souza, F., Henderson, C.C., Cahill, P.A., Jones, M.T., Kadish, K.M. (1993). Electrochemical properties of fullerene dihydrides C60H2 and C70H2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97 (51) 13435–13437. American Chemical Society.
  • Seshadri, R., D’Souza, F., Krishnan, V., Rao, C. (1993). Electron Donor-Acceptor Complexes of the Fullerenes C60 and C70 with Amines. Other. 22 (2) 217–220. The Chemical Society of Japan.
  • Kadish, K.M., Van Caemelbecke, E., Boulas, P., D’Souza, F., Vogel, E., Kisters, M., Medforth, C.J., Smith, K.M. (1993). First reversible electrogeneration of triply oxidized nickel porphyrins and porphycenes. Formation of nickel (III). pi. dications. Inorganic Chemistry. 32 (20) 4177–4178. ACS Publications.
  • Kadish, K.M., Van Caemelbecke, E., D’Souza, F., Medforth, C.J., Smith, K.M., Tabard, A., Guilard, R. (1993). Generation of a stable. sigma.-bonded iron (IV) porphyrin. Formation and reactivity of [(OETPP) FeIV (C6H5)] n+ (n= 1-3; OETPP= dianion of 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18-octaethyl-5, 10, 15, 20-tetraphenylporphyrin). Organometallics. 12 (7) 2411–2413. American Chemical Society.
  • SESHADRI, R., D’SOUZA, F., KRISHMAN, V., RAO, C. (1993). Ind. J. Chem. Ind. J. Chem. 31 A&B, 5, 1992. Other. 1993 (2) 217–220.
  • Kadish, K.M., D’Souza, F., Van Caemelbecke, E., Villard, A., Lee, J.D., Tabard, A., Guilard, R. (1993). Mechanistic details for the electroreduction of fluorophenyl. sigma.-bonded iron (III) porphyrins in noncoordinating solvents. Inorganic Chemistry. 32 (20) 4179–4185. American Chemical Society.
  • Caron, C., Subramanian, R., D’Souza, F., Kim, J., Kutner, W., Jones, M.T., Kadish, K.M. (1993). Selective electrosynthesis of dimethylfullerene [(CH3) 2C60]: a novel method for the controlled functionalization of fullerenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115 (18) 8505–8506. American Chemical Society.
  • Woo, L., Hays, J.A., Young, Jr, V.G., Day, C.L., Caron, C., D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (1993). Synthesis, characterization, substitution, and atom-transfer reactions of (. eta. 2-alkyne)(tetratolylporphyrinato) titanium (II). X-ray structure of trans-bis (4-picoline)(tetratolylporphyrinato) titanium (II). Inorganic Chemistry. 32 (20) 4186–4192. American Chemical Society.
  • D’Souza, F., Krishnan, V. (1992). A porphyrin bearing tetrahydrothiophene pickets; co-ordination behaviour and electron transfer. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. (19) 2873–2876. The Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • D’Souza, F., Krishnan, V. (1992). INTER AND INTRAMOLECULAR INTERACTIONS OF PORPHYRINS WITH 5, 5′-DITHIOBIS (2-NITROBENZOIC ACID). Photochemistry and Photobiology. 56 (2) 145–156. Wiley Online Library.
  • Rae, C., Pradeep, T., Seshadri, R., Nagarajan, R., Murthy, V.N., Subbanna, G., D'Souza, F., Krishnan, V., Nagannagowda, G., Suryaprakash, N., others. (1992). Preparation, characterization and properties of C60 and C70: Spectroscopy, structure, anions, interaction with electron donors and superconductivity. NISCAIR-CSIR, India.
  • D’Souza, F., Krishnan, V. (1990). Coordination behaviour of metalloporphyrins with intramolecularly linked thiolate ligand. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 176 (1) 131–137. Elsevier.
  • D’Souza, F., Krishnan, V. (1990). INTRAMOLECULAR DONOR-ACCEPTOR SYSTEMS: STRUCTURES OF NOVEL LINKED PORPHYRIN-PHENOLPHTHALEIN MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 51 (3) 285–291. Wiley Online Library.
  • Vaijayanthimala, G., D’souza, F., Krishnan, V. (1990). Synthesis and Structure of Ferrocene-Linked Schiff Base Porphyrins. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 21 (4) 333–342. Taylor & Francis.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (1971). HANDBOOK OF.
  • Other

  • Ravikanth, M., D’Souza, F. (2021). Preface—Special Issue in Honor of Professor TK Chandrashekar. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 25 (05n06) i--i. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • D'Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2016). Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: Synthetic Developments of Graphene and Nanotubes/Editors: Francis DSouza (University of North Texas, USA), Karl M Kadish (University of Houston, USA).. World Scientific.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2015). Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2015). Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials:(In 2 Volumes) Volume 7: Synthetic Developments of Graphene and NanotubesVolume 8: Characterization, Conducting Polymer and Sensor Applications. World Scientific.
  • D’Souza, F., Imahori, H. (2015). Preface—Special Issue in Honor of Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2014). Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials:(In 2 Volumes) Volume 5: Graphene—Fundamental PropertiesVolume 6: Graphene—Energy and Sensor Applications. World Scientific.
  • D’Souza, F. (2013). Nanocarbon hybrids: Interactions with luminophores to applications in energy harvesting and solar fuel production. American Chemical Society.
  • D'Souza, F., Sandanayaka, A. (2013). O. Ito in Organic Nanomaterials. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
  • Kadish, K.M., D'Souza, F. (2012). Handbook Of Carbon Nano Materials (Volumes 3-4). World Scientific Publishing.
  • D'Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2012). Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: Medicinal and Bio-related Applications; Volume 4, Materials and Fundamental Applications. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2012). Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials:(In 2 Volumes) Volume 3: Medicinal and Bio-related ApplicationsVolume 4: Materials and Fundamental Applications. World Scientific.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2012). Medicinal and Bio-Related Applications. World Scientific.
  • D’Souza, F. (2011). Handbook of carbon nano materials. World Scientific.
  • D’Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2011). Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials: Electron Transfer and Applications.
  • Stevenson, S. (2011). Metallic oxide clusters in fullerene cages. Other. 1 185–205. World Scientific Publishing Co.: Singapore.
  • Megiatto, J., Schuster, D.I. (2011). Synthesis of Electron Donor-[60] Fullerene Multi-Ring Interlocked Systems. Other. 1 207. World Scientific: Singapore.
  • D'Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2010). Fundamentals and Applications of Carbon Nano Materials. World Scientific.
  • D'Souza, F., Kadish, K.M. (2010). Handbook on Carbon Nano Materials: Fundamentals and Applications (In Two Volumes).. World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated.
  • d’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2008). Electron transfer in self-assembled supramolecular fullerene based donor–acceptor conjugates. Other. 1 485–521. American Scientific Publishers: Valencia, CA, USA.
  • D’Souza, F., Ito, O. (2008). Handbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics, ed. HR Nalwa. American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA.
  • Fukuzumi, S., D’Souza, F. (2007). Dedication to Professor Osamu Ito on the occasion of his retirement. SOC PORPHYRINS & PHTHALOCYANINES UNIV BOURGOGNE, LIMSAG (UMR 5633), 6 BOULEVARD GABRIEL, 21000 DIJON, FRANCE.
  • Seetharamappa, J., Yellappa, S., D'Souza, F. (2006). TECH Highlights. Other. 15 (2) 21--61. ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC INC 65 SOUTH MAIN STREET, PENNINGTON, NJ 08534 USA.
  • Ph.D. Thesis

  • Lim, G.L. (2017). Elucidation of Photoinduced Energy and Electron Transfer Mechanisms in Multimodular Artificial Photosynthetic Systems. University of North Texas.
  • Huynh, T., D’Souza, F. (2014). Bis (2, 2’-bithienyl) methane-derived functional monomers: from molecular recognition to sensing applications. PhD thesis, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
  • D’Souza, F. (2013). Carbon Nanostructure Based Donor-acceptor Systems for Solar Energy Harvesting. University of North Texas.
  • Lin, C. (2013). Studies on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine Modified on SnO2 Photoelectrochemical Cells. University of North Texas.
  • Hart, A.S. (2013). Substitution effects of phenothiazine and porphyrin dyes in dye-sensitized solar cells. University of North Texas.
  • D’Souza, F. (2012). Supramolecular Solar Cells. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS.
  • Subbaiyan, N.K. (2012). Supramolecular solar cells. University of North Texas.
  • Popular Press Article

  • Subbaiyan, N.K., D'Souza, F. (2012). 'Light-to-Energy Converting Panchromatic Supramolecular Solar Cells of Porphyrin-Phthalocyanine Heterodimer Adsorbed onto Nanocrystalline SnO2 electrodes' (Invited). 48 3641-3643. Chem. Commun..
  • Scholarly Note

  • D'Souza, F. (2015). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. 54 4713-4714. Wiley-VCH.
  • Technical Report

  • D’Souza, F., Forsyth, T., Fukuzumi, S., Kadish, K., Krattinger, B., Lin, M., Medforth, C., Nakanishi, I., Nurco, D., Shelnutt, J., others. (1998). Fluorinated Dodecaphenylporphyrins: Synthetic and Electrochemical Studies Including the First Evidence of Intramolecular Electron Transfer Between an Fe (II) Porphyrin-Anion Radical and an Fe (I) Porphyrin. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research


  • D'Souza, F. (Other), "Ultrafast events in donor-acceptor assemblies," sponsored by NSF-GRF, Federal, $144000.00 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • D'Souza, F. (Other), "Design, Characterization and applications of metal oxide/sulfide nanoparticles," sponsored by University Grants Commission, India, International, $37350.00 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Grant - Research

  • D'Souza, F., "Collaborative Research: SustainableAmmonia Production from Nitrogen via Electrochemical and Photochemical Methods," sponsored by Welch Foundation, Private, $300000 Funded. (2023).
  • Cundari, T.R. (Co-Principal), D'Souza, F. (Co-Principal), Kelber, J.A. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: Sustainable Ammonia Production from Nitrogen via Electrochemical and Photochemical Methods," sponsored by Welch Foundation, Private, $300000 Funded. (2023 - 2026).
  • Kelber, J.A., D'Souza, F., Cundari, T.R., "Metal Oxynitrides: Tuning Metal-N and Metal-O Interactions for Improved Electrocatalytic Properties at the Liquid/Solid Interface," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $499983 Funded. (2021 - 2024).
  • Wang, H. (Principal), D'Souza, F. (Co-Principal), "Largely pi-Extended Molecular Systems: Porphyrins Fused with PAHs," sponsored by Department of Energy, Federal, $693000 Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • D'Souza, F., "Near-IR Absorbing Intramolecular Charge Transfer (CT) Complexes: Syntheses, Symmetry-Breaking CT, and CT Reversal by External Stimuli," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $409000 Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • Wang, H. (Principal), D'Souza, F., "“π-Extended porphyrins: functionalization and applications in DSSC," sponsored by Department of Energy, Federal, $630000 Funded. (2016 - 2020).
  • Slaughter, L.M., D'Souza, F., Omary, M.A., Richmond, M.G., Wang, H., "MRI: Acquisition of a Microfocus X-Ray Diffractometer as a Regionwide Resource for Chemistry and Materials Research," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $262689 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Marpu, S. (Principal), D'Souza, F. (Supporting), "Ag+ Ions vs AgNPs: Identifying the Real Culprit Contributing to Toxicity of Nanosilver – Protecting our Waters and Environment," sponsored by UNT-COS, University of North Texas, $10000 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Siller Carrillo, H.R. (Co-Principal), Golden, T.D. (Co-Principal), D'Souza, F. (Supporting), Mirshams, R.A. (Supporting), Nasrazadani, S. (Supporting), "Evaluation of Process Variables Effect on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion of SLM 316L and SL17-7 Parts," sponsored by Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes Institute, University of North Texas, $25000 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • D'Souza, F. (Principal), "Light Harvesting Nanocarbon-Sensitizer Hybrids," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $402000 Funded. (2014 - 2018).
  • Wang, H. (Principal), Omary, M.A. (Co-Principal), D'Souza, F. (Co-Principal), "Cyclically Conjugated 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks," sponsored by AMMPI, University of North Texas, $15000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • D'Souza, F. (Principal), Kelber, J.A. (Principal), Cundari, T.R. (Co-Principal), "Metal Oxynitrides: Tuning Metal-N and Metal-O Interactions for Improved Electrocatalytic Properties at the Liquid/Solid Interface," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2021 - 2024).
  • Wang, H. (Principal), D'Souza, F. (Co-Principal), "Largely pi-Extended Molecular Systems: Porphyrins Fused with PAHs," sponsored by Department of Energy, Federal, Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • D'Souza, F. (Principal), "CAS: Near-IR Absorbing Intramolecular Charge Transfer Complexes: Syntheses, Symmetry-Breaking Charge Transfer, and Charge Transfer Reversal by External Stimuli," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • D'Souza, F., "Near-IR Absorbing Intramolecular Charge Transfer (CT) Complexes: Syntheses, Symmetry-Breaking CT, and CT Reversal by External Stimuli," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • D'Souza, F. (Principal), Wang, H. (Principal), "Extended Porphyrins: Functionalization and Applications in DSSC," sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy, FED, Funded. (2016 - 2022).
  • D'Souza, F. (Principal), Wang, H. (Co-Principal), Slaughter, L.M. (Principal), Richmond, M.G. (Co-Principal), Omary, M.A. (Co-Principal), "MRI: Acquisition of a Microfocus X-Ray Diffractometer as a Regionwide Resource for Chemistry and Materials Research," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • D'Souza, F. (Principal), "Light Harvesting Nanocarbon-Sensitizer Supramolecules," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2014 - 2018).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was