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Matthew E. Lemberger-Truelove

Title: Professor

Department: Counseling and Higher Education

College: College of Education

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of South Carolina, 2006
    Major: Counselor Education
    Dissertation: A Comparison of Instructional Models in the Development of Cultural Competence: A Study of Pre-Practicum Counselor Trainees Director: Dr. Joahua M. Gold
  • MEd, Florida Atlantic University, 2002
    Major: Counselor Education: School Counselor
  • BA, Truman State University, 1999
    Major: Psychology

Current Scheduled Teaching

COUN 6653.001Counselor Identity : Integration of Theory and PracticeSpring 2025
COUN 6950.701Doctoral DissertationSpring 2025
COUN 6900.711Special ProblemsSpring 2025

Previous Scheduled Teaching

COUN 6651.001Advanced Theories of CounselingFall 2024 SPOT
COUN 6950.700Doctoral DissertationFall 2024
COUN 6900.710Special ProblemsFall 2024
COUN 6950.708Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2024
COUN 6900.714Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2024
COUN 6653.001Counselor Identity : Integration of Theory and PracticeSpring 2024 SPOT
COUN 6950.701Doctoral DissertationSpring 2024
COUN 5680.003Essential Skills in CounselingSpring 2024 SPOT
COUN 6125.001Quantitative Research in Counseling Specialty AreaSpring 2024 SPOT
COUN 6900.711Special ProblemsSpring 2024
COUN 6900.712Special ProblemsSpring 2024
COUN 6651.001Advanced Theories of CounselingFall 2023 SPOT
COUN 6950.700Doctoral DissertationFall 2023
COUN 6900.710Special ProblemsFall 2023
COUN 6900.711Special ProblemsFall 2023
COUN 6950.708Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2023
COUN 6900.714Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2023
COUN 6653.001Counselor Identity : Integration of Theory and PracticeSpring 2023 SPOT
COUN 6950.701Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
COUN 5680.003Essential Skills in CounselingSpring 2023 SPOT
COUN 6651.001Advanced Theories of CounselingFall 2022 SPOT
COUN 6950.700Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
COUN 6900.711Special ProblemsFall 2022
COUN 5660.012Advanced Counseling SkillsSummer 10W 2022 SPOT
COUN 6950.708Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2022
COUN 5680.013Essential Skills in CounselingSummer 10W 2022 SPOT
COUN 6653.001Counselor Identity : Integration of Theory and PracticeSpring 2022 SPOT
COUN 5680.003Essential Skills in CounselingSpring 2022 SPOT
COUN 6900.703Special ProblemsSpring 2022
COUN 6651.001Advanced Theories of CounselingFall 2021 SPOT
COUN 6900.711Special ProblemsFall 2021
COUN 5680.012Essential Skills in CounselingSummer 10W 2021 SPOT
COUN 5460.012Program Development, Leadership, and Ethics in School CounselingSummer 10W 2021 SPOT
COUN 6653.001Counselor Identity : Integration of Theory and PracticeSpring 2021 SPOT
COUN 6950.701Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
COUN 5680.003Essential Skills in CounselingSpring 2021 SPOT
COUN 6651.001Advanced Theories of CounselingFall 2020 SPOT
COUN 6950.701Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
COUN 6900.711Special ProblemsFall 2020
COUN 5660.002Advanced Counseling SkillsSummer 10W 2020 SPOT
COUN 6950.705Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2020
COUN 5770.001Professional School CounselingSummer 10W 2020 SPOT
COUN 6653.001Counselor Identity : Integration of Theory and PracticeSpring 2020
COUN 5680.002Essential Skills in CounselingSpring 2020
COUN 6900.703Special ProblemsSpring 2020
COUN 6900.707Special ProblemsSpring 2020
COUN 6651.001Advanced Theories of CounselingFall 2019 SPOT
COUN 6900.711Special ProblemsFall 2019
COUN 6653.001Counselor Identity : Integration of Theory and PracticeSummer 10W 2019 SPOT
COUN 5680.001Essential Skills in CounselingSummer 10W 2019 SPOT
COUN 5710.001Counseling TheoriesSpring 2019 SPOT
COUN 5680.002Essential Skills in CounselingSpring 2019 SPOT
COUN 6900.707Special ProblemsSpring 2019
COUN 6651.001Advanced Theories of CounselingFall 2018 SPOT

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Dollarhide, C.T., Smith-Glenn, A.T., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2008). Transparent counseling pedagogy: A strategy for teaching clinical thinking.. Other.
  • Book

  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Bowers, H. (2023). An Evidence-Based Systems Approach to School Counseling: Advocating Student-within-Environment.
  • Dollarhide, C., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2019). Theories of school counseling for the 21st century.. Oxford University Press.
  • Book Chapter

  • Lemberger-Truelove, M., Molina, C. (2023). Research questions that contribute to sound study designs for school counseling. Research in School Counseling.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M., Bowers, H. (2019). An Advocating Student-within- Environment approach to school counseling. Theories of School Counseling for the 21st Century. 266–294. Oxford Press.
  • Dollarhide, C.T., Lemberger-Truelove, M. (2019). The context of professional school counseling: The need for theory.. Theories of School Counseling for the 21st Century. 3-12. New York, NY, Oxford Press.
  • Cornelius-White, J.H., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Ginter, E.J., Gerstein, L.H., Roysircar, G. (2018). Person-centered therapy.. Theories and applications of counseling and psychotherapy: Relevance across cultures and settings. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications.
  • Speciale, M., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Hansen, J.T., Scholl, M. (2018). The practice of possibilities: Using dialectical humanism to help clients with sexual concerns.. Postmodern perspectives on contemporary counseling issues: Approaches across diverse settings. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Holcomb-McCoy, C., Pope, M., Pangelinan, J., Coker, A. (2011). Using Critical Race Theory and narratives to explore cultural differences.. Experiential activities for teaching multicultural counseliing classes and infusing cultural diversity into core classes. 208-209. Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association.
  • Coker, A.D., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Salazar, C.F. (2009). Examining social privilege.. Group work experts share their favorite multicultural activities: A guide to diversity-competent choosing, planning, conducting, and processing. 235-237. Alexandria, VA, Association for Specialists in Group Work.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Foss, L.L., Green, J. (2008). Group counseling for academic success: A meta-cognitive approach to school counseling.. School counselors share their favorite group activities: A guide to choosing, planning, conducting, and processing. 73-76. Alexandria, VA, Association for Specialists in Group Work.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Miller, G. (2008). Systematic referrals: Issues and processes related to counseling services referral for athletic trainers.. Athletic trainer’s guide to psychosocial intervention and referral. 65-99. Thorofare, NJ, Slack.
  • Editorial Material

  • Lemberger, M.E. (2015). The revision of the mission and vision statements for the Association for Humanistic Counseling.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 54 (1) 2-5.
  • Journal Article

  • Kim, M.E., Kim, D., Kim, H., Wills, L., Thompson, K., Lee, Y. (2025). Meta-analysis of social and emotional learning interventions delivered by school counselors. Journal of Counseling and Development. 103 (1) 39-48.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Gutierrez, D., Mullen, P. (2024). Development, prevention, social justice, and wellness: Affirming the ontological basis for counseling scholarship and practice. (Special Section Editors’ Note). Journal of Counseling and Development. 102 (2) 133 - 136.
  • Lee, Y., Lee, M.E. (2024). A phenomenological study of federally funded school counselor educators’ non-dual educator-counselor and antiracist school counselor identity. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling. 62 (2)
  • Kim, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Leann, W., Basner, E., J, T. (2024). Mechanisms of change in school counseling intervention studies: A content analysis. Professional School Counseling. 28 (1(b))
  • Robinson, H., Ray, D.C., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2024). Impact of child- centered play therapy on the mindful expressions and social-emotional competencies of Head Start preschoolers. International Journal of Play Therapy. 33 (2) 67-80.
  • Line, A., Lenz, S., Warwick, L.A., Branch, M., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2024). A meta-analysis of parent-inclusive child therapy interventions for decreasing symptomatology. 31 (1) 62–77.
  • Molina, C., Ceballos, P.L., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Branch, M., Carbonneau, K. (2023). Phenomenological Study of Teachers’ Mindfulness and Social and Emotional Learning Experiences After a Consultation Intervention. Counseling Outcome Research & Evaluation. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Lazzareschi, N., Godhwani, T., Warwick, L.A. (2023). The social self in humanistic counseling: A dialogical alternative for the practice of wellness and social justice. Journal of Humanistic Counseling.
  • Villares, E., Brigman, G., Carbonneau, K., Bowers, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2023). The effects of the Student Success Skills program on academic achievement and social-emotional skills and competence: A meta-analysis. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling.
  • Lenz, S., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2023). The social determinants of mental health and professional counseling: A call to action (Special Section Editors’ Note). Journal of Counseling and Development. 101 (4) 375 - 380.
  • Warwick, L.A., Lenz, S., Branch, M., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2023). A meta-analysis of common factors in child therapy interventions. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2023). Co-Regulation Effects of a School Counselor Consultation Intervention on Middle School Teacher-Student Relationships, Curiosity, and Teacher Stress. Professional School Counseling. 27 (1a) 1–10.
  • Carbonneau, K.J., Kieper, G., Anguiano, C., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Atencio, D. (2022). Classroom Support, Engagement, and Reading Achievement in Elementary Students: a Multilevel Study.
  • Molina, C.E., Lemberger-Truelove, M., Zieher, A.K. (2022). School Counselor Consultation Effects on Teachers’ Mindfulness, Stress, and Relationships. Professional School Counseling. 26 (1a) 192 - 205.
  • Kelly, R.J., Lemberger-Truelove, M., Martin-Cuellar, A., Bagley, E., Lazzareschi, N.R., Vitanzos, Y.C., Davis, A.N. (2022). Socioeconomic status and young children’s sleep/wake problems: the moderating role of maternal mindful parenting. Early Child Development and Care. 192 (15) 2487–2499.
  • Ceballos, P., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Molina, C., Laird, A., Carbonneau, K.J. (2021). Culturally Diverse Middle School Students’ Perceptions of a Social and Emotional Learning and Mindfulness School Counseling Intervention. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling. 7 (2) 72-86. Taylor & Francis.
  • Kelly, K.J., Martin-Cuellar, A., Bagley, E., Lemberger-Truelove, M., Davis, H.N. (2021). Maternal harsh parenting and young children’s sleep: The moderating role of socioeconomic status. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 30
  • Levy, I., Lemberger-Truelove, M. (2021). Educator-Counselor: A Non-Dual Identity for Professional School Counselors. Professional School Counseling. 24 (1b) 1-7.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M., Ceballos, P., Molina, C., Carbonneau, K. (2021). Growth in middle school students’ curiosity, executive functioning, and academic achievement: A theory-informed SEL and MBI school counseling intervention.. Professional School Counseling.
  • Levy, I., Lemberger-Truelove, M. (2021). Supporting practicing school counselor’s skill development: A hip hop and spoken word therapy training series. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision. 14 (1)
  • Carbonneau, K.J., Van Orman, D., Lemberger-Truelove, M., Atencio, D.J. (2020). Leveraging the power of observations: Locating the sources of error in The Individualized Classroom Assessment Scoring System.. Early Education and Development. 31 (1) 84-99.
  • Roche, R., Hutchison, B., Lemberger-Truelove, M. (2020). Historicity in Advocating Student-within-Environment: Being a socially just school counselor. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 59 173 - 187.
  • Bowers, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M., Whitford, D.K. (2020). Kindergarteners are ready to learn: Executive functioning and social-emotional effects for a pilot school counseling intervention applying Advocating Student-within-Environment theory.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M., Ceballos, P., Molina, C., Dehner, J. (2020). Inclusion of Theory for Evidence-Based School Counseling Practice and Scholarship. Professional School Counseling. 23 (1_part_3)
  • Palacios, A.F., Lemberger-Truelove, M. (2019). A phenomenological study of a counselor delivered combined mindfulness and social-and-emotional learning consultation intervention for early-childhood educators.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 58 (3) 184-203.
  • Choi, S., Lemberger-Truelove, M., Cho, S.M. (2019). Disruption of core beliefs, social support, rumination, and posttraumatic growth for Korean undergraduate students.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 58 (3) 223-232.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Carbonneau, K.J., Zieher, A., Atencio, D.J. (2019). Support for the development and use of the Child Observation of Mindfulness Measure (C-OMM). Mindfulness. 10 (7) 1406-1416. Springer.
  • Bowers, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Brigman, G. (2018). A social-emotional leadership framework for school counselors.. Professional School Counseling. 21 (1b) 1-10. SAGE Publications.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Carbonneau, K.J., Atencio, D.J., Zieher, A.K., Palacios, A.F. (2018). Self-regulatory growth effects for young children participating in a combined social and emotional learning and mindfulness-based intervention.. Journal of Counseling and Development. 96 (3) 289-302.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Carbonneau, K.J., Selig, J.P., Bowers, H. (2018). The role of social-emotional mediators on middle school students’ academic growth as fostered by an evidence-based intervention.. Journal of Counseling and Development. 96 (1) 27-40.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2017). Adler as a preceptor of humanistic psychotherapy.. The Journal of Individual Psychology. 72 (4) 124-138. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Selig, J.P., Trott, A., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2017). Multilevel modeling for research in group work.. Journal for Specialists in Group Work. 42 (2) 135-151.
  • Bowers, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2016). A person-centered humanistic approach to performing evidence-based school counseling research.. Other. 15 (1) 55-66.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Lemberger-Truelove, T.L. (2016). Bases for a more socially just humanistic praxis.. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 56 (6) 571-580.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Cornelius-White, J.H. (2016). Introduction to the special issue on person-centered approaches in schools.. Other. 15 (1) 1-4.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Lemberger-Truelove, T. (2016). Using the Transcultural Adlerian Conceptualization and Therapy (TACT) model to depict the influence of race-based trauma.. The Journal of Individual Psychology. 72 (3) 186-199.
  • Givens, J., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2015). Supplements of the self: Tracing a deconstructive humanism.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 54 (2) 140-148.
  • Bowers, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Jones, M.H., Rogers, J.E. (2015). The influence of repeated exposure to the student success skills Program on Middle School Students' Feelings of Connectedness, behavioral and metacognitive skills, and reading achievement.. Journal for Specialists in Group Work. 40 (4) 344-364.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Selig, J.P., Bowers, H., Rogers, J.E. (2015). The influence of the Student Success Skills program on the executive functioning skills, feelings of connectedness, and academic achievement in a predominately Hispanic, low-income middle school district.. Journal of Counseling and Development. 93 (1) 25-37.
  • Provine, Y.C., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2014). Advancing the humanistic aesthetic as a therapeutic mechanism for client growth.. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 9 (4) 483-496.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Hutchison, B. (2014). Advocating Student-within-Environment: A humanistic approach for therapists to animate social justice in the schools.. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 54 (1) 28-44.
  • Trahan, D.P., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2014). Critical Race Theory as a decisional framework for the ethical counseling of African American clients.. Counseling and Values. 59 (1) 112-124.
  • Hansen, J.T., Speciale, M., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2014). Humanism: The foundation and future of professional counseling.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 53 (3) 170-190.
  • Glazier, J.W., O'Ryan, L.W., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2014). Unearthing the humanistic predilection of Dasienanalysis.. Other. 5 (1) 148-156.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2013). Editor’s note. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 52 (1) 3-4.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Krauss, S. (2013). Individual Psychology and factors associated with the development of elementary and secondary aged students.. Journal of Individual Psychology. 69 (1) 84-91.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2013). Our Relationship to the Association for Humanistic Counseling and the American Counseling Association.. Other. 52 (2) 130-131.
  • Choi, S., Hutchison, B., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Pope, M. (2012). A longitudinal study of the developmental trajectories of parental attachment and career maturity for Korean adolescents.. Other. 60 (2) 163-177.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2012). A response to Hansen’s cultural Humanism.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 51 (2) 180-183.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2012). A return to the human in Humanism: A response to Hansen’s Humanistic vision.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 51 (2) 164-175.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Clemens, E.V. (2012). Connectedness and self-regulation as constructs of the Student Success Skills program in inner-city African-American elementary students.. Journal of Counseling and Development. 90 (4) 450-458.
  • Brigman, G., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Moore, M.M. (2012). Striving to evince educational excellence: Measures for Adlerian counselors to demonstrate an impact on school-age youth.. Journal of Individual Psychology. 68 (2) 148-163.
  • Villares, E., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Brigman, G., Webb, L. (2011). Student Success Skills: An evidence-based school counseling program grounded in humanistic theory.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 50 (1) 42-55.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Wachter Morris, C.A., Clemens, E.V., Smith, A.L. (2010). A qualitative investigation of the referral process from school counselors to mental health providers.. Journal of School Counseling. 8 (32)
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2010). Advocating Student-within-Environment: A humanistic theory for school counseling.. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 49 (2) 131-146.
  • Choi, S., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2010). Influence of a supervised mentoring program on the achievement of low-income South Korean students.. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 18 (3) 233-248.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Miliren, A. (2008). Editors’ Notes: Individual Psychology and the schools.. Journal of Individual Psychology. 64 (3) 383-385.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Nash, E.R. (2008). School counselors and the influence of Adler: Individual Psychology since the advent of the ASCA National Model.. Journal of Individual Psychology. 64 (4) 386-402.
  • Webb, L., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Brigman, G. (2008). The relevance of Adler to Student Success Skills: Research findings from school counselors and student achievement.. Journal of Individual Psychology. 64 (3) 339-352.
  • Dollarhide, C.T., Smith, A., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2007). Counseling made transparent: Pedagogy for a counseling theories class.. Counselor Education and Supervision. 46 (4) 242-253.
  • Dollarhide, C.T., Smith, A., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2007). Critical incidents in the development of supportive principals: Facilitating school counselor - principal relationships.. Other. 10 (4) 360-369.
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Dollarhide, C.T. (2006). Encouraging the supervisee’s style of counseling: An Adlerian model for counseling supervision.. Journal of Individual Psychology. 62 (2) 106-125.
  • Dollarhide, C.T., Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2006). “No Child Left Behind”: Implications for school counselors.. Other. 9 (4) 295-304.
  • Webpage

  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (2024).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., Ceballos, P.L. (Co-Principal), Li, D. (Co-Principal), "School Mental Health Advocates for Students and Educators (SMHASE) (resubmit)," sponsored by Department of Education, Federal, $3837145 Funded. (2023 - 2028).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (Principal), Ahmadi, A. (Co-Principal), "School Mental Health Advocates for Students and Educators (SMHASE)," sponsored by U.S. Department of Education, Federal, $3800000 Funded. (2022 - 2027).
  • Cai, C. (Principal), Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (Co-Principal), Li, D. (Co-Principal), "Children's Environmental Health Center in the US Southern Great Plains," sponsored by Environmental Protection Agency, Federal, $1898738 Funded. (2023 - 2027).
  • Atencio, D. (Principal), Lemberger-Truelove, M. (Co-Principal), "Enhancing Early Childhood Instruction to Support Children's Self-Regulation, Executive Functioning, and Readiness to Learn," sponsored by Thornburg Foundations, State, $17068 Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (Principal), Atencio, D. (Co-Principal), "Enhancing early childhood instruction to support children's self-regulation, executive functioning, and readiness to learn," sponsored by Thornburg Foundation, State, $301000.00 Funded. (2015 - 2018).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Three-tiered teacher licensure system (3-TTLS)," sponsored by New Mexico PED, State, $1188585.44 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Interdisciplinary graduate certificate in early prevention and intervention for children (EPIC)," sponsored by Kellogg START Project – sub-grant, Other, $9000.00 Funded. ( - 2015).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on the executive functions and classroom engagement of preschool students," sponsored by COE Summer Research Program, Other, $25357 Funded. ( - 2014).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Effects of the Student Success Skills program on the executive functioning skills, feelings of connectedness, and academic achievement in middle school students," sponsored by COE Tier 2 Individual Investigator Summer Research Program, Other, $14954 Funded. ( - 2013).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Elementary students’ feelings of engagement, connectedness, regulation, and autonomy as predictive of academic achievement," sponsored by COE Tier 2 Individual Investigator Summer Research Program, Other, $13507.80 Funded. ( - 2012).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "UNM Internal RAC Grant," sponsored by University of New Mexco, Other, $1825.23 Funded. (2009 - 2010).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Advocating student excellence," sponsored by Ferguson Florissant Public Schools, Local, $10000.00 Funded. ( - 2009).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Advocating student excellence," sponsored by Safe and Drug Free Schools Sub-Contract with St. Louis Public Schools, Local, $50000.00 Funded. ( - 2008).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "Advocating student excellence," sponsored by Safe and Drug Free Schools Sub-Contract with St. Louis Public Schools, Local, $50000.00 Funded. ( - 2007).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "School counselor ongoing partnership and education (SCOPE)," sponsored by Urban Extension Grant Program, University of Missouri - St. Louis, Local, $2000.00 Funded. ( - 2007).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E., "School counselor ongoing partnership and education (SCOPE) Matching funds," sponsored by St. Louis Public School District, Local, $2000.00 Funded. ( - 2007).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M.E. (Principal), "Enhancing Early Childhood Instruction to Support Children's Self-Regulation, Executive Functioning, and Readiness to Learn," sponsored by University of New Mexico, NFP, Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Lemberger-Truelove, M. (Principal), Atencio, D. (Co-Principal), "Enhancing early childhood instruction to support children's self-regulation, executive functioning, and readiness to learn," sponsored by Thornburg Foundation, State, Funded. (2015 - 2018).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was