Faculty Profile

Robert Smith

Assistant Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences



PhD, Baylor University, 2010.
Major: Religion, Politics and Society
MA, Luther Seminary, 2003.
Major: Islamic Studies
MDiv, Luther Seminary, 2003.
Major: Christian Ministry
BA, Oklahoma State University, 1998.
Major: Philosophy

Current Scheduled Teaching*

No current or future courses scheduled.

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Previous Scheduled Teaching*

HIST 6900.702, Special Problems, Spring 2024 SPOT
ENGL 6810.001, Topics in Critical Theory, Spring 2024 SPOT
HIST 4217.001, Jew, Greek, and Roman : Backgrounds of Early Christianity, Fall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HIST 2620.005, United States History Since 1865, Fall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HIST 5900.710, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2023
HIST 5110.002, Studies in United States History, Spring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HIST 4217.001, Jew, Greek, and Roman : Backgrounds of Early Christianity, Fall 2022 Syllabus
HIST 4263.001, Topics in African, Asian, or Latin American History, Fall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
HIST 2620.005, United States History Since 1865, Fall 2022 Syllabus SPOT

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Published Publications

Published Intellectual Contributions

Smith, R. O. (2014). Comprehending Christian Zionism: Perspectives in Comparison.
Smith, R. O. (2013). More Desired than Our Owne Salvation: The Roots of Christian Zionism. New York: Oxford University Press. https://academic.oup.com/book/25941
Smith, R. O. (2013). More Desired than Our Owne Salvation: The Roots of Christian Zionism. 225. New York:: Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/more-desired-than-our-owne-salvation-9780199993246?cc=us&lang=en&#
Smith, R. O. (2006). Christians and a Land Called Holy: How We Can Foster Peace, Justice and Hope.
Book Chapter
Smith, R. O. (2023). An Urgent Call to Challenge Christian Zionism. Blessed are the Peacemakers: Theology, Compassion, and Action for a Global Mission. 351-364. Helsinki: Luther-Agricola Society.
Smith, R. O. (2023). Pandemic Politics: Critical Social Theory and Societal Chaplaincy. Theology and Ethics for the Public Church: Mission in the 21st Century World. 171-185. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Smith, R. O. (2022). Christian Zionism, Settler Coloniality, and Supersessionist Anxiety. Global Transformation of Christian Zionism, ed. Yoshihiro Yakushige. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
Smith, R. O. (2021). The Ecumenical Deal, the Judeo-Christian Tradition, and the Christian Colonization of Judaism.
Smith, R. O. (2019). State(s) of Exception: Christian Zionism, Replacement Theology, and the Right of Conquest.
Editor of a Special Issue of Dialog Journal
Rowe, T. T., Smith, R. O., Woods, J., Crockett, C., Grau, M., Pranger, J., Weaks, D. Theological Responses to Energy and Extraction. Other. (Summer 2023), .
Journal Article
Smith, R. O., Martinez, A. Y. (2023). Critical Race Religious Literacy: Exposing the Taproot of Contemporary Evangelical Attacks on CRT. Journal of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies. 1(1), 83-104. https://scholar.stjohns.edu/jcres/vol1/iss1/7/
Smith, R. O. (2023). Christian Responsibility and Anti-Jewish Theology: Revisiting “Reclaiming Bonhoeffer After Auschwitz. Nexus: Essays in German Jewish Studies. (6), . Rochester, NY: Camden House.
Smith, R. O. (2023). Acknowledge the Land: An Indigenous Historical Reflection on Extractive Theology. Dialog. 62(2), 148-155.
Smith, R. O., Younan, M. A. (2023). Critical Approaches to Christian Zionism. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church. 22(4), 324-332.
Smith, R. O. (2021). “The Ecumenical Deal, the Judeo-Christian Tradition, and the Christian Colonization of Judaism,”.
Smith, R. O. (2019). “Bonhoeffer Moment(s)?: Learning to See ‘From Below’ in Indian Country,”.
Smith, R. O. (2019). “Disintegrating the Hyphen: The ‘Judeo-Christian Tradition’ and the Christian Colonization of Judaism,”.
Smith, R. O. (2019). “State(s) of Exception: Christian Zionism, Replacement Theology, and the Right of Conquest,”.
Smith, R. O. (2018). “Sanctifying the Settler-Colonial Gaze: Nineteenth-Century American Christian Pilgrimage to the Holy Land,”.
Smith, R. O. (2018). “Today, Know This,”.
Smith, R. O. (2016). “Civilization, Savagism, and the Presence of Burning Children,”.
Smith, R. O. (2014). “Prophecy, the Pope, and the Turk: Luther’s Pastoral Apocalyptic,”.
Smith, R. O. (2014). “Reading Palestine Realities with American Indian Eyes,”.
Smith, R. O. (2012). “Anglo-American Christian Zionism: Implications for Palestinian Christians,”.
Smith, R. O. (2012). “Interpreting the Bible, Interpreting the World: Anglo-American Christian Zionism and Palestinian Christian Concerns,”.
Smith, R. O. (2012). “Replacement Theology, Christian Zionism, and the Anglo-American Protestant Tradition of Judeo-Centric Prophecy Interpretation,”.
Smith, R. O. (2011). “American Expansionism, Theologies, and the Israel/Palestine Question,”.
Smith, R. O. (2009). “Toward a Lutheran Response to Christian Zionism,”.
Smith, R. O. (2007). “Implications of Christian Zionism for Interfaith Relations,”.
Smith, R. O. (2007). “Jewish-Christian Difficulties in Challenging Christian Zionism,”.
Smith, R. O. (2007). “Luther, the Turks and Islam,”.
Smith, R. O. (2006). “Bonhoeffer and Musical Metaphor,”.
Smith, R. O. (2005). “Palestinian Nationalism(s): Religious and Secular,”.
Smith, R. O. (2005). “Response to the Respondents,”.
Smith, R. O. (2005). “Secular and Religious: ELCJHL Contributions to Palestinian Nationalism,”.
Smith, R. O. (2004). “Between Restoration & Liberation: Theopolitical Contributions & Responses to U.S. Foreign Policy in Israel/Palestine,”.
Smith, R. O. (2004). “Reclaiming Bonhoeffer After Auschwitz,”.
Smith, R. O. (2004). “Response to Dahill on Bonhoeffer,”.
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was